Baby Boy Henry (Complete)

By Selahmassage

30.5K 924 586

Marne lived alone, she lives a controlled neat and ordered life. The only time she diverts from this is when... More

Introduction (Edited)
Chapter One (Edited)
Chapter 2 (Edited)
Chapter 3 (Edited)
Chapter 4 (Edited)
Chapter 5 (Edited)
Chapter 6 (Edited)
Chapter 7 (Edited)
Chapter 8 (Edited)
Chapter 9 (Edited)
Chapter 10 (Edited)
Chapter 11 (Edited)
Chapter 12 (Edited)
Chapter 13 (Edited)
Chapter 14(Edited)
Chapter 15 (Edited)
Chapter 16 (Edited)
Chapter 17 (Edited)
Chapter 18 (Edited)
Chapter 19 (Edited)
Chapter 20 (Edited)
Chapter 21 (Edited)
Chapter 22 (Edited)
Chapter 23 (Edited)
Chapter 24 (Edited)
Chapter 25 (Edited)
Chapter 26 (Edited)
Chapter 27 (Edited)
Chapter 28 (Edited)
Chapter 30
Chapter Part 31
Chapter Part 32
Chapter Part 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 29

520 15 22
By Selahmassage

Chapter 29

Walking into the brightly coloured store, the blur of red curly hair now sporting purple ends barrelled into her squeezing her tight. Just as she went to talk a man walked in behind heading with purpose to the desk. Holding up her hand she said "I'll be there in a moment sir" turning back to her she whispered "Go see if you can find something on that wall that looks like Henry" she pointed to a wall of dildo's giving her a wink that made her blush bright red.

Walking over to the wall she tried to remember what he looked like that one time she had seen him with an erection. Every other time she had seen him, to clean him, she had to be gentle but quick as to not make him uncomfortable. Looking closer at each one she was so caught up in her embarrassment that she was surprised when Heidi appeared at her side and picked one up "If I remember he was close to this size right?" being handed the item she blushed again. In a softer voice, Heidi said, "Why don't we go sit on the couches I can hear the front door but it will give us some privacy." Nodding she moved quickly to the back room.

Sitting down, the heavy item in her hand, her face beetroot red, she sighed before finally looking at Heidi. The compassion she saw in her friends face gave her courage to speak, "I don't know what to do Heidi, I want to be physical with him but he's had experience and I am the 40-year-old virgin. We started a heavy make-out session tonight and when he started to try reaching into my pants I freaked out. He was so kind and honoured my request but I still felt bad that he had to go have a cold shower. I know I need to become more comfortable with him in that manner before I can go further but how do I do that?"

Heidi looked at her a concentrated furrow on her brow, "Well if he is up for it there are some fun things you can do to pleasure him without you having to fully go the whole hog. In fact .." she stood grabbing a basket. Marnie watched with slight amusement as her friend flitted around the room grabbing items from shelves, hooks and tables. Coming back to sit next to her Marnie smiled "Now lets work on what you can do.." a cheeky smile spread over her friends face as the began the 'Lesson'.

It was almost dawn when Marnie crept back into the house, slipping off her shoes she tucked her little bag beside her bed and crawled back under the blanket. Surprised that Henry was still asleep she shuffled back towards him, his arm automatically pulling her into his chest. Closing her eyes she fell asleep with a contented smile on her face.

Sure she had only just fallen asleep she felt a small body bouncing on the end of the bed. A deep gravelly voice stilled his movement "Joshie, aunty Ma didn't have a good night sleep. Let's leave her to sleep buddy ok..." grateful for his sensitivity she felt the bed shift as he moved Joshie out of the room. Snuggling deeper into the covers she let her mind give into the blackness.

