Beyond Infinity || Book One (...

By raquelmatuz

72 4 4

Sometimes, there's just parts of life where you have to let go and breathe. The air of freedom. The air of lo... More

Beyond Infinity (book one).

72 4 4
By raquelmatuz

dear lovely readers:

all names and song titles are property of mannreall band. all mannreall band character actions and words are from the author's imagination. none of them have actually done the events you are about to read. i do not own mannreall band.

take every risk, drop every fear


I grabbed a drink, checking twice to make sure it wasn't beer. I was bad, but not this bad; most of the time, I was being dragged into shit that Wynter did. I stepped toward her, feeling awkward. She knelt in front of a guy and her light blonde hair spilled over her tiny waist. We didn't know anyone at this prom. Didn't go to high school here, didn't even live here. It was really backpacking carelessly through Europe that brought us here.

Under the ultraviolet lights, Wynter was grinding her hips onto somebody else. I cheered my friend on and started a file of people behind me doing so as well. They all shouted words of praise, but I couldn't decipher what language they were speaking. My silhouette bobbed on the walls, and lights the colors of Pinot Noir and wisteria radiated like something alive. It was humid and sweaty. Two girls made out behind me in a corner. Some chick was sitting in an attractive man's lap toward the front. Whatever school this was, it had an awful management staff.

No one in St. Petersburg knew us. That thought was intimidating and I felt morbidly unwelcome and foreign, like an alien to Earth. We didn't know this eccentric place. Had never been here until we boarded the plane, just to get away. Wynter lived in the lovely city of Perth, Australia, but was born in Tokyo, and no; she wasn't Japanese, she was pure Australian. Her mother had been from Japan, though, but her father hadn't.

I was from Santa Monica. Wynter and I met in Perth, a city I had visited and wanted to reside in, but couldn't unless I was on a visa (and I didn't want to work). We've known each other for years now.

I cocked my head to see eyes of radiance, gentle delicacy and pleasure, content with Wynter's performance. No one looked my way. I proceeded toward the bleachers, pulling out my phone and reading a book on it. I buried my face in it.

Feigning mock exasperation, Wynter stepped out from the center and gazed deeply into my eyes, conteplating something. She beckoned me onto the floor. I said no. She didn't give up.

"Ally Marie Torres!" she shouted. "Get down here if you wanna have some fun!"

She persisted that I dance with her some more, and being the usual loose person I was, I turned my phone off, slipping it into my purse again and joined Wynter. I wasn't happy about the eyes watching us, nor the length of my dress which Wynter had chosen. Any shorter, and it would reveal everything.

I exhaled peacefully and swung my arms. Then I positioned my feet. I was completely engulfed in the music, craning my neck backwards and dancing only with slight actions, trying not to be flamboyant like her.

"Idiot. This isn't bad at all," she whispered in a jocular manner. I nodded, and she said, "Go on, show them some moves."

And that moment was when I learned a life lesson.

To live, you have to let go and breathe.

The air of freedom.

The air of love.

But to live, you must desire to.

So take every risk. Drop every fear.


Quiet laughs and small hair flips. I pranced around the gymnasium like a young girl; a confident young girl who confided in herself. I wasn't dismayed at the fact that I had, obviously, spent a lot of time drinking. Yes, I was underage. Did I care? Frankly, I don't give a damn.

My stomach hurt violently while I ran around. For a moment, I bent over and contemplated on throwing up. I didn't. Why was I so drunk? I hadn't had many shots, I don't think.

My fingers laced over the hem of my dress, enjoying the delicacy of the gentle satin. It was certainly not a dress you would wear to prom, let alone highschool. It was silver and it was bright, vivid. Ally's had been more subtle.

"Love this," the whisper fluttered my my lips into the atmosphere. Others around me offered only strange looks, though I didn't care, because at that moment nothing else in the world mattered except this wonderful, pleasantly celestial feeling that poured out of me.

I met up with Ally at that moment.

Grasping her arm, I led her out to the center, and people parted like the red sea. I wasn't sure if it was out of fear or respect, but I liked it; contrasting from Ally. She whimpered and frowned. I circled around her, and surveyed her tentative movements.

Lengthy minutes passed. Yet soon we were the main people here.

I noticed some guys watching, who looked actually not bad, so I kept on dancing, attempting to impress. It was getting a little pathetic, but I was wasted and moonlight saturated the room. It wasn't as if I cared what was happening, anyway. The fun seemed more appealing to me; not my health.

Between Ally and me, I was considered the dirty one. The sixteen year old craziness with a perverted mind that turned everything wrong; the one that ate like a pig and gained no weight.

I pulled smug faces at the ones aimed at me. It was mostly for being lost in thoughts, which was a common thing to me.

Staring languorously, my attention was suddenly focused on the tall silhouette entering the building.

He stepped in with the most simple, elegant move; pulling the door open and walking confidently. He glowered above all others, his long black hair swaying across his thin shoulders.

He wasn't that beautiful.

Okay, he was that beautiful.

His eyes mesmerized me, being an endless shade of azure but with green lingering in his pupils. Thick makeup outlined his eyes, pale foundation caking his small face.

He offered one discerning look into Ally's deep eyes before immediately settling on me, and they were celestial blue but not baby blue, they were the bluest waves that jeweled a heavenly ocean.

The boy made my heart beat in an effortless weave of bemused adoration, stopping and pressuring against my chest so tightly I debated whether it could burst or not, because yes, such an exquisite and captivating beauty held in one's presence never could have existed. He walked with determination and held his head high and waves of midnight black hair spilled onto his shoulders, as if the other men were to blame for not being born as handsome as him, but if it were possible, he showed such ego in a classy manner.

The man proceeded toward Ally and I with elegant movements, and although the popular girls' demonic stares burned through me the man ignored their awestruck expressions. Offering a sly, sexy, compulsive smile.

If anything, he loved the people that admired him and wasn't sly while doing so. He seemed kind, but that kindness exasperated me; distracting others from Ally and I.

"Wanna dance, guys?"

His voice was charming and quiet, pulling me back to Earth. Russian accent saturated his words.

"I'd love to." I said without thinking.

Ally frowned, glaring at me with her death look. She sighed peacefully, ignoring the man as he cast her smiles.

"Wynter's the name. Wynter Culp. Sixteen." I told him, nodding and grinning as I held him closer to me. He didn't mind. I wasn't doing wrong, was I? Holding his hands and waist so soon felt so sinfully pleasurable; like a drug, but with far more intriguing results.

He offered me a small smile, gave me a curt nod of his head, causing his long black hair to fall into his mossy eyes. "Pretty name. I'm Mike Mannreall; twenty one. Who is this other lovely woman?"

He gestured to Ally, although she simply gave an awkward wave and shrugged.

Ally's P.O.V;

"I'm Ally Torres."

I chose my words gently and quietly, holding out my hand as I tentatively shook his. He winked at me, pulling his sincere smile, returning to speak with Wynter.

"She's such a flirt." I murmured to myself. It was a remark, said so delicately that she would never hear.

I was still vastly amused at her obvious appreciation for Mike, so I heistantly approached the drinks. There was only a single cup of water, so I took it quickly and headed for the bleachers. I opened my book, Fifty Shades of Grey, and began to read.

"Hey!" Mike shouted.

I gaped at him with plastic annoyance as his voice dragged me out of the amazing storyline.

"Sorry. But this isn't a reading party, you know." He took my book from me, setting it aside as I frowned. My hand snapped up to my hip, and I shot back some ridiculous comeback.

Wynter only offered me a shrug, so I took Mike's hand and he led me off the bleachers.

When we stepped onto the dance floor, it was warm and crowded, and everyone's shadows appeared so vaguely on the ivory walls which scintillated with Christmas lights.

He taught me how to dougie and drop it low in a dirty manner. I wasn't used to this interaction and it made me feel special to be noticed by such a person.

During the process, Wynter had drunk several cups. I found her in the center of the room. Flashes of light emitted on her hair. It made the light waves silver. It was a magical sight to see, and I stepped beside her, looping my arm around her thin waist.

"Are you drunk, Wynter?" I asked.

It was a ridiculous inquire, but it was fun to see Wynter drunk. I loved how she never answered me and did the most silliest, childish movements, like running away; which was exactly what happened then.

I heard Mike's distant call for us, and I sprinted after Wynter, grasping her arm and leading her to Mike.

"We'll be back soon. I promise. I'm just dancing with Wynter." I explained.

He sighed. He ran a timid hand through his long dark hair. "Okay then. I'll watch."

He circled around us, and we came up with an idea to capture the attention again. Mike was great at making up stuff. I fell in love with his wild imagination.

After several mind changes, we settled on doing some sort of cat resembellance dance. It was mostly because Mike loved animals. So did we.

We completed the dance so suddenly because we only made up four movements to it. We repeated those until viewers noticed, and when they did so, we decided it was time to end that dance. Mike took our hands, smiling thinly, leading us to the exit.

"Do you have a ride home?" He asked. His sincereness gnawed at my heart.

Wynter looked at me, instantly perturbed.

I shook my head. "Um, no. Our driver bailed after he brought us here. Wynter is...very different."

"Then come with me." He smiled, but in a way, that provoked fear. Why should we go with him? Could we trust him? Who was he?

I was training online in high school, and had learnt various time of not to accept offers from strangers; even in Kindergarten.

But this one, I just couldn't reject to. A guilty pleasure fell over me. I was going to be taken home tonight; how nerdy was I now? It wasn't that big of a deal. I could leave in the morning.

"Good choice." He suppressed his quiet laugh, pulling me into an unexpected hug.

"Whoa! Okay, I guess." I squealed.

He leaned in to kiss me as Wynter gazed, absent-mindedly.

I accepted easily. Our lips connected in the ritous atmosphere of the party, our breath warming each other's bodies. His kiss was like a touch from heaven, his breath like spearmint.

His mouth pressed harder against mine, and more warmth stirred inside me. He tasted coyly and sweet, his soft skin scenting of the harmonic rain outside. My knees suddenly felt weak as he kissed me more intently, and my heart battered in alarm. He was delicately wired with pale muscles, although I knew he could probably kick my ass is he wanted to.

The way he touched me was so passionate, the seraphic linger of his fingers on my forearm,

which pulsed with

I wanted jerk away encase I knew what I was doing was wrong. I could tell that Wynter was starting to fall in love with his dark appearance, and she didn't need to be watching this unexpected make-out session.

When I tried to pull away, he grabbed my butt and held me tighter, his lips slightly parting. He was an angel sent from heaven itself.

Wynter's P.O.V ;

They both gasped for precious air, pulling away with awestruck faces and slightly ruffled hair. With folded arms I watched them, offering one another cloying glances. It was awful. They looked horrible together and neither one seemed ashamed of what they had just done.

"Um, are you ready to leave?" Mike asked her.

"I guess so." She said, gently laughing.

With a slight smile, Mike's pupils darted my way. He took both our hands, stepping out the doorway and into the night.

The simple way he held my arm made me-I hated to say this-h

His car was clean, and I noticed this as we sat down. Like him, it smelled thickly of vanilla, and I was uncertain of why it did so. But for the few minutes I had known him, I had grown to love that fragrance; the way it lingered on his collarbone, the way it filled the car's cold atmosphere. In fact, why was the car so cold?

Mike shut the door and pulled the gear shift into motion. He made no movement of reaching towards the heater.

"This feels like that time I got locked in that closet. I've been claustrophobic ever since then." I whispered in Ally's ear.

I noticed Mike's thin body roll into a violent shiver. I bit my lip, staring at Ally through tentative pupils.

"That's a-uh, nice analogy." She said. Her eyes lingered on me, observing my timidness.


Her sentence was intentionally interrupted as the car came to a pause. She slowly looked at me once more, then Mike, complimenting, "Wow! This is a lovely house. It's nice that you live beside the highschool."

Ally's P.O.V;


Violent quivers racked down my spine. Although his house, the car, and everything else was cold, it was nothing like this room. This room was torture.

The air was silvery and metallic, sending chillbumps to dart across my numb skin. I slid down the wall helplessly. Because that was what I was: helpless. Desperate.

Everything went dead silent once I saw Mike's sinful shadow glower on the floor as he grovered through the doorway. As he stepped closer, shutting the door behind him, I felt a mixture of relief and fear.

"Untie me right now!" I shouted, clambering away.

In my mind, my voice emitted so vociferous and extreme. But there was a rope shielding my words of horror. What I had said was practiclly inaudible, and I was extremely lucky Mike had heard.

"If you know how to get out of the ropes yourself, then do it." He grinned.

Traces of smugness and swagger radiated on his lips. He lowered himself onto my stomach, offering me another wily grin.

"Are you cold, love?" He murmured, his voice buzzing on my stomach.

Cold liquid escaped my eyes, and without thinking, I knew they were tears. I nodded as vigorously as possible without losing all heat from my body. I had a slight idea of what was starting as he nodded curtly and slipped my dress upwards.

I had to do the same to him if I didn't want worse things to hapen.

So I shoved him backwards and tugged on his shirt. My fingers danced along his torso and I could feel the tingling that buzzed down the contours of his muscles. His lips parted slightly open, breathing loudly, and I felt the wild battering of his heart. It delighted me to know that I had satisfied him.

Quietly, I moaned, twining my fingers in a lock of his dark hair.

"Mike," I whispered.

He slipped his arms under my butt, lifting me up, turning around and placing me onto a nearby bed where he continued to kiss me.

I let my lips trickle down his body, over his stomach and to his waist.

Quickly I sat up and took his shoes off, throwing them across the room, before going back to kissing him.

He slipped his fingers under the lacy waistband of my underwear, and slowly pulled them down.

"No! No!" I looked at him, breathing heavily. "Don't tease. No. Just do it."

I had to fill Mike was complete ecstasy. I couldn't let him know that this hurt me and was wrong: I simply couldn't. I was the same with getting abducted. One wrong word from your lips and your life could end. So I made sure Mike was receiving exsessive pleasure.

"But that's no fun," He whispered. He bit down on my underwear, pulling them the rest of the way down my legs. "How would you like it this time, hm? Fast, slow? Hard, soft?"

I tilted my head back, letting out a long scream. My voice was so fearful, so weak, that the sound instantly stopped. No one would hear me. No one would rescue me. What happened would simply happen.

"You're so good for me," He grunted, forcing himself deeper into me. "I just love to hear you scream my name."

I dug my nails into his shoulders, making him wince, so he pounded harder into me.

"Mike," I panted. "Oh, Mike..."

He kept going, sweat breaking out on both of us.

He looped his fingers around my waist, gripping the skin and sighing peacefully.

"I hope the whole world can hear how much I'm pleasing you." He gasped.

I wanted him to realize that this hurt me; the most agonizing pain ever...but he couldn't listen. All he heard were my non-existant screams of imagined ecstasy.

"О боже мой. Ally," He growled, his glittering pupils darting lower. "Вы красивая девушка. Вы так добры ко мне."

"I love it when you speak like that." I sighed, wincing.

Wynter's P.O.V ;

I battered my fists on the wall. I didn't care if it hurt me, I didn't care if it added to the rope burns.

If anything, Mike intentionally ignored me. This surprised me because he wasn't acting like the passionate and sincere man I knew he was deeply inside. I had to remind myself that yes, he was a man: and men don't like to be interrupted during sex.

Metallic air kissed the room. A cold temperature settled deep in the pale center of the room, and I held my legs, rocking back and forth, knowing that I would either die of rape or Hyperthermia tonight.

Luckily, the walls were sheer. It took all of my precious might to inch closer to the wall. The cold air punctured me once again in bullets, and I put my ear centimeters away from the wall: listening to the quiet moans, the vociferous cries of passion and romance. Those sounds perturbed me. Nausea saturated me, ever so suddenly.

Was the same thing going to happen to me?

"Wait a moment, love. I'll be right back. I promise."

I heard those words just moments later. No other thing in the world could be as threatening as that sentence.

My nightmare was coming true...

"What do we have here, Miss Wynter? A body ready to fuck, hopefully?" He sat down in front of me and his naked body was pleasing to the eye. He looked over my body, too, his tongue gliding among the full contours of his bottom lip. He answered for me before I could:

"Why is your duck tape off? I was going to fuck you so hard so that I couldn't hear your pathetic screams! You're probably worse than Ally!"

I smirked, imitating his domineering appearance and pulling a ridiculous face towards him. "I'll do it willingly, Mike. But you have to untie me first."

I stood up, surprisingly comfortable in the artctic air of his home, and allowed him to undo the ropes.


My wrists, red with burns, had been tightly knotted in the thick ropes again, causing an agony I'd never imagined.

I wondered why my veins were pulsing in anticipation for it to be over with. I was in severe emotion pain now for being abducted, but I was about to have sex again. And I had to do something about it, despite my sense of helplessness. I was more concerned of why I worried about Mike so much now. Was I beginning to fall in love with my abductor? All ready?

What the hell.

After lengthy, deadly moments of silence, I couldn't take it anymore. It was about time to get the stupid ropes off my hands and feet while I was waiting for Mike to come in. I prayed it wouldn't be noticeable, but by the looks of it, it would be obvious.

A loud thud hit the floor as if on cue. I jerked up to full attention. My eyes were clouded with fear, making out the tall shadow of Mike's skinny figure by the doorway.

"You ready in there?" It called, almost tediously, taunting me.

Forcing myself to answer, I responded, "Come in."

He complied, but instantly stopped in his tracks once he saw me.

"Trying to break away, eh?" He pulled a ridiculously smug face and bent over. "I'm afraid there's no possible way, Wynter."

"If I can get those ropes off, I can fight you and my way out of here." I told him, and a smirk spread across my lips for proof of my determination.

He tilted his head. "Are you sure about that?"


the next morning

Ally's P.O.V;

I woke next to Wynter, who I had untied once again last night. We both woke up to a different room, which was much lovelier than the other man cave that we were in.

"Wynter, wake up," I nudged her hesitantly, and she inched away from me, groaning.

"Shhh!" I hissed. "If you want to get out of here, Mike's gonna hear you. Now shut up."

Her dark, mysterious eyes suddenly fluttered open, instantly aware of my plan.

The sound of elated footsteps emitted through the walls. Mike's vaguely placed shadow reflected on the ivory walls, and he leaned against the doorway with a cigarette in his hand. He looked merely sexy, but I had to quick mourning over a non-existant relationship.

"Hey, hey, everybody." He grinned, walked over, and sat on the bed with us like a happy, younger child. "Let's not make this a bad day, okay, girls? It's wonderful weather, wonderful setting, and we'll have fun today. I promise. It will be a great day. I'll try not to get mad."

"If constant, painful sex is what you call fun, I beg to differ." I muttered. At the moment, I didn't have enough middle fingers to describe what I thought of him.

Wynter's P.O.V ;

Mike's chatter about the lovely day we'd have continued; his brother we'd meet, the lunch we'd have. And overall, it was difficult to keep Ally's comment about leaving from not randomly jolting up in my head. Mike seemed distracted from me as he drew a stick figure on a pad of notebook paper.

I slowly made my way to the bathroom, wondering if I could pull this off.

My thought was responded to when his cruel voice interrupted me.

"Where do you think you're going?"

I narrowed my eyes at him, imitating his contemptuous look. "The bathroom, stupid."

He sneered. "You're not going alone. I'm not dumb. You'd escape. I'm going with you."

I glanced at Ally, just to see her sympathetic glance towards me. Her sincere eyes implied that he was cranky from a hangover.

"Come on, come on." Mike urged me quickly, gesturing to the bathroom.

I muttered words of wickedness, proceeding in, but somehow assuring him that he could wait outside. As I went in, I felt the thud of his thin body nudge the wall. This was my slight moment of freedom; and as much as I strangely loved Mike, I didn't like to be constantly protected.

Ally's P.O.V;

"Why are you out of the room?" Mike demanded; his hand positioned to slap me.

I cringed. "I'm sorry! I just wanted to see-"

His emaciated fist swung into my stomach, sending me to collapse on the floor with a quick gasp.

"Mike!" Wynter screamed, instantly shooting up. Without hesitation, she did the same thing to him, and he attempted to fight back.

She slapped him more severely, letting me know she had a hand I'd never dare to mess with. He didn't even wince at her movements, but he was just too quick for Wynter to even attempt that.

Darkness then took over my sight. That was the last thing I saw; Wynter's rosen hand, and Mike's swaggerish, lovely appearance.

I was unaware of the occurring. Unaware of anything.


"Ally?" A tentative voice asked.

"Huh?" I rose up, but suddenly lay back again with a groan. The pain in my stomach was so severe I could scarcely move. "God, Mike, this hurts so much."

What might have been slight guiltiness clouded his eyes. "I'm so sorry. Come on; it wasn't that hard of a punch."

"I fucking fainted!"

Exasperation punctured him, but it was only for a brief moment. "I'll carry you to your room, then. So you can rest. We have a big day ahead of us."

