Seizing Dreams [B1]

By Cho-Sera

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Within the dream of the dreamer, the one who was dreamed of awoke. ... Borges "I exist in the sunlight, the w... More

Ch1 - Deep Sleep
Ch2 - Shocked Awake
Ch3 - Recalling Old Memories
Ch4 - Expectations
Ch5 - Escort
Ch6 - Elephant God
Ch7 - Reservoir
Ch8 - Picked up Money
Ch9 - Totem
Ch10 - Interview
Ch11 - Speaking Face
Ch12 - Shi Ni
Ch13 - Monkey
Ch14 - A Child's Dream
Ch15 - Lone Island
Ch16 - Demonic Eye
Ch17 - Dormitory Inspection
Ch18 - Goodbyes
Ch19 - Fear Comes After
Ch20 - Tuition
Ch21 - Dress Rehearsal
Ch22 - School Anniversary
Ch23 - The Past
Ch24 - Court in Session
Ch25 - Conjecture
Ch26 - End of the Year
Ch27 - Going Home
Ch28 - Sounding Out
Ch29 - Confession
Ch30 - Chinese New Year's Eve
Ch31 - New Year
Ch32 - Origin
Ch33 - Plans
Ch34 - Spring Excursion
Ch 35 - Mountain Path
Ch 36 - Throwing Down the Gauntlet
Ch 37 - Saw Blood
Ch 38 - Group Fight
Ch 39 - Resignation
Ch 40 - Protection
Ch 41 - Solar Prominence
Ch 42 - Rainforest
Ch 43 - Ryuusei
Ch 44 - Pouring Your Heart Out
Ch 45 - Apology
Ch 46 - Doubts
Ch 47 - Rushing the Pagoda
Ch 48 - Diamong Ring
Ch 49 - Search
Ch 50 - Battle of Wits
Ch 51 - Reason
Ch 52 - Bridge
Ch 53 - Gunshot
Ch 54 - Tears
Ch 55 - Strong Opponent
Ch 56.1 - Hidden Sun
Ch 56.2 - Hidden Sun
Ch 57 - Lin Xun
Ch 58 - Self-Reflection
Ch 59 - Concealment
Ch 60.1 - Conflicted
Ch 60.2 - Conflicted
Ch 61 - Summoned
Ch 62.1 - Ruins
Ch 62.2 - Ruins
Ch 63.1 - Lamp's Fire
Ch 63.2 - Lamp's Fire
Ch 64 - Boarding the Cruise
Ch 65 - Surveillance
Ch 66 - Ideal
Ch 67 - Talk in the Night
Ch 68.1 - The Key
Ch 69 - Sealed for Safekeeping
Ch 70 - Silk Banner
Ch 71 - Present
Ch 72 - Competition
Ch 73.1 - Birthday
Ch 73.2 - Birthday
Ch 74 - Paving the Way
Chapter 75.1
Ch 75.2 - Decision
Ch 76.1 - Meeting
Ch 76.2 - Meeting
Ch 77.1 - Valentine's
Ch 77.2 - Valentine's
Ch 78.1 - Summer Vacation
Ch 78.2 - Summer Vacation
Ch 79.1 - Wheat Fields
Ch 80.1 - Avoidance
Ch 80.2 - Avoidance
Ch 81 - True Feelings
Ch 82.1 - Fireworks
Ch 82.2 - Fireworks
Ch 83.1 - New Life
Ch 83.2 - New Life
Ch 84.1 - Getting Even
Ch 84.2 - Getting Even
Ch 85.1 - Troubles
Ch 85.2 - Troubles
Ch 86.1 - Satan
Ch86.2 - Satan
Ch 87.1 - Part-Time Job
Ch 87.2 - Part-Time Job
Ch 88.1 - Courage
Ch 88.2 - Courage
Ch 89.1 - Training
Ch 89.2 - Training
Ch 90 - Robbery
Ch 91 - Blow It Up
Ch 92.1 - Father and Son
Ch 92.2 - Father and Son
Ch 93.1 - Premeditated
Ch 93.2 - Premeditated
Ch 94.1 - Requesting for Assistance
Ch 94.2 - Requesting for Assistance
Ch 95.1 - Report
Ch 95.2 - Report
Ch 96.1 - Paradise
Ch 96.2 - Paradise
Ch 97.1 - A Rainy Night
Ch 97.2 - A Rainy Night
Ch 98.1 - Escaping Danger
Ch 98.2 - Escaping Danger
Ch 99.1 - Birthday Celebration
Ch 99.2 - Birthday Celebration
Ch 100.1 - Investigation
Ch 100.2 - Investigation
Ch 101.1 - Newcomer
Ch 101.2 - Newcomer
Ch 102.1 - New Home
Ch 102.2 - New Home
Ch 103.1 - Deductions
Ch 103.2 - Deductions
Ch 104 - Infection
Ch 105.1 - Sea of Blood
Ch 105.2 - Sea of Blood
Ch 106.1 - Hypothetically
Ch 106.2 - Hypothetically
Ch 107.1 - After the Competition
Ch 107.2 - After the Competition
Ch 108.1 - Performance
Ch 108.2 - Performance
Ch 109 - Attend a Banquet
Ch 110 - Coming Out
Ch 111.1 - Future
Ch 111.2 - Future
Ch 112.1 - Negotiation
Ch 112.2 - Negotiation
Ch 113.1 - Troublesome
Ch 113.2 - Troublesome
Ch 114.1 - Phone Call
Ch 114.2 - Phone Call
Ch 115.1 - Interview
Ch 115.2 - Interview
Ch 116.1 - Going to Work
Ch 116.2 - Going to Work
Ch 117.1 - Busy
Ch 117.2 - Busy
Ch 118.1 - Reporting for Duty
Ch 118.2 - Reporting for Duty
Ch 119.1 - Team
Ch 119.2 - Team
Ch 120.1 - Renting a Place
Ch 120.2 - Renting a Place
Ch 121.1 - Criticism
Ch 121.2 - Criticism
Ch 122 - Missing You
Ch 123 - Choosing a Topic
Ch 124 - Dinner Party
Ch 125 - Undercover Investigation
Ch 126 - Helping Him Get Out of Trouble
Ch 127 - Return to Beijing
Ch 128 - Accept or Reject
Ch 129 - Surprise
Ch 130 - Predicament
Ch 131.1
Ch 131.2
Ch 132.1
Ch 132.2
Ch 133.1
Ch 133.2
Ch 134.1
Ch 134.2
Ch 135.1
Ch 135.2
Ch 136.1 - Awaken
Ch 137.1
Ch 137.2
Ch 138.1
Ch 138.2
Ch 139.1
Ch 139.2
Ch 140.1
Ch 140.2
Ch 141.1
Ch 141.2
Ch 142.1
Ch 142.2

