Top Action Pretty Cure!

By LunaticLemons

406 1 0

Everyone had a childhood hero they looked up to. They had always helped them to get them to where they are no... More

Writer's Note
Chapter List (in case you're confused)
Top Action Pretty Cure Info Log! #1
Brawns! Strength! Cure Punch has Arrived!
Brains! Smarts! The Child Genius is also Cure Shock?!
Major Crisis! Two Girls, One Robot and... another Robot?!
Beauty! Sincerity! Welcome, Cure Chilled!
Hooray! The Team has Been Fully Assembled!
Uwah! Watch Out, the Pretty Cure Hunter!
Are You For Real?! Goldeye is Here!
Taking Back What's Ours! The Golden Channel!
Cooking by the Book! Bon Appetite!
Celebrity Girls in Hiroshima! Wait What?

Top Action Pretty Cure Info Log! #2

16 0 0
By LunaticLemons

Top Action Pretty Cure! / トップアクションプリキュア!(Toppu Akushon Purikyua) is a fanmade series owned by me. The series' motifs include Super Heroes, inspiration, comic books and the saying 'Brawns, Brains and Beauty' (The Cure's Signature Motif).

Pretty Cure (3):

"The hero who delivers eternal strength! Cure Punch!"
Ruby Rosehamme / Cure Punch
Age: 14
Birthday: August 13th
Alter Ego: Cure Punch
Theme: Brawns
Power: Super-Strength
Theme Colour: Red
Height: 174cm / 5'7"ft
Catchphrase: "This isn't me!"
Henshin Item: Action-Paks (Special Red); Cure-Idealizers
Henshin Phrase: Ready, Set, Go! It's Pretty Cure Time!

Ruby is a hot-headed and athletic girl who transferred from America around 7 years ago. Ruby excels at sports but not the same with her studies yet it's good enough according to her. Unfortunately Ruby can't help herself but get into argument or fights because of her personality.  Her love of superheroes came from watching one episode of Goldeye, as he became her favourite superhero. Ruby also has a soft spot for dogs, including Sayaka's Golden Retriever, Neutron.

As Cure Punch, she represents Goldeye and her powers come from his strength because she is the Brawns of her team. Punch is the leader of the team. Like her name, her attacks are much stronger than the other 2 cures. Punch's signature attack is Megaton Hyper Smash.

"The hero who delivers electric intelligence! Cure Shock!"
Unagisaki Sayaka / Cure Shock
Age: 15
Birthday: November 3rd
Alter Ego: Cure Shock
Theme: Brains
Power: Electrokinesis
Theme Colour: Green
Height: 168cm / 5'5" ft
Catchphrase: "Eureka!"; "All according to cake!"
Henshin Item: Action-Paks (Special Green); Cure-Idealizers
Henshin Phrase: Ready, Set, Go! It's Pretty Cure Time!

Sayaka is Ruby's proclaimed best friend since the day they met and excels in all of her studies except sports. Due to her cocky attitude and frog-like voice, she barely had any friends until she met Ruby. Sayaka self-proclaims that she is the Child Genius however her actual inspiration comes from Wisdotria, another superhero she secretly admires. Sayaka is jealous of her brother Mikio's fame in robotics and science and tends to get frustrated when he gets all of the credit. She plays with her dog Neutron whenever she's frustrated.

As Cure Shock, she represents Wisdotria and her powers are based on Wisdotria's electrokinesis and the Brains. In order to control the electricity, Shock must shuffle her hands first before battle and then produce them from her hand. Although she can fire small shots without shuffling her hands. Shock can formulate a plan and dodge attacks faster than the other 2 cures. Her signature attack is Striking Neon Thunder.

"The hero who delivers the gentle snow. Cure Chilled!"
Aurora / Cure Chilled
Age: 14 (physically)
Birthday: Unknown
Alter Ego: Cure Chilled
Theme: Beauty
Power: Ice
Theme Colour: Blue
Height: 164cm / 5'4" ft
Catchphrase: "I do not understand."
Henshin Item: Action-Paks (Special Blue); Cure-Idealizers
Henshin Phrase: Ready, Set, Go! It's Pretty Cure Time!

Aurora was a mysterious android who used to go by her codename VHN-064. She was mistakenly thrown out. Aurora manages to find Sayaka at her laboratory to see if she could fix her. Despite being a robot, Alolo insisted on taking her in as a friend to Ruby and Sayaka's dismay and nicknamed her Aurora based on her Cure name. Aurora has been hanging out with them since but still doesn't know how to live as a normal girl.