It hurt to speak more. Groaning was much easier, and I realized that after doing so every few seconds. I was positive it annoyed Mike to the greatest extent. Yet he still said nothing and grunted with an attempt to carry me. He was very powerful, so he did, though, and it was passionate and delicate all at once as we proceeded to the third floor. My bedroom was the first room on the left. I felt so lucky to have a room as wonderful as this.

It really was pretty. Mike's bare feet padded on the wooden floor, and just like every other room, this one was ivory. I was growing to love that color.

As I was laid on the bed, I couldn't see any of my surroundings, other than the ceiling.

"I think this is the best I've felt all day." I quietly laughed. The pain left me, but only in slight movements. I was relaxed, peaceful; nothing was wrong.

Mike frowned. "But you're only lying down."

"Point exact, dumbass."

Mike cast me the iciest glare and murmured, "I'll leave you to rest, then. I'll check on you in a few minutes."

The moment he turned, he jerked back around with a laugh rattling from his poisonous lips. "Oh, forgot to say; feel better, Ally."

He continued his laughing, for some eccentric reason, and dashed downstairs. His long, wiry legs bouncing and skipping every third step. He was probably eager to smoke a cigarette outside or get drunk with his brother without me noticing.

A kitten meowed loudly beside the bed. I jumped up, hesitating, wondering why my reaction was so intense at the noise. Then, a dog joined in, barking gently once.

I laughed and bent down. They were at the foot of my bed, and I held them as they clambered onto me. They were excited and jubilant, and I held them in my arms carefully.

At least Mike was good owner to his pets.


I groaned and clung to the tree. The rough texture made my arms bleed, but it was worth it, and I would rather be climbing a tree than be in the same house as Mike.

I was arms-length from Ally's window. It only slightly scared me, the risk of falling, but I pushed that away with determination. With brief movements, I inched towards the border, and let my arms fall onto it. My legs dangled, intertwined with the tree's spirally branches.

Her window was half-way open. I lifted my arm and rose the layer of glass. My body jolted through the window like a prancing leopard, and I ended up dropping my shoe three stories down as I gave Ally what might have been a heart attack.

"Wynter!" She screamed. She was holding two animals, a kitten and a small dog, and I mused for half a second at their beauty, and then realized I could have fallen out of the tree because I wasn't concentrating.

"Yes, I know my name." I rolled my eyes. "Can you pull me in? I'm not really wanting to fall out of a third story window today."

She jerked out of the bed and sat down her mug of herbal tea. Delicately, her feet padded on the wooden floor and she grabbed my arms. Gently pulling me in.

"Sure, even if you scared the crap out of me. I thought Mike was expressing his love to you or something."

I wrinkled my nose and vigorously shook my head. I scarcely thought Ally believed that, even if I did like Mike, but she didn't mention it.


"What's wrong, Ally?" she stepped closer, her movements tentative. Her arms folded. The kitten meowed at me, and I stepped away.

"Shut up," I muttered. "I know you think I'm sad that Mike left."

She laughed quietly. "No. I was just being sincere, like the lovely person I am."

Slightly relieved, I let the thought of Mike drift over my shoulder. I felt like an immense weight had been lifted. We were alone; at least for an hour. That was enough.

We were having a fantastic time surfing the Internet, like typical teenage girls, when we heard delicate footsteps down the hall. I thought it was Mike, and I thrust the laptop under my blanket. If he caught us with Internet, he would get angry again.

I had lived with Mike long enough to know the sound of his footsteps. They were small and ecstatic, but these were merely the opposite. Butterflies settled in my stomach. Was it really Mike?

I hoped it was someone hotter and better than Mike.

It was Ivan, though, the older brother by about a week. As if he was any better.

"Well, aren't you girls lucky?" He grinned, leaning seductively on the marble countertop.

Ivan had waves of light hair, dip dyed with purple and blue, that hung past his small shoulders. His eyes were the shade of the ocean, which actually looked lovely on him; basically identical to Mike's. His skin was slightly pale, which only made his sexiness more attractive.

He stepped over, ignoring me, and picked up the animals that had hidden under the bed. He laced his fingers through their fur.

"Why are we lucky?" I repeated quietly, though jerked away when he attempted to touch me. My voice was quivery, although I made a huge effort to be calm.

Ivan released the animals, came over, and planted a kiss on my cheek. "Because you're mine now. And that stupid friend of yours is Mike's," Whispering affectionately, he admitted, "I think you're much hotter than her. You're so quiet and shy, and I find that to really suit you."

At the sound of his name, Mike joined his brother, completely for the idea of ignoring my protests. Wynter joined him, walking timidly, and avoided my nervous body language towards her.

Ivan stepped near me. He rubbed his slim hands along my hip line, the delicately curved lines appealing to him. I trembled underneath his touch of ecstasy, being pinned against the wall. Although it was not in a cruel manner, it scared me, but I never objected.

"What do you want?" I whispered. Tears threatened to spill, and I felt dramatic for wanting to cry.

Ivan shrugged. He smiled with something that might have been actual sympathy. "Don't be so fearful, Ally. I won't hurt you. Just tell me about your day so far. Has it been good?"

"Well, it's been really bad, actually." I admitted with great caution.


I loved the kind who wanted to hear about my day, although Ivan was feigning contemplation.

"Yeah, your brother punched me," I said, kind of laughing. "I blacked out, and it still hurts."

"He's an idiot. Don't worry about him." Ivan rolled his eyes, and became suddenly exasperated. "Or he can be. Most of the time, he's okay."

My ears began to ring as Ivan shouted across the doorway, "You're doing it wrong!"

I burst out laughing while a pillow from the other room hit his face as a response. It only caused him to slightly move, but he was briefly stunned at his brother's quick reaction.


I sat idly on a cold floor. In invisible beads of silence, Ivan and Ally stood in another room that lacked a door. Mike sat beside me and grinned. His black hair spilled onto his shoulders and he put his head on my shoulder, causing my lips to curl into a coarse frown. A bottle of vodka was laced between his hands, but it was full and I highly doubted that Mike even liked the drink.

I yawned. My eyes closed lethargically, and a wave of exhaustion slowly radiated throughout me.

"I'm really tired."

"Seriously? It's only ten in the morning. Let's stay up, Wynter."

"What do you plan on doing?" I questioned.

His movements of yanking pillows implied his ridiculous desire; a pillow fight. It was childish, and quite silly, but I was surprised at how fun it could become when he hit me.

"You're on, Mike." I pulled a smug face and grasped my pillow's edges. Determination streaking through my vains and seeming to escape through my finger tips like hot liquid.

Like small children, we hit each other, laughing quietly and probably waking the neighbors next door with mere annoyance. Accidentally, I hit Mike in an intimate spot, and he jerked around with a strange appearance in his eyes, scintillating.

"You're on."

After that, everything grew loud and vociferous. I screamed when Mike did the slightest movements of attempting to hit me. In just half of a lengthy moment, Ally walked in to cease the racket. She didn't make it far. That was when Mike's pillow was launched at her face.

"This is stupid," She groaned at us. "We're sixteen. We're not ten year olds at a slumber party."

Ally's P.O.V;

"Oh, come on." Wynter folded her arms, defensively, and briefly turned away and seized another pillow. Gently, she nudged me with it, so I yanked it from her hands and hit it across her breasts.

"Ow!" She shouted.

"Don't say that. It's fun."

"Oh, whatever."

Ivan fled into our room, avoiding the pillow comotion with great elation. His fingers trembled with excitement as his words escaped to Mike; "We should get a pole! I just talked to a guy!"

In the center of the moment, Wynter and I faced each other as if we were girls in a movie on cue. Our eyes were identical; which was large with fear. Was Ivan joking? April Fool's was far too long ago. Were we really in a movie? No, this could not be true!

"Why?" Mike gestured with his hand, dismissively, but his brother ignored it and stayed. "Are you sure we have enough money?"

Ivan nodded vigorously. "I'm positive. The man's on hold!" He held out his mobile for proof. "So decide quick, Mike. I really want this."

"Is he serious?" Wynter hissed.

I released my pillow, and surveyed it as it hit the floor. Butterflies settled in my stomach, and little patches of air fluttered around with them. "Ivan. I like you a lot, but I really don't want to get a pole..."

"Hey, sorry about the wait!" He rose his mobile, speaking loudly and clearly. "We've decided we want one. How much would that be, again?"

The man mentioned that the cost would be around the hundreds.

"Oh," Ivan murmured tentatively. "Well, we still want it. We'll take the first one you offered."

A quiet chuckled emitted through the speaker. It was rough and disgusting, and Ivan pulled an abhorring expression as he listened.

"It'll be there in around fifteen minutes. You all have a wonderful day."

Ivan nodded and ended the call.

"Mike; set up the backyard. It'll be here soon. Girls; strip down."

"Do we have to now?" I whined. My voice was high, and the tone annoyed me, although I really didn't care then.

Ivan shrugged, and stepped over to join me. With great passion he kissed my collarbone and rose a moment later, a grin to his lips. "I'm sorry if you didn't want me to. But it's only for one time. Please?"

I sighed. I was slightly enraged, but I had a better time controlling it; unlike Wynter. She breathed to calm herself, and we went our seperate ways to change clothing. The kitten followed me, and the dog proceeded after her.


I whimpered as the man set it down. Wynter and I were hiding behind a wiry maple tree in the back yard, analyzing the seller as he adjusted it to properly hold our weight. The maple tree could scarcely cover us, but he didn't notice, or even attempt to look our way. As he exited a lengthy moment later, we stepped out. Mike and Ivan smiled.

Wynter and I glared at the poles; although, they were inatimate object. It seemed to intimidate our nude selves, daring us to do this.

Ivan nudged me. "Go on. You can do it."

I took a tiny step forward, along with Wynter. She had a slight smile to her lips, unlike me. It literally astounded me when she did a somersault and intertwined herself with the pole impeccably. I wasn't successful at gymnastics, and I turned to Ivan.

"Do it with me."

"Are you serious?"

"I'm dead serious."

He groaned loudly, although it wasn't out of exasperation. Within minutes, his clothing was strewn across our lawn, and I felt only a little comfortable. We owned a fence, and that was the main reason I was even accepting to do this.

Wynter's P.O.V;

I laughed quietly, my voice echoing through the breezes that gust in our yard. I was on the first pole, which actually rose quite high, and made me feel like royalty; free and with an urge to love life. Although Ivan danced with Ally on the other one, I wasn't sure if it made him lesbian with this action or not. It amused me to my greatest extent.

"Try to do a somersault again. That was really good." Mike grinned, bouncing with ecstasy. It was clear that he could care less about our sexy movements; he was just here for the tricks.

"Well, it's not like I want to fall and crush my neck. I've never even taken classes for this." I murmured loudly, intertwining my body with the dark object. Seductively, I lowered my body so that my feet were coiled along the bottom half. My arms slipping around the top.

Ally's dancing was clumsy, but it was mostly in effect of the lack of space. Ivan looked like a pathetic lesbian man that merely stunk at any lustful moves.

I thought my dancing was decent, and the best part was sliding down the pole after I had finished.

"You're done?" Mike asked.

I nodded.

He sighed and said, "You did well. Congratulations. Are you tired?"

"No, Mike. You need to take me to the hospital because I'm having a heart attack for fun." I said sarcastically.

"Whatever. Ivan has some clothes for you, in this box, if you'd like. Or you can just walk around nude the entire day." He gestured to the large, cardboard box and winked.

Ally dashed towards us and vigilantly chose her clothing. After several changes of mind, she settled on grey sweatpants and a camisole. I yanked on a tee shirt and shorts with an appealing, urban print. Where had these clothes been before?

My tee shirt was a maternity top, and I wondered why, my face pulled into a scowl. It was stylish yet far too large; who had really worn this in the past?

I decided it didn't matter. Ivan had probably recently bought these at a store, careless of his purchases.

When we stepped into the kitchen, he checked his mobile and whispered, "It's time."

His next movement was rummaging through a small cabinet for something. A timid smile spread across his lips as he found the item he was searching for; a peanut butter sandwich?

It was scarecly covered in plastic, only half on, but it looked as of good quality. Although the odor was quite foreign, it was most likely the stink of the cabinet.

"Eat it." He told Ally. His voice quivered only a slight bit. "You must be starving. It's only eleven, but that pole must have been a real workout."

"Um. Yeah, sure, I guess I'm a little hungry." She took the sandwich from him, gently grasping it, and took a dainty bite. "Wow. This tastes good, but a little weird in a nice way. What peanut butter brand did you make this with?"

"Just the regular kind." He murmured, turning away to scroll through a list of reminders. Since I was so close, we were touching, I surveyed the list; it was quite short. He was too anxious to notice me, and I read the words that explained everything.

Ally's birth control sandwich.

Although it was only me who saw the writing, I literally touched my mouth and gasped. No one heard the inadudible, inahling breath. I was tempted to scream at Ally to stop. I tapped my foot, gingerly, and suddenly shrieked, "Ally! Stop! It's-"

"Yeah, it's a peanut butter sandwich!" Ivan interrupted, his voice thick with alarm.

I jerked around to face him. "No, it's-

"Wynter, shut up!" He timidly persisted.

Mike arched his thick, dark eyebrow as he approached Ivan, fist out. "Don't tell my girlfriend to shut up."

"What was it!?" Ally wailed. We all ignored her.

"I can defend myself, Mike!" I said. "Ivan, why? Why the shirt? Why the sandwich? When did you ever-"

"Why did you have sex with her?" Mike shouted angrily. Ally faded from her lovely tan to an embarassing shade of crimson.

"I didn't plan to! just came! It was the right moment to have sex!"

"Wynter, Mike, Ivan, what is it!?" Tears threatened to spill out of Ally's eyes, although I couldn't blame her. I just wanted to soothe her with kind words, but I knew we couldn't tell her.

That was a lie. We would have to in only a short period of minutes.

Everyone stared at me. I wasn't sure why me, but suddenly, it just seemed too difficult to even breathe. My body went numb, and it wasn't even my situation. Ally's eyes, clouded with mere dread scared me. Ivan and Mike looked away awkwardIy.

"Ally?" My voice cracked when I spoke, and I lowered it. "You-you took birth control."

Her eyes expanded, and I felt like I revealed it too soon.

"If you wanted me to take it, you could have just said!" Ally screamed to Ivan. She clenched her fists and bit her lip, dashing down the hallway.

"I'm really sorry!" He called. "I-I just-"

She kept on running. It was an attitude that she was pulling, and it didn't seem to suit her sweet personality. It seemed that all traces of Ally were now gone.

"Save it for someone else you want to fuck!" I heard her call through the next room. I sighed and folded my arms, turning to Ivan.

"Why didn't you wear a condom!?"

He shrugged, and doing so, his hair fell behind his shoulders. Perturbed, I arched my eyebrow and gestured to the air. Then, I ignored whatever his last words were, fleeing to the bathroom and closing the door behind me.

Ally was there, on the floor, weeping loudly.

"Ally!" I said, and then instantly lowered my voice. "Ally."

She cried louder. Something was in her lap. I shoved her hands away and grabbed the package, surveying the contents. It was a ClearBlue pregancy test.

"Oh, my gosh," I whispered out loud. I felt my throat. Why was this here? It all began to make since. The shirt, the birth control, and now the pregnancy test.

"Ally, I'm..."

"Oh, who cares?" She whimpered. "I'm going to be pregnant!"

"Did you try it already?"


"Does your stomach hurt?"

No response.

I sighed, trembling, suddenly realizing how serious this would be if Ally was pregnant. I had texted our moms saying we were staying with friends for a few weeks. How would she react to this?

"Do you-do you want me to stay with you?" I asked quietly.

She ripped open the package and nodded. Without me, what would she do? She was my best friend, depsite our contrasting personalities.

Ally's P.O.V;

Once the package was open, I grabbed the first stick, biting my lip. My hands went numb. I suddenly forgot what to do. In my mind, I cried even more at the sheer thought of owning a child. Then I realized it wasn't my mind. I really was crying harder and screaming.

"Calm down!" Wynter said. "You're not dying, Ally!"

"What if I'm pregnant?" I took off my panties tentatively and threw them on the sink.

"Then get an abortion." She said suddenly. Her voice was gentle. Everything went silent.

I cried as the tears trembled down my cheeks. I was scared they would stain the stick, so I ceased my crying and thought of happy things; my mother, my best friend.

I did what I needed to do, holding back my tears and waiting seconds longer. Every passing moment seemed like one liftime; infinity.

And when I got my result I cried even more.

Not Pregnant.

Oh, my goodness!

"Wynter!" I shouted, throwing the stick away. "I'm negative!"

"Yay!" She screamed. She slipped her arms around my neck, pulling me upwards and giggling as I fell to the floor again.

Thank God for this miracle; I couldn't deal with a baby just yet!

"О, боже мой, спасибо." I told her.

She patted my back and smiled. "I'm leaving now to tell the guys. Don't you need to get ready?"

I nodded. I guess I did really need a shower. The stress was getting to me; even with the elating event that just happened.

I grabbed my panties and raced to the next bathroom. It wasn't out of fear of being caught naked, since my shirt covered my thighs. It was just out of ecstasy.

Once I reached the bathroom, I noticed Ivan lounging against a countertop. He simply stared at me. He said nothing. That scared me, so I fled into the bathroom, shutting the door quickly. I was abrupt aware that there was no lock.

Assuring myself it was nothing, I slipped off my tee shirt and set my clothing by the sink. After that, I bent over and turned on the water. It gradually got warm, so I stepped in, instantly sighing with happiness. The liquid, warm and relieving, streamed down my back and I craned my neck backwards.


I jerked to face the door. The shower was clear, and slightly fogged, but my vision was well enough to see the door.

Ivan stood in the way.

Wynter's P.O.V ;

I knew Ally was taking a shower, and that sheer idea was fine with me. Where was Ivan, though? When I had approached the kitchen, he wasn't here. Mike had only just suddenly stepped in.

"Wynter, what are you doing?"

"Will you please shut up, Mike? For one time." I interrupted. I felt guilty for ingoring the mere pain in his eyes, the slight shade of blue ocean waves. My heart battered wildly, and I concentrated on Ally again. But then I turned to Mike.

I pinned him against the wall. It was actually a quite easy getture, and I yanked his shirt up so that he would know I was dead serious.

"Tell me where Ivan is," I breathed, "You won't get hurt."

Mike winced. "I can't."

"Tell me!" I rose my fist up, my mouth balling into an enraged frown.

Mike let out cries of agony, knowing without hesitation, I would hurt him. It wasn't difficult for me, and if Mike didn't cease his screaming, he was going to get hurt. Badly.

"Is he somewhere around here?" My fist was still just inches away from his throat, and he gazed at me, worrysome times a thousand. Slightly, his mouth opened, and I crept forward, breathing darkly.

"Is he upstairs?" I asked slowly.

Mike didn't look at me.

"Is he with Ally?"

"I don't know, and I don't really care, Wynter!" Mike cringed at his own words. His voice enlightened, dancing with traces of highness. "Why? I thought you loved me. Do you love my brother now?"

"I do love you, Mike," I whispered, and ran my finger along his jaw. "Please. Find Ally for me. And Ivan too." I began to cry. It wasn't particularly crying, but my eyes were moist, threatening to cloud my vision with dappled tears. "He-he might be raping her."

"Then let me go with you! I'll fight my brother if he is, but not without you!" He whispered. He held his heart tight, and I realized how messy his hair was. His makeup; his casual clothing. He was stressed. And he obviously knew Ivan had planned this long ago.

"The come on!" I grasped his arm, dragging him up the staircase and breathing heavily, darkly; with fear.

"Where's the bathroom!?" I shouted.

Mike swung his head to face me. "You've lived here long enough to know where the bathroom is!"

I groaned loudly and found it in front of my face. With one, vociferous, extreme kick, the door was thrust down, and Mike shouted with agony behind me. Screams were emitted through the clear curtain sheet. Ivan's body was intertwined with Ally's, wet and nude in their running shower. Mike continued to shout with abhhorence and something else I couldn't decipher.

I stepped up to the shower, perturbed and not expecting the sight I saw. Ally was taking this worse than Mike. Her large, vividly shaded eyes were petrified by Ivan's actions. Were we too late to cease what had already happened?

Ally's P.O.V;

I screamed when the door battered onto the floor.

I wasn't sure what to expect, who it was or even how to get away as Ivan's hips grinded into mine.

Fog clouded the glassy shower door. I saw Wynter's waves of light hair wildly fly in unruly strands as she sprinted forward and tried to jerk open the door.

Ivan's hand caught the door handle first: he yanked it closed again, groaning as Wynter's strength rehabilitated.

"Wynter! Help!" I shouted, slapping Ivan's wrist as shower water immersed both of us. "Move!"

"Can't you see I'm trying!?" She shouted back, pounding the door. It shook violently and Ivan had to grasp the edges to keep it from collasping and exposing our nakedness. At the moment, so many things were happening and it occurred so vociferously that I couldn't think. Should I slap Ivan's hand away or free them from the edges of the door?

"What are you doing here?!" Ivan called.