Ch 68.2 - The Key

183 9 0
By Cho-Sera

Chen Yekai walked out quickly from the room. The three of them looked at one another. Chen Yekai said, "Liang Laoshi's better now."

Zhou Sheng motioned for him to go back, and to allow him to handle the situation from here. Chen Yekai nodded. Yu Hao sat down on the sofa, Zhou Sheng went to open the door with a glass of wine in hand. The moment the door was opened, Lin Xun's face was an extremely spectacular sight.

"Yo, Professor Lin." Zhou Sheng raised his glass at him, "I wish you good health!"

Lin Xun immediately regained his composure and said in a low voice, "It's you, Zhou Sheng."

Zhou Sheng let Lin Xun in, then closed and locked the door.

Lin Xun only needed to see the wine glasses and ashtray on the coffee table to guess what had happened. He shouted, "Jinmin!"

No reply. Lin Xun wanted to go in, but Zhou Sheng said, "Don't be in such a rush to go in, let's have a chat bei. I haven't apologized to you yet."

Yu Hao asked, "Professor Lin, what drink do you want?"

"I won't trouble you guys." Lin Xun said coldly, "Looks like Liang Laoshi's Academic Salon had just ended, and you've learnt quite a bit too. Do you want a continuation? I brought water, what do you want to talk about?"

"Let's talk about how you panicked and dashed like a madman for thirty miles that day." Zhou Sheng looked slightly drunk as he smiled, "When the next college sports meet is held, Lin Laoshi must sign up for the Teacher's Team ah, you ran so damn fast!"

"It's a human's natural instinct to protect themselves in times of crisis, that's very normal." Lin Xun didn't betray the slightest hint of guilt as he calmly responded.

Yu Hao said, "Is that still the case even after we're certain that we've committed a crime, and are trying to evade the legal consequences of our actions?"

"I admit to breaking the law." Lin Xun said in earnest, "I couldn't withstand the temptation of money. Now, Laoshi has repented, After you enter the workforce, you must bear this in mind and not follow my path."

This wasn't Yu Hao's first time having a conversation with Lin Xun face-to-face. Previously, he had been on the verge of choking from his anger at Lin Xun, and it wasn't any better this time. They were so close to finding the evidence, yet they had missed their opportunity.

