Trauma -BoyxBoy-


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Talon Brooks is a 17-year-old gay boy, overcome with fear and trauma. He is scared of touch and barely speaks... More

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I decided to make a map of the basement layout because I thought it may be helpful. (sorry for the delay in posting) Trigger warning.


Talon's POV


I woke up disoriented. My bed seemed especially cold... and much harder than usual.

I groaned as I lifted my head up. My head was pounding, and my body felt numb but stiff at the same time.

What the hell did I do last night?

I opened my eyes, and to my surprise, I was not let with my blue-green walls—only grey.

Where the hell am I?

Then it hit me when I saw the chain on my leg. The wet feeling floor, the concrete wall...

" no no no..." I whispered to myself, slowly getting louder, breath catching in my throat. I felt like I couldn't breathe.

This can't be real... it has to be a nightmare.

I pinched my arm. Oh god, oh god, this is real. My breathing sped up again, and I felt like I was gonna throw up.

"Hey... you have to calm down. If they hear you, they'll get angry," a voice spoke.

My head snapped to the other corner of the room to reveal another boy sitting there.

"Wh-who are y-y-you?" I asked.

"My name is Lucas." The boy whispered. He seemed young, younger than I was when I first came here. It took me by surprise almost as much as it did to recognize these basement walls. I had never seen another person kept in here. He had a bright red dog collar around his neck, and he was chained to the wall just like me.

Tears started streaming down my face as my anxiety attack worsened. I tried pinching my arm to wake myself up again, but it didn't work. Does that actually work? My heart was pounding a hole in my chest. All I could hear was myself gasping and struggling for breath. I wanted to scream. I put my head on my knees and screwed my eyes shut.

"Hey, I know it's hard, but you need to try to calm down, these men have rules, and they might hurt you or me if you're not quiet."

His words only made me cry harder.

I can't believe it. This cant be real. I've finally gone insane.

Suddenly I heard the beep of the keypad on the door. I lifted my head, and then it swung open; in the doorway stood a large man with short brown hair and green eyes, Vicious.

It clicked with me at that moment that he was the weird man from the mall; the reason he had stared at the scar on my shoulder blade was because he was the one who had given it to me.

How could I be so fucking stupid? I see him in my nightmares practically every night. I could never forget his face, I could never forget any of their faces, yet I came face-to-face with him and didn't even realize.

"Welcome back, kid," He sneered, and Lucas looked at him weirdly, then gave the same face to me. He doesn't know...

"Guess whose birthday is tomorrow," Vicious said aloud. I didn't answer.

"Oh boy, I hope you haven't forgotten the rules..." he said, walking closer to me, "that would be bad for you."

I cleared my throat, "I haven't forgotten, sir..." I said quietly, my voice trembling.

"Good. As I was saying, it's A's birthday tomorrow." They've always referred to each other by what I assume is their first initials, so I can't know their real names. A is Hardhead.

"We've been preparing for this for a while now, ever since I saw you at that mall. It was like fate brought us together again." He said, crouching down in front of me, his face uncomfortably close to mine. "So I followed you home, and I watched you. I even sent you a few texts just to fuck with you. I stopped with those, but I kept watching you until we could finally bring you here for this special day." He smiled at me sinisterly.

God, and he was the stalker too. I'm such an idiot... how did I not put the clues together? If I wasn't trying so hard to ignore the signs, maybe I wouldn't be back here. I just thought that maybe if I ignored them, they would just go away. I thought it was my mind playing tricks on me because it didn't want me to have a good life. I thought if I talked about it, it would make it more real. I didn't want to be reminded of what happened anymore. I just wanted a normal life again...

And here's where that got me.

He silently stared at me for a bit, bringing his cold fingers to my jawline. He slid his thumb down my lips.

"You haven't changed one bit..." he tightened his grip, causing me to clench my jaw, and he pulled my face up so my wide eyes were looking straight into his narrowed ones. "Except your hair is longer," he mumbled. My body kept shaking as he held me there. I was fighting back the tears...I didn't want to get into trouble already.

"And you are going to be A's present, so I cant bang you up just yet, don't worry though; I'll start soon enough," he smiled. I grimaced.

"Maybe you'll get a little break now," he said, facing Lucas, "Anyways, I'll be back later to prepare you. Maybe you should get to know each other," He laughed. Vicious then left the room, and Lucas looked back at me.

