Beautiful Curse-OHSHC fanfic

By camellia-

146K 4.5K 1.4K

{SLOWLY BEING EDITED} Meg Saya and Will, her twin brother, move to Japan for their father's job- all the wa... More

Beautiful Curse
First day of school; what's with this damn blonde?
The Host Club and tears
Meeting the hosts and becoming one of them
Hosts get a new idea: A swimming contest? Part 1
Swimming Contest Part 2
An apple a day keeps the doctor away
Chocolate Cookies
Chocolate Cookies Part 2
Thing of the past
Movie Night!
We're going where...the beach?
Beach day and damn that blonde
Swimsuits and Twins
The Ocean and Jerks
Justified anger
Just a Nightmare
Author's note
Special Note~Love interest

Valentine's Day

1.4K 54 5
By camellia-

     Waking up this morning, I felt like I was forgetting something...something important. Shaking my head, I roll away from Will, snatching my covers back. I'd gotten cold halfway through the night, so I'd snuggled up against the only other heat source availble to me: Will. Tyson was bunking at a friend's house halfway down the street. My father didn't care for Tyson, believing he was a bad influence and always getting into trouble- the latter was true -and refused to allow Tyson sleeping rights within our house (which I almost threw something when we got to this point in the argument). To say it infuriated me was barely the icing on the cake. I've gotten into arguing matches with him over the fact that Tyson made sure I made it home everyday day. Tyson was the reason I fought to live, and Will pressed the same issue as I did. But did dad listen? No, he shoved both our complaints out the window and slammed his foot down, hard.

"What did you do with all my blankets, woman?" Will's raspy morning voice grumbles as he rolls over.

"I took back what's mine." I growl back, fighting to keep the blankets.

"How can they be yours when you also took mine?"

I go to argue, but the golden color of Will's comforter stops me short. The golden color was hidden beneath my emerald green one, but it was there nonetheless. Tsking, and mockingly angry, I kick Will out of the bed and onto the cold hard floor. "Either way: mine."

"Either way: mine." Will mimics from the floor, his voice raised higher to be in a "girl's" voice.

"I'm glad you agree." I smirk into the pillow, snuggling the blankets.

A tackle from the side catches me by surprise and I squeak in shock. Will's laughing face looms over mine, his arms wrapped around me as we tumble off the bed. We make a loud thud as our bodies connect with the cold flooring.


He grunts. "There goes my hearing, right out the door."

I deadpan, throw him off me and scramble back into bed. "There goes my sympathy...right out the door, you big butt."

Will's comeback is cut short when Dad's footfalls thump up the stairs, echoing up the staircase and down the hall into our shared bedroom. Bickering aside, Will and I share a nod and dive under the covers- faking sleep. The door creeks open and our Dad's head pops in, his eyes searching in confusion as he sees our sleeping figures.

"Weird, I could've sworn I head their voices?" He grumbles, closes the door, and thumps back down the staircase.

I peek open an eye and stifle my giggles when Will grins boyishly back. Reaching out, I tenderly trail my fingertips along the angles of his face, a sense of sadness sweeping through me. Without Will I was only half of myself, and we'd been fighting recently so the loss of him constantly by my side had awakened a deep craves inside; and I never wanted to go back.

"I think it's time to get up," he whispers, throwing the covers off.

I follow Will, scooting out from under the blankets and off the bed. When my feet touch the cold ground a shiver raced up my spine and traveled throughout my body. Along with the shiver came the feeling as if I was forgetting something...something important?

Shrugging it off, I dart around the bedroom door and make my way to the bathroom; hopping in for a quick shower and to brush my teeth. Once the simple morning routines were finished, I wondered back into Will's and I shared bedroom, a towel wrapped firmly around my body, and stood in front of the closest with my hands on my hips. What to wear...what to wear? Digging around the closest I pull out a pair of black skinny jeans and a tight black t-shirt that had a crimson dragon printed across it.

Making sure Will wasn't in the room I chuck off my towel and pull on my undergarments and then slip on my pants and t-shirt. Sticking my hand out the window I feel the temperature and decide it wasn't too cold that I needed a jacket. Reclosing the window I fix my white hair slightly - making sure the curls weren't too unruly and in place - and dab on a light coating of lip gloss and eye shadow. Still, as I stared at the mirror, I felt a nagging feeling in the back of my head.

"Meg, you coming down?" Will hollers through the hall.