She jumped and her hands rose in a clever attempt to slap his away from the shower door edges. Wynter was short and thin, though, and her miniscule height was nothing compared to Ivan's six foot four growth spurt.

"I'm wondering that, too," She breathed heavily and darkly. "Now get out!"

"Make me."

"Get out!" She suddenly screamed.

He sneered, being sardonic and rude. "Okay, okay."

Mike retreated downstairs. He was leaving Wynter and Ivan to talk this out alone, and they borth went somewhere I couldn't see. They simply gave me enough privacy to yank back on my clothing. Time streamed quickly.

"Mike?" I fled down the stairs, once dressed. "Where's Wynter? I need to talk to her. Now!" I shouted. I was being far too frantic, but not caring. My heart battered; even with the commotion being over.

Awkwardly, he pointed upstairs, not questioning my tone.

"Ivan is up there!" I screaming, fleeing to the bathroom again.

Oh, God! How was I so stupid to leave that room?


"Mike! Come with me!" I shrieked, calming as he dashed behind me. "Wynter!"

I screamed, battering on the door with my red fists. "Wynter! Answer me! Ugh!"

"Ally!" She screamed my name and I slammed my ear to the door, crying when I heard her cries. She tried saying my name once more, but only the first syllable was emitted when Ivan hissed something to her.

My mind went black and my palms were hot. Warm shivers radiated throughout my body as I shook. I had no idea how the hell Wynter had dealt with this.

"I'm right here." I idled on the door, and beads of sweat quivered onto my forehead.

What was Ivan doing that caused her so much pain?

Wynter's P.O.V;

I was pressed against the wall, breathing darkly with my arms spread out, like I was going to jail or something. I had to admit, it was a sexy gesture I was doing, but I needed to get out.

Ivan lounged against a countertop, expressionless, in front of me, but the outlandish, smug smile to his face secretly perturbed me.

After a ridiculous, lengthy silence, I folded my arms and freed them from the wall. This was pathetic.

I suddenly wasn't scared anymore. I loved that feeling; the feeling of courage determination, and bravery.

"If you're going to do something, just do it." I scowled.

"Let's dance." He said plainly; sarcastically.

"What the hell, Ivan?"

He analyzed me, sardonically, and paced. "Are you stupid? What do you think I dragged you in here to do?"

"I'm not sure. I know what I came in here to do. Use the restroom." I told him quietly.

He tilted his head. "Why? Is your bladder as small as your butt?"

"Shut up." I muttered, turning away to text Ally if I couldn't get out. I was lucky my claustrophobia wasn't getting to me; after all, it was a vast room.

Ivan turned away, fiddling with a small object in his pocket.

A moment later, he brought the knife to my sight.

Ally's P.O.V;

I listened cautiously. They were certainly speaking; maybe even crying. Their voices had dropped down so low I couldn't decipher anything.

"I don't know what's happening," I whispered to Mike. My voice trembled, and I slid to the floor, so that he glowered in front of me. "The doors locked. It's silent in there now. Something happened."

"Maybe they're just talking it out," He reassured me quietly, and ran his fingers through my light hair. It was an intimate movement that made me feel safe with Mike. "Let's leave them alone. It's not like they're shooting each other in there."

I exhaled. It was lengthy. I tried to not cry, so I looked away.

Mike simply looked at me. His eyes, a blue shade of winter snow, clouded with sympathy. "Don't be sad. Why are you so worried?"

"I don't want Ivan to do what he did to me."

Mike remained silent for a long moment, assumedly wondering what we should do. It wouldn't help if we stayed. It wouldn't help if we left. I didn't know.

"Ally," He said, instantly making me swing around. "You know whatever happens in there, I'll love you forever, right?"

My breath stopped.

"Really?" I whispered.

He nodded gravely.

"I thought we were only friends though." I murmured, reaching up to touch his cheek.

Mike was beautiful; I was almost astonished to see he was real. All traces of his light makeup were gone, to my astoundment. His hair fell to his shoulders.

He shrugged and smiled sheepishly. "With benefits."

"One last kiss then." I suddenly pleaded. I then thought about my words; they came so quick, I couldn't think of why I said them.

He arched his eyebrow, glaring at me with those blue eyes; but his gaze was so heavenly, it didn't seem awkward at all. "What?"

"Kiss me," I breathed. "I'm positive you won't regret it."

I felt him grasp my hands, far tighter than I would have liked, and all I did was continue smiling. I stared back at him, adoring all of the perfect features on his face. Mike had flawless blue eyes, perfect cheeks, and those impeccably pouty, nude lips. Just everything about Mike was perfect, and I couldn't help but admire it every time I had the chance.

I looked into his eyes, and he was gazing back, directly into mine. Without thinking, I leaned forward, moving my face closer to his. I looked at his lips, how soft and beautiful they looked, specifically in that moment, and couldn't help but smile even more at the thought of kissing him for the first time since we had met. But before I made the move that I wasn't too confident about, he also put his face just inches away from mine, hesitant about the entire thing, but willing to try.

I slowly pressed my lips to his, still smiling. I felt him kiss me back, along with a tingling sensation that radiated my stomach. I put both of my hands on his head, lacing my fingers at the back of his head, pulling him into a passionate, more romantic position. I felt him clutch the waves of my hair, holding them gently. I breathed, wondering how dar this would go.

The door flew open.

Shooting a desperate glance at Mike, I grabbed Wynter's arm and dashed to the bedroom, slamming the door behind us.

Wynter's P.O.V;

Ally nudged me. Her out of breath voice whispered, "Wynter, he-"

"Shut up!" I shouted. I assumed it was my new catchphrase. It was a little rude, though, so I sympathetically added, "Ally, I really don't care what the absolute crap you two were doing. I'm ready to escape, and I thought you were ready to prove that to me."

"Wynter, you know we can't," She told me. "You know that you love these guys. Don't lie; I do too. So who are we going to be with?"

I sighed and looked away. "I want Mike. He's so sweet and passionate to me. On his good days." I laughed quietly.

I was interrupted by Ivan's call; "Wynter, Ally, come take your pill!"

"Shut up!" I screamed to the distance. Ivan made an exasperating cat noise.

Ally patted my back and smiled. "I gotta go, uh...take whatever he said."

I shrugged and watched her thin body flee to the kitchen. It was so fast and joyful, it was like the heavenly dancing of angels.

"It's probably not even gonna be a pill," I muttered darkly, and still watched her. "He's full of surprises. Maybe it's beer, maybe it's cigarettes..."

Tears brimmed in Ally's clear, pained eyes, and shaking her head, she walked further away from me to where Ivan was. She obviously didn't want to speak to me any longer.

Ally's P.O.V;

I was weeping when I proceeded to Ivan.

"Hey." I greeted him with woe and carelessly took the pill. It wasn't birth control; I was certain. It was some type of drug, but I didn't care at the moment. At least I wouldn't be in pain like I was now. Emotional pain was worse.

"Ally, what's wrong?" Mike questioned, slowly standing by the narrow doorway.

I would've swore he knew why by his wicked smirk, hiding somewhere underneath that frown. It taunted me to lie.

I took the risk and said nothing.

There was something wrong, though, and it came quite suddenly. I missed my friends, I missed my crushes, and I missed my parents. I just abruptly yearned for them at that moment. I wasn't exactly sure why, but I wondered why I was even living here.

Wynter's P.O.V;

Mike looked at me, hands on his hips. I was too enraged at him for what he did to Ally, my friend, and I wasn't going to put up with his stupid sassiness.

"What's wrong with Ally?" Mike shouted towards me. His dark eyebrow furrowed, and he walked further. He was so close our bodies touched almost sadistically. My breath hit the boy's cheek.

"I don't know."

Somehow it was obvious that Mike was lying. It amused me to see his plastic wrath.

"Wynter, I know you know what's wrong..."

I glared at him, my mouth slightly parted open with awe and disbelief. Of course Mike knew what was wrong.

"Well, when some guy we don't know is being so nice to us, takes us home, we'd like to leave after a few days."

"Don't you feel home here? Don't you love us?"

Mike was being dramatic and girly and every pretense of what I had once admired in him vanished. He was dangerously close to crying. He touched his cheek with incredulity; a sigh slipped from his fleshy lips which quivered from a chill in the atmosphere. He had to look away and I shook my head, sighing with uncertainty.

When I spoke next, I particularly chose my words with thoughtfulness.

"Look," my voice dropped to a gentle slur. "...this probably isn't the best time to say this. We're all going through a lot and so much has happened so soon. Don't take this the wrong way. But if you say you love us, then show it!" my voice was louder but I didn't care. "I won't believe you if you don't do something that proves it. Ever since we got here you guys have been total dicks to Ally and I both."

"What do you mean? I never..."

"Well, abducting us isn't the best thing to do, Mike!"

Heat radiated off of my streaks of pale skin. It was a completely irrational, all-consuming, paralyzing anger.

Ally's P.O.V;

Ivan didn't seem to acknowledge my sadness; to my astoundment, and walked away happily as if nothing was occurring. At least Mike showed compassion for me.

He walked in slowly, sitting me down on a crimson sofa.

He offered me a hesitant smile, toying with the black ring on his finger. "How do you show someone you love them?"

I didn't answer.

"Ally, this is important." He insisted, nudging my arm gently.

Sighing, I asked, "Why? Is it for Wynter?"

"Yes," He admitted, a small smile creeping onto his lips. "Are you mad? She's my girlfriend, anyway."

It's hard to tell who you're dating sometimes, you sex addict.

I frowned. Instead, I replied, "I thought you liked me."

Mike took a deep breath. "Ally. That was our last kiss. We promised."

"It came so suddenly though." I pleaded quietly.

He looked down. "One last time. We both have to swear on this one."

I looked desperately into his eyes, and for lengthy moments, they stayed like that, locked and grave. It took me effort, and I whispered, "I swear, Mike."

He held me, kissing me with vast emotion, so mere and gentle at that moment. He kissed me so emotionally my knees went weak, and so did my hands, growing numb and lacing in his dark hair. He kissed me harder. I wasn't sure I would be able to stand when he realeased, but I did, and I felt like I was about to throw up.

What had I done? To myself? To Wynter? To Ivan?

Our kiss was our very last, the most delicate, the most gentle. It was flawless, and I would remember it forvever.

"So," I gasped for air, returning back to our main topic. "Why do you like Wynter again?"

He shrugged, smiling at me, slightly blushing. "I've always liked her; from the moment we met at the dance. She's just vibrant and outspoken. You're simply calmer and well...shy."

I was taken aback by his bluntness.

"Excuse me? Says the person who had sex with me?"

"Okay, not that shy." He laughed. "Now; how do you show someone you love them?"

I sighed.

"Fine. You show someone you love them by simply caring and putting your deepest emotions into everything you do for them. You could write poems for them, cook for them, take them to place they've never been. Be her Romeo, Mike. Sweep her off her feet and let her be your princess," I looked down, quivering at my own words. "Love is when you care so passionately for someone that it just feels electric. Something you've never felt before. A new sense of confidence and just sudden joy. The most wonderful thing; and when you feel it, you don't have to ask anybody. Because you know you're in love. And it's incredible."

"That's love?" He whispered.

I nodded slowly.

Mike stared. His eyes, were no longer swimming with malice. For the first time, all traces of his smirk and swagger were gone, and I felt like this was him, the Mike I was actually seeing for the very first time. And Mike was beautiful; ever so very beautiful.

"I love her so much then. Thank you, Ally."

I pulled an aplogetic smile, although my heart had been torn.

Wynter's P.O.V ;

Mike walked in the hallway, strange elation tinging his steps. Ally was watching secretly from the corner of the kitchen. Woe brimming her expression, hardening her face.

When he came to sit down by me, I faced the wall again, burying my face in my hands.

"Look up, Wynter. Please." He begged.

I didn't look up, so his hand lifted up my face from the jaw line. My tears stained the plush, white lace that I was wearing. The texture felt too new to have ever been used.

He stared, a little awkwardly, without speaking. His face moved closer to mine until he attached his lips to it, kissing me deeply and passionately. When he did so, my knees felt weak, and I accepted. It was an intimate feeling and I enjoyed the sensation. Although, when the movmeent registered to me, I shoved him away and made his eyes enlarge.

"You don't love me, bitch. Go kiss some other chick like Ally. She really likes you, you know." I told him.

He looked at me. "But I love you, Wynter. Why don't you-"

"You never show it!"

" me back." He finished slowly. Tears brimmed in his light eyes. Mascara trembled down his cheeks, caked with pale foundation.

I had made Mike cry.

Ally's P.O.V;

Mike's long arms pulled me into the hug I had needed. His tears, faint and black, sank through the thin texture of my shirt and chilled my shoulders, despite how warm they were.

"It's okay. I promise." I told him, even though I wondered if it would be okay.

He rubbed my back soothingly, and I felt passionate and secure in his arms. He wasn't the guy with fake swagger that I had met earlier on; he was more sweeter and delicate. I had just realized that.

Mike released our hug, leaving me to go to the living room. We didn't need words for that moment. We were connecting with silence, the atmosphere eccentric with inaudible words. By a single glance, we could describe one thousand words the other was feeling.

"Mike," I said, sitting beside him on the floor. "Do you love her still?"

He looked at me, a frown to his lips, gazing gently. "Of course I do. I could never stop. Why?"

"Nothing." I lied quietly, looking down. I was willing to look at anything other than Mike's concern.

"Ally, why?" He repeated.

"Because I think I love you," I told him, choosing my words tentatively. They slipped from my mouth far too quickly. That realization made him cry even more.

What a wimp.

"Ally, I-I-"

"You don't love me back, do you?"

I didn't wait to see the reply I knew he was holding.

Wynter's P.O.V ;

Mike had gradually left Ally and I, receiving some precious time to chat with his brother. Although we were best friends, we sat in the large elegant room, silently and motionless. I assumed we were both unaware of what to say, anyways.

The silence was growing annoying, but the familiar arguing of Ivan and Mike in the upstairs bedroom was, also.

Finally, I got sick of sitting in a corner. It was truly pitiable, especially for someone with a flamboyant personality like me.

With a smile to my lips, I stepped over to Ally and sat down, lacing my fingers in her hair.

"Hey. What's up?"

"Go away," She mumbled. Purposely, she turned away and lay down. "I'm tired."

"Shut up already." I interrupted, exasperation saturating my voice.

I certainly wasn't in the mood for someone being angry over nothing, let alone lying to avoid me. I was tired as well, annoyed, and all I was trying to do was comfort my friend. I felt exactly the same way she did. The arguing wasn't common in this house, and it was gradually becoming scary.

"You're not mad, are you?" I murmured. "I mean, its-"

"Well, I bet you wouldn't be so happy if your crush kissed you five seconds ago then goes spilling his heart out to the person's best friend!"

I looked down, whispering, "He's my boyfriend, you know."

Ally's P.O.V;

Wynter had a point there, but at the moment, I could care less. Silent, I remained, aware of he presence lingering beside me. We both radiated with anger, letting it off on each other, but was that really our source of anger? No, it was Mike's fault or Ivan's fault.

Wynter thought the same thing, and told me so.

I groaned at her, purposely making her wrathful, even though those were my exact thoughts too. "Go away, please."

I repeated those words, twining my fingers in my hair, looking down and not at her.

But Wynter scooted over to me. She was merely stunned at my attitude, and that was obvious. I was, too. This was a new type of me, and I didn't like it. Why couldn't everything be normal again?

"Hey. Anything new happening?"

Somehow, Mike was behind us, and we both jerked around to notice this. Eavesdropping, maybe? Stalking us?

A smile was to his lips, and he waved, awkwardly. Wynter revealed her reluctancy by stepping away.

He sighed, gazing at her desperately, as he watched her thin body walk away. In his eyes, clouded with helplessness, I knew he wanted Wynter, so very badly. I wanted her for him too, to sooth him, to be there for him when I couldn't be.

Mike surprised me by calling my name.


"You're not going to walk away from me, are you?" He mimicked, chuckling shortly after his attempt of Wynter.

Giggling quietly, I told him, "Of course not. I'm your friend. Friends don't do that."

"That's good to know."

A grin spread across his lips.

I tentatively grasped his hand, wondering what he was talking to me for. It would have been better to speak to Ivan, but that was no choice, considering he was upstairs, destroying everything in spite of his wicked, curent attitude. It was an amusing, eerie thing; hearing his shouts of anger emit downstairs.

Mike began to walk away slowly, and then his eyes flickered to me.

"Stand here," He ordered. "I'll be back."

He proceeded to me a moment later, walking happily and enlightened. "Close your eyes and lift your ponytail."

I forced a laugh, and my eyes fluttered close. Obviously, it was dark, and that caused my midn to race with possibilities. What could this be?

Something metallic hit my warm skin, and I shivered, peering down at my chest.

"Oh my gosh, Mike!" I gasped. "I thought you didn't..."

He arched his eyebrow, managing a gentle laugh. "I like you, Ally, as a friend. Remember that, okay? It's just an apology present. I've been a bitch lately." He smiled. "You love jewelry, and I can't think of anything for Wynter."

I thought, concentrating hard on an appropriate gift for Wynter. Even though I was her best friend, I really couldn't think of much.

"She's different, as you can tell," I finally told him. "But she does like true love. She doesn't seem that sappy, but it's true. So...just show her you love her. Maybe by a poem, a letter, a picnic or something. A scrapbook even of your memories. Something small to show you care."

Mike sighed, his eyes swimming with relief, and he grinned widely. "Thank you, Ally! I have no idea what I would do without you."

I blinked, intrigued, as he hugged me. This was new, and I liked it.

Wynter's P.O.V ;

Ally proceeded back to me, grinning widely. She grasped a small box in her hands, and said nothing until she met me.

It was difficult, in an eccentric way, pretending you were mad at your best friend. We really weren't; although, Ally did so good, my emotions played slightly, even though we were acting. Luckily, Mike totally bought it. He left us alone to work it out.

"So, what happened?" I asked.

Smiling, she pulled the box out of her bra, which had somehow gotten in there. I suppressed back my grin of amusement, and focused on the gift.

Although, it really was a nice place to store something, and a handy way to fake a larger chest.

"It's a necklace," She told me. Delicately, she pulled it out of the silky padding, and layed it in my palms. I stared at it, completely awed at its beauty. It was a thin silver chain, holding small, metallic diamonds that were embedded on an infinity symbol. On the extra, uncovered edges of the symbol were rubies; her birthstone.

Ally preferred bracelets over necklaces, but this was such a beautiful present.

"If he's kind enough to give you this, then I really hope you forgave him." I said slowly.

The necklace was amazing, and the price was probably equal to this divine home, even. But then I realized that I had the wrong image of him. He was beautiful, inside, too.

She seemed to read my thoughts, which was a common thing. Then she said, "Wynter? You still want to escape, don't you?

When she asked that, the most unusual, unknown feeling dwelled inside me.

"Of course," I stammered. "Why? Do you?"

"I do." Her mossy eyes clouded with something; malice? And it was as if she was planning something much more infinite than escaping, like revenge. "And we will: we'll escape beyond infinity."

We sat there, in the silence, and none of us chose to break it; other than ocassionally murmuring, "Do you think we should take our break North or East?" or "Do you think if we went to downtown St. Petersburg, they would see us?"

We were to escape in one week. It sounded like an eternity to wait...but neither of us wanted Mike or Ivan suspecting anything.


The next morning, I sat with Ally, our friendship powerful once again. I listened cautiously, observing her tone of voice, and she told me everything that had happened with her and Mike. It was interesting how Mike gave her a necklace, but sweet how he wanted something for me, too. But I didn't want to express my positive thoughts of Mike to Ally. I needed to discourage her from staying, because we were going to escape.

And I wanted this.

So, I murmured, "Well, Ally, do you think he even really likes us? It's strange. He liked you then, then he likes me, then he probably likes a gazillion other girls he meets with every night. Have you ever considered that? Ivan might too!"

She looked away when I mentioned Ivan. It was a ridiculous thing to bring him into, but anything to motivate Ally to keep escaping was fine with me.

"I know," She said. "You're so worked up over this, Wynter. Why not have a wee bit of fun while we're here? We still have six days."

I thought it over carefully, wondering what we should do. We had to think of something in six days, and if we didn't, we wouldn't make it very far.

Ally's P.O.V;


One morning, several days later, Wynter and I both walked down the stairs, ecsatic and shouting like younger children. We were identical sweaters and leggings, which looked fahsionable yet simple at the same time. We were greeted, and gestured into the kitchen by Mike. But once she saw him, Wynter walked out to go with Ivan.

"Ally, angel, I fixed you breakfast." Mike pointed towards the meal. It consisted of several waffles drowned in syrup. The aroma was satisfying.

I laughed. "Are you trying to make me fat?"

He rolled his eyes, quickly answering and kissing me on the cheek. "Why would I do that? You girls need it, if anything. Now eat."

"But what about Wynter?" I asked as I was forced to sit down.

"She can have something else," Mike persisted, grasping the plate and handing it to me. "Who cares about her? Come on, take a bite."

