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By hxrtqxq

535K 11.2K 8.6K

When Sapphire moves from the hills of LA to Atlanta to get away from her mother, she gets tangled in a whole... More

twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two
thirty three
thirty four
thirty five
thirty six
thirty seven
thirty eight
thirty nine


10.2K 223 108
By hxrtqxq

Sapphire Westlock
*four months later*
"Girl it's valentines and I have no bae" I complain to Des, who was driving her new car around the block.

"Fuck you talm bout you gotta mans" she furrows her eyebrows at me and I roll my eyes, know who she's talking about.

"Girl he inna cellar. Ain't nobody worried about him" I wave my hand, dismissing her idea.

"But y'all still together tho. What? Y'all talked last like two months ago" she asks and I nod.

We had gotten over our first fight, but we just stopped talking after that. Not for a particular reason, I just started dance and having Nile full time so I didn't have time to see him.

"Aye, I'm going to see him tomorrow. Come with me" Destiny suggests, pulling back up to the house. "Eh. I don't know" I shrug. "Girl that's your whole first love and first fuck. You ain't gon get over that. I know you won't move on so just come wimme" she rants.

"Ight girl damn! Giving me a whole timeline of our relationship like ion know" I laugh and she rolls her eyes.

We go back into the house where Teyanna and Kooda are making out on the couch. "Ew what the fuck" I chuck a balled up piece of paper at Tey and she flips me off, not breaking apart from Kadeem.

"Must be nice" Destiny sighs. Zion comes down the stairs with Diamonté and kisses her. "Hell you talm bout sum must be nice? Girl shut up" Zion says and takes her to the room.

I grab my bag and get into Jah's car. I had gotten my license in December. "Aye you leaving?" Kooda asks, getting into the car with me.

"Yes. Why are you in here?" I ask back. "Tell Jah Hammer's back when you see him. Ight?" he says and reaches for the door.

"Hold up" I say and Kooda turns around. "Hammer's back? Like back back? Like back to slanging?" I ask. "Yeah lil folks. I'm going ova there right now" he says. I shrug and pull off after he gets out.

"Hey Dad" I kiss his cheek as I walk through the door. "Hey baby. Nile's upstairs" he says. "He sleep?" I ask, going into the fridge to get a snack.

"Nope. He's awake. He teething" my dad shakes his head. "Damn. He crying a lot huh?" I ask and he nods.

"Ight. I'm going to see Jah tomorrow by the way" I show my teeth at him and he raise his eyebrows.

"You haven't seen him in what? Two months" my dad asks and I nod. "Well, tell me how it goes" he unpauses the news update he was watching before I came in.

I go upstairs into the guest bedroom where Nile was crying in his bouncy seat. He reaches out for me and I pick him up. "Whatchu crying for bebe" I ask and flood his forehead with kisses.

My dad didn't want Nile to go to foster care when the government found out about our arrangement, so he adopted him.

Nile stops crying and grasps my hair, a new skill he recently loved doing. "Boy stop" I whine, trying to detach his hand.

"Aaa" he babbles and I smile. "So cute. Now let go of my hair" I straight face him and he lets go of my hair.

I put him in his crib for a nap and go back to my room to finish my homework.

I wake up the next day, nervous as hell to see Jah.

"Hey bitch" Destiny says, coming into my room and getting into my bed. "How the fuck did you get in here" I facepalm, throwing the blanket over my head.

"Your dad gave me a key so I can babysit Nile" she flips me off and I roll my eyes. "We gotta be there in an hour. Get up" she says. "I'm not going anymore" I mumble and she looks at me with a crazy look.

"I'll be damned. Get up" Des rips the blanket off me. "Fuck youuu" I whine, waddling to the bathroom to take a shower.

I get ready and we take separate cars to downtown.

"You think you're ready?" she asks when we both stop at the juvenile detention building. "Fuck it" I shrug and walk in.

We sit down on one of the benches and wait for him to come in. "Can you stop shaking your fucking leg" Destiny straight faces me.

"I'm nervous" I bite the inside of my lip and the door opens.

Jah had a much darker look in his eyes, and since the court trial, he always looked tired.