"Coming!" I shout back, opening the bedroom door and closing it after running back in and grabbing a pair of black socks. Clomping down the stairs I enter the kitchen, giving my father a wide birth of space, and taking a grab at a stack of apple pancakes.

Taking a bite out of the delicious food I snag a second one and walk back out of the kitchen, the first apple pancake dangling from my mouth. I hook up my bag, slip on my dark Converses, and head out of the house, shouting a quick "See you later!" over my shoulder. The wind pricks at my skin, sending small goosebumps along my arms.

I figured Will wouldn't be too far behind me, so I didn't worry about being alone for too long. We lived not too far away from the school, but I still wasn't technically "allowed" to be walking by myself. As if sensing my thoughts I hear a second set of footsteps behind me. I turn my head slightly, my eyes landing on the fast walking figure of Will.

"You really do walk fast when you want to." He pants, an apple pancake also hanging from his mouth as he struggles to keep his bag on his shoulder.

"Just deep in thought, that's all." I said, shaking my head even though that wasn't the case. I just wanted to get as far away from home as possible at the moment.

"Sure, do you even know what today is?" A teasing glint crept into Will's golden eyes.

I nibble on my lower lip, not liking where this was going. Will was trying to get somewhere and I didn't feel like taking the bait. I'd figure it out eventually, I didn't need him telling me. It would seem I didn't need him telling me anything for the nagging feeling inside my head finally came to the surface as we appeared in front of the school's gates.

"Holy shit." I whisper, my jaw unhinging in shock.

Thousands of girls in yellow stood in front of the gate with hundreds of packages of chocolate in their arms. My eyes widen into saucers as my cheeks heat up in embarrassment.

I had forgotten today was Valentine's Day!

"Will...I'm going to hell today. I just know it." I hiss, pale eyes closing in slight fear. I would be surrounded by girls who wanted to give their chocolates to Will and everyone else in the Host Club.

He chuckles. "You'll be fine, no one's going to let anyone harass you."

Easy for you to say. I think darkly, eyeing the girls around us as if they were predators seeking blood. Probably my blood by the end of the day. I did not get along with people very well and especially on Valentine's Day.

"Meg!" Kaoru's excited voice interrupts Will's next words.

I turn, my cheeks instantly heating up at the sight of Hikaru walking beside his brother, the wind tousling his hair. His amber gaze locked with mine and I saw a smirk tilt his lips up into a crooked smile.

"Hey, guys." Will nods his head at the twins, his voice a little sharp. I turn to him, eyebrows furrowing.

What was his problem? He would be getting thousands of chocolates today and a smile from Hikaru directed toward me sent him off? I don't think so. I smack his forearm, glaring. "Behave, I swear."

Will rolls his eyes, but doesn't argue with me. "I'll see you in class, don't be late and don't let them make you late."

I mock solute him. "You got it, captain."

He takes me into his arms, squeezing me in a tight hug before releasing me altogether. He walks off, girls following his every movement. Sometimes I don't think he realizes how handsome he truly is. Hikaru and Kaoru stop beside me, both wearing an unreadable look.

" did you guys realize that today's Valentine's Day?" I greet awkwardly.

Both Hikaru and Kaoru stare at me, moths agape before they both bust up laughing.

"Y-you forgot today's V-Valentine's Day?" Kaoru laughs, tears forming in the corner of his eyes as he holds his stomach.

Hikaru leans on his brother, but he wasn't laughing cruelly (neither was Kaoru), but he held a sort of regretful look in his eyes. My cheeks redden further at my foolishness.

"I can't believe myself." I groan, dropping my head in hands.

Hikaru leans away from his brother, takes a step closer to me and takes me into his arms. "Hey, it's not your fault. You must not celebrate Valentine's Day often."

Did I sense a sort of relief in his voice? My eyebrows furrow in confusion, but then it clicked. Hikaru had momentarily been jealous! He had been jealous that I might have liked someone?

I lean into him, resting my head against his chest. His body heat warmed my slightly cold skin and I nestled against him.

"You're jealous weren't you?" I grin.

Hikaru snorts. "Only for a moment." But his eyes tell me otherwise.

I take two finger to my lips, kiss them, and then press them to Hikaru's after having to raise on my tiptoes. His beautiful amber eyes widen, but another crooked smile claims his lips.

He sweeps me off my feet, twirling me around in a circle. "You're adorable."

Kaoru, from off the side, fishes for his phone and quickly snaps a photo of his brother smiling happily and holding Meg. He hadn't seen Hikaru this happy for a long time and to see this side of his brother Kaoru wanted this to last for as long as possible.