"You're very poor ba, Yu Hao." Lin Xun said, "I've seen your file. It's already hard on you to be poor, but your sexual orientation isn't normal either. Isn't that a very painful thing?"

Yu Hao took a deep breath. He knew that Lin Xun was trying to provoke him, but Zhou Sheng glanced at Yu Hao and said to Lin Xun, "So minorities are abnormal? Then what about me? What's my evaluation?"

"You're from a pretty good family." Lin Xun smiled mockingly, "It's once said, 'children of the poor walk about in the streets with their disheveled hair and dirty faces; children of the rich walk around their homes, barbaric and pampered. After they grow up, they all walk around society deliriously, just like their fathers, or even worse off'. In this regard, Lu Xun described it quite accurately."

Zhou Sheng sat on the single-person sofa that Liang Jinmin had sat on just now. He lit a cigarette and said, "Do Lin Laoshi's Academic Salons always discuss that kind of topic?"

"Yes." Lin Xun said, "I'm a realistic person, different from your Liang Laoshi. She likes Romanticism, tragedy, the classical school of thought, and she likes brainwashing your Chen Laoshi too. He's so indoctrinated that he doesn't even remember who he was anymore."

Zhou Sheng was thinking about how to confront Lin Xun when Yu Hao suddenly said, "You're not the first, Lin Laoshi."

"Oh?" Lin Xun said, "First what?"

"The first to say that you're someone who worships realism." Yu Hao said, "They have always taught me many great life principles. For example, how our society adheres to the law of the jungle: if you don't harm others, they will come to harm you; if you don't take the money in front of you, then you're an idiot, and you'll regret it sooner or later; life is meaningless in the first place, since everyone dies anyway......"

"Correct that a bit." Lin Xun said, "That last point of view is called 'nihilism', and it has nothing to do with realism. You need to read more. Once you've read enough, you'll begin to question the world and form your own outlook on life. Do you know, Yu Hao? People study to choose what to believe in. You will come into contact with this marvelous world, which is filled with many theories. Along with your experiences in life, your ideas will be vanquished one by one. You'll believe in one thing when you're 20, believe in another when you're 30, and then another when you're 40. You'll keep doubting yourself, denying yourself, and then 'realizing' new rules by which to live your life. There is no absolute right or wrong, only choices that will allow you to live more freely. And you'll only have room for choice if you have power."

Yu Hao said, "I'm not as knowledgeable as you, who's very well read. My belief comes from the introspection of my innermost self. I think that perhaps, you have never examined yourself. You have power and wisdom, but you used them to do evil, and perhaps no one can punish you, so you can go unpunished as you go on with your life. But your conscious world has already fallen into ruins. A dense mass of dark clouds cover its sky, the sun will never rise, and no life will ever grow in its wasteland. You'll never be able to experience all the beautiful things in this world again!"

Zhou Sheng, "......"

Zhou Sheng thought that he would be the one engaging in a fierce confrontation with Lin Xun; he never would've expected that Yu Hao would be so much more agitated than him. This was the first time he saw Yu Hao argue with others with such a lengthy speech, and on the contrary, Zhou Sheng was the one who couldn't even say a word now.

He never thought that Yu Hao would have so much to say in his heart! At this moment, the screen of the phone on the coffee table lit up. Three messages that Chen Yekai sent him from the bedroom popped up.

"I don't need to introspect." Lin Xun sneered, "I live a very good life. I'm living a better life than any of you, and I'm much more successful than you guys. This is the life that my belief has brought me. I don't need a student to lecture me. All of you, even Nicky and Ryuusei included, are just children who're living in a puddle of mud. You're not qualified to judge me, no, you can say whatever you want, and it won't influence me at all. I don't care, I don't care!"

"This is the inequality that makes you helpless. When you leave your college and enter society, you'll realize that there's a lot of unfairness in this world. That's the 'reality' I'm talking about. In the end, it'll be just as I predicted today. Understand that this world is realistic and materialistic. In the future, you two will definitely remember what I said tonight. Right now, a winner is sharing his thoughts with the losers, and also some of my experiences as someone who had gone through something similar."

"You're like a blind man." Yu Hao murmured, "Ever since the day you began doing evil, you've lost the most precious thing that the Creator had bestowed upon us - that's the price you have to pay for all of this!"

Lin Xun mocked, "Maybe ba. We can't convince each other, but the conclusion is obvious. All of you have already lost."

"Not necessarily?" Zhou Sheng suddenly answered.

At this moment, Zhou Sheng made a move that surprised Yu Hao. He placed his wine glass down, moved over to the long sofa and sat beside Yu Hao, then took out the TV remote control from the coffee table.

