Secret Lover

By animelovegirl2

15.8K 361 12

They're in love but it's all secret, no one knows and no one will know until the 18th century dance after har... More

their beach trip
the mix up
His bedroom
back at club
Missing ID
Aari and the host club
lost in the storm
kyoya's mall day
halloween games
Ritsu kasanoda
Eclairs visit
kyoya's father enters
18th century dance
their new chapter

getting tamiki back

512 14 0
By animelovegirl2

(H) *sitting in costume* this cant be happening

(K) it’s his grandmothers choices haruhi he did the best he could

(H) he’s leaving all of us now, this can’t happen!

(Hh) I agree with haruhi

(Kh) boss brought this host club together, he brought all of us together now we can’t throw all of that away we need to get him back

(Ho) but how? Tama-chan is going to Paris

(K) he hasn’t left yet we still have time

(Hh) the carriage we need to get the carriage

(Kh) let’s go

*everyone running outside to carriage*

(Hh) *holds straps* let’s go

(H) *holding kyoya’s arm*

*security surrounding the carriage and host club*

(K) damnit *punches hood of car*

(S) we can’t let you go

(M) *drops guard to ground*

(Ho) *kicks guard*

(K) haruhi *grabs shoulders* go get that idiot back *pushes haruhi onto carriage*

(Hh) *starts riding off on carriage*

(K) *knocks guard down* you won’t last with all three of us

(Kh) hikaru slow down

*carriage hits rock causing hikaru to fall off*

(Hh) ow my arm

(Kh) hikaru! *jumps down running over to hikaru*

(Hh) will never make it

(H) *throws outfit down*

(Hh) haruhi

(H) *rides off to tamiki*

(K) what is she doing?

(Kh) kyoya mori help

(K) where’s haruhi going?

(HH) she’s going to get boss back

(H) *riding carriage on road*

(T) *turns around* haruhi!

(H) senpai you can’t go through with this marriage

(T) but no one cared that we were leaving

(H) you truly are an idiot you don’t see all of us want you to stay we love being in this host club, I love being in this host club

*horses knock against each other causing haruhi to fly off carriage*

(T) haruhi! *stands up in car*

(K) Haruhi! No!

(H) senpai

(T) *jumps out of car to haruhi* haruhi

(H) senpai *holds arm out*

(T) *holds haruhi tight protecting her*

(H) *lands in water*

(T) *carries haruhi in arms* you could have been really hurt

(H) I’m ok

(K) haruhi *runs to haruhi hugging her* thank god your ok

(H) tamiki saved me

(K) *hugs tamiki*

(T) you guys came all this way to get me to stay in the host club

(Hh) even if we risked a lot we would do anything to stay together

(H) were family that’s what’s important to us

(T) thank you for getting me back now let’s go continue this club dance

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