I was still exhausted, and was merely confused about his rapid actions to get em to eat this meal. I ignored the thought, and took a dainty bite. He glowered above me.

"Eat more, Ally. Did I do a good job of making it?"

Unlike Ivan's difficult ways, it was obvious that Mike had put something in this meal.

For some reason, it tasted only slightly foreign, but that foreign taste lingered in my mouth, dancing with vivid flavors. It was absolutely delicious. I ate more, absentmindedly.

While eating slowly, I thought about what could be in my breakfast. And then I jerked away.


I shuddered and thrust the plate in the sink, intentionally hoping it would shatter. Anger surged through my veins.

Hearing the noises, Mike stepped over.

He grabbed my jaw as I folded my arms, breathing heavily and furrowing my brow. Delicately kissing it and tracing it with his finger.

I was furious at him for the drugs, but the heavenly pleasure of affection was just too mesmerizing to object.

Wynter's P.O.V ;

I stood on the third floor, awkwardly swaying my arms as I stood beside Ivan. I had expected conversation and not this idiotic silence.

I was too smart for Mike. I knew the cloying sweetness in his eyes was an act for something sinful he had done. Ally was being naive, as always: carelessly eating the meal he had provided for her.

I turned away, clenching my fists with anger at her stupidity. I noticed Ivan's face turn red as my pupils darted to take his image in.

He paused every so often to wink at me or do this foolish eyebrow thing, just to get lost in those seducing thoughts of his. It was probably the slutty way I was dressed: and it wasn't particularly my fault. Mike had chosen clothing for me to wear and sat it on my bed this morning. He hadn't given me more than an oversized sweater and panties.

I needed to make conversation before this turned into sex.

"Are-are Arthur and Jan here?" I stammered loudly.

Ivan looked over at me, his eyes lingering on my chest for a moment. Then he stepped closer and whispered into my ear.

"Babe, why would you wonder about them when you've got me?"

He placed his palms onto my shoulder, drawing small circles with his thumbs. The massage was soothing, but I felt guilty while wallowing in my own joyous thoughts of escaping.

I don't have anyone, I thought at his words. Not Mike, not you. I trusted you guys, and if you wouldn't have done this, I might be yours...

The thought was hard to grasp onto, yet I still told the guys nothing of what I thought. Mike would get angry if I mentioned this, and Ivan would just say some ridiculous, witty comeback to change my mind.

But I was strong. Mentally. Far more stronger than Mike or Ivan: and I was telling Mike what I thought.

I was halfway out the bedroom door until Ivan's hands grabbed my waist, jerking me around to face him.

"Don't interrupt them! They're probably getting ready to go somewhere. Something we could be doing right now."

"I have to go to the bathroom first," I lied. "You know. To get ready for the day. Tampons and all." I pulled a smug expression as he analyzed me with those narrowed eyes. Wondering if he should take in my words or not.

After a lengthy moment, he shook his head. "None of those. Let me go with you. I can help you with it."

"Can't I just go alone?" I protested. "I'm sixteen. I've been doing this since I was ten."

"Why go alone?"

Leering, I said, "It's not exactly pleasant when some dude is trying to watch you do your lady stuff. It's a surprise, you know."

My explanantion was pathetic.

Ivan winked and told me to go ahead. He promised, smirking, that he would be here waiting for me when I left.

Irritated and livid, I stormed into the bathroom, locking the door twice, to make sure, and lounging in a corner. I wanted to cry; it was the sheer thought of knowing I would exit this bathroom to Ivan's face.

I was absolutely positive that Ivan would come get me if I didn't make the scene realistic. It was an immature move, but I groaned loudly, shrieking every so often. It wasn't particularly down-to-earth, but it made Ivan laugh outside the door. His laugh made me smile. So I laughed too, quietly. Then he exited the other room and went around. I had no idea where he was going, and didn't care. I could finally have some free time!

I suddenly screamed, "Ivan!" as a figure was in my bathroom window, half way hanging in.

"Yes?" He pulled a sardonic expression at me.

I had no idea what to say. He was in my bathroom, with a fully-clothed me who lounged carelessly in the corner. He had now known that the noises were fake and so was my explanation. What was my punishment?

"Well, if you're going to do something, just do it." I muttered.

He began laughing at that for no apparent reason. I wrinkled my nose, arching my eyebrow as he laughed so hard he fell into the bathtub below him.

I hoped he broke a bone or something for treating me in the sly ways that he did.


A fortunate event occurred, which was that the boys had left

Wynter and me alone in the house. We had been like this for only an hour, occasionally playing with Mike's kitten or dog, that made quiet noises beside us.

Just in case, we had locked our bedroom door, so that if anyone entered they wouldn't see our escaping map.

Or, that was what we called it.

It was a large, ivory sheet of paper from an art easal that we had discovered in the closet. It was a peculiar thing for these boys to own, and as far as I knew, they weren't interested in art. But along with that, we had found colored pencils, markers, and paint.

Tracing a quivery line, that swayed East, Wynter murmured to me that she was scared we would get caught.

"If you're scared, then why do it?" I asked. Although, I had no right saying that. I was scared too, and honestly, I wondered if I really even wanted to.

Over the days, I had changed my mind; one, twice, more than several. I simply could not decide on staying or leaving.

Ally's P.O.V;

Although I cast several smiles at my friend, I didn't speak. These guys had serious problems, I knew, but I did love them. It was actually difficult not to.

And deep down inside, I didn't want to escape.

the next morning

"Ally, wake up!"


I turned over, exhaling as a groan escaped through my slightly parted lips. I could sense the uneasiness and panic that surrounded his presence. Sleep called my name, distantly, but something seemed wrong.

Slowly, I sat up, and my eyes tried to adjust to the darkness of the room. Mike's hair was disheveled and his unruly clothing stuck to his body as sweat beaded onto his palms and stomach. It took me a moment to adjust to reality.

"Come with me."

His quivering words came so rapidly before I could even question his presence. I rolled my eyes, lowering myself back into bed. I wasn't going downstairs with Mike just to see some stupid sighting. Maybe it was the subtle glittering of the ocean: whatever it was, I didn't want to see it at three in the morning.

"Ally," He groaned, seizing my hand gently. "Come on. I need to show you something."

I got out, and we went down the large staircase.

"Can you see that?" He asked. I noticed the quivering in his voice as he gestured to window.

I squinted, attempting to see the scintillating flashes of crimson and blue. Once I realized what this was, my eyes expanded, fearful, and I gasped. "That can't be the..."

"Yeah, it is." He muttered.

His youthful, straining eyes stared absentmindedly out the window. Beside him, I trembled with elation, but I kept my emotion a secret. This was it! The escape we had been planning for weeks! The oppurtunity seemed magical as I watched it unravel and come to life.

Wynter's P.O.V;

I was going to walk downstairs, but as I saw the policeman break in our door, I heard Ally scream and I decided to stay upstairs. Tentatively, with my heart battering, I glimpsed from my window and opened it. It was three in the morning; dark, cold, and wicked people roaming the streets.

I had called the police.

I would never tell Ally that, but I did. I was sick of Ivan's persitent drug abuse, and almost everyday he overdosed.

Mike? I wasn't sure what trouble he caused me. Maybe it was just his eerie, pleasurable way of being himself.

I proceeded downstairs, trying to act as if I had just woken, and I was horrified by the police men everywhere.

In fact, I hadn't even gotten down when one man saw me and shouted, "Hey! There she is! Are you Wynter Culp?"

"Yeah, it's Wynter here." I muttered, and laced my fingers through tangles of light hair.

I knew he had responded but it was inaudible due to the vociferous background noises. I heard a gunshot and everything happening seemed to finally register to me: police officers in my house! Gun shots! I screamed at myself to get back to reality as Ivan darted past me, blocking an officer.

"Hey!" Ivan shrieked, grabbing a gun, to our fear and astonishment. "Get out of my house!"

"No! Ivan, don't hurt them!" I shouted, sprinting towards him and pulling the gun free from his hand. He jerked around and glared at me, menace swimming in his eyes, like evil sprits of fire. Ally cried, staring at Ivan and vigorously shaking her head.

"I thought I trusted you!" She whispered, her voice staurated by her crying.

Ivan looked at her and walked away.

"Do you know where Ivan Mannreall is?" An officer asked Mike, with a high and quivery voice. "Ivan Mannreall!"

Mike blinked several times, as if convincing himself this was a nightmare. As if it was. If it could be.

If only.

But Mike himself simply nodded, pointing upstairs and wincing at the sound of a gunshot.

His voice had faded from delicately friendly to dry. If I looked closely, desperately concentrating, I saw the invisible liquid that swayed from his eyes. I turned to Ally. Mike's crying had made me wonder if hope existed for us.

"What are we gonna say?" She panicked, gently nudging my arm.

I surveyed the officers as they overlooked our house; glimpsing under couch cushions, analyzing the garage, rummaging through our cabinets. Our house had been invaded by shitty police officers who did nothing but stalk the contents of our house.

It was a sardonic movement, and I regretted it, but I slapped Ally for crying. Her cheek faded to a slight red color, and it throbbed. The gesture only made her cry harder.

"Will you at least tell me what happened with Ivan?" She cried, her voice quivering.

Mike stood beside her. He glanced at me. Desperation lingering in his eyes, his need for me obvious.

I gazed into his eyes more. I wanted his comforting too, and he knew it

I found entertainment by picking lint off from my pajama pants.

"He deserved his punishment," I said slowly.

Ally gaped at me. "What was it, Wynter!?"

A frown slipped onto my mouth, and it was gone so quickly I wondered if it even existed.

"Well, they'll take him to jail, I'm sure. I mean, they have to. He deserves it for what he did."

My words suddenly registered to Mike. At the sound of his brother's name, he jerked up and pinned me against the wall. It came so suddenly, I was too weak to fight back, even though I tried to shove him away.

"What did you do to my brother?" He whispered, his hands against the wall, resting on mine.

"I didn't do anything!"

They both gazed at me, and my heart began to wildly batter. How could they suspect me?

Quivering with apprehension, I whispered, "I-I didn't do anything."

Ally's P.O.V;

With absolute disgust I speculated Mike. I had never experienced this side of him and it was an abrupt side that I longed to dissapear.

"She didn't do it, Mike," I breathed, saying it to mostly reassure myself. But I couldn't emit the words with certainty. "She-she couldn't have."

Wynter held her quivering fingers up in a crossing gesture. I crossed mine, too, tracing them over my heart which pounded ritously.

Mike pulled a smug face and cold liquid ran down his cheek. It hardened his expression with affliction.

"Of course it wasn't you, Wynter," He said, shielding his tears from us. "It's never you. It's always Ally or the weather or Ivan: it's never you at all!"

Hurt and shocked by his sarcasm, Wynter began to cry. I stared at Mike with folded arms, my eyes clouded with dissapointment from his ugly attitude. I implied my emotion by my gestures but I felt like I should scream at him for making her cry. She was the strongest of us all.

There was a police gun in Mike's hand, so I took no chances.

"Wynter," I whispered her silken name and touched her cold face. "Wynter! Be strong!"

All traces of intimidation and swagger seemed to dissear from her presence as she wept. I was sure her amazing power was still somewhere in there. I nudged her and she didn't slap me. I touched her metallic face and she made no effort to punch me.

In fact, she didn't even react. But Wynter needed to be strong for both of us. In one kick, she could send Mike to the place he needed to be.

Violet shivers racked throughout my body. Wynter's power was scary.

In a distant place, Mike sat down.

"This makes me angry." He sighed. "My closest brother might be gone because of a drug. Wynter, I know you put him into some kind of daze: admit it all fucking ready! My brother's gone now because of your shit, and I'm tired of it."

"Wynter's not some kind of witch that casts a spell on Ivan," I told him loudly. I was stunned myself by his use of such blunt language. "It's your mind making you think this way, Mike!"

Wynter's strength rehabilitated just as abruptly as it had vanished. Little patches of relief hit me and I sighed peacefully, grinning, watching as she wiped away her afflicted tears.

Mike stood up and I heard him call my name in the distance.

I followed him into a bedroom, looking back to check on Wynter.

Wynter's P.O.V;

I sat in that living room for what seemed like eternity. I was certain it was only lengthy moments when I decided that I was finished with wallowing in self pity.

It was gentle and quiet, but I heard my name being repeated from the bedroom Mike had gsestured Ally into. They were talking about me: I was sure of it.

Was Ivan really dead?

I had no idea.

I thought about the possibilities, surveying the noises from upstairs. He was probably being interviewed or checked for more weapons. Maybe he was; anything but dead.

Why had I even acted like he was dead? Why not wait for the truth?

My thoughts grew more intense as Ally stepped out to call me in.

"We need you, Wynter."

I felt so naive, so much like a younger child being diciplined by my mother as we walked into the bedroom, our hands intertwined like the best friends we were.

"Do you think I killed him?" I murmured.

At the thought, I quivered, and desperately hoped I hadn't. I didn't mean to. I didn't!

Ally shook her head vigorously, mostly to reassure herself, though.

"You couldn't have, Wynter. I'm not mad at you, either, and I think Mike's just a bit depressed. Come here." She gestured me further into the bedroom. I hadn't realized I had stopped in my own tracks.

It was dim, which was an appropriate setting, and Mike sat on the bed. His thin body was sprawled out across the surface, and he cried loudly, his makeup streaking our ivory pillows.

Those sounds perturbed me. Mike and Ally had news for me.

Ally's P.O.V;

I was so thoughtless, so confused, that I hadn't realized that Wynter and Mike were already discussing this. Helplessly, I turned around and listened. What had I missed?

"Wynter, what was the drug?"

Mike had Wynter in his lap. It was the first intimate movement he had made towards her since the incident. Sadistically, his lips grazed her skin, yet it wasn't in a cruel manner. In fact, it somehow reminded me of the dance.

I shoved Mike gently. "Stop. She'll tell me, okay? I've got this."

Mike was petite; so was his brother, but compared to him, his muscle was invisible.

Although he was sexy, he was frail, and it was entertaining to literally kick him out of the bedroom.

I knew Wynter was probably mad at me. Why wouldn't she be? I hated to ask her what the pill was, since she had already been strained in spite of Mike's pressure. I wasn't going to kiss her, obviously, or beg her for an answer. I was her best friend. She had to answer me.

"What was it?" I asked.

"I didn't exactly give him a bad pill."

"Then tell me what it was."

She shifted her weight uncomfortablly, lacing her fingers through her long hair. "I, er...have to use the bathroom."

"No," I said loudly, pinning her back to the wall. "Tell me what it was. Was it cocaine? Was it a drug?"

"It's-it's not a drug," She stammered. "It's Ty-Tylonol."

I wondered if she was high on something, because her usual strength had vanished, and she was acting silly; her voice quiet, her motions timid.

A small smile plastered to her lips as we exited.

We proceeded downstairs, talking about things in our normal conversations. She answered me hesitantly, which increased my thoughts of her being high.

When we reached the main room, there was a girl in front of him.

Oh, my gosh!

"You're supposed to be upstairs, Kayleigh." Mike touched her arm gently, although he looked behind his shoulder at us all and rolled his eyes with obvious exasperation. She noticed the snide movement, but said nothing: redness entirely streaked her face as she screamed.

"Mike! You said no one was home!"

Her bones jutted out from a lack of eating. She darted behind the staircase once seeing our confused eyes, growling and awkwardly touching her silky golden hair.

Mike stepped over to shield her naked body. Glowering over her, he said, "And I was correct, love: they're not bodies. They're souls. Evil souls."

"Mike!" I shouted, gasping. "Stop being so rude! Who is she!?"

In astoundment, we looked over at Kayleigh, who slipped on a little black dress and darted out the door without a simple goodbye. Her waves of light hair danced wildly while she ran. We could see the ashamement radiate from her presence in the slightest motions.

Mike groaned as he called her name. But we all knew she wasn't coming back.

"That's my girlfriend, guys!" Mike took our images in slowly, and desperation filled his glittering pupils. Sardonically, he sighed, whispering, "Now look what you've all done. She's gone."

"What about Wynter?" I called loudly. No response.

She nudged me lightly, seeming to not care. "Ally. You know what this means, right?"

"What?" I was pathetically astounded. "You're not mad about Mike?"

"How could I be mad when it's the perfect time to start our plan?" Wynter flashed me a large grin, ruffling the paper in her jacket pocket. "And the door's right there."

She grabbed my hand, forcing me towards the open pathway. The chilly autumn breeze hit me, sending goose bumps racing up and down my arms. I couldn't believe we were actually doing this, and my heart hammered in anticipation. We would make it.

Wynter's P.O.V ;

My waves of silky hair grazed the escaping map as we walked; it was so long. We were so keen to this, we made our way around the house. It was so elegant and divine, and I would almost miss seeing it everyday.

"Where do you think you're going?" Ivan shouted. I jumped.

Oh, gosh.

"Just because Mike has a new girlfriend doesn't mean you can leave. We have other friends you might like." He snarled.

"To the bathroom!" I muttered loudly. It was a ridiculous excuse, but would Ivan recognize the difference if he was drunk?

I could practically hear Ally rolling her eyes behind me. That didn't help.

"And Ally's going with you?" Ivan questioned, solicitous. "You're not lesbian, right? I need you to fuck with."

"I'm bisexual!" I shouted, developing plastic eagerness. A grin to my lips, I jerked around, facing Ivan. I thought that if he saw me, lying, my grin would at leats prove the point.

Althogh it was a lie, Ally suppressed her laugh, and it was partially because of that.

Ivan followed us and called, "You won't be bisexual when I get to you again!"

"Well, can I at least go with Ally?"

The begging tinge to my voice made it difficult for both of us. If we laughed, Ivan would suspect my lies.

His voice somnolent, and his eyes narrowed. Were we good to trust? Would we lie and get you in trouble with Mike?

"Go. Make it quick." He sounded slightly dizzy, and his voice lingered with so many other emotions.

I was immensely relieved that we could go now. Although, I was worried about Mike's reaction. He was far more knowledgeable; even drunk, he was. If Ivan told him, Mike would know we were escaping.

Ivan's last words were amusing, but I hoped he would leave soon; "Be back in an hour! Hey, will you bring me a coke?"

"Oh, my gosh. He's wasted." I laughed quietly, the words fluttering from my lips like a sigh. They were so gentle, so inaudible, that he would never hear. And he would never witness our escape.

Ally glanced at me. Something scintillated in her mossy eyes, and although I had no idea what it was, it might have been helplessness. Did she really want to this?

I couldn't tell; it was gone so fast, so invisible to my sight.

I was ecstatic at how freely we were allowed to talk out here. The Birch trees swayed, swinging in tuneless melody, and the lakes on every side of us were beautiful.

But we were leaving them.

Leaving Russia.

Leaving the house of Mike and Ivan Mannreall.

Ally's P.O.V;

"Where do we go now?" I asked. My voice was quiet; I almost felt dumb for asking, because we grasped the map as we walked. I prayed Ivan couldn't hear us, although the autumn leaves crackling beneath out feet perturbed us; in the sense that he could be listening.

Wynter sighed and gestured to a blue line. "We go North. It takes fifteen minutes, so after that we can take a break at..." She scanned the area, and then smiled, pointing to a large mall. "We can stay here and rest."

"You've really got this planned." I murmured, awestruck.

We walked for minutes in lengthy silence, and the delicate sway of the breeze was calming, enough to forget about what had happened earlier. Peaceful as it was, it didn't last for long.


"Ivan!" Someone screamed.

Merely frantic, I jerked around, trying to pinpoint the location of the gun shot. I began to breathe rapidly, but it seemed to linger in the distance; although I could smell the awful odor of gun smoke. This was a safe area, and that one shot worried me...who was here?

"Wynter?" I mumbled, pausing and looking around. "Did you just hear that?"

She groaned with exasperation. It made me feel unwelcomed on this journey, and part of me longed to go back and stay with the guys. They were kind to us and their care was obvious. But Wynter persisted that we ignore it; assumedly, it was just some retard shooting in midair.

That thought scared me even more, because there was probably only one Ivan in our neightborhood.

Uncertain, I proceeded walking, making thoughtful motions in my steps. We didn't make it much further until a blood curling scream emitted through the atmopshere; "Ivan! I hate you!"

"It's Mike!" I shouted, facing Wynter with an astounded expression. My heart battered and sunk at seeing her calm face. "How can you stay so silent in this situation?! Come on!"

We heard another scream of Mike's; it was extremely high, dancing with fear, and it lingered for a moment until I shouted at Wynter to go back.

She touched me. It kept me from moving further, and it was a gentle movement. Her voice had enlightened, and in an outlandish way that made me feel comfortable. I still wanted to go back as she said, "We've been planning this almost since we got here. Why would you want to go back now? Sure, they're nice and all. But we're sixteen, Ally. We have our own thoughts."

"Maybe my thoughts are different from yours!" I growled. My voice; vociferous, contrasted from the delicate tone Wynter had used with me. Her grasp on my arm tightened, and it left red burns over my skin. "Let go!"