Hikaru doesn't set me down until we both realize that everyone still out in the courtyard was watching us. I squeak, completely hiding myself behind Hikaru and drawing Kaoru to match his brother's stance.

"Hide me!"

Kaoru and Hikaru chuckle, turning their heads to stare down at me.

"What are you so afraid of?" Kaoru asks.

"They want my blood." I whisper, eyes wide.

I hear Hikaru snort. "They are not after your blood."

I beg to differ. I mentally disagree. It's easy when someone's as handsome as Hikaru, Kaoru, and everyone in the Host Club is, but if you look like me...well you might as well kiss the world goodbye.

"I say we move this to the classroom before Meg does something drastic." Kaoru quickly spins around and hooks his arms under my knees, lifting me up off the ground.

"Oy!" I shout in surprise. "You're lucky I'm wearing jeans and not either a dress or skirt."

Kaoru ignores me and passes me off to Hikaru - who gladly accepts. Together the three of us head off to our classroom.


I grumble incoherent words, annoyed at being woken up. It seems all I do at school is sleep, take tests and pass them when I need to, eat, and then go to the Host Club to work off a debt. I swat away the annoying hand that had kept pestering me.

"Go away, otherwise I'll bite your hand."

A minty breath fans across my cheekbones, causing me to open my eyes. Blinking a few times my vision finally clears and I jerk back in surprise when I realize how close Hikaru's face is to mine. His lips quirk into a lopsided smile.

"Hello sleepyhead."

I mock him as he talks. What can I say? I'm grumpy when I'm woken up or tired. "What is it? I could've sworn we just cam back from lunch?"

Hikaru shakes his head, tugs me off my chair and right into his arms. "It's time to go to the Host Club, schools' already over. Are you sure you sleep at night?"

I gaze up at him through my lashes, still slightly dazed. "I'm pretty sure I sleep at home, I mean the nightmares keep me up." I clamp my hands over my mouth when I hear the words that came out.

Hikaru starts, his grip tightening. "You have nightmares? How come you've never told me or anyone?"

"Because it's embarrassing, Hikaru." I said. "Who has nightmares when they're sixteen?"

His lips purse in anger. "You're losing sleep because of this, that means it's important."

I scoff. Who would care if I lost a little bit of sleep? Hikaru must have been sensing where my thoughts were because he stiffens and picks me up, placing me on the desk.

"Look here, Meg Saya," he growls. "I care. I care very much if you lose even an inch of sleep. I'd care if you didn't eat the correct cereal you'd wanted."

My cheeks flush at the sincerity  in his voice and the intensity of his amber gaze. I couldn't look away from him, his gaze was captivating and I was sinking fast. Hikaru leans in and I lick my lips as my nerves  flutter in my stomach, causing his eyes to flicker down to stare at my lips.

"Hikaru..." My words are cut off as his lips claim mine. I melt into his kiss, my hands raising to his chest and my fingers curling into his shirt. I felt the world spin as my senses are heightened as the kiss deepens.

We break away for air, but I could still feel the heat of his lips against mine even after his touch was gone. Our breaths mix and Hikaru leans his forehead against mine, smiles tugging at both of our mouths.

"I like the taste of your lips." He smirks, slowly licking his lips.

I flush crimson. "Hikaru!" I swat at him, growing flustered.

"And I know you like my lips."

"Hikaru!" I gasp, laughing. "Shut up you arrogant person!"

He chuckles, the sound vibrating through his chest and moving my hands. He picks me up again, but this time I wrap my arms around his neck as he spins me around the room in a twirling circle. I liked the feeling warming my chest as I gaze at Hikaru.

"Hey," I whisper, catching his attention. "Promise me we can stay like this a little longer?"

Hikaru presses quick, butterfly kisses across my cheeks. "I would say yes, but they Host Club is expecting us, but what I can promise is that there will be thousands more moments of this to come."

A beautiful smile breaks out across my lips as I kiss him briefly on the lips. "Alright, then set me down and let's go."

Hikaru quirks an eyebrow, but does as asked. He sets me down, picks up my bag, and interlocks our fingers together. I squeeze his hand gently, the butterflies knotting my stomach in happiness.

"I hope you know that the whole Host Club is filled with chocolates and Kyoya is always grumpy when this happens."

" grumpy?" I ask, intrigued. 

Hikaru laughs, a devilish glint in his eyes. "Almost as grumpy if you wake him up."