As Cure Chilled, she's represents Pri-Frost and but she obtains an enhanced version of her original powers back when she was working for Villain's Square and some of Pri-Frost's powers. She is the Beauty of her team. She can freeze anything within a radius of 5m and craft her ice into a sword most of the time. If necessary, Chilled has an alternative method of freezing by simply screaming or crying. Her signature attack is Perfect Winter Blue.


Action-Paks - Once believed to be action cards of many superheroes for a trading set, it's revealed in the Grand Hall of Heroes universe the cards are called Action-Paks and are forged once a superhero gets recognised. Each Pak converts to 2 kilograms of wonder spirit. Three of them (red, green, blue) are special transformation devices for the Pretty Cures. The rest of normal Action-Paks have to be produced by Alolo's sneezes to complete the set.

Cure-Idealizers - A light-emitting compact transformation device which is used by the Pretty Cures. The Cure must have their respective Action-Pak and Cure-Idealizer in order to transform. It can also be used to communicate with the other superheroes from their Action-Paks.

Fortissimo Quirks - One of the main devices that Cure Punch, Cure Shock and Cure Chilled use for their upgraded attacks after the remaining magic of the Inspire Vase transformed the Three Ange Artifacts into their weapons.

Punch Boxer is Cure Punch's main weapon. It resembles a boxing glove, with it Punch can perform Ultra-Red Fury and Miracle Stamp.

Shock Guitar is Cure Shock's main weapon. It resembles an electric guitar, with it Shock can perform Gigawatt Tornado and Peace Explosion.

Chilled Lance is Cure Chilled's main weapon. It resembles a Lance, with it Chilled can perform Clair-de-lune Illusion and Parfait Concert.

Golden Channel - Where Goldeye is forced to reside in, it also allows Alolo to teleport items from the Grand Hall of Heroes to Earth.

Grand Hall of Heroes: (2)

Alolo: The Grand Hall of Heroes' main operator before he became the Cures' mentor. He is a robot mascot who panics a lot but covers it up with his maturity. Alolo's antenna-like horn can emit any sense of an enemy approaching. Alolo's monitor screen can change from any colour depending on his mood; etc. his monitor shows up green when he's happy or blue when he's sad. Alolo also has a crush on Aurora/Chilled because they're both robots. Alolo also produces Utility Action-Paks by sneezing. He ends his sentences with "~beep".

Goldeye: Ruby's childhood idol hero and the leader of the Heroes from the Grand Hall. He appears to the girls to warn them about the Villains' Square and them merging reality with their desires. He is also the one who introduces the Fortissimo Quirks as the Cures' new power. Goldeye firmly believes in the Pretty Cures and sees them as inspiration's new hope ever since the Grand Hall of Heroes had been disrupted by the Villains' Square.

Neutron: Sayaka's Golden Retriever who started to aid the Cures once they acquired the Fortissimo Paks. Alolo is able to translate his barks into human language and since then have become friends. Sometimes Neutron can willingly jump into battles to protect Shock without her permission. When talking, he reveals his worries for Sayaka.

Villains' Square:

Mayhavoc: The leader of the Villains' Square and also Goldeye's arch nemesis. His goal was originally to defeat Goldeye for good until he had realised there was another world watching them and gaining inspiration hence him changing his plans into gathering every single villain from each superhero comic/TV show to destroy the universe and get rid of their inspiration. He may have more evil intentions than said...

Pretty Cure Hunter/ PreCure Hunter: A android killing machine which was designed to track down any Hero, although he had been modified to specifically kill the Pretty Cure this time around. Unlike Mayhavoc, Hunter has his own goals besides taking away everyone's inspiration and mostly goes beyond what his peers expect him to do.

Gigamite: One of the villains-of-the-day from another TV Show, he seems to be the weakest out of the Villain Commanders and always picked on. He's not really considered a General or Commander. yet he's always determined to beat Pretty Cure. Gigamite can enlarge himself or shrink himself. He's known as the comic relief and tends to be laughed at. Gigamite also ends his sentences with "~mite".

Troxicy: The self-proclaimed rival of Wisdotria, she's extremely vain and likes to see herself as the only perfect deadly being on this planet. Toxiwaste could be considered as the Brains of her team if it weren't for their vanity. Toxiwaste controls pollution and transforms it into poisonous gases. She claims Cure Shock as her rival.