I screamed that, clamorous, as she winced and stepped away. Hope gnawed at my heart as I fled into the distance, shouting for Mike or Ivan. Wynter was too stunned to throughly realize I had escaped, and I ran faster, my heart battering against my rib cage and threatening me to go further. I did so and the noises; they were clear, easily audible and disturbing my hearing. They were violent sounds.

Wynter's P.O.V;

I was dazed, until I caught sight of Ally's thin legs crashing through the leaves and proceeding back to the location of the noises. She had ruined it all. If she wanted to change her mind, it would never happen; because it was ruined.

All because of her.

The wrath got to me easily. When that happens, usually, I crush the nearest item in sight. There was nothing other than trees and lakes, so I dashed after Ally. I remembered my youthful days when I did track, and it was obviously helpful, because I reached Mike and Ivan faster than Ally had.

I fled between the two, knocking Ivan off of Mike.

It was evident that Ivan was wanting to say something, but he was too drunk to realize anything. He murmured words of nonsense, and I attempted to listen, shouting; "Shut up, everybody! Ivan's saying something!"

It astounded me to see the tears that spilled from Ally's eyes. They swayed down her cheeks, leaving a fading red color, and making her mossy eyes red.

"Do something about Mike first!" She wailed.

I gestured to Ivan's head and glared at her: "Ivan's head is bleeding! He could be in a coma!"

"But Mike-"

"Mike can wait! Ivan needs an ambulance!" I screamed back.

Ally's P.O.V;

I was still worried about Mike, but he could wait. Horrified, I stepped closer to Ivan, tocuhing his bloody face. The blood trickled so thickly it touched my finger: metallic and unraveling on my skin. I gasped, and it was inaudible, considering the other's screaming behind me. I was too fearful of the blood and flesh on his face. The way he looked was entirely indescribable.

"Can you hear me, Ivan?" I asked weakly.

I tried to make conversation for a sickly reason. But as time rapidly passed and there was still no indication of a response, I knew what would happen if he fell asleep. So I turned his head my way, slowly avoiding his open flesh, and gulping at what might stare back at me.

But his eyes were red and they had rollen back. I gasped and jerked around to see Wynter beside me. Her wild image filled my vision, and although she was livid, it was better than Ivan's perilous injury.

"Call 911, Mike," She began to cry. "Now!"

Wynter ignored her own demand and called the paramedics herself. I watched her with terror: her mouth nimbly moved but her words were devid of any sound to me. Her hands trembled. Her skin-ever so light it was-simply caused the tears to harden her complexion. All traces of the power I had admired of Wynter had vanished entirely. This was a completely different side of her and I hated it.

I calmly faced Ivan as he touched my shoulder, relieved that he was awake.

"You don't know how sorry I am." He whispered.

His voice just didn't register to me. I looked away with an emotion I couldn't decipher.

The ambulance arrived just as abruptly as Wynter had called.

Swarms of panicky men made me cry harder as they pinned Ivan to a stretcher. He was still awake, but slightly awake: his eyes began to roll back once again and his skin had a familiar violet undertone. It was sickening and violent quivers racked my body.

"He's going to Helen Hospital," Someone told us, gesturing to Ivan's limp body. "Sorry, Miss: the injury is severe. You can follow us in your car to the hospital, though. We'll try to keep him alive for as long as possible, okay?"

Every word Wynter and I understood. We nodded vigorously, suddenly hating ourselves for being immature and weak about this situation when we could have done so much more than panic. That was what Ivan would want us to do.

Before proceeding to the car, I heard crying from the distance.

I turned around and saw Mike's thin shoulders jutted, tears spilling over his small face which was caked with pale foundation. Mascara made the salty liquid black.

I was exasperated at him for behaving like a child. He was the strongest of us all, and I was dissappointed that he wallowed in affliction instead of quickly reaching Ivan.

I slapped him, devoid of his emotions.

"You're driving us to the Helen Hospital. Now be a man, and let's go on."

"What? Ally?" He jerked around and shielded his face. "No, I'm not! Stupid bitch!"

I hit him again and he quickly rose, glowering over me as I persisted, "Yes!"

My voice went high with desperation.

"Let's go! You're the only one with a driver's lisence, Mike!"

Instead of arguing, Mike's arms simply folded and he looked away.

"I told you, I'm not driving."

I had begun walking towards Mike's car, expecting him to give in, but when he didn't I slowly turned and stared.

His words were truly wicked.

Tears errupted.

"How can you watch your own brother die?" I whispered.

My voice was weak, and the power I thought I had regained was what suddenly vanished.

Wynter's P.O.V ;

"Who the hell cares about Ivan now?"

I heard Mike's sinful whisper. His words dripped with metallic venom as if they were sent from Hell itself, and I screamed at him.

"Your brother is dying!" I shouted, my fist jerking into the air. He realized that I would have hitten him and he lowered himself, cringing.

His movements were calm as he faced me. He implied no emotion but his heart was cruel. "He stole my other girl. You. Why would I go to see him dying?"

I wasn't particularly sure if he meant that in a passionate or wicked way. I shouted his name and told him to choose which girl he wanted.

When he didn't answer, I grasped his arm and dragged him towards my car. With the other arm, I pulled Ally along. Her expression was of timidness and she tried to slap my wrist away.

Fortunately, I was Wynter Culp, and a slap on the wrist wouldn't stop me.

"You can't drive! You've never had a license! Wynter! Stop!" She screamed.

That made me angry. I grasped her arm as tightly as I could and shoved her in my backseat, where Mike was thrown in a lingering moment later. She shrieked as he landed on her lap and at the time, I hadn't cared whether he enjoyed being tossed on another girl's lap or not.

"No! No!" Mike pounded the window with his fists, which were actually quite powerful. "We're not going, Wynter! Back the fuck up right into that driveway right now and-"

"Shut up!" I shouted, my palms sweaty as I whispered nervously to myself. My fingers danced on the gear shift, hesitant towards what I should do. Did I turn the wheel a certain way to reverse? How many feet away from a car would I be? Ally's tentative stare didn't help me. It shot me glares in my mirror, so I sighed and reversed onto the street. I thought I was doing well, and that made me only slightly relax.

Ally's P.O.V;

When Wynter made it to the road, I managed a thin smile, and it spread tediously across my lips. Although I knew Wynter was an atrocious driver when stressed, I prayed that this wouldn't to get to her; but Mike wasn't helpful in this.

"Go back! Now!" He shouted. His pounding had stopped, and he grasped his fists now to cease the pain.

I couldn't handle him at all. Wynter was trying her best and Mike was ruining every remaining trace of sanity we had.

"Shut your fucking mouth, Mike, and Wynter drive the damn car!" I screamed at both of them. My voice was louder than normal and they both offered me glares clouded with nothing but evilness.

I sighed. Was anyone here going to be mature?

While Wynter tried desperately not to crash, I tried not to think about Ivan. The trip was silent, in that case, but it was still difficult. Mike cringed about every passing moment; so did I. Although Wyter would never admit it, she knew she could scarcely drive well.

On the freeway, though, she was doing quite a good job. Mike's cringing, gradually, ceased. She merged forward, glancing over her shoulder for cars behind her. She stepped on the gas and entered the next lane. I clapped, and she stuck out her tongue.

For the freeway, and even some streets, she was going insanely fast. In Cologne, there were many police, and it astounded me that none attempted to stop her.

I sighed. Oh, well.

I opened my car door, stepping out and opening Mike's. He shut it in my face, and I backed away. Then a slight moment later, he opened it again, slammed it and purposely bumped into me as we walked. I couldn't blame him, although it was a rude gesture. His brother might be dead.

We tried to walk calmly into the main lobby. Some visitors were crying in seats nearby, whimpering quietly or blowing their noses. Little children played in a nursery.

"Is Ivan Mannreall here?" I asked. My voice was far too rapid. "What room is he in?"

"Uh, he just checked in a minute ago." She rummaged through a thick stack of papers, licking her fingertip and smiling. "Ah. He's in room two-seventy four."

"Thank you!" I shouted, grasping Wynter's arm and dragging her through the stairs. Loudly, and obviously groaning, Mike followed us. He was still far behind, yet despite his troubles, he was really quick.

By the time we reached his room, we had mistaken several others for his. We didn't care. We were now here. Mike reached forwards to open the door, but when it wouldn't open, he started crying, but it was scarcely noticeable.

I rolled my eyes and knocked. It was more like pounding, though.

"Come in?"

The voice speaking was uncertain about our idnetity, but then again, a large door blocked the way. I shook with anticipation as it unlocked, and dashed in, grinning widely.

"I missed you, babe." I murmured and touched his arm. He laughed, then coughed loudly.


Wynter entered slowly. She shut the door behind Mike, who lounged in the corner, playing with his hair.

He pulled a smug expression and said, "With your driving, I didn't think you'd make it."

"Oh, whatever." She grinned.

I traced my fingertips all over his arm. The sensation made him tremble, and I paused to gaze in his eyes. "I'm glad we made it here in time."

Ivan shrugged. "There's nowhere I could really...go." With that, he tried to sit up. A moment later he groaned, and fell back onto his pillow. "I can't see; where's Mike?"

I glanced, warningly, at his brother. In the corner he stood, slouching, and seeing me, he stuck his tongue out and gave me the finger. Then he made a silly face and bent over. His black, long hair fell into his green eyes.

I felt like a mother, scolding a child, as I said, "Mike. Ivan's speaking to you. Answer him, or I'll-"

"Or you'll what? He stole everything from me! My love for you girls, my girlfriend, and now he even has my car..."

"I was never yours." Wynter frowned. A sadistic expression to her face.

With that remark, Mike breathed heavily and stepped forward.

"Yes, yes you were," He persisted, holding his battering heart with deperation. "Yes, you were. I had you, and you knew it."

He ended the conversation by storming out of the hospital room. Meters away, we could still hear the delicate thud of his dark boots. A moment later we could hear his returning tears, and it pained me to experience the agony he was going through.

Ivan sighed. "He needs to chill."

"He's just mad. Let him cool off." I assured them all.

Though, honestly, I wondered if he would ever cool down. I had never experienced Mike this way, and I didn't think Ivan had, either.

Ivan lowered himself in the bed. His feet, covered in a pale blanket, dangled off the edge, and he gave a happy sigh.

"Are you tired?" I laughed quietly.

He nodded and grasped the blanket. I suppressed my giggle. So young, he looked; like a child, sleeping peacefully, after being sung a lullaby.

Wynter shrugged, and paced to the other side of the room. She set a mattress on the floor,

clambering onto it. Then she found a thick, wooly blanket and covered herself. I guess this was our new way of sleeping. I wondered how long it would last for.

Worrysome, I delicately sat on the couch beside Ivan's bed. I kissed him on the hand, and held it to my heart, falling alseep.

Wynter's P.O.V ;


I woke up to this vague, annoying, merely exasperating noise that emitted from a large monitor. I knew it was normal, for these machines to beep and then gradually turn off, but this noise didn't cease. It was more like a persistent, stubborn sound that rung in your ears, thickening your mind with worrysome thoughts; why was this beeping?

That was the most important question. I would have preferred to stay asleep in my warm cocoon of a blanket, but I had to turn it off; somehow.

Groaning loudly and rudely, I sat up in my bed. Running my fingers through my unruly hair. My fingers got stuck in the tangles, and I turned to my side. Mike was completely out beside me.

I had no idea how he had gotten there. In revulsion, I touched him quickly, testing to see if he was real. It was. I didn't have time to think about his abrupt presence; this monitor needed to be turned off.

Tentatively, I swayed to my feet, staggering and stepping towards the screen. It was as if I was on cue, a quiet, lonesome girl helplessly yearning for her best friend to survive this injury.

But I wasn't sure.

Although my mother had been a nurse in her younger days, I was just a small girl; no hospitable knowledge, other than CPR and typical things, such as changing the patient's bedding and drawing baths for them if needed. I was treating Ivan like this, and I hated acting like a mom.

The lines were ivory. They were threatening themselves to continue the brief curve, and that made me so scared, my palms went numb. So did every other sense. They moved, and it was obvious, but as Ivan's breathing got quieter by the moment, the lines dropped in pace.

Until there was only four curves left.

With another breath, there was three.

And with the slightest breath that Ivan took, there was none remaining.


I screamed more and I instantly stayed in place with fear. I had suddenly forgotten all my medical knowledge; the CPR, the breathing techniques, and I was still numb and growing even number with an emotion I couldn't decipher.

I breathed. My palms trembled, growing sweaty and numbing, although the room had a neautral feeling. I whispered to myself in my mind. Screaming at myself. Do something, Wynter!

Cursing at myself, I placed my lips hungrily onto Ivan's, blowing through an open hole and sending streams of air through his lungs. It was disgusting and he tasted like the nasty taste of cigarettes, but I kept on blowing and my mind clouded with hope. Maybe there was a chance. I screamed through the process, although it was muffled by passing air. I did it more rapidly. Breathing like a vibrant dog. It took infinity for Ivan to jerk up, and it scared the crap out of me as he did so. I hastily shot backwards, because the sight abhorred me; his rollen back eyes, his mouth, slightly parted open. He broke the moment by suddenly closing his mouth. His eyes; the blue, the heavenly blue, were normal again. I screamed. Was it of happiness? Awe, astoundment?

Long before Ivan had woken, Mike and Ally were by my side. Ally was still crying; quite loudly with relief and other emotions. Mike was at his brother's side. He still delicately pressed onto his chest, and I let out deep breaths, assuring myself that I had performed a miracle. I was the cause of Ivan's survival.

It was me.

"Oh, my goodness," I breathed. It was obvious I was freaking out; my voice was hoarse, tears threatening to saturate my words. "Ivan! Do-do you-do you, just remember what happened?!"

"It was the most eerie feeling," He whispered. His hand reached up to touch his cheek, and it was red with the fabric of his lilac pillow. "I can't even describe it. I just saw green dots...and it was dark! Wynter, everything was dark!"

"I know!" I shouted at him. "And it's your drugs that caused you to die for almost a minute!"

"What?" He laughed, loudly, almost wickedly and evily. "Whatever! I was doing drugs long before this, and nothing has happened. It's just my heart, Wynter. I've always had heart problems. Even since a younger age."

"No, it's not," I told Ivan loudly. "I want all of your drugs. Now."


"You heard me!" I shouted. "Drugs! Now!"

He stood up, a little too eagerly. With quivering hands, he yanked lighters and cigarette packages free from his trousers. My vision was filled with Ivan's face which brimmed with guilt. It made me want to cry. I watched as he laid his drugs on a coffee table, and I checked around his crotch for more.

"You just couldn't wait for this part, could you, Wynter?" He grinned.

Immediantly, I jerked up and glared into his pupils. They lingered with vague smugness, the smugness I had always hated. I offered him a little frown and rolled my eyes, despising his smirk and folded arms.

"Shut up, Ivan. Are there any in your bag?"

No response.

A groan of anger quivered out of my parted lips, and I folded my arms, stepping towards his bag. In my hand, I grasped it, zipping it open and rummaging through the contents. I found two small bears, which caused me to quietly chuckle. Underneath the bears were drugs, but only a few. I couldn't identify them at the moment, but I grabbed them angrily, and sprinkled them in the trashcan. Now Ivan would never desire to get them back.

"Well, thank you for quitting, I guess." Ally said.

Ally's P.O.V;

I really was proud of Ivan; although he smoked over a reccomended limit a day, I knew he was tired and his mind was somewhere else today. If his usual sense had been back, he wouldn't have ever given up the drugs.

For an outlandish reason, I was glad he was in a different mind today.

I rested my head on his shoulder, touching his chest. The feel of his abdomen delighted me and I could practically see the ecstatic tingles radiating over his chest from my touch. As I did so, a nurse walked in.

"Hey, lovely. Everything going okay?"

She was probably three years older than Wynter and I, making her twenty. For her age, I was envious of her mere beauty, because it was so fragile and obvious there in my sight. She had delicate, yet sexy curves, and her breasts were the immense cause; spilling out of a light, lacy top. Her hair was so light, it shone, glazed, almost like snow in the early sunrise. She had to be Scandinavian; her large, icy eyes, almost were too mesmerizing too be true.

It took me a moment to realize that she was talking to me.

"Oh! Uh-well-Ivan's monitor started acting up. So Wynter had to give him CPR once the lines got staight."

"Oh, my goodness." She laughed a little, and it was tinged with relief, and she exhaled in the process. "Um, thank you-thank you so much. Sorry I wasn't able to come, but I'm here now. Are you ready for your IV, Ivan?"

He groaned, rolling his eyes back with exasperation. "Really?"

"Oh, shut up. I've got good news, too." A smile spread thinly across her lips, and he almost seemed to beam beneath her presence. She pulled back the needle, after pouring in clear liquid it to a certain fill. She focused on Ivan's arm, approaching gingerly with the needle, and accelerating when he winced. It wasn't the last one.

He frowned and made a pathetic noise once she turned again, facing him with another needle. She seized his arm a little, smiling with assurement, and entered with the last needle.

"I would do one more, but you seem ridiculously tired. The good news is that you're handling the fluids well. We think it's time for you to be released." She told him.

"Really, Ivory?" He jerked up, far too keenly as she slipped her arms around him. I growled inaudibly, and analyzed the two's movements. They weren't lustful, although I secretly hated this Ivory for stealing my boyfriend with her looks.

After lengthy moments, which actually seemed like forever to me, Ivory let him go and grinned. "I'll miss you. Now go on, Ivan. I've kept you for long enough."

"Thank you so much." He said, casting a warm smile towards her. It was a cute, witty type of smile that was the first one he used to flirt with me. I was literally boiling, wrathful, inside, and I grasped Wynter's arm and dragged her out the door. With vanishing absent-mindence, Mike noticed and went after us, pausing ever so often to wait for his brother. We were almost to the door once he caught up.

"Yeah, let's go," I heard Ivan call behind us. "I hate looking at hospital walls. They're gross; kind of like Mike."

I laughed quietly and turned back, just to see his tongue stuck out at Mike. His brother repeated the action and shoved him in the forehead as he proceeded to the car.

I fled to our car, dancing with freedom. As if the air was picking me up and twirling me over everyone, giving me the power to enlighten others with my current elation. I was far ahead of the others, so I decided to drive this time. It was still early. I wasn't risking our lives with Wynter.

The trip home was lovely; exactly like a teenager's car ride should be. We sung some of Mannreall Band's songs in Russian and even got some short language lessons in between the songs. We giggled at each other's pathetic pronunciation attempts but didn't The feeling of optimism thickened the atmosphere.

All of us were so enfulged in singing that we almost passed our destination; home.

We opened our doors and stepped out, but fortunately, I was the only one who peered onto the third floor; instantly pausing my steps. In the window, glared the large, perilous eyes of Mike's one night stand girl. Although it didn't scare me that vastly, it was freaky to see her.

I held my breath as we proceeded in the doorway.


At that one word, they all stiffened with fear. I still held my breath.

From the grand staircase, the lanky girl came dashing down, her wide arms open for a hug.

"I was waiting for you! Where were you?" She pretended to pout and gave Wynter a snide glance. In return, Wynter smiled and mouthed disturbing words.

Mike pulled a smug face, obviously thinking of ten different ways to blackmail her with this.

"Well, my brother almost died. What about you? You've been living in my house for two days without me."

I muttered things about that being creepy, and Wynter arched her eyebrow with a nod.

Mike smiled widely. His voice dripped with sarcasm. "Guess what? Get out. We're over."


"Um?" He stepped closer. So close, that their bodies were touching; it was slight but their hearts battered wildly together and their eyes glared. They were angered at each other. It was a type of wrath that would never be healed. Between two past lovers. "Get out."

I swore she would have said more if it weren't for Wynter's movements. She bit her lip, narrowed her murky eyes, and clenched that ridiculously powerful fist of hers. Her foot moved. It threatened to kick her, and that sent her fleeting out the open door and down the sidewalk.

"I never really liked her." Mike murmured.

Wynter's P.O.V;

With mere astoundment, Ivan glared at Mike with folded arms. "I never knew about her! Who was that?"

"Forget her." He waved his hand, dismissively. "Her name was Kayleigh, and you'll never hear from her again."

"Good. I'm glad you quit that." He grinned. "Wait. Are you still into one night stands?"

"Uh, I really hope he's not." I murmured.

Mike shook his head, vigorously, towards me. His expression was of absolute horror. "She's gone. She scared me." He turned away, fiddling with a lock of his long, dark hair. "I want to welcome Wynter Culp as my girlfriend now. This is your home, love."

He pushed me towards him and kissed me deeply on the mouth. I loved his kisses; they were so passionate, and I loved how I could feel that sensation even in the slightest ones. I'm sure he would've continued kissing me, if it weren't for Ivan's announcement.

"And now, I also want to say that Ally Torres is my girlfriend. Or has been for quite some time now." He murmured, looking down as a blush formed. At that, Ally and I both laughed loudly, since he typically didn't perform such romantic movements. It was sweet, though, and we both enjoyed the formal welcoming we received.

