Dark Mer

By ZoneRobotnik

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Rapunzel is just getting to used to life outside the tower and her short hair when a trip to the sea and an e... More



57 3 2
By ZoneRobotnik

Demanitus made his way through the castle and adjusted his coat as he walked. He'd gotten some new clothes because Shorty's wasn't too his liking, though he'd chosen to leave the old man's beard alone. He certainly got a bath, though. This wasn't an ideal body, but he'd been living in monkeys ever since his death so he really shouldn't be picky.

He stopped at Rapunzel's room and knocked politely. "Rapunzel?"

"Yes, come in!" She called.

He opened the door and looked inside. "I wanted to tell you—what the jungle?!"

She looked down at him from where she was dangling. "I, uh...was practicing my plant magic." She said, before swinging on a vine and landing in front of him. "Is it done?"

He nodded. "It's done. We can leave as soon as you're ready."

Rapunzel nodded. "I'll go tell Eugene, then. We'll leave now."

Demanitus nodded. "Then, I will be waiting by the balloon when you are ready." He headed out of the room.

Rapunzel looked at the vines around her room, then at the paintings she'd done of Varian, both in Mer form and human form, and left the room with a determined expression on her face.


Eugene and Demanitus watched as Rapunzel hugged her parents goodbye and then she came over to join them. "Are you ready?" He asked her.

"As I'll ever be." She said grimly, stepping in. Demanitus closed the door and started the fire to lift them up into the air.

The balloon soared over the land, and Rapunzel looked around at the black rocks that littered her kingdom from their mad chase to the Spire. She saw where the circus must've been, a black, jagged shape below them a testament to Varian's increased power. She gripped the edge of the basket that held them and looked forward, towards the Dark Kingdom.

Eugene took her hand and gently kissed it, the ring on her finger glinting in the sunlight. "We'll make it through this." He assured her. "We always do."

She smiled sadly and pulled him close. "I hope so."

"I won't let him kill you." Eugene promised, holding her tightly. "Not without taking me with you."

She nodded, burying her face in his shoulder. Then she pulled back and let go of him before she stood back and closed her eyes as she started to sing, her hand unfastening her dress.

"Flower, raise your vine.
Lift your spirit free.
Dance 'tween earth and sky.
For everyone to see."

The vines wrapped around her body, covering her up as she let her dress fall to the basket floor, and then it glowed as Eugene saw her braided hair fall loose and then retie itself into a high-braid bound by vines

"Stretch your budding leaves.
Reach out where I decree."

Over her vine bodysuit, yellow flower petals sprouted from her body and formed armor with a petal-like skirt. Dhe held out her covered hand and a vine whip formed, which she grabbed tightly as a yellow circlet appeared around her forehead.

"Flourish with my light.
For everyone to see."

The symbol of Corona, the sun, formed on her collar over the bodysuit as she finished singing and then the glow ceased.

"For all to see."

After she finished, she looked herself over and nodded with satisfaction.

"...Whoa." Eugene breathed.

Demanitus looked over. "Huh. A whip, eh?" He nudged Eugene. "Didn't know she was that kind of girl."

"Wh-What are you talking about?" Eugene looked at him. Demanitus went back to his driving.

"Does it...does it look okay?" Rapunzel asked.

"You look beautiful." Eugene assured her. "Like a warrior."

She smiled. "Good. Because I am."

He nodded and walked over to kiss her. "We're going to be alright." He looked at the golden ring on her finger. "We're going to be alright."


"Rapunzel is on the way. She has already prepared herself for battle and upgraded her armor."

"Good." Varian stood up from the throne and stripped off his clothes, leaving him in his scale armor. "She's finally taking it seriously." He stepped forward, his entire body starting to glow as he sang.

"Crescent high above,
Evolving as you go.
Raise what lies beneath,
And let the darkness grow."

Moonrock armor started to form over his scales, covering his legs, feet, forearms and chest. It formed around his waist and spread out and then a circlet formed around his forehead.

"Bend it to my will.
Consume the sunlight's glow.
Rise into the sky,
And let the darkness grow."

He held out his hand and a black rock sword formed, which he pulled from the ground and swung at the air aggressively. As he did, the symbol of the Dark Kingdom appeared on his shoulders.

"Let darkness grow."

"Are you prepared, my student?"

"I won't lose." He said firmly.

He turned to the final two pieces of the Demanitus scroll sitting on a table nearby. "Once she arrives, the final fight will begin. And, after her...Corona."


The balloon set down when they realized they were seeing unfamiliar land and she saw someone struggling below them. Rapunzel ran out and stopped in front of..."Hector?"

"P-Prin...cess." He rasped.

"Oh, wow." She shook her head. "What happened to you?"


She went to get him some water and then came back. Once he'd been given some, his complexion improved some. "What happened?"

"Varian." He coughed. "He came with a whole group...rose the Dark Kingdom from the sea and...mostly restored us." He looked down at himself. "Still a Mer...just can also turn human now."

