Moral Stories

By NicholaSun

42.1K 224 37

All these stories have morals! More

A True Friend
Cousin Lina
The Naughty Boys
Sick Caroline
Andy and George
The Singing Contest
Student Genius
The Great Race
Savannah and Bethany
Rachel's Best Friend
Helpful Sofia
The Fight with Two Best Friends
The Games Club Races
Matt's Dance Class
The Lazy Student
The School Bully
The Book Competition
Mia Mirabelle
Kathryn and Rachel
Watch Out, Laura!
Is this Appropriate?
My Sister Elena
Bad Temper
The Tallest Sandwich
Kirsten's Puppy
Ian and his Promise
A Bookworm
Tommy and Johnny
Pip's Wish
Study or Socialize
Turn Taking
Special Guests
The New Girl
Cry Babies
Too Little To Go Hiking?
Amber and the Million Dollars
The Head Boy Candidates
Christopher's Bad Deeds
A Dedicated Artist
True Talents
The Necklace
Hannah and The New Student
Animal Sports Day
Shelf Help
Phoebe Helps Out
Cyber Danger!
Too Many Friends?? Part 1

The Dark Horse and The White Horse

658 5 0
By NicholaSun

There was once a dark horse and a white horse. They lived in a stable and never got along due to their colours. They always had internal arguments themselves. The arrogant dark horse laughed at the white horse, because he thought he is better than the white horse. But, the white horse declines. They began an argument, so Jimmy who was the stable boy got really angry. 

"Stop arguing you two! You never get along!" He shouted with anger. 

"He kept on saying that he is better!" The dark horse yelled, "but I am better." 

"No, he's lying. I am better. White horses are better than darks." The white horse argued. 





The horses continued to argue. Jimmy stopped the horses from arguing. His father checked on Jimmy to see how the horses were. 

"The horses kept on arguing, because they think that they are better due to the colour." Jimmy replied. Jimmy's father thought of an idea. 

"Alright horses, Jimmy and I will give you three challenges. The horse that wins most of the challenges is better." Jimmy's father called. 

The first challenge was a lifting race. Each horse had to drag a box of fruit using a cart. When the race started, the horses were equal, then the white horse was ahead. The dark horse caught up and won the race. 

"Dark horse wins. It's now one-niu!" Jimmy's father announced. The dark horse jumped with excitement while the white horse glared at the dark horse. 

The second challenge was being a stactue. Each of the horses had to show a still position on a stand. The dark horse showed a position with two feet standing with his back crooked. After the dark horse, the white horse showed a ballerina position with one foot standing while three feet were in the air. 

"Since White horse's stactue is harder to do, he wins this challenge. So it's now equal." Jimmy's father announced. The white horse grinned happily while the dark horse frowns at the white horse. 

After the two challenges, it began to rain. Jimmy's father immediately ran into the house while Jimmy took the horses back to their stables. 

Tomorrow was sunny again. It was a lovely sunny morning. Jimmy got up extra early to host the final challenge. His father was sitting in the lounge drinking coffee. 

"We need to do the next challenge, father. Why don't I wake the horses up?" Jimmy said.

"Of course, Jimmy. Make sure the horses are ready!" His father answered. 

Jimmy left the house to wake his horses up. But, they were still sleeping. 

"Guys, it's time for your final challenge." Jimmy called, "good luck and do your best."  

The final challenge was not near Jimmy's house. Jimmy took the horses to the river side. Jimmy realized that he left his father. He immediately came home to get him. Jimmy's father carried a fishing rod and hat to go fishing. 

"Why do you need these?" He asked his father. 

"To go fishing, I am going to watch, judge and fish at the same time." Jimmy's father smiled. 

The final challenge was crossing the river to an apple tree. The horses began to complain and saying that they can't swim. 

"How can I do this?" The dark horse asked in concern. "I wouldn't win!" 

"It's too deep for me to cross." The white horse moaned. 

"It takes a long time to finish that's why its a big challenge." Jimmy answered. 

The horses jumped into the river and began walking in the deep cold water. They weren't really moving. The horses actually stopped and walked at the same time. Surprisingly, the horses stayed equal. Once they were about to reach the finish line, they put one foot on the land. The dark horse put another and slowly lifted his back feet and touched the tree. 

"I won this challenge! So I am better!" The dark horse teased, "Nah! Nah! Nah! Nah! Nah!" He stuck his tounge out and teased the whte horse. 

The white horse leaned to the land and used his tummy to pull himself up. He finally stood and grabbed an apple. 

"Who won?" The white horse asked, 

"I won, looser!" The dark horse teased. 

It was a tough desicion for Jimmy and his father to make. The dark horse kept on bragging that he won the challenge, but he was the first one to cross the river. 

"The winner is... Dark horse! He was the first one to reach the apple tree!" Jimmy's father announced loudly. "So he is better!"

The dark horse cheered with excitement while the white horse cried. 

"Father," Jimmy called, "I think both of them should win. The dark horse was bragging too much. I think we should give it to both of them." 

"But it should be me!" The horses said together. 

"I win!" The dark horse declined. "I finished first!"

"No! I win!" The white horse disagreed. "He finished first, but he bragged!

The dark horse and the white horse were arguing again. This time Jimmy's father announced which shocked the horses: 

"Nobody is the winner! Which means nobody is better!"  

The horses still didn't look happy. Jimmy's father grabbed a small box and once he put it on the grass the box got bigger and bigger and even as enormous as the gigantic apple tree. Jimmy pushed the horses inside and after a while the box broke! There were no dark and white horses! This time was..... one single giant grey horse! 

After all, there were no more arguments. 

Moral: Arguing never helps. 

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