I noticed his sleeves were pulled up and I could see a rose forearm tattoo that was not there two months ago. "Whaddup" he nods at me and I nod back. "Hi Jah" I say dryly.

"Hey baby sis" he gives Des a hug and sits next to me. "Whatchu doin here?" he asks me. "I wanted to see you?" I question.

He just hums in response. The three of us talk for thirty minutes until Des leaves to give us some privacy.

"When did you get this?" I ask, running my fingers over his tattoo. "Couple days ago" he responds. "It hurt" I ask and he shakes his head.

"I missed you" he mumbles and puts his head on my shoulder. "I missed you too, Jah" I put my hand in his hair and kiss his forehead.

"How's Nile?" he asks. "He seven months now. The mothafucka big ass hell" I laugh and he laughs with me.

"I'm out soon" he mumbles and I nod. "I know. I'm excited" I smile at him. "Why ain't you come see me before?" he asks, sitting up from my shoulder.

"Why ain't you call me" I ask back and he shakes his finger at me while laughing a little. "You got a point there" he shrugs and I nod.

"Lemme get a kiss" he smiles at me and I roll my eyes. "You irritating" I laugh and kiss him twice.

"You have five minutes left. Say your goodbyes" the guard says. "Before I forget, Kooda said that Hammer's back" I tell him and he raise his eyebrows.

"Damn. Alright" he shrugs. "I'll see you later. You'll call me?" I ask. "Mhm. I luh you" he smiles at me again and I can't help but return the smile.

"I love you too" I kiss his cheek and walk out.

I get back in the car and take a deep breath. My phone starts ringing but I ignore it.

I drive to Des house and walk through the door. Zion is sitting on the couch with Des laying on his lap, asleep. "This hoe" I laugh and go upstairs. "Tey!" I call out.

"What the fuck you want girl? I'm in here" she calls back from Destiny's room. "Bro I just seen Jah" I tell her and she gives me a shocked look.

"What did he say?" she asks and I shrug. "Nothing much. He said he still love me doe" I cheese. "Mhm. You said it back?" she asks and I nod, still smiling.

"Y'all back for real?" she asks another question. "I mean shit, I think so. He get out in what? Three, four weeks?" I shrug and take the roach that was sitting on the bedside table.

"Chill out das mine" she reaches for it but I push her forehead back. "Bro we all finna smoke inna second just wait" she snatches the roach back and puts it in the bedside table.

"Imma go get Nile" I say and grab my keys. I go back down to the second garage and see Kooda sitting on the ground, smoking.

"Aye Kadeem. Wassup you good?" I ask and he lets out a deep sigh. "You want me to get Teyanna? Wassup folks" I lend him my hand so he can stand up.

"Bruh I just seen someone straight up die foe" he shakes his head and I sigh too. "Damn. Get in bruh let's get some fresh air" I say and get in the car.

Kooda gets in the passenger seat and I pull off. "So, what happened?" I ask. "Well, I went to the new trap, since Hammer relocated. And Isiah was there. He got out couple days ago cause he snitched on Jah" Kooda explains while I drive.

"He did a private testimony?" I ask and he nods.

"Yeah that nigga a whole sneak diss. Anyways, they was arguing and Hammer ain't know I was there. And Isiah tried to swing on em but Hammer just shot the nigga. Straight to the dome" he shakes his head.

"Goddamn foe. That shit crazy" I shake my head too and he puts his down.

"How's Jah tho?" he asks and and my lips form into a small smile. "He good" I nod and Kooda laughs. "Mhm. I know dat look. Y'all back together?" he asks and I laugh with him. "Yeah. I guess. It's whatever" I shrug, pulling up to the townhouse.

"We getting Nile?" Kooda asks and I nod. "You wanna say hi to my dad?" I ask back and he gets out.

"Hey dad" I kiss his temple and he smiles at me. "Oh, hey Kadeem" my dad waves at him and they dap up. "Wassup Mr. Westlock" he nods at him and my dad nods back.

"Imma get Nile and then we're going back to Des house, okay?" I ask and he nods.

An hour later, we pull up to Destiny's crib with food and Nile. "What'd you get?" Dia asks, coming into the second garage. "Food" I respond and hand Nile's car seat to him so I can hold the baby.