"What did he mean by welcome back?" He asked.

I contemplated talking or staying silent like normal, but I figured now isn't the time to pick and choose.

"I've been here before... four years ago, I was kidnapped, but I was able to escape two years later," I said through shaky breaths.

"Two years..?" he whispered solemnly. I nodded. His face seemed to shift downward.

"...How long have you been here?" I asked him.

"I don't know... I think about two or three months." He said, tears forming in his eyes, "I was walking home from my school... It was my sister's birthday..." his voice quivered as his words trailed off. After a few moments of silence, he asked, "What's your name?"

"My name is Talon... I was brought here when I was fourteen. About two years later, I escaped through that window," I pointed to the basement window across the room, "because they accidentally left it unlocked while I was unchained, and I ran for my life. It's been nearly another two years since then, and they came back, they pretended to be cops, and they took me."

"I'm thirteen," He said. A chill ran across my spine... I was right, younger.

I wonder what Sebastian is doing right now... what happened when he came to my house after that phone call... I hope he won't give up on me now that this has happened. What are my mom and brother doing... do they even know yet? They'll be so disappointed with me when they find out how dumb I was. Who could be so stupid as to get kidnapped twice?

And I had just started getting better. As soon as I started feeling normal again, this shit happens?! Am I just not allowed to live a normal life??

I struggled to breathe. All I could think about were old memories. They made my body shake more. I don't want this to happen again... the things these men do...

My body felt numb, and my brain felt empty. I felt dead inside. Lucas being here made it worse, another young kid who'll have to go through the same trauma I did. I hope his family is looking for him... I wonder where he's from.

I hope they haven't done anything to him... But who am I kidding? If he's been here for months there's no telling what they've put him through. I wish I could kill them all.

Lucas had fallen asleep, which was understandable. When I was here, it was super hard to fall asleep. Obviously, you're not gonna get the same good night's sleep as you would in your bed at home. It's worse because you usually wake up a lot in-between. It took me a long time to get a normal sleep schedule when I got back home... especially with the nightmares.

As I was thinking to myself, I brought my hand to my face to pull on my hair when I noticed something... my touch bracelet was still on.

Holy shit! How did they not notice that?

I took the bracelet off and my brother's necklace, which was also still there. I guess since my phone fell, they must've searched my pockets and assumed I had nothing else. I had fully charged the bracelet this morning, so it'll last a while... I just had to find a place to hide it. I cant use it now... I know they'll be coming in sometime soon, and I don't know when. I'll have to figure out their routine to see if I can find time to use it in secret.

After surveying the whole room over and over, I noticed there was a vent in the corner of the room by me. I pulled myself as far as the chain would let me go and had to stretch as hard as I could to reach it. It made my body hurt a little more from the recent bruising, but I endured it to hopefully save my stuff. The screws on the vent were loose, and I was able to pull it up. It made a small noise but not loud enough to alert anyone. Lucas didn't even wake up. I hid the items inside. It wouldn't cause any problems because they don't allow the air conditioning or heating into this room usually anyway. I closed the vent back the way it was before and returned to my original position.

A few hours had gone by since I first woke up. All I could do was sit on the cold floor and wait for the worst thing that ever happened in my life to happen again. I was filled with dread and racing thoughts. I tried to distract myself by thinking of good times with Sebastian. How he learned sign language for me, how he protected and accepted me despite my flaws... but It only worked a little bit.

Suddenly the door busted open again, scaring Lucas awake. Viscous came in along with Sasquatch and Chip... the two 'officers'. They looked a lot different, but now that I was here, I recognized them better. They still had the features that made their names.

Sasquatch came to me, roughly grabbing me. I recoiled back hard. He unchained me from the wall. Chip did the same to Lucas, and we were both taken into the room with the bed where Vicious was waiting. It had been rearranged, which made me realize that the other room had been changed too.

I guess they had a lot of downtime...

Lucas was pushed onto the floor and I was shoved onto the bed. The men talked about how they would arrange the 'present' aka me.

I just stared ahead. Lucas had fear in his eyes, but he knew what was happening. I hoped they hadn't done things to him, but I knew I was probably wrong. They haven't broken him yet, though. It showed he was hopeful... I hope he keeps that.

I just felt like every ounce of life was gone from me. I still had that fear deep down, but it was different.