Yu Hao's brows furrowed slightly. He turned his head to look at Zhou Sheng. Zhou Sheng turned his head sideways and returned Yu Hao's glance. He raised an eyebrow and revealed his usual, signature smirk that looked downright mischievous.

Soon after, Zhou Sheng pressed a button on the remote control. The TV lit up with a blue screen. At the bottom of the screen, an Apple TV Option popped up, then the screen mirroring option was selected. Videos were scrolled through, one was selected, and then the screen was unlocked, set to horizontal display, and the video started to play.

Chen Yekai was operating his phone in the bedroom!

Yu Hao stared at the TV screen in a daze. Lin Xun immediately began to tremble violently; his eyes were wide open, and his face had turned pale.

It was a video that was seven minutes and twenty-five seconds long: it started from the quarrel Liang Jinmin had with Linxun in the living room. Lin Xun held a suit in one hand and walked past the sofa. Liang Jinmin pulled Lin Xun's suit, then Lin Xun suddenly turned around and pushed Liang Jinmin onto the floor. Liang Jinmin trembled as she stood up. Lin Xun threw his suit jacket down, loosened his cufflinks, and dragged her over. One slap.

This was the first time Yu Hao had seen a surveillance video of domestic violence, so he couldn't help but clench his fists. Zhou Sheng held Yu Hao's hand with his palm covering the back of Yu Hao's hand.

Liang Jinmin kept trying to dodge. Lin Xun grabbed her hair and dragged her back, then punched her temple. When Liang Jinmin turned sideways, she deliberately fled to the TV. Yu Hao caught a glimpse of her pained and bawling face. She fled to the door, but Lin Xun stopped her, then grabbed her head and slammed it against the wall. When Liang Jinmin swerved around and broke away from his grip, Lin Xun clutched her neck with one hand, then rammed her into the wall two more times.

Liang Jinmin slid down the wall as she fell with disheveled hair, her head drooping down. Lin Xun grabbed her hair, knelt down on one knee and whispered something into her ear. Then he held her head and ruthlessly slammed it again. Liang Jinmin went limp and fell to the floor, losing consciousness.

The entire scene lasted just three minutes.

Lin Xun kicked Liang Jinmin again before returning to the sofa to sit down. He cast a sideways glance at her, then poured a glass of wine for himself. He bowed down slightly, seeming as if he was thinking about something. He got up and carried Liang Jinmin down the stairs at the corner, heading down to the underground garage. Two minutes later, he returned. He looked around as if he was wondering if there was anything unusual.

At the seventh minute, Lin Xun got up. He had figured out that Liang Jinmin's action of fleeing towards the TV was somewhat peculiar. He began inspecting all of the decorations on it from left to right, but he was only halfway through his inspection when he discovered the surveillance camera. He reached out and took it off; the surveillance camera tilted to one side and swayed past Liang Jinmin who was lying at the corner. Not long after, the screen went black, and the surveillance video ended.

Lin Xun seemed petrified as he sunk into the sofa and didn't get up for a very long time. Zhou Sheng turned up the brightness of the floor lamp. Yu Hao saw Lin Xun's expression - it looked as if it belonged to a dead person.

A noise travelled over from the bedroom. Chen Yekai opened the door.

"Liang Laoshi remembered." Chen Yekai said to them, "After she went back that day, she installed a camera in the wood carving and uploaded it to an independent cloud account at the same time, it's just that it didn't come to mind until now. I've already notified Huang Ting, they'll be here in a minute."

"Looks like after all the twists and turns we went through, things have finally taken a turn for the better." Zhou Sheng sighed, " may really have to go to jail this time, Lin Laoshi? Let's have a short interview, how are you feeling right now?"

Lin Xun didn't say anything. Zhou Sheng looked at Lin Xun and said earnestly, "Lin Laoshi, you're very 'realistic', so you think that this world is what you understand it to be. But don't forget, we live in this world too, and we're also a part of this 'reality'.

Yu Hao, "!!!"

Someone outside rang the doorbell. Zhou Sheng got up to open the door, and Huang Ting brought in his colleagues.

"Go back ba." Zhou Sheng said to Yu Hao. The two of them got up, went to the door, and Zhou Sheng shouted, "Goodbye, Liang Laoshi!"

"Goodbye." Liang Jinmin's calm voice travelled over from the bedroom.

Liang Jinmin never came out of the bedroom and didn't take another look at Lin Xun.

"Good bye, Lin Laoshi." Yu Hao said to Lin Xun.


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