Silverag: The first villain from Goldeye's universe and considered a fan favourite, he is extremely loyal to Mayhavoc and sees the others are incompetent meatpiles. Silverag resembles a wolf and gains more strength when the moon is up. His sub-attacks include illusions and powerful slashes. He claims Cure Punch as his rival.

Ralos: One of the recurring antagonists from Pri-Frost and considered a fan favourite, Ralos likes to test his strength to the max and is seen normally training in a volcano or anything hotter than the Sun. Ralos can set himself on fire and fire meteors of fire. Despite his strength, he isn't really smart.

Supporting Characters: (8)

Ryuukawa Minato - Sayaka's close friend and study buddy from Epicdemia who is very timid yet polite and mature. His father works in the government while his mother is a neurogeneticist. He is the vice president of the Science Club and the only male student in the club, and he gets excellent grades because of Sayaka's influence on him.

Layla Yuukigawa - Ruby's cousin who also travelled to Japan prior to the series, and she started a comic book store without knowing Ruby's father was a comic book writer too. She's normally big-sister like and often teases Ruby which gets on her nerves, but the two have a strong bond. She allows the Cures to use the PreComic as their main base.

Ichinou Tomoko - Tomoko is the daughter of a famous mechanical engineer Ichikawa Ruka who is also often shadowed by Unagisaki Francisa, another mechanical engineer, so she considers herself as Sayaka's rival. She will do anything to prove that she is better than Sayaka in everything which normally ends up in shabbles. There's a running gag where Tomoko goes on about how she's better than Sayaka in something but Sayaka normally ignores her leading her to become literally frozen.

Yorugato Akito - A boy from Ruby and Sayaka's class who always shops at PreComic. He secretly reads Marlotte, the titular two-sided heroine from her titular series. Akito is always known as the school delinquent due to his tall and brooding physique when he actually is very soft and caring. He falls for Aurora and asks her out on a date, however Alolo gets jealous of him.

Honmiya Midori - The president and only member of the Newspaper Club and former member of the Gymnastics Club. She seems to be interested in the Pretty Cures and the one who started the PreCure Scoop to Ruby, Sayaka and Aurora's dismay. In reality Midori just wants to people to trust and believe in her again.

PrettyMobile - The Cures' main transportation device who resembles a motorcycle. Goldeye requested for her to be rebuilt via travelling to the Rune Runes again since she had gotten destroyed during the War. She appears to be very fussy and cold towards the Cures first as she used to be Goldeye's old motorcycle. Later on she opens up to the Cures and allows them to teleport through the world. Her theme colours are pink and yellow.

Marlotte - An ancient heroine from the 30s who appears from the Grand Hall of Heroes. She accidentally got teleported into Earth via coming out from her comic book. Unfortunately Marlotte has a spilt personality as she is shy and peaceful who she dubs 'Mary' and the next minute she becomes hot-headed and filled with justice who she dubs 'Charlotte'. Her powers come from masks. Her theme colours are black and white.

Sanbero - A hero from 90s who appears from the Grand Hall of Heroes. He came because there had been controversial takes on his character because most of his enemies are women and he has to physically beat them with his Sand Lasso, according to the popular podcast Rights. He pleads the Cures to make him more acceptable to the podcast in hopes that he won't get erased. His powers comes from the coast. His theme colour is yellow.

Lady Passion - A heroine from the late 2000s who appears from the Grand Hall of Heroes. She actually doesn't really have an interesting power which lowers her self-esteem. However thanks to Sayaka/Shock's pep talk with her, Lady believes with the power of music and her maracas she can at least assist the Heroes. Her powers come from music specifically flamingo dancing. Her theme colours are red and black.
Fun Fact: Lady Passion shares her name with Cure Passion from Fresh Pretty Cure!


Hiroshima City (ヒーロー島市) - is the city that the series takes place in. (This is based on the real life Hiroshima, where it was largely destroyed by an atomic bomb during World War II. This was unintentional at first but this city will soon reference upcoming events.)

Epicdemia Academy (エピクデミアアカデミー) - the middle school that the Cures of the season attend. (Later on Aurora due to her needing to be more close to the Cures.)

Grand Hall of Heroes (グランドホールのヒーローズ) - where Alolo and Goldeye reside from and also the meeting area for the Heroes of each fictional universe.

Villains' Square (ヴィランズの広場)- Where the First Commanders and Mayhavoc currently residing in and the meeting area for the Villains of each fictional universe.

PreComic (プリコミック) - Layla's comic book store and the Cures' base.

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