After they stopped talking, Sasquatch came over to me. He grabbed me forcefully and began taking my shirt off. I wonder where my hoodie went. I'm glad I didn't wear my favourite one, the one that was actually Sebastian's, because it would be gone now. At the same time, I wish I had it so I could smell him on it.

Sasquatch was a pretty buff guy, so him just gripping my scrawny body hurt. He got my shirt over my head and forced my pants off after. I was just in my boxers.

Vicious came over and pulled my hands together behind my back, tying my wrists with rope. They then made me sit on my knees and tied each leg, thigh to calf.

They wrapped a red coloured ribbon around my chest and made a bow in the front. Wow, cliche. They gagged me and finally strapped a purple collar around my neck.

I fucking hate this. I just want to be home.

I looked over at Lucas; he had just been sat on the couch across the room with his wrists and ankles tied.

Please just let this be a nightmare. It's not real. Please...

Vicious grabbed me by a chunk of my hair and yanked my head up to face him.

"They'll be coming in soon. You know the rules. If you ruin this, you will fucking regret it. Understand?" He growled. I nodded shortly, blinking the tears away; it was hard to do the way he was holding my hair.

"Good." He said, letting go, slapping the top of my head.

My heart sunk into my chest as I heard footsteps coming down the hall. Chip turned the light off. I felt myself shaking again. Maybe this is where I wake up... in my own bed...

The keypad beeped from the other side, and the door opened, letting in a little bit of light from the hallway. I could see his silhouette.

Oh god.

"Turn the light on when you're ready for the surprise," someone said from behind him. My heart was thumping in my chest.

The light flicked on. My eyes adjusted to see him facing the other way, toward Lucas.

He slowly turned, looking around the room. "What's the supri-" he stopped mid-sentence as he made eye contact with me. I could tell he instantly recognized me. I let out an involuntary whimper. It was almost inaudible under the gag.

"What the fuck?" He said, smirking. "How'd you guys find it?"

"I saw it when I went to the mall to get those collars. We've been watching him since, just waiting for your birthday tomorrow. We thought we would give you your present early."

"Well, you sure know how to pick!"

Hardhead made his way to me. He grabbed me by my chin. I flinched as he made contact, and he laughed at me.

"I've been waiting to get you back for a long time," he said, caressing my cheek. I closed my eyes and let out a muffled sob.

Fuck. Why did I let myself get into this situation? I should've never went to the mall. I should've never ignored all the chances I got. I should've remembered the location of this place the first time I escaped and helped the police. I should've never existed.

"You haven't even gotten the full experience yet," Crazy said to Lucas. He gave me a look of confusion and horror.

"You don't know what he's talking about... do you?" Vicious asked.

"No sir..." he said quietly.

"Well, how about you have a free day today...just sit and watch," Hardhead instructed. Lucas's fear-filled eyes turned from him to me. I stared back at him, sad and fearful too. I knew what was coming to me. He didn't.

Chip harshly pushed my shoulder, causing me to tip backward. I couldn't stop myself from falling since my hands were tied. I bounced when I landed.

"Keep watching with us," Bally said. Vicious laughed and literally ripped my boxers off. He pulled them so hard they tore straight through. Gosh... I really don't want to be naked in front of Lucas. Though that should be the least of my worries.

They made him watch as they touch me all over my body. Their hands are cold. I'm shaking. I'm trying to fight them off, but I can't because my limbs are tied away. I'm crying, and the tears are blocking my vision because I can't wipe them away, struggling to breathe. I know what's coming, and I'm trying not to think about it, but it's impossible. I hoped I'd never have this happen again. My hopes were ignored.

They made him watch as Hardhead entered me. He was like an animal. When it happened, the tears rolled from my eyes. My whole body froze up. I felt like I was paralyzed. It was like the memories, except it's real again. Pain surged through my body. He hits me with a whip as he continued. Not the ones that split your skin, but they still hurt like hell.

I was sobbing and screaming through the gag, but you could still hear it clear as day.

I heard the others telling Lucas not to look away.

Soon enough, Hardhead let the others join in. I think it was at least another two hours before they were done. And when they were, I was covered in marks and... fluids.

The men left the room except for Hardhead.

"Tomorrow, it'll just be you and me for my birthday," he said. I shuddered. He took the gag out of my mouth and threw a sheet over my body, covering all but my shoulders and head. "You guys can chill for a little bit; we're gonna have a drink." He tugged the collar on my neck before leaving. The laughing getting quieter down the hall.