Henry knew that Marnie had left the house in the middle of the night, he wanted to trust her, to ask her why, but he also worried he would come off sounding over-possessive. Instead, he planned on letting her sleep. Judy was in the kitchen frying up some bacon and eggs the smell making his stomach grumble. At the sound of them entering the kitchen she turned and smiled, her face held a relaxed happy tone that he was sure Dr Nolan had something to do with. "Is Ma still asleep?" she asked as she began dishing up the plates. Grateful for the meal he smiled as he replied "Yeah, she went out early this morning and didn't return till dawn. I'm sorry but I don't think we will be joining you on your fishing trip today."

Judy chuckled as she sat down with her own plate of food. "that sounds like Ma, her friends work odd hours so if she wanted to go spend some girl time with them its early morning. Don't worry about today, I'm sure that Joshie and I can look after TJ in fact how about we just stay away today. I can cook TJ a meal at home and we can stay there. Give you guys some space?" she said the last line with a smirk, but after last night would Marnie want space? He chewed his lower lip in worry before deciding to breathe and just see what happened.

At 9 am TJ knocked lightly on the door of the house, he was met by Judy and Joshie who quickly ushered him out. Both had bags packed and instead of heading to his car as he had expected they moved to Judy's. "Umm where are the others Judy?" he asked as it became obvious it was going to be just the two of them. She smiled softly replying as she clipped Joshie into his car seat, "Mar had a bad night so is still sleeping, Henry decided to stay and catch up on his emails, he wanted to make sure he was there for her when she awoke. So it's just us today, we are going to drive over to my place and there you can park your car. Then we will spend the day out. Are you ok with that?"

Before he could talk himself out of it he said: "Actually I like that plan a lot better, plus I think it would be good for those two to have some space from us don't you think?" He gave her a wink before following her around to her driver's seat. Once again he opened the door for her, He loved to cherish and honour women, he knew some thought he was old fashioned but so far Judy seemed to be ok with it. He smiled to himself as he walked back to his car, this really was going to be a good day.

By the time they arrived back at her place, unpacked and repacked the car and headed to the fishing shop it was already closing in at 10.30 am. The three walked into the shop Joshie holding his mum's hand and tucking himself close to her still sleepy from all the car driving. The friendly old man behind the counter smiled at them his faded dungarees and check shirt hung loosely on his body as if he had lost a lot of weight but forgotten to get new clothes. His smile showed yellowing teeth and wrinkled skin but it held warmth and welcome, "Hi, how can I help you?" TJ smiled back extending a hand in greeting, " Hi we are going to go fishing today, but we don't have the equipment and were wondering if you do hires?" 

The store owner who TJ decided must have been in his late 70s looked down at the little boy cuddled up to his mum. "So are you all fishing or just the men?" Judy shrugged, a part of her wanted to get a pole just to prove she could but in reality, she just wanted to sit by the water's edge and watch today. "Just the men, I might give it a go another time but not today" the older man smiled at her giving her a wink "My wife loved to fish it's a great sport, but arthritis makes it hard nowadays" he stared off into the distance for just a moment before returning to the task at hand "ok, so I think then that you will need one pole, and one hand reel for the little one. I will also give you a chart that will help you know which fish you can keep and what has to be thrown back."

The old man disappeared into the back of the shop, while he was gathering items for them Joshie started to wake up a bit more. He walked over to a stand of fishing hats with ornamental lures scattered around the band. He giggled at the different shapes and colours, a deep voice spoke behind him close to his ear "Would you like a special fishing hat Joshie?" he turned and saw that TJ was crouched behind him so he could look directly into his face. The boy smiled at the kind gesture and nodded. He scrutinised each hat until he found one with the brightest colours that also fit. TJ placed it firmly on his head "wow that looks perfect Joshie, why don't we go show your mama?" Smiling brightly now at TJ he took the mans warm hand and lead him over to his mum, "Look ma, see wat TJ bowt for me?" she smiled a new kind of smile one that Joshie had never seen before as she looked up at TJ, she said in a quiet voice "Thank you Tyrol"