"Where is he?" She asked.

"Castle." He nodded in the direction of it. "He said...he'd let me down once you arrived."

"I better go, then." She headed back to the balloon. "Let's hurry!"

They set off again, flying in the direction he nodded to. It wasn't hard to find the castle; it was the only actual building in the whole Kingdom. They set down outside of it and Rapunzel walked towards the castle gates.

"Princess?" Andrew of Saporia raised an eyebrow. "Look at you. You look good. Is that for Varian? Wow, girl."

She frowned. "Yes, now let us in."

Andrew shrugged. "Alright." He walked over to open the gate for them. "Cassandra's with Varian, by the way. In case you wanted to break her heart some more."

Rapunzel ignored his taunts and walked in with Eugene and Demanitus.

"Hey, don't worry! If you lose, you'll go back to Corona – with us!"

She clenched her fists and walked on, trying to ignore his laughing.

"Don't worry, we'll be okay." Eugene told her. "You got this cool new armor, you'll be fine. Plus, there's the spell on the scroll."

She nodded, looking unsure.

They found Cassandra inside the castle, standing next to a table. "Cass..." Rapunzel said, stepping towards her.

"Rapunzel." Cassandra nodded. "Here's the final pieces. Varian said that he'd give you time to learn the spell, and then I'll show you to the throne room."

"You're...not going to attack me?" Rapunzel asked hopefully.

"It's not my destiny to fight you." She said, and Rapunzel felt her hope for a repaired friendship falter. "Take the spell, learn it, then come find me." She walked over and sat in front of a double-doored room.

Rapunzel pulled put the pieces and put them with the two pieces on the table. She gasped as they repaired themselves. "Okay...what now?"

Demanitus picked it up. "Hm...I need sunlight." He carried it outside and Rapunzel followed.

"Why sunlight?" Rapunzel asked.

"And your ring." He held out his hand. "I need a focus. I made it so that it can only be seen if the sun's ray is magnified onto it."

Rapunzel faltered. "...Okay." She took off the ring and handed it to him. "I want that back, though."

"Of course." Demanitus accepted it and got to work. Eugene wrapped his arms around Rapunzel, holding her close as the old inventor did his work.

"It's going to be okay." He repeated gently.

Soon, the man walked over with the scroll and ring and handed both to her. "Here, princess. It says 'Power of the sun, gift me with your light. Shine into the dark, restore our fading sight. Rise into the dawn, blazing star so bright. Burn away the strife, let my hope ignite. Let hope ignite.' Understand?"

She nodded, putting her ring back on. "I do."

"Rapunzel, this is a very dangerous spell. If you use it, do not sing it. Chant it, instead." He insisted, taking her hand in his.

"Why?" Rapunzel asked.

"Singing is a focus; it increases the power. You could destroy everything around you if you do that." Demanitus warned.

"...I understand." She nodded.

"Only use it as a last resort." He let go of her hand.

Rapunzel nodded and turned to lead them back inside.


Cassandra stood up as they approached her. "Done?"

Rapunzel nodded. "Yes."

"Good." She opened the doors for her. "Go on in, then."

Rapunzel nodded and walked up the stairs to go inside. As soon as she was in, before anyone could follow, black rocks shot up and blocked the doors. She heard them close behind the rocks, and then there was silence. Clenching her fists, she turned towards the throne, towards where Varian waited for her, and walked up to him, moving a hand to grip the grip curled up at her side.

Varian was also wearing new armor, and lazily sat in his throne with a swore in his hand. "About time." He greeted, turning and stepping off the throne in one smooth motion. He was definitely not the clumsy, stumbling Mer she had taken to the castle in what felt like forever ago. He was no longer the curious child that followed a path he didn't know, so full of uncertainty but eager to please.

"Sorry to keep you waiting." She said calmly.

He shrugged. "Meh, I kept myself entertained. So, did you learn the spell?"

She nodded. "Yes. As well as others."

"So have I." He stepped towards her, his boots clanking on the black-rock floor. "Anything you want to say before we start?"

"How about you misunderstood my father?" She frowned. "He didn't mean to imply you would be a good weapon—"

"A King should choose his words wisely. Especially since he knew that I had only recently escaped another King that wanted to use me for my powers. But, it doesn't matter. Corona will fall." He shifted his grip on his sword. "Anything else?"

"...No." She clenched her fists and pulled her whip from her side. "I'm ready."

"Good." He brandished his sword. "Because I've been ready."

She held out her hands and started to sing.

"Fire, grow and flare.
Let your sparks ignite.
Kindle all my hopes.
And keep the world alight!
The world alight!"

Fire erupted around the room and Varian laughed darkly before he held out a hand as he sang.

"Water, lift and flow.
Let me be your guide.
Rise from where you lay.
Let the moon pull the tide!
Moon pull the tide!"

Rapunzel bit her lip as her fire was doused. It didn't matter. Now they both had access to all their elements and could use them without singing again. For the next two hours.