I felt exposed even with the sheet covering my body. I felt disgusted, even more so. I didn't move, didn't even try to escape the ties. I mean, there's no point anyway. The room was eerily silent. I didn't look at Lucas. I didn't want to.

I wonder what he's thinking right now. I wish he didn't have to see that... Well, I wish it didn't happen, but my sentiment remains.

I stared at the ceiling blankly and flexed my jaw... That thing hurts after a while of having it in.

I mean, everywhere else hurt too.

Tears spilled from my eyes. Sebastian...

What if I never see him again? Or my family... at least I got to say goodbye and tell them I love them before I die.

One of the men came in. He pulled me up so I was in a sitting position on my knees again. It was Sasquatch.

"If either of you tries shit, you know what will happen," he said, waving a pistol before holstering it again. He cut the ropes binding my limbs together. He then did the same to Lucas.

"Stand up," he commanded. Lucas did as he said. I tried to comply, sliding off of the bed. My knees were super wobbly, and my legs were slightly numb from how tight the ropes were. My body was drained of energy, so my legs buckled.

Sasquatch caught me by the collar and almost choked me to death out by doing so. I coughed, catching my breath when he let go, switching his hold to my bicep. Lucas was looking away as I was still naked.

He ordered Lucas to walk in front as he basically had to drag me back to the other room because I couldn't stand at all. It was super uncomfortable walking with all of the sweat know... covering my body. When we reached the room, he shoved me onto the floor after Lucas walked in. He threw a pair of shorts and towels at me.

"You've got water for thirty-five minutes. No more, no less." Sasquatch said, backing out of the door and shutting it behind him, followed by the sound of the automatic lock.

There was a small bathroom in the room with a shower, sink and toilet. The toilet always works because they don't want us sitting around in our own mess. The shower, on the other hand, was turned off unless one of them activated it. The sink only allowed a small stream of water, so we couldn't effectively use it as a replacement for the shower. However, we could still wash our hands after using the bathroom.

"You can use the time for the shower... I don't need one," Lucas said awkwardly. I'm sure he just didn't know what to feel after witnessing that. I'm sure he's probably scared about it too, which is obviously understandable.

"Thank you," I whispered. I had to basically crawl to the bathroom. Lucas offered to help, but I refused. I didn't want him to have to touch me while I was like this. Also, I definitely just didn't want to be touched at this moment.

I pulled myself into a standing position, leaning heavily on the wall. The water was slightly colder than lukewarm, not a nice warm shower that would be comfortable, but not a freezing cold one either. I guess it could be worse.

Standing in the shower, I was hit with the sudden feeling of everything sinking in. All the emotions mixed together into one jumbled mess.

The pain.

My legs were wobbly, and I slowly sink to the tiled floor, tears pooling out. I let the sobs overtake me. I watched as the water turned a light shade of pink. I cried so hard I fell into a coughing fit.

I'm wasting time...

I used the random soap to wash the gunk off of me, letting the tears flow as I scrubbed my skin raw. I still wasn't fully accepting where I was. I knew it wasn't a dream deep down, but I didn't want to admit it yet. I stayed in there for a long time, scrubbing harshly the whole time.

When I finally got out, I quickly patted myself down and wrapped the towel around my waist. I left the bathroom and told Lucas I left him ten minutes. I know he told me I could take the full time, and believe me, I wanted to, but he deserved to shower too. We won't get the chance too often.

I finished drying off while he was showering, and I put the shorts on. I wish they had given me a shirt too; it's cold down here.

I heard the beep from the shower indicating that the time was up and the pipes wouldn't allow water anymore, and soon after that, Lucas came out. He sat on the floor not too far from me but not too close, nervously pulling on his shirt sleeves.

"I didn't know they were that bad..." he mumbled, "Are they always like that?"

I took in a sharp breath, "I hate to say it, but... mostly yeah," I mumbled. He breathed trembling breaths.

I hate to watch his hope leave his body... and I didn't even mention that usually, they're worse.

"I mean, they've done... it to me a few times but... never like that. They must've been more focused on getting you back for his birthday... I've mostly just been like serving them..." he said.

I was glad they had been less rough with him so far... maybe I can try to keep it that way. I mean, I already know what it's like.

Hopefully, he won't have to as well.

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