I gulp. "I'll stay away from him today, I think that will be the best bet."

"Only if you feel like living." Hikaru agrees.

"Look, Kyoya doesn't hate me." I frown.

"Trust me, you'll know if he hates you. Kyoya hates a selected few and you are not one of them." Hikaru said, swinging our interlocked hand.

I chuckle. "That's good, I happen to like you guys."

Hikaru raises an eyebrow. "Well, I would hope so."

We laugh and open the door to the Host Club, our fingers slipping so that they were merely brushing. Rose petals assault me and I splutter, swiping at the damn things. Hikaru pushes me through, chuckling at my failure.

"Laugh it up, buddy." I growl. "There's no chocolate for you from me."

Hikaru actually stops, his lips twisting into a scowl. "Thanks for reminding me."

I scowl back. "It's not like I tried to forget! I don't celebrate Valentine's Day! Nothing good ever happens on Valentine's Day!"   

"Will you at least allow me to give you something?" Hikaru's scowl deepens. "I know you've had it rough when it comes to Valentine's Day! I asked your brother so I could get you something special!"

The scowl drops from my features and I turn speechless. My hands come to cover my lips and I gasp, eyes widening at his words. Hikaru seems to backtrack, a dawning realization of horror coming over his features.

"Y-you got me something?" I breathe, taking a step closer to him. It didn't matter if we were in the Host Club and people were watching, all that mattered was the flustered Hikaru in front of me.

"You'll just have to wait and see." He grumbles.

I pout, my lips puckering. "Now you're just being mean."

"How am I being mean?" He asks, hands coming to rest on his hips.

"Now I'm curious on what you got me!" My hands come to rest on my own hips. In a softer voice I continue. "I've never been given anything on valentine's Day, so it means more than you would think."

Hikaru closes the distance, his finger trailing gently down my cheek and shaping around my lips. "Close your eyes - no arguing."

"Okay." I whisper, his eyes doing weird things to me again. It seems all he had to do was train his eyes on me and talk with that velvety voice of his and I was putty in his hands.  

My eyes flutter close, listening to him. I feel anxiety wrap around my heart, the breath in my lungs getting lodged in my throat. He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear and moves his hands around my neck, clasping something.

"Now open your eyes..." He whispers.

I slowly open my eyes, confused until I look down. There, resting against my collarbone, was the most beautiful necklace I'd ever seen. It wasn't the fanciest, in fact it was pretty simple but I loved it. It was a half-moon wrapped around the sun, the moon with one amber stone and the sun shinning with a silver gem. I look back up at Hikaru, tears pulling in my eyes.

"It's beautiful." I choke on a soft sob. "Hikaru, this is the best gift anyone has ever gotten me."

He grins at my reaction, his amber eyes the lightest color I'd ever seen them yet. He was handsome no matter what, but in that moment, his face lit up in pure happiness and a charming grin plastered across his lips I couldn't look away.

"Thank you, I mean it." I wipe away the tear that had slipped down my cheek.

Hikaru shakes his head. "You deserve more, but I saw this and I knew you would love it."

I pick up my new necklace, fondly gazing down at it. I didn't need him to tell me that the amber stone represented him and the pale gem was me. I fling my arms around his waist, hugging him. He returns my embrace, a shy blush claiming his cheeks.

"I'm glad you like it."

"Not like, Hikaru, love. I love it." I smile softly into his chest.

"Meg! Hikaru!" Tamaki shouts, shattering the bubble that had weaved around Hikaru and I. "Get your butts in gear, our guests will be coming soon! It's Valentine's Day, which means we must boost our charm and accept all the lovely chocolates we're about to acquire."

Hikaru and I groan, but share a small smile before separating and heading to our different dressing rooms. I open the curtain and slip inside, knowing my outfit was already there waiting. In the dressing room I stand and look into the mirror, my eyes trained on the necklace Hikaru had given me. I truly did adore the gift.

I turn away from the mirror and stare at the dress waiting for me. It was also beautiful, colored black with a red swirl curling around one side. I quickly change into the dress and turn back to the mirror. The dress covered my back, meaning I didn't need to cover up or tell Tamaki I couldn't wear the dress. The black was a wonderful contrast to my white hair and pale eyes, but the necklace around my neck sparkled in the light and caught the eye.

Thank you, Hikaru, truly this means a lot to me...


Hello my lovelies, it's been awhile, no?

So, new chapter, hope ya'll like!



& READ ONWARDS......<3

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