Equipped and ready to go the trio carried the gear out to the car, seeing that it was now almost 11:30 they decided to get a quick bite to eat first stopping at a local McDonalds. Finally, they pulled up at the river, It had felt like it had taken all morning to get everything together but now they could stop. Picnic blanket laid out by the bank Judy stretched her body out, closing her eyes she could sense the peace. The birds chirped overhead, the gentle breeze rustled through the leaves, and the warm buttery voice of Tyrol could be heard giving Joshie instructions. "Now see this worm we need to thread it on the hook so the fish has something he likes to eat and when he eats it the hook gets stuck in his mouth helping us to catch it. If it's too small we will put it back to catch another day but if it is a good size we will take it home and have it for dinner" Without seeing her sons face she could only imagine the inquisitive look on his face. "So we put the worm on the hook live? Won't that hurt it?"

She held her breath wondering how he was going to answer her son's sensitive question. "Well Joshie, That's a good question, the only way to catch fish is with something they like to eat. They eat the worm so that we can eat them. It a cycle of life, we have the responsibility to only catch what we can eat so that there will always be fish." She held her breath wondering if he was going to hate fishing now, that was until she heard his giggling. "The worm tickles my hand TJ, I want to fish so I guess its ok." Letting her breath out she decided to focus on her breathing, the wind and the sound of the river surrounding her. It wasn't long before she soon heard nothing at all as she fell asleep.


The sound of a phone ringing bought Marnie out of a deep sleep, groaning she looked over at the offending item. Before she had a chance to assemble a clear signal from her brain to her arm to reach out for it, Henry burst into the room. She heard the deep sound of his voice as he swore "Fuck, Sorry Marnie, I wanted you to wake up when you were ready no like that" She smiled at him her brain still foggy but slowly a clarity began to settle. Pulling herself up into a seated position against the headboard she asked "Did the others still go fishing? I hope I didn't ruin their day?" he smiled softly at her, the stubble on his cheeks lifting just slightly as he said "No, I actually think Judy was happy to have an excuse to get TJ all to herself" they both chuckled at the truth of the statement.

He came and sat down on the bed pulling one leg up so he was perched on the edge, "How do you feel? You were out for most of the morning" frowning she looked at the side clock that was blinking, 1 pm at her. Groaning she pulled her lips into a pout "I've missed most of the morning." The pout on her lips and the way her brows furrowed made Henry want to laugh she was so cute like this half asleep half awake. "Well we have the rest of the day to ourselves, Judy is going to cook for TJ at her house and she and Joshie are going to stay there so we can just relax. How about I go rustle up some food for you and you don't even have to leave the bed. I'll bring it in here and we can watch a movie on the laptop how does that sound?" a small smile pulled up from the pout "I like that idea"

20mins later Marnie was satisfied and snuggled into Henry's side, on the laptop they were watching an old movie. Well, Henry was watching the movie, she was more focused on him, her mind kept drifting back to the night before. Every time a customer interrupted the "lesson" she had blushed bright red until another lady had watched and asked to join. Together the three had giggled and they practised till the early morning. Now as she wrapped her arm around his torso and snuggled into his side she remembered Heidi's parting wisdom "no matter what, be real, be honest and have fun. You don't have to pretend to be sophisticated or sexy, He will love having fun with you." Looking up at his features as he studied the film she smiled "Hey Henry?" he paused the movie and looked down a questioning look on his face "Yes" she giggled "do you think we could pause the movie, for now, I have something I was hoping you could help me with?" a smirk played across her face as she reached up and tugged at the collar of his shirt. A mischievous grin replaced his questioning one as he replied "Your wish is my command, Princess"  

A/N I know, I know, this was just a nice setup chapter fun will happen soon. Anyone know how to describe fishing to a minor? The last time I put a hook in the ocean I was 15 I'm now 41 lol always hated putting the worm on the hook. Anyhooo if you liked this chapter please vote and Comments are always welcome Selah

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