"He's so big what the hell" Diamonté says and smiles at him. We go into the living room where everyone else is and I try to set Nile down on Destiny's lap but he's gripping my hair again.

"Nile Westlock, let go of my hair" I give him an angry face and he lets go of my hair, laughing hysterically.

"Ain't shit funny" I roll my eyes and place him on Destiny's lap. "So he took your last name too?" Teyanna asks and I nod.

"Yeah. He my brother now" I shrug and take a burger out of the bag. "Damn. You act like his muva" Zion says.

"Mane shut up. Been saying that since we got him" I shake my head and he shrugs. "It's cause it's true" he retorts and everyone agrees with him.

"Whatever. He just don't got one so I gotta act like it" I shrug and go upstairs to Jah's room. I lay down on the bed and take a quick nap until my phone starts ringing.

"You have a prepaid call. You will not be charged for this call. This call is from Jahbari Micheals inmate 7620. To accept this call, press five. To decline this call, hang up or press one" the automated voice says and I press five.

"Whaddup" Jah says when the call connects. "Hey. Whatchu up to?" I ask. "Nun. Packing my shit up. They said the next release dates are in two weeks or two months so I'm getting out sooner" he mumbles and I can tell he's excited.

"Mm. Where we going when you get out?" I ask. "Shit. School" he laughs and I laugh too. "You doing good or you gon have to go back?" I ask.

"I'm doing good. My teacher not that bad. I should be able to go to junior year with y'all" he says and I smile.

"Well your time is being expunged so you could prolly still get into college too" I say, showing excitement in my voice.

"Shit hopefully" he laughs and there's a pause in our conversation. "Whatchu doin" he asks. "Nun. I was sleep in yo bed before you called me" I state and he laughs a little.

"You be missing me" he teases and I roll my eyes. "Don't flatter ya self Jahbari" I laugh and he hums.

"You coming to see me next week?" he asks and I say yes. "Aight. How's everyone?" he asks another question.

"They all downstairs. You wanna talk to everybody?" I ask and he says yes.

I go downstairs and put him on speaker. "You on speaker" I tell him. "Who dat?" Diamonté asks.

"Whaddup family" Jah says and the boys go crazy. "My nigga Jah" Zion yells. "Nigga how you been?" Kooda asks. "You know countin down the days. I'll be there in two weeks" Jah answers and they go crazy again.

Nile starts laughing and clapping and we all laugh with him. "That Nile?" Jah asks. "Mhm" I hum.

"Aye Jah, we got a lot to talk about when you get back" Kooda says. "Ight fam. I'm just tryna see my shawty and my niggas for real" Jah answers.

"We miss you over here" I say and he laughs. "Sapphire, I know yo ass be missin me. Sleepin in my bed and shit" he laughs. "Nigga, you'n een know. She be wearing yo clothes and ice my boy. That girl whipped whipped" Zion tells him and I mug him.

"Zion shut the fuck up. Why you lyin for" I roll my eyes and Kooda chimes in. "Ain't nobody lyin lil girl. Why you acting like you not wearing his shit as we speak" he laughs.

I look down and notice that I was, in fact, wearing his chain. "Oop" Teyanna laughs and I laugh with them.

"Sapphire I'a be home soon. You can stop wearing my shit" Jah laughs. "Boy bye. Go finish packing or whatever the fuck" I snap at him. "N y'all stop clownin me 'cause I miss my man" I add.

"They back together?" Diamonté asks, wearing a shocked face. "Nigga, obviously" Zion facepalms and Jah laughs.

"Ight family, Imma get up with y'all. Sapphire, take me off speaker phone" he says and I take him off to put the phone up to my ear.

"Okay you off speaker" I say. "Ight. I'll call you tomorrow. I luh yo lil ass" he laughs and I roll my eyes. "I love you too Jah. I'll come see you on Sunday" I say and hang up.

"Boffum whipped" Zion laughs and everyone laughs with him. "Zi, you finna get slapped in yo shit if you'n close ya mouth" I threaten and put Nile on my hip.

I untuck Jah's chain from my shirt and go back upstairs to his room.

They're right. I do miss him. A lot.

A/N: hey y'all 👋🏾

this chapter been done since i finished the previous one i just wanted to start over 😭

anyways vote comment n whatever

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