Mike slipped his arms around my waist and whispered, "Wynter, I'm so, so sorry about our beginning. I don't get how I could have been so rude and wicked to you; and Ally. Even last night. I was-I was horrible. And I want a new start with you. Our relationship. Do you forgive


"Mike, I love you." I said before thinking. It was true, and saying that made me feel warm and happy inside.

Love was the most strangest, pleasurable feeling...and I loved how it made me feel, too. Everything else didn't matter anymore. It was only Mike, and all Mike; every flaw seemed perfect, every moment infinite.

"I forgive you."

He smiled, and it was wide, spreading across his lips until his teeth showed. I nodded at Ally, mouthing if she still wanted to escape.

With her hands around Ivan's neck, she smiled for no.

I grinned and nodded.

Ally's P.O.V;

With Ivan's hand, intertwined with mine, he grasped it with passion as we stepped into the living room. It was vast, and the sofa fit more than two, but we both collapsed onto it. My eyelids fluttered shut. It was probbaly only seven in the morning, but I was far too tired from the wild events of last night. A screaming, raged Mike. An Ivan who was on the edge of dying from drug overdose.

I fell asleep for about a minute, my head on Ivan's shoulder. With their usual, loud, obnoxiously wild behavior, Wynter and Mike fleeted in like small children. Wynter raced to our flat screen, making the DVD play slide out and entering a new disc. She trembled with slight ecstasy, shrieking quietly and landing in Mike's arms.

"Um?" I stared awkwardly as a preview loaded. "What movie is this, Wynter?"

"The Call." She clutched a large, lacy pillow, hiding her face with it. Mike pulled it away with plastic exasperation, and kissed on her on the cheek. "It's really alluring. I've seen it twice."

With a sheepish grin, Ivan asked, "Wow! When did you start using immense vocabulary words?"

I laughed inaudibly at his imitation of our friend. It was about the same time the movie itself begun, and on the first scene, it completely allured me; just like Wynter had promised.

Although, once the young girl began calling the officer, that's when my first small meltdown occurred.

"I don't do well in scary movies." I gasped. I held his sleeve tightly, and he assured me that I would be fine.

I watched the scene. The blonde girl was talking to her mother over her mobile, laughing quietly. She stepped back to reach her car and grasped her keys while still talking. That's when I had to close my eyes.

Doing that caused my face to be buried in Ivan's sleeve. It smelled of him; the lovely, cloying aroma of cotton and stale drugs from last night. It delighted me. It was stupid, but I fell asleep; it was terrible, because the movie really was amazing, and I woke up when it was in the process of ending.

My eyes opened, ever so slightly, to be faced with a making-out couple that consisted of Mike and Wynter. It was outlandish to watch them making out in front of us all, and I had to suppress my laugh. They would kill me for watching them. It was difficult to control my laughter when Mike carried her to a nearby bedroom. I simply continued watching the movie. Most of it didn't make sense because I had fallen asleep, but I picked up on most parts, until I had figured out what was happening on my own.

The ending made me a little sad, but overall, it captivated me.

Wynter's P.O.V;

I ran my fingers lightly across his silken skin. In his ear, I whispered, "Stay here, Mike. I'll be right back."

It took lengthy moments to distract him. I finally padded towards the kitchen, quietly opening the kitchen's door and returning to him with a bottle of hidden chocolate sauce and whipped cream.

"Oh, Wynter. You look beautiful." He offered me the most gracious smile, intertwining our hands, our love thickening the atmosphere. "Are you ready?"

I sighed and folded my arms. He stuck his tongue out, but it was a playful gesture. Then he grabbed me by my legs, his arm around my waist, carrying me down the hall and into a bedroom.

God, he looked lovely.

I set the chocolate and the cream on the small nightstand, but it still wouldn't distract me from his wonderful body.

"Hi," Mike said, glancing over me, shutting the door slowly behind him. "You alright?"

I smiled, biting my lip. It was an awkward feeling.

"Oh, y'know. Feeling a little lonely over here." I then replied, drawing small circles in the duvet.

"Want me to do anything for you?"

"Come and get me." I hissed, pushing myself up with my arms, sticking out my chest.

He walked, timidly, to the bed, with me grasping his wrists and pushing him down on it, kneeling by my feet.

I slowly pulled his shoes off, biting my lip again and stealing a quick glance. I calmly slunk up his legs, hooping my fingers around his waistband.

He reached out towards me, but I pushed my arm back down.

"No, no, babe. Don't touch just yet." I told him slowly.

I held back the urge to seize him and fling that little clothing off.

My heart abttered wildly at my chest, and at that moment, all pretense of restraint vanished. I wanted him; needed him, and for one night, I refused to think about the consequences.

I undid his jeans so fast one of the buttons slipped off, and a smile fluttering over my lips, I pulled more at them, kissing his hips.

"Getting you exited yet?" I murmured into his hips.

He looked to the side and grinned. "Can't you tell?"

"I just make you so excited, don't I?" I whispered, and caressed him through his jeans. My fingers tingled among the contours of his crotch. I looked into Mike's eyes with delicate innocence.

"So excited." He whispered back. A smile slipped across his lips as he saw my body. His hands immediantly rose, but I shoved them back.

"Please, Wynter. Angel, let me touch you. I'm so horny. I can't take it anymore." He begged.

"Not yet," I whispered. "Trust me; it'll be worth the wait."

I attached our lips, hungrily, distracting him from the contents on the dresser. "Take off your clothes. I want to see what's under there."

He escaped from under me and allowed me to be the one to remove his boxers. Once I did so, my heart battered with anticipation, and I felt power surge through my veins as I saw his hardness spring loose. I gasped, grinning, ecstasy completely filling my vision.

My hands quivered so violently and I was so horny without actually touching him or kissing him. I could hardly grasp the can tightly enough as the cream cascaded over his torso.

His vivid eyes captivated me as they immediantly fluttered open. Elation. Such strength. That was all I felt as my horniness expanded and I roughly drifted my lips over his torso. The hungry battering of his heart delighted me. He smelled of vanilla, in an eccentric way...but I had grown the love the smell beyond the cigarettes,

"You're such a tease, Wynter." He murmured, gasping.

I looked away and smiled. "Don't you just love it?"

Ally's P.O.V;

Like most nights, I dreamed about Ivan and I. Those past dreams were, happy, heavenly thoughts of us, but not this one; I dreamed we had broken up and left each other.

I didn't think he'd do that, but I still felt insecure.

I rolled over in bed, groaning quietly and sighing. Nothing would get me to sleep again, and I hated that feeling. Even though it was still very early, I got up, stretching and yawning.

"Ally, why are you up so early?" Ivan's voice scared the hell out of me. "It's only six."

Still astounded at his presence, I mumbled, "Oh, nothing big. Just a bad dream."

I grabbed a lacy red top from my dresser, stripping off my previous one. I hoped this sight would distract him from any more questions. Though, it didn't work this time. They pelted me like bullets.

"About what?" Ivan's voice was sympathetic, but he looked pretty concerned. And I couldn't say no to his eyes, anyways. They dared me to lie.

"It was about us." I paused. Would he get ireful if I continued? I held my breath, and took the risk. "I dreamed that you left me, Ivan."

At my words, his smiled faded. All traces of swagger vanished from him, and I felt like I was seeing the real Ivan. The real Ivan was sincere and sweet, and he proved so by rubbing my waist and whispering, "If I left you, then I would die. I would kill myself for you, Ally. I'm seriously in love with you the way you light up a room with your smile. And you have bigger breasts than Wynter's."

He said the last line so calmly that it made me laugh, and I kissed him and sighed. "Thanks, Ivan, because every girl cares about their cup size. You never change."

He laughed with me. Our laughs intertwined and created a silky, heavenly sound, the sound of a couple that loved each other. It was a beautiful noise. It brought back the memories of when we first met. It was difficult to believe it had been that long ago.

"Eh, okay, I do." I quickly added, and then smiled.

nine months later

Several tedious months had passed since we watched the movie, but they went by slowly and tentatively. During those days, we had went for winter walks, joking about Wynter's lovely name and making new songs.

Although, one of those afternoons, Wynter complained of stomach problems. We had persisted that it would pass, and we waited weeks before it even slightly did so.

We gave up. It was time to visit the doctor.

But when we did that, we found out that it wasn't period cramps or just an annoying stomach ache.

Our doctor had explained that Wynter was pregnant with a baby girl.

At that sheer moment, all of us said nothing. It was an intriguing silence, awkward and almost happy, but I wasn't sure of how to react. I thought Mike would be mad, but their cheerfulness astounded me.

Months later, to this day, we were in the hospital.

It was the same place Ivan's accident had occurred. Not just that, though; many other atrocious things, like Ivan's other accident and whatnot. Who cared, today?

A new person was going to enter the world, and the thought was mere ecstasy.

Wynter's P.O.V ;

"How old are you?" The nurse asked. Her voice was delicate, enlightening, and she surveyed me as if she would find out on her own. I was almost embarrassed as I responded with sixteen. I hadn't planned this, although living with three other people, it wouldn't be difficult taking care of a daughter. I wasn't doing abortion. It was my amazing daughter, a piece of me, and I was keeping her.

I grasped Mike's arm as she said, "I'm Diana. You'll be seeing me a lot as you stay here. If you feel any eccentric stomach or any other organ pains, please see me straight away. You'll probably be in labor in maybe an hour. If you feel as if she's coming earlier, immediantly call."

I cringed and grasped my own arm. The IV still hurt, but it was the most pleasant pain...the joy of knowing that it will all be worth the gift in the end.

"Would you like Mike to come in with you? Or should he wait for his new daughter by himself?" Diana grinned.

I tried to answer, but the most immense saturation of agony submerged my body. I nodded, weakly, crying out and holding my bump.

In pain, I watched as Mike was allowed in the room. He walked over to sit beside my bed and held my hand, grasping it.

"Thank you," I whispered, moaning.

"Do you think you need your epidural now?" Diana looked at me from the sink, drying her hands off and pulling gloves over them. I couldn't particularly respond for myself, so I nodded at Mike and he told her that I did.

When the epidural was injected, I really didn't know what to expect. It hurt, obviously, but was absolutely nothing compared to the wicked anguish before. My spine tingled, and I layed down, feeling numb and slightly nauseous.

Diana touched my shoulder gently. Slightly turning, I saw her lips twitch into a smile as she cast her warm friendliness to me. I tried to smile, too, but the agony had just consumed me. It was such an unbearable, such an incredible pain that it felt numb and I cried out as it raidated through my spine.


I woke up around one in the morning. I tried to not disturb anybody else, but I felt her delicate kicks, and that perturbed me. I tried not to, but I breathed darkly and quietly, but it was such a rusty sound that Mike awoke on a nearby sofa.

"What's wrong?" His voice was gentle and sluggish. A moment later he jerked to full attention. "Oh my goodness, Wynter." A smile spread widely across his lips, and his voice was still velvety, like silk. "Is it time yet?"

"I think so," I whispered, grinning, and tapping my nurse call button. Diana must have been walking past my room, because she stepped in immediantly.

"Are you ready?"

"Yes," I breathed. I felt my heart; it battered across my rib cage. This was an amazing moment about to occur. So why was I so nervous?"

Diana led us out of our room, and walked me down the hall until we paused in front of a door. A large, ivory door. That held the moments of my daughter being born.

She held my arm gently, walking me in and laying me down on another bed. My plastic gown swayed as I lowered myself into it.

"Why is she in so much pain?" Mike whispered. "I know it's normal, but she seems horrible. All other women can walk, at least. She can barely breath."

"It's her young age, Mike." Diana watched me slowly. An emotion I couldn't decipher clouded her light eyes, and she smiled sympathetically.

Mike walked over to me, sitting down beside my bed once again. He held his hand out towards me and I took it, squeezing it, offering him the largest smile I could manage.

"Spread your legs apart, Wynter. Now prop them up." Diana told me.

She ran a hand through her light brown waves of hair. Her head motioning in provisional little shakes of rejection for my sex life, which was humorous to think about, but that enormous damn bump I sported with complacent attitude pretty much gave it all away.

I complied, and the embarassment increased. What else could I feel? My vagina was extended towards a woman and man I scarcely knew. A monitor was strapped around my stomach, and they assured me that the little girl's heartbeat was fine and she would most likely be healthy when born.

"When do you think I'll be ready?" I asked quietly.

She smiled at me. "In just several minutes, I'm sure."

Ally's P.O.V;

After a meal at one in the morning, consisting of Italian foods Ivan had prepared, I cleared the table and hummed to Here's To Never Growing Up. The song created a rebellious person inside, and whenever it played in my mind, I got lost in Avril's voice and paused to smile. Thinking of it, the song impeccably described our lives. It was very strange, but I loved that about the lyrics. Wynter and I would never grow up.

I hummed more, cleaning a dish and putting it in the sink. I grabbed my mobile, once finished, and gasped. Four minutes ago, a reminder had went off.

Wynter's baby born! it read.

"Ivan!" I shouted, dropping my plate so frantically it shattered. "Wynter! Her baby was due at eleven forty six!"

Ivan managed to remain calm, for some reason, but his lips tightened while grabbing his car keys and getsuring me out the door. I complied, opening the passenger seat's door and jumping in. He followed, his light ringlets of hair swaying behind him. It was dark, but he


"I'm trying!" Quickly thrusting the keys into the engine, the gorgeous Volkswagen started immediately. He slammed on the pedal and we were sent fleeing onto the highway, trying to get to the hospital.

We had gone so abruptly, and rapidly, that when Ivan had reached the end of the first block, I sighed. "If Wynter's in labor when we get there, it's your fault."

"And you really think I would enjoy walking in on her when she is?" He arched his eyebrow, pausing to glance at me.

I laughed quietly. "It's great to know that you're not cheating on me, then."


Little groans emitted from my lips which were parted in sleep-deprived awe...the hospital was sparse of its visitors, and anyone who had heard us and our obvious complaints simply sighed and continued reading magazines or whatnot.

When that familiar desk lady cast us that expression of sheer hatred, I rolled my eyes, grabbing Ivan's arm and dragging him to Wynter's room. I had no idea what the number was, but by asking her-that ignorant bitch at the desk-she would have given us an incorrect number.

The area for women in labor wasn't on the eight floor, which was pleasant due to my irrational fear of heights, but it wasn't any better being on the seventh.

When Ivan and I stepped off the elevator, the only source of sound we heard came from the surrounding rooms. They weren't even lovely sounds. They were the screams of antagonized women, shriveling in agony, which I hoped so fucking desperately that

Wynter wasn't yet one of them. We both just kind of stood there, in the center of the hallway, pausing briefly to feel a bit nervous for our dear friend. Hastily, I escaped the women and their gruesome noises, only to find that Ivan wasn't behind me.

He had probably entered the waiting room while I had gone on.

Lacing my fingers throughout my waves of oceanic hair, I did so, walking timidly, with the uncomfort of my battering heart and its pleads to find Wynter. Be there for her and her moment when it came which, which so rapidly it would.

"I think that's Ally," I overheard a voice say. I jerked around and hope brimmed from my presence.

Although I couldn't pinpoint its location, Mike poked his head out from a door on the left in the following moments.

"Ally?" He whispered.

I turned around and accepted my elation...


I shouted his name with the ecstasy that had been radiating in me for quite some time... crashing into his arms, my body wildly did, and he laughed gently and that delicate little laugh he emitted made me want to cry of happiness and other emotions I couldn't yet decipher.

I was that happy.

"I thought I would never find this room!" I laughed loudly. "Ohmygod, is she in labor?"

"No, not yet, but it's only seconds away." He smiled, taking hold of my hands and when I gazed into his eyes of sheer, magnificent blue I noticed the brimming tears which fell literally only moments after sighting them.

"Mike..." I whispered.

"I'm sorry," He whispered back, his mascara quivering down his cheek in a pattern of black and grey. His smile performed the same anxious quiver on his lips. "Come with me. She's almost ready."

He held the door open for me, and I stepped in, already hearing Wynter's terrified voice lingering throughout the room and already thickly feeling the atmosphere of velvety sorrow...

Mike lowered his head, his hand over her forearm which IVs stuck threateningly out of.

He slipped a mask on, shielding his lips.

Wynter gasped suddenly, leaning forward in an abrupt attempt to cradle her stomach and she leaned back on the bed, looking as if she might cry. "Oh, god! Ugh! No!"

"Wynter, I think you're ready." The nurse beside her smiled sympathetically, and lowered herself beneath Wynter.

Mike and I turned away, facing the wall, both grasping each other's hands. Every sound slipping from Wynter's lips made us wince, because every sound was of vast pain. I heard screams. Blood-curling screams. I heard the nurse shrieking, "Push!" after every few seconds. There were more nurses, surrounding Wynter and soothing her, saying, "You're doing so well, darling. You're sixteen? My gosh, you're a natural at this. Keep going!"

Those words made Mike smile at me, and we were so close, so fearful, that I could feel the battering of his heart. This was my best friend, and his girlfriend.

"Ally," He suddenly whispered. I arched my eyebrow, following him to the corner, where he gestured me to. Wynter was still in obvious pain, whimpering and pushing. I quickly went with Mike.

"I have to tell you something."

I went numb with worry. Millions of things, there was, that he could be telling me. His mother could have died, he's going to force Wynter to get an abortion, he could be breaking up with her or moving to England.

"I'm ready, I guess?" I whispered. Uncertain...

"Then I guess you already know that I'm going to propose to Wynter!" He whispered back, elation intently masking his tone

What the fuck, man? What the...what the absolute hell?

That was literally and truthfully the only words I could decipher at the time. They repeated in my mind and I soon knew what it felt like to be in a book of drama, with someone telling one character something corny and astounding, yet this was my actual life and it was true. Once again I looked toward Mike and he nodded vigorously, clapping his hands together in a girly manner which made me think of him as feminine.

Mike was proposing to a sixteen year old. In fact, a sixteen year old who happened to be my best friend.

Goddammit, I didn't get out much.

I was debatable between the two thoughts of either screaming in awe, or, well, either screaming in awe. I shook my head, which I thought was a better, more logical choice, smiling with something that might have been insecurity. Marriage at this age was legal in Russia, so it wasn't wrong. It wasn't illegal. And in fact, I think I knew why he was proposing.

I tried not to make a huge deal out of it, so I murmured, "Because you've already had a child?"

"No, it's not that, Ally!" He interrupted. "We've been together for a year now. Those nine months waiting for our child to be born. Those months before that. I love Wynter, I don't care about her age, and I'm ready to propose. To express my love for her to the world."

I was happy for Mike; and shocked, and astounded, and everything else as I corrected, "In a hospital?"

"Why not?" He mumbled. "We have lots of memories here."

"She's in labor, Mike! She needs you there now!"

"The baby's not due for another few minutes. Now come on!"

I was ecstatic when he grasped my arm, pulling me out of the room. Wynter was in too much pain to notice our dissaperance, and he dragged me into a family restroom.

On the counter layed my dress, I assumed. Mike pulled it off and handed it to me.

It was sexy. Black lace started on the right, drifting up to the shoulder and creating camisole sleeves, then back down to my waist in its usual flowery design. The rest was white, with more black, a belt, around the waist.

"Some other nurses are going to wear similar dresses and give Wynter flowers once the baby is born. You're one of them. They're going to recite love quotes to her, and then I'll come out with a white rose." He explained. His voice was quivery, and he slightly jumped around. It was one of the first time I had ever seen Mike...nervous.

He proceeded into a stall to change, and that's when I saw Ivan exit one.

"Where did you go?" I asked, walking towards him, grinning widely.

He was in a white suit, similar to the one Mike was going to be in. It was an eccentric color, but a violet rose was propped in his blazer's pocket. It looked lovely, though, and it matched his blue and purple highlights.

"You look great, babe." I murmured. He twirled me around and smiled. The he gestured to the dress.

"Oh." I grasped it delicately, awed by its beauty, and before going into the stall to change, I flashed Ivan a large smirk.

Once slipping off my clothes, and pulling the dress over my head, I laced my fingers through my hair again, making it slightly curly and wavy. I exited close to the same time Mike did. He turned around, and handed Ivan and I crimson roses.

"Ivan, I want you to go out first," Mike whispered to us. I realized he had reapplied his makeup. His hair looked great. His suit was tight and black, with a blue rose, instead of violet. It was all a very mesmerizing dressing order. "Then Ally. Other nurses will be after that, like Diana and such. She's the one who has really helped us. And they're all going to wear your dress, Ally, just in different colors."

"Okay." I said, my voice far too keen. I had wished Mike had told me sooner, because it was obvious Ivan knew this long before me. It didn't matter, though, and we all walked out, just to meet the nurses.

"Hey guys." Diana, I assumed, was very beautiful. She smiled at Mike, mouthing words of luck. The dress looked amazing with her brunette hair and figure. It was exactly like mine, but in a velvety shade of blue. The other ladies seemed to have a connection with Mike, because they laughed and talked. Their colors were either like Diana's or mine; and it looked merely stunning.

Each one seized a wiry rose, either light red or a darker crimson. Mike held the white rose, and he directed us in which order to line up.