She lashed out with her vine and summoned more to try to bind him. He summoned black rocks to slash through them before he jumped onto one above him. Rapunzel followed, summoning vines to try to bind him again.

"Come on!" He laughed. "Your vines can't cut through my rocks, Rapunzel! Use your new spell!" He held out his hand and Rapunzel narrowly sung out of the way of a black rock hitting her.

He was right, she knew. Nothing she was using, not plant or fire, could get through the rocks. But, she didn't want to use such a destructive spell.

"Don't be a coward, Rapunzel." He taunted, and then she heard him starting to sing.

"Wither and decay,
End this destiny
Break these earthly chains
And set the spirit free.
The spirit free."

'No.' She thought as she felt herself growing weaker, then focused as she sang.

"Flower, gleam and glow,
Let your power shine.
Make the clock reverse,
Bring back what once was mine.
What once was mine."

She felt better, thankfully, and she fired a fire spell at him in retaliation. The black rocks kept coming, and soon she wouldn't have any room to get around them.

She had no choice. Remembering Demanitus' warning, she started to chant.

"Power of the Sun,
Gift me with your light!
Shine into the dark,
Restore our fading sight!

Rise into the dawn,
Blazing star so bright!
Burn away the strife
And let our hope ignite!
Let hope ignite!"

"Finally." Varian said, watching her body glow as the sun's energy pulsed from her body and started to destroy the black rocks. He held out a hand towards her, singing.

"Crescent high above,
Evolving as you go.
Raise what lies beneath,
And let the darkness grow.

Bend it to my will.
Consume the sunlight's glow.
Rise into the sky,
And let the darkness grow.
Let darkness grow."

"Nnnngh!" Rapunzel focused, trying to push away the rocks with her powers, but with Varian's singing giving his spell more power she wasn't doing well.


Varian spotted Madam Tiri lifting up into an orb of sun and moon energy that appeared above him and he smiled, focusing more on keeping Rapunzel's spell at bay. 'Just a little longer.' He thought, listening to Rapunzel as she desperately chanted again. In response, he sang again.

Madam Tiri appeared before him in physical form and lowered onto a black rock next to him. "It is done, my student." She assured him. "You have completed your task."

Rapunzel looked shocked to see her there and Varian grinned. "Yeah. It is." He clapped his hands together and Rapunzel cried out as she was bound by the stronger black rocks and squeezed until she passed out.

He retracted the black rocks, using the one he was sitting on to lower himself and Madam Tiri safely to the ground. Rapunzel was brought down as well, her body limp in the rocks' hold.

"I did it." He grinned and then threw up his hands. "I DID IT!" He laughed and chirruped and then threw his arms around Madam Tiri. "YOU'RE FREE, AHAHAHA!"

She smiled and hugged him. "Yes, my little moon. You have set me free." She stroked his cheek and then the streak in his hair. "You have made me so proud."

He smiled and then turned to Rapunzel, flicking his wrist. The black rocks dropped her to the floor and then new rocks formed a cage around her. "And now..." He chuckled darkly. "Corona will fall." He turned to the door. "But, first..." He walked over to the doors, the black rocks lowering as he did, and then he threw open the doors.

The people standing outside the door looked over and he grinned, throwing out his hands. "REJOICE! IT'S A SOLAR ECLIPSE!"

"YEEEAH!" Andrew and Cassandra cheered.

Eugene ran past Varian as he came down the stairs and knelt in front of the cage. "Rapunzel?! Rapunzel?!"

"Do not be concerned. She only sleeps." Madam Tiri assured him.

Eugene gripped the bars. "Rapunzel..."

"Oh yeah." Varian turned and walked over to him. "We have a bit of a...bloodline problem."

"What?" Eugene looked up at him.

"See, I had no idea the King had a son, but I got it out of him. Turns out, you're the Dark Prince!" Varian laughed. "Your father sent you away for your safety before the wave!" He held his sword to Eugene's neck and he paled. "Your father was pathetic, but you have some strength in you. Battle me for the throne?"

"I don't know what you're talking about, but the only reason I will battle you is for Rapunzel!" Eugene stood up furiously.

Varian rolled his eyes. "Okay, then. Lock them both in the dungeon." He gestured to Eugene and Demanitus, who had come over to kneel next to the cage as well.

"Demanitus." Madam Tiri greeted.

"Boy...you don't know what you've unleashed." Demanitus said as Cassandra and Andrew came over.

Varian flicked his wrists and black rocks came up around their wrists. Then he used his sword to break the link with the ground and they were both roughly pulled to their feet and hauled away.

"Rapunzel!" Eugene called as he was taken away. "Rapunzel!"

Varian smiled and turned to Madam Tiri. "Let's go tell Lance the good news and get you your first meal in a long time!"

"Yes, I have missed food." She agreed, the two of them leaving the throne room, Rapunzel left behind in the cage.

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