After practicing our entering order, he slipped a CD of Train's 'Marry Me' into an audio player, which I inaudibly mused over. It was such a sweet song, and such a sweet proposal.

When he directed us, Ivan would turn on the audio while he walked in and gave Wynter the rose. By then, she would already have her baby, cradled in her arms.

I wondered how much she would love this, and I kept that thought to myself.

"Ally?" Mike said, his voice pulling me back to Earth. "I-It's time."

At that quiet cue, Ivan walked timidly. Everything was beautiful and exquisite and delicate and I wanted to just bend over and start crying because emotions thickened the atmosphere, weaving in invisible beads. It was difficult to believe this was happening so soon. But it was.

Marry Me began, and I watched the young mother's small face light up with exhausted jubliance. She feigned mock astoundment, and I suppressed my quiet laughs.

Her daughter slept peacefully in the arms of someone who loved her with an incredulous passion.

Forever can never be long enough for me

To feel like I've had long enough with you.

Ivan smiled gently at her, and whispered, "Will you accept this rose as a token of our love for you?"

"Yes," said Wynter.

"When you see a falling star tonight, make a wish, and it will come true. Because I wished for love, and now I've found you."

He set the card and rose down on her blanket. She smiled weakly, still numbed with pain, as he stepped out. The second verse of the music began.

It was my turn.

I stepped in front of Wynter. It was difficult to see her as a human in that moment. Foreign. I didn't know this Wynter, a Wynter who lacked flamboyance and slyness, and I thought about the prom. With the rose laced between my fingers, I laid it on her blanket. She offered me her ill smile.

"The greatest challenge in life is finding someone who knows all your flaws, differences and mistakes. And knowing that they still love you with all they have."

My voice was low and silken, like the essence of the ocean itself. I gave Wynter a smile. She managed one in return. I exited and made note to wave at them both, but Wynter remained motionless and quiet because the only ability she had was to listen.

More nurses entered. Several used tissues to dab at their unraveling makeup which was dissolving from hot tears because the passion was weaving more and more, reaching its climax and the only emotion in the damn atmosphere was romance because when the final nurse gave her that crimson rose Mike came in and I did all I could not to scream or shout, not to wake tranquil Essence with my pleasure and happiness.

"Good luck," I told Mike, and my voice was cracking.

He smiled without words.

And marry me

Today and every day

Marry me

If I ever get the nerve to say hello in this cafe...

Say you will.

He gazed into the girl's eyes.

And for a moment, she was all that mattered to him in the world.

They were in love, irrevocably and irresistibly in love. A love so true, he could never get enough of her.

They looked so deeply into the eyes of each other, looking into their souls and into their hearts because their love was harmonic and persistent and it was almost perilous to how much they loved each other.

It was a silent communication, only to be deciphered by both of them. He smiled that smile of jubilance. She smiled her smile of defeat.

And that was when Mike took her hand and kneeled on one knee.

"A relationship is like a rose. How long it lasts, no one knows. Love can erase an awful past. Love can be yours; you'll see at last. To feel that love, it makes you sigh, to have it leave, you'd rather die. You hope you've found that special rose, because you love and care for the one you chose."

His eyes were wide and engulfed with innocence. He smiled at their daughter. She looked at him.

"Love is a powerful weapon.

It can kill people, start wars; bring down skyscrapers.

But most of all, it can make the strongest of us all cry.

Never forget that love is what makes the world go round."

He slid the ring out from his pocket.

I gasped.

"я тебя люблю." I love you.

Slowly, he slid the ring onto her finger.

"Will you make me the happiest man on Earth, and marry me, my love?"

"YES!!!" she squealed, and Mike kissed her lips.

Their little girl's eyes fluttered open then. They were a celestial color of blue, like Mike's, like an early violet sun jeweling an indigo winter ocean.

Mike kissed his love's head, and they both smiled while she held their daughter in one arm, and that was when I knew what it looked like to truly love somebody.


Diana stepped in the room.

"I take it she said yes?"

Mike grinned, closing his eyes and tilting his head back while Wynter kissed his forehead from her hospital bed.

Diana clapped quietly, shaking her head while a peaceful laugh emitted from her parted lips. "Excellent, Mr. Mannreall. Those proposals only happen in the movies. Oh, I almost forgot! Your daughter, uhmmm, what's her name, again?"

I immediately realized they hadn't told Ivan or I about their chosen name. I had been waiting to hear it for a lengthy while.

Diana raised her hands, her eyebrow arching. "Well? Do you have one? Please don't tell me you haven't decided yet, Mr. Mannreall. That is the silliest thing-"

"We have one, Wynter chose it, actually. Would you like to tell the people, love?" his eyes flashed over Wynter, who lay still and placid in her bed.

"Essence," she told us all. "Because love, it's the essence of life."

Ivan nudged my shoulder and offered a gentle smile. I returned it.

Diana nodded. "Very well, in the mean time, I'll need you both to come with me to fill out all the paperwork. Essence Mannreall. No middle name?"

The couple in love shook their heads. They then waved at me, and followed Diana into the hallway with Essence Mannreall in their arms.

Ivan had vanished in a timespan of three minutes. He was probably in the food court, but I was uncertain, and I closed Wynter's door and proceeded downstairs. It would probably take them precious time to sign their documents and bills. I dreaded the process, and almost felt sorry for the two.

In the food court, there were many people, but I saw no tall man with blonde hair and subtle streaks under his whitish layers. His hair was something delicate that I admired him for, it was almost like an anime character because it impeccably spiked and spilled across his shoulder, but the length was neutral and he still looked manly.

There was no one I knew.

Someone, I suddenly noticed, was focusing on me. He was a teenager, around my age, I assumed, and he was only probably four inches taller

"Hey, are you here with someone?" He approached me. "You seem lonely."

I blinked, his words registering to me, surveying his appearance. Aren't I cute? Was I good to know?

He had blonde hair, so light, but much darker compared to Ivan's. His eyes were brown, which was a suitable color, and so very different from his.

"Oh, come on. I'm safe." He laughed quietly, and took my hand.

I quickly let go. "I have a boyfriend."

I was certain that he couldn't care less, and he laughed, but something about that laugh was sincere and touching to me. Meekly, he then apologized, "Sorry, I'm Russian. I can tell you're not into the culture."

"Yeah." I paused to smile. "My boyfriend is actually Russian, and I'm American. It feels strange being the only American; my friend, Wynter, is Australian."

"That's very cool," He commented. He actually sounded interested. "Your boyfriend must be very lucky you came to Russia, then. Would you like to hang out?"

Hesitantly, I said, "That would be lovely."

As we walked, we laughed tentatively, and there was a lack of speech.

From me, anyways. He was quite talkative.

He explained that he knew this hospital well because of his grandmother, Donna, who assisted other elderly folks in the nursing area. It was a sweet thing to do. I assumed he got his passionate personality because of her.

"I never got your name, you know." He told me suddenly.

I was embarassed that we had been speaking so long without so much as names.

"It's Ally," I slowly said. "What about you? I don't think you ever told me, either."

I never would have expected the next thing that he did: kiss me on the cheek!

"Ally's a beautiful name. I'm Connor."

I nodded vigorously, attempting desperately to ignore that sudden kiss; a simple thing, an act of friendship, even, but something that could lead to tragedies.

Regretted tragedies.

"Well, um," He trailed off, gazing at his wristwatch, his eyes slightly guilty for kissing me so quickly. "Can you meet me here at ten tomorrow morning? I'm off then. I'm helping my grandmother with the older people until ten."

What would Ivan think?

Wynter, Mike?

But for one day, I refused to think about the consequences.

"Sure, that's fine." I told him, speaking before letting myself even think. "I'll see you then, I guess."

He said a final goodbye to me, waving, and proceeding out the hospital doors.

As I watched, I repeated the same thing in my mind: Oh, my God!

What had I done to myself?

I had just kissed someone other than Ivan.

Those slight memories suddenly appeared vague to me, as if it didn't even happen. I had hoped it didn't, but it did. I prayed that shaking my head would remove the images of his lips but all it did was make it pound.

I walked back to Wynter's hospital room with my quivering palms and awestruck eyes.

I paused in front of the doorway and thought only one thing.

Was it love at first sight?

Until now, I had never know what that felt like.


I held Essence.

I had thought she was asleep until her pupils were visible, lingering in the center of an endless azure iris.

She was absolutely brilliant.

It was funny, her eyes being blue. She had taken this trait from Mike and Diana. Their blue eyes were like the ocean. But Essence's were the most magnificent blue I had ever seen.

Vivid. Enlightening.

Essence's eyes lingered with thousands of questions. She was probably wondering who we are...but something in my gut told me that she knew we were family.

A gentle sigh slipped out of her lips. It was peaceful just like herself. Unlike most babies, she behaved well and hadn't cried when we all had surveyed her beauty.

"Here." I smiled, handing her over to Ivan. "Take her. She's absolutely gorgeous."

I hadn't told anyone about Connor yet, and with absolute certainly I wasn't planning too. Essence's mere, delicate beauty, presenting itself in my sight, took my mind completely off of Connor.

Sooner or later, though, when she wasn't there to entertain me, somebody would find out.

By holding her, Ivan actually smiled. "She's very cute, Wynter. I'll have to say, though, Mike, she took absolutely none of your looks, except your eye color. But even then, it's still a different shade of blue."

He scowled, jerking his daughter out of Ivan's arms. "Let me have her. I know. She took most of Wynter's looks."

Wynter was too frail, and she complained that she hurt so bad to move. Even now, she occasionally shrieked or groaned with remaining pain. So Mike smiled, kissing her on the cheek and showing Wynter their daughter.

It was witty, how much the two looked alike, but sweet.

Wynter's P.O.V ;

"Wynter, if you want, you can change over in that room. Then...I guess you can get ready to leave." Timidly, a smile fluttered over her lips, but it was sincere and gave me butterflies in a good way. I hoped that she would give me tips about being such a young mother, but her only offer was a gesture towards the bathroom.

Awkwardly holding my dress, I entered the room, closing the door behind me.

What had just happened?

I...gave birth?

Saying that made me feel the agony again. The unbearable, consuming, irrational pain that saturated me. I felt weak.

The simple name of Essence felt eccentric to say. But she was mine. I had a daughter.

I had gone through the pain, pain beyond infinity, for her.

"Oh, gosh." I whispered. Those thoughts made me feel nauseated and I slipped the pathetic dress over my head. I suddenly hated that dress; its silky texture and its mealy, azure color.

I replaced the gown with my regular clothes, tentatively pulling them on and proceeding out the door.

"What did I miss?"

The cramps swam in my stomach, the unbearable agony clouded my eyes, but I held my waist tightly and tried not to throw up right there. Instead, I weakly smiled, my eyes rolling back and a moan emitting through my lips abruptly.

"Wynter, are you sure you're okay?" Diana jogged over to me. With vast concern, she felt my forehead and stomach as I gagged. "Wynter! Oh, my gosh. Do you really think you need to go home...?"

"No. No, I'm fine." I choked out, suppressing the gag. My voice was quiet, timid. All traces of what once was power vanished from me. "I need to go home tonight. I need to spend time with my daughter."

Whimpering slightly, I pretended to be oblivious to her protests, stepping towards a bench and lowering myself. Burying my face in my arms as Ivan and Ally spoke in the other room.

Ally's P.O.V;

"Ivan! You don't understand!" I whispered, tears choking my voice and clouding my vision; I saw dappled, clear spots, but the spots weren't pleasant and I knew they were tears, slowly swaying down my cheeks.

He simply glared at me. "Then tell me why you want to leave so early. Wynter's in pain. I know something's wrong, Ally."

"I-I-," I gazed down, still feeling a lack of comfort by staring at something that wasn't Ivan's narrowed eyes. "I-I kissed someone today! Okay?"

Everything went silent. I swore that the room beyond this wall, the room Diana and Wynter and Mike's presence lingered in, went silent. But what wouldn't? What I had shouted were words of mere astonishment; words of betrayal and vanishing innocence.

I literally dared myself to glance at Ivan. I felt small and naive as he glowered above me, breathing darkly in response.

What had I done?

To Ivan? To Connor? To myself?

Wynter's P.O.V ;

It took an immense amount of time, but the pain had gradually eased down. It was still the irrational agony that consumed me, but my epidural was still in process, so the pain became slighlty bearable.

Essence pleased me, and every moment I layed my eyes on her, I would go through that pain one million times over.

"You did so good!" Mike congratulated me, kissing my engagement ring and my lips deeply. "Oh, my gosh. That was wonderful, Wynter."

"Ah. Thank you." I whispered, still too weak to say much of anything. Because of my lack of strength, Ivan carried my daughter for me, but was nowhere near Ally.

She walked behind me, devoid of any emotion.

I decided to say nothing until we were settled in our house.

"So, um, anything wrong?" I asked gently, sitting beside Ally. She texted her mother, smiling every so often and replying that she was doing fine. She told her about my baby and Mike's proposal.

I had no idea where Ivan was. One thing was for sure; ignoring Ally.

She seemed to ignore him, too, and me.

"Do you want to be alone?" I asked. Then I winced as another stab of pain hit me, radiating on my lower body and seeming to puncture my flesh.

She groaned, grabbed her mobile, and ran upstairs.

Ally's P.O.V;

I saw Ivan lounging beside the staircase, and once I dashed to my bedroom, he followed me.

"Stay downstairs!" I cried, my face mottled and now warm with disgrace. "I need some alone time, okay?"

"Ally, no!" He shouted at me, banging riotously on the door. "We're talking this through! Right now! Open the freaking door!"

"Go away!" I parted open the door, slightly, letting my words escape through. "Ugh! No!" I groaned, straining my arms as he pushed it open and let himself in.

Once he was inside, shielding the closed door, he gaped at me and sighed.

"I just want to be with you," I murmured suddenly. "I'm sorry."

He shrugged. "So am I."

"What?" I whispered. "What do you have to be sorry for?! It's all my fault!"

"At the hospital, I met a volunteer nurse!" He cried at me. I jerked around to glance at him, and he cringed, lowering his tone. "She-she was there when I almost died. She's the one who gave me fluids. I met with her again once Wynter was in labor. And Ally, she's-she's amazing. She's..."

"She's what?" I shouted. Tears hardened my face, masking it with woe and affliction. Betrayal. Lies. "The best thing that ever happened to you, Ivan? Interesting, because I thought I was!"

"She's amazing." He whispered.

Through tear-brimmed eyes, I looked at him. All I saw was Ivan. All traces of swagger and slyness vanished. This was Ivan. The Ivan who loved someone other than myself.

"It's Ivory, isn't it?"

He nodded slowly.

The footsteps battering outside my doorway registered to me, but it was abrupt. It was Wynter. My life long best friend, who I loved and cared for. But she had Mike; she didn't need me anymore, did she? Mike was there to sincerely tell her he loved her every morning and sing to her at night, murmuring soothing words. But I had no one. Just a half boyfriend in love with a nurse.

"Ally, I didn't mean it like that." Ivan whispered.

I pulled forward, and our lips met, delightedly. He caressed my waist, gripping it tightly and breathing deeply in our kiss.

His breath scented of the familiar cigarette smoke I didn't care for. Our lips were the only warmness at six in the morning right now. His kiss was passionate, and all traces of wickedness from me vanished.

He pulled away, gasping for breath and sighing peacefully.

"This doesn't solve anything." I told him, shrugging. "It's just a kiss."

"I know." He said simply.

That was the last I saw of Ivan that morning. He exited the room, leaving me in the familiar loneliness I wallowed in when he always left me.

I felt lonely in his simple presence, too, lingering with the lies he never told me.


Wynter gazed up at me from where she lay on the sofa. She pulled a silly face at me, laughing quietly. I was glad that she never let the excess pains stop her. In her arms, she held Essence, who was entirely obsessed over her mother.

"Relationship issues?" She questioned. Once I nodded, she sat up, groaning and clutching Essence tighter. "So I've heard. How did it go? Any surprises?"

I fought the tears.

"He cheated on me with a nurse."

Wynter's P.O.V ;

Before I could answer, Mike stepped in.

With a derisive smirk, he told her, "Ivan's a real womanizer. Like that song by Brittney. Always has been, always will be. Ally, you should know him by now. He can't stick with a girl for less than an hour. See, look."

He gestured over to Ivan, who idled beside curtains, laughing gently on his mobile with the nurse.

Ally gaped at him, but all pretenses of restraint were gone from her when she jerked up.

"Just forget it, guys. I can't stay here anymore."

She fled upstairs, her speed astounding me, and ran back down with a cry. She grasped a battered suitcase that contained little clothing, and she ran out the door while I screamed after her.

"No! Wait!" I shouted, following her out the door.

She probably escaped this way because she thought I couldn't stand the bittersweet cold. That was not the case; I loved winter, and the metallic, silvery scenery delighted me.

I ran harder, my breathing dark and hoarse. Treetops deployed a haze of wintry frost. Snow stained my jeans, my hair, everything; the emitting sounds of my name, calling me back, came from the house, and they were clamorous.

Ally was no where in sight as I paused at a bridge.

Or was she?

I saw her cell phone sway inaudibly in the water.

Ally's P.O.V;

I had jumped.

I ended the pain, I had ended the long suffering, and I had ended the agony.

It was over.

The water fled over my lean body quickly, a cool sensation to my nerves. It sent tingles of chills up my spine, but I tried to not let the arctic temperature bother me. I took a quick, slight breath, and fled under again. No one needed to see me here.

After lengthy minutes of silence, there was scarcely anything to do. Watching the blue water, watching the fish and watching the lilly pads got exasperating.

My warm air would run out eventually.

The lilly pads slid inaudibly across the surface, with no secrets or bad memories. I longed to experience how that felt. They were inanimate objects, but they were free, no brain to realize the struggles.

I could only manage to hold my air for another moment until I had to come out. I regretted it vastly, but my head arose and I sucked in air again. The breeze hit my cool shoulders.

"Ally!" Wynter screamed, fleeing across the bridge and pounding the bridge with her fists. "Ally! Get out!"

I knew she had saw me, and it wasn't like I could stay under any longer. Again, I would have to come up for air, and she would see me.

She would see me like she just did.

I walked out, groaning, my clothes drenched with murky water. She hugged me, shreking and grinning, leaving behind all of the bad moments. "Oh, my gosh! Why would you do that?"

I sighed and pulled away from her sincereness. "Because I don't want to see that bitchy idiot anymore!"

It took no names for Wynter to realize who I meant.

Her comment was smug, but she said it anyway.

"No one does. Consider him family, though, and let's go home," With her thin arms, she tightened her jacket around her waist, and caressed the urban print to it. "It's freezing. You have talent, staying in water like that."

When you're ready to end the pain, you'll stay under no matter how long it takes...

"Hey?" I spoke up, disrupting my own thoughts. "Can you and Mike do me a favor?"

She bit her lip. "Go on, and I'll see what I can do."

"Great. Well, I feel stupid, but I want to see this guy. Connor. The one I met at the hospital. I, uh, I really like him." I smiled freely, without hesitation or force. "A lot. And since Ivan's been busy with Ivory, I guessed this would be the best chance to visit him."

A grin fluttered across Wynter's lips. They were chilled with the weather, turning blue, but her happiness of my effort was obvious.

"Of course we'll take you. Just make sure Mike drives this time."

"Don't worry, I will." I laughed quietly.

This was my home, even if some weren't family to me anymore. In fact, I made sure I avoided that certain person while even seating myself on the sofa.

He was there, beside me though.

I was on his far left, and I hoped the sofa would stretch out for infinity, so that I would never have to see that witty, swaggerish face again.

He was texting someone. It was Ivory; the only person he would respond to in his messages.

"You'll want me back before too long." I told him suddenly, and broke the awkward string of silence.

Ivan quickly faced me. He pulled that same smirk of his.

"We'll see about that, Ally."

I was done with his behavior.

I fled into Wynter's room, leaving behind my phone and jacket. I was dying inside, but the screams in my mind; I kept them a secret.

Wynter's P.O.V;

Ally stalked into my bedroom, her movements uncertain. She looked exhausted.

She wore no makeup, making her appear incredibly young.

The only vivid thing about her, now, were her light waves of golden hair.

"Do you still want to escape today, Ally?" I walked beside her, our arms swaying in pathetic melody.

But she simply shrugged, and her voie was gentle.

"What if Ivan catches us? And he tells Mike? Out in the open, we wouldn't be disguised. We need to go somewhere more public."

"Mike could drive us somewhere," When Ally, clearly frazzled, glared at me, I explained, "Well, there's no other way! I've gotten so many tickets that they took away my car, even. I'm not driving that far without a liscence."

"Oh, whatever," She muttered, pausing to shoot an angry glare at me.

"It is a good idea, though." Ally finally admitted. "Let's get ready first, and then we'll talk to him."

She brushed her hair with delicate movements, making it velvety, scintillating with gloss. I didn't bother with mine. I simply replaced my clothing, mostly in effect to the snow that dappled it. In spite of our elation, it didn't take long to get ready.

Mike didn't know what we were really doing. But we weren't shopping.

Ally waited at the doorway, and in a moment I approached her with my suitcase.

"Why do you need a suitcase for shopping?" Mike laughed, grabbing his keys. "Please tell me you're not shoplifting. I just proposed to you."

"Yeah, of course." Ally answered sarcastically.

Mike rolled his eyes and desperately gazed at Ivan.

He lounged on the sofa, texting Ivory, presenting his obvious love for her.

That was all he ever did; text Ivory.

"We'll be at the mall!" Mike called. He spoke to Ivan only with slight hope that he would answer. "We'll be back in an hour."

Ally was beside Ivan, pleading that he talk to her. I winced as she frowned, painfully. He ignored her every protest.

But we weren't coming back.

Not in an hour, not in two, not ever.

"We're leaving now!" Mike shouted, loud enough for Ally to retreat back. It was his obvious warning for her to shut up about Ivan.

"Anyways, Ivan, like I said, we're going to the mall." Mike told him before opening the door.

"Whatever. Only the gay guys go there." He muttered darkly, pausing to smile at a message from his beloved woman. "Oh, Ivory. You're so funny."

Mike gave him the finger, growling with anger, proceeding to his car. Ally followed him, and I trailed along, awkward about the enitre situation.

Even though Mike was petite; with his makeup, hair and clothing, he wasn't gay. He had me.

I put my suitcase into the trunk of Mike's car, gently closing it and seating myself beside him. Ally gazed at Ivan in the backseat, unaware of anything else.

My black leather gloves intertwined with Mike's hand as he pulled the gearshift into motion.


Ally stood there, in the mall, anger hardening her expression. It was excess wrath from Ivan, but lingering with wrath at others.

Mike shrugged as she glared at him. "What?"

"You said we were going home after I was done looking. Well, I'm done." She shot back.

"We just got here," He told her, exasperated. "Did you expect to leave after two seconds? Wynter and I need to look around for wedding ideas. We're not going back. We're going to a hotel after this."

"Don't expect me to come with you, then. I'm only staying here if Connor shows up." She scoffed.

Mike rolled his eyes, grasping my hand and pulling me forward. "Fine, whatever. Go look for him."

I knew Mike would have said something perverted about the hotel idea, but all traces of silliness left him. He walked silently beside me, smiling at me but ignoring Ally.

I hated this feeling of negativity.

Ally's P.O.V;


Gradually, I was alone, walking freely but with mere dissapointment.

Connor was nowhere in sight.

I knew I would have to ask someone if they saw him. I couldn't leave yet. Not with the vast risk of being abducted and-

Oh, wait. That's already happened.

My heart wildly battered as I surveyed the people nearby. My options were a group of high school girls congregating at Victoria's Secret, a teenager listening to his iPod, and an elderly lady sitting on a bench reading Fifty Shades of Grey.

It was the same bench Connor lounged around, and his book, even, was the one she was holding. I knew because the word Fifty was outlined in blue. His favorite color.

It was a crime that I knew that fact already, wasn't it?

I chose Granny. I had already spent precious moments analyzing her.

I approached her slowly, hesitating a bit. She glanced up from her book, and her cheeks were rosy, a friendly smile plastered to her lips.

"привет," I said, but I was so tentative she asked me to repeat myself again. "Так жаль прерывать вас. Мне было просто интересно, если вы знаете подросток по имени Коннор, которая сидит на этой скамейке тоже. Я вижу, у вас есть его книги. Он высокий, и у него светлые волосы и карие глаза."

She laughed gently and told me, "О, да. У меня есть его книги. Он мой внук, такой прекрасный человек. Я Ингрид Олсон. Он упомянул, что вы...он хотел приехать так плохо, но он был очень уставшим."

A frown fluttered across my lips, feeling metallic and cold on my skin. I should be smiling now, having Connor by my side, laughing and feeling amazing. But all I could utter was, "Oh."

I stepped away with embarassment. "хорошо, спасибо в любом случае."

Ingrid waved cheerfully, walking away and ignoring my astonishment. Connor was tired? That's why he didn't come? Clearly, he didn't seem to care about me.

Instantly regretting what I was about to do, I grabbed my mobile and dialed Ivan's number. He must have been walking by the phone, because he answered on the second ring.

"Hello?" A millisecond later, he shouted, "Is this Ivory? I told you, we're done! I have Ally, and I'm sick of your stupid self!"


Instantly, an eccentric, pleasurable joy filled my heart entirely. Ivan had broke up with Ivory? Or did he mean it in a different way? I knew the only logical option was that they were no longer one, and I shrieked suddenly over the other line, but he heard it.

"It's Ally, isn't it?" He asked. I blushed, even though he couldn't see me, and he murmured, "I knew you would call. And I recognize that shriek. You love me still; admit it."

"No, answer mine," I whispered, lacing my fingers seductively through my fringe. "You still love me, don't you?"

"You didn't respond the the other question. Do you still love me?"

I sighed and grinned, "Fine. You've caught me. Now will you pick me up? Wynter and Mike are at the mall, and I'm at the hospital, wallowing in my own pool of self pity."

"Yeah. I broke up with Ivory, just so you'll be aware."

"I hate Connor now, just for your information." I told him.

He chuckled again, and that noise, emitting through a mobile speaker, delighted me.

"Be at the front entrance in about three minutes. I'm on my way. Bye, Ally."

I said that I loved him, but it slipped out so quietly, like a whisper.

So inaudible, that he would never hear.

Wynter's P.O.V;

Mike and I scanned practically the entire store.

Mostly, we were searching for suitable clothes for Essence. There was a lot, but nothing really in our appealing style. The majority of the clothing was purple tutus and pink leotards, scintillating with silver embellishments.

It was ridiculous.

And although it took over an hour, we found four outfits for her that weren't too girly. The name Essence somehow reminded me of the colors green, light blue, and ivory. So those were the main colors of her shirts.

When we had finished shopping for our daughter, Mike led me over to a rack filled with prom dresses. They were low-cut and probably the sexiest things in the store. I didn't know why he showed me this.

Silently, I prayed Ally would come back, and my phone rang, as if on cue. I half-expected it to be her, and I answered it while Mike mused over the dresses. Honestly, I hoped they were for me.


"Hey you!" A cheerful voice piped. "Ms. Wynter Culp, right? It's Kasia here. Diana told me about you and your mate there. Planning a wedding soon?"

I groaned, inaudibly, to myself and murmured, "Yeah. Actually, I am. I haven't really talked about it with my fiancé, so we don't really know where we want it and all. Sorry."

"Whatever," She laughed quietly, and then, suddenly, I had a special admiration for that laugh. "Don't worry about it. You're busy with ten million other things. How about you come by at ten tomorrow morning?"

I nodded vigorously, my heart battering with excitement. "Yeah! We'll be there..."

It was a pathetic move, but I was so ecstatic, I hung up and skipped over to Mike. The words had partially fluttered out of my mouth, but I ceased them once I saw the dresses.

"Those are for me, right?" I glanced down, hopefully, at the warm green, teal and bright red shades of vibrant color that lay in the cart.

Awkwardly, Mike turned to look at particularly nothing. "Um, yes..."

"Anyways!" I interrupted. "Kasia called. She wants to know if we can stop by tomorrow at ten."

"She's early," Mike whimpered. "Can I please sleep in? Who wakes up at ten in the morning?"

"Obviously, she expects us to. Now would you rather sleep in or get married?"

"Not particularly."

His response was quick, and it delighted me.

A wave of delight danced over my heart. "Now, do you want to keep shopping, or shall we go to our hotel now?"

"Without Ally?" Mike arched an eyebrow, yet seductively laced his tongue around his piercing. "That would be nice. Just us, you know."

"Yeah, without Ally, I guess." I muttered, clearly not getting the point.

Ally's P.O.V;

I couldn't believe I called Ivan back. I really did miss him, as much as I hated to say it. But I guess we were okay now; which was certainly fine.

Woefully and slowly I walked out of the mall, observing all the fleeing taxis and people in umbrellas walking on the pavement. Their shoes thudded softly and sheer rainfall pounded car windows. Despite the water everywhere, I sat down on a curb waiting for Ivan to come get me. The rain stained my clothing.

What exactly had just happened?

It all came so quickly, my memory was vague.

Ivan had broke up with Ivory. Connor hadn't came.

Would Ivan really pick me up? Or was this just a selfish act?

I hated thinking negative, and I despised myself even more when he did show up fourteen minutes later.

I stayed calm, walking towards his car, waving and smiling slightly. Since I wore Converse, I almost slipped in spite of the rain. But he had parked close to where I sat beside a battered stop sign.

As I murmured his name, few people gaped at us. They only recognized Ivan, though; after all, we were in his home country, and his hair was an obvious clue.

He twirled me around, grinning happily.

"I thought you would never come." I admitted.

"Whatever!" He grinned, shutting the car door as he stepped in.

I complied, trembling with elation, as I slipped into the passenger seat. The night was dark, wicked, and the rain left traces of evilness as it spit itself at me.

"Is the rain attached to you, too?" He noticed. "I know I am."

It felt merely wrong to hold hands again, considering we had only broken up hours ago. But Ivan made no attempt to stop it. I was glad he didn't stop it.

"Ivan," I chose my words thoughtfully, as we pulled into our driveway. "Does this mean we're together again?"

I bit my lip. Should I have asked? Maybe the answer was a simple one of being friends. That wasn't what I wanted, though.

He smiled. "I didn't kiss you for nothing."

That answer delighted me, and I touched his shoulder gently as we stepped out of the car. It took him a moment to realize the disspearance of Mike's Volkswagen.

"Where did they go?" He frowned, gesturing to the car.

"A hotel."

I laughed quietly, realizing what they would do without me there. Ivan got the point, and laughed with me.

Wynter's P.O.V;

He followed me as I approached a mirror, hesitating and asking, "What about Essence?" He then gestured to the hushed, petite girl who lay in the shopping cart. It was a ridiculous place to put a sleeping child, but it wouldn't injur her.

"Let the other two get her." I sighed, smiling slightly as I watched her hair. It almost seemed to grow, secretly, while she slept. "Essence needs to spend time with them, and she hasn't lately." Slipping my waistcoat on, and tightening it, I told Mike we should probably be leaving.

As Mike called the couple on his mobile, I heard Ivan's derisive groan, out of obvious disagreement. They complied, and that simple movement was surprising. I didn't realize that in two or three minutes, they had pulled up into the parking lot with plastic smiles.

Well, at least Ivan's was.

"Take good care of her," I directed them. Mostly, my gaze was focused on Ivan. "I really don't want anything bad to happen."

Ally didn't particularly need the lecture, so she mused about Essence and shut her car door. She slipped on sunglasses, with her index finger, pushing away her brown waves of hair.

"Don't worry. We'll play games with her and stuff. You know, what babies like. Fisher-price and all that." She suddenly said.

Gawkily, I looked down. "Not the Spin the Bottle game Ivan's been obsessing over, hopefully..."

"No!" Ally jerked around to face me, a withering expression to her face. "Definitely not. We don't want you late for Kasia. Now, shoo; go on."

I did that exasperating cat noise and did the gesture with my fingernails. Ally laughed quietly and started the car. Mike and I went back inside to get our cart and make our purchases. Then we proceeded back to the parking lot, and slipped inside our car.

Ally's P.O.V;

"She's so cute. Only certain people can be this cute." I sighed happily. Although Essence was still newborn, her hair had grown amazingly. She was beautiful, like a small porcelain doll, and I loved that she had stolen all of Wynter's looks.

Ivan slightly faded to red as he responded with, "Not all of them. Some of them are nasty and rude."

"Whatever. You're just an old man in a hot body."

With a sheepish grin playing on his lips, he faced me. "You're just a hot babe in a nerdy body."

Purposely, I ignored that, although the nerdy remark was true. Giggling, I touched Essence's hair. It was so soft and yieding to my fingertips. Her smell delighted me; she had stolen Mike's strong, vanilla scent, for some eccentric reason. While looking at her, I almost yearned to go back to my childhood. It was hard to believe I had once been that small.

"Let's go home." I suddenly said.

Ivan winked, grasping the steering wheel. "Yeah, let's go home."

"No!" I shrieked, covering my mouth shortly after. "Sorry, but seriously. Not in front of Essence unless she takes a nap or something. You're so dumb, Ivan..."


"What do you want to do, baby girl?"

Although she couldn't understand me, I thought talking to young children was cute. I loved their vivid, expanded eyes, and hands that were messy with Crayola marker. Essence was alseep, though, and she was a baby. So that mere thought was ridiculous.

Ivan declared, "Lady, she doesn't even know who you are."

I took her delicate hand, almost latching my fingertips to hers. "I'm your kind-of aunt, Ally. This is your kind-of uncle Ivy. We're not married yet, but we might as well be because we act like it."

She woke up when I said the word ivy, instead of Ivan. That delighted me. Maybe she realized who Ivan really was.

"Okay, enough with introducing ourselves. I know what I want to do, Ally, and it's put her to sleep; then there's more, after that."

"Really?" I groaned.

He smiled, nodding vigrously. I realized he was serious when he licked his lower lip, sadistically, as he focused on my chest.

Essence fell asleep again; after playing with the T.V remote. I had no desire to touch it anymore, considering the spit it was covered in.

How lovely.

I sighed and said, "Okay then; you got your wish. She's asleep."

"I guess it doesn't matter that much." He frowned, concentrating, as if taking the entire idea in. "You're so loud you would wake her up again anyways."

I laid her, tentatively, on the bedding. It felt too plush and velvety to have ever been used. When I kissed her, her porcelian skin grew warm by the kiss's heat that radiated onto her cheek. Her light chest rose with delicate breaths.

Essence seemed to hum, tunelessly, as I watched her sleep.

Wynter's P.O.V ;


I stepped into our hotel. It was vast and elegant, which was no surprise, since most hotels in St. Petersburg seemed to be that way. Little children spoke words I didn't understand, but there were English subtitles under large Russian captions. I sighed, pertrubed, and feeling unwelcome, but also in relief.

The attention never got to us. It astonished me, and then I realized why a little later. In Russia, we were unknown; unseen, which was strange. Just a normal couple in the crowd. Which we always were, of course.

Although, it was nice for people to not diss my lack of gaining weight or Mike's makeup.

"Um, hey," I said. I waved my hand in front of the concierge, and a moment later, she looked up with a frown. With her young, supple eyes, she looked youthful; about my age or so. "Can we get a room?"

"Of course," She noticed my English, and stopped speaking in Russian. "Reservation name, and date of birth, please?"

"Wynter Culp. Date of birth is August twentieth." I told her, boredness saturating my words. I leaned against the countertop, which felt relaxing, in an outlandish way. I couldn't wait to get our room and collaspe on my bed, sleeping. The thought lulled me, and my eyes fluttered closed. Then I realized I was making a reservation, and I jerked to full attention.

Luckily, she still typed, her fingers dancing across the letters and lighting up her face. "Oh, here you are. Why were you born in the summer if your name is Wynter?"

"Because I was born in the summer."

She nodded, her face implying that I was dumb and her mouth was tightened; pressing hard against her lips, suppressing a laugh at my apparent stupidity. "Okay then."

I clenched my fist. It trembled with wrath, which was what usually happened when someone was about to get punched. I was far too tired to beat someone up yet, though. I had nowhere else to stay.

"Can we have a room now, please?"

I made a huge effort to sound sarcastic.

"Oh. Right, sorry," She pulled a smug expression, obviously thinking of ten different ways to still pick a fight. "Whatever. You're in room seven-seventy four. It's on the eight floor, the first room to the left."

"Thank you!" I shouted with annoyance. Mike was going to ask for another room, but I grasped his arm and dragged him to it. I was not in the mood to argue with an immature concierge woman.

When we reached it, I was already feeling the lovely, friendly design of the hotel. Urban patterns danced around, presenting themselves on every third wall or so. The drawings were fun and their meanings captivated me. As we stepped into our room, I noticed the familiar patterns on our decor.

"Quit staring at the room. There's something else I want to do." Mike admitted slyly, standing in front of me as his eyes were glued to my chest. His tongue glided slowly across his bottom lip.

"Anyways, and what is that you were saying?" I asked coyly, moving back on my elbows, as Mike crawled above me.

"I think you know." He purred, his lips grazing my ear. I could feel his breath begin to chill my skin, despite its warmth.

I giggled in response.

"You have no idea what I want to do to you; so many things." He murmured.

"Care to demonstrate?" I asked, pouting up at him.

"If you insist." Mike grinned, pushing his lips onto mine.

He took hold of my arms and pinned me down, kissing my jaw in the process.

"Mike." I murmured.

I could feel the pulse in my wrists, and my heart was beating incredibly fast in anticipation.

"Can you give me any ideas as to what your plans for me are?" I asked, already breathing heavily.

"Well, if you were planning to be able to walk tomorrow, I would just forget it." He said, a sly smile creeping onto his face.

"Sounds fantastic." I sighed, letting him kiss me again.

He pushed himself down onto my hips, lifted my top up and started to kiss my flat stomach.

I pulled the shirt off for him, tugging at his collar so he would remove his.

He did so and was quickly back to kissing me again, dragging his tongue stud over my gentle skin.

"You're so beautiful, love. I just want you all to myself constantly." He told me slowly, crawling back up to kiss my lips.

"I'm all yours, handsome." I whispered, and straddeled my legs around his waist. I bit my lip in a seductive manner, as my hair fell to my ribcage, slightly moving with the wild battering of my heart.

"Good," He whispered, "...because I'm not sharing."

With a smug face, he glowered himself up to graze his lips over my neck. He was only five ten, which was a ridiculous height contrast from me.

But even with him kissing my neck, I felt like a young child.

He gently slipped off his boxers, along with my underwear, leaving us both nude.

He grinded his hips down against mine, our warm bodies reducing the friction.

One hand reached up, his thumb playing with my nipple, uttering a small moan from me.

He mouth found its way to wear his thumb had been, making me even more aroused.

"Mike," I moaned, tangling my fingers in his hair, pulling him closer.

I reached my hand down, grasping his hard cock and stroking, eliciting low moans from him.

He reached down, running his finger along my crease, gently pressing down on that sensitive little spot, making me tense up.

"Oh," I breathed; awestruck, as he began to stroke with two fingers. He inserted his two other fingers inside me, pulling them tenderly in and out.

I continued to caress him, expanding the pleasure for both of us.

"Mike, I'm not going to last much longer." I told him quietly.

"Me neither." He agreed.

I caressed his waist, seating myself over him, engulfing him inside of me.

I lifted my hips up, then down, and repeated the process, until Mike mimicked my rhythm with his.

"Mike, I'm gonna-oh, gosh!" I came hard, squeezing around him, feeling miraculous.

He came in spurts inside me, yelling my name with each brisk breath.

"Oh, God. Oh, goodness, Wynter. дерьмо." He panted.

"Fuck, Mike," I moaned again, my nails digging into his back. "Shall we give Ally and Ivan something to worry about?"

He nodded, pushing himself up into me again, our hips clashing together.

"Mike! Yes Mike, yes!" I cried, trembling underneath him.

"Wynter," He moaned loudly, feeling my knees weaken. "Wynter, you're so amazing."

He pulled out, attaching our lips together instead.

When he pulled away I looked at him, breathing heavily still.

He reached up, wiping away the beads of sweat that had formed on his forehead.

"I'm so glad I met you, Wynter." He told me quietly.

"I'm so glad I met you, Mike. Never in a million years would I think I'd get abducted. Especially not from anyone as good looking and hot as you." I confessed.

A thin coat of July rain battered our window. It was loud, and it awoke my drowsy self, and although I groaned, I was used to this weather.

I turned, wiping my eyes, and saw Mike step timidly out of the restroom, closing the door behind him.

"Good morning, love. Did you sleep well?"

A strong fragrance of the shower still clung to Mike, and water dripped down from his black hair. A towel was wrapped around his waist, and bending down to hug me, it came completely undone.

I burst out laughing while his face faded to a slight shade of red. At the hystarical expression of his, I laughed harder as he covered himself and adjusted the towel again.

"Oh," I laughed more. "Um, well, considering I've lived here before, I had dreams about my childhood. It was a nice sleep. But now my, erm...vagina hurts."

He grinned, spreading widely across his lips. "Are you able to walk?"

"It's horrible weather. So I guess we'll see when we walk into Kasia's office." I murmured.

With mere incredulity, he gaped at me and sighed. "Wynter, are you serious? You should be used to the weather by now! You've lived here almost all your life."

"Australia was much more warm, yet not that hot," I muttered. "I hate my accent. It makes me seem retarded."

"Your accent is the cutest thing I've ever heard in my life." Mike admitted, looking away and pulling on jeans.

I blushed, looking at the floor. "Thank you."


Maybe we didn't exactly pick the best place.

It was fairly okay, with quanit, urban designs plastering the outside. Although it looked of good quality, it also looked like it would collaspe any moment now.

I was almost scared to step in.

"It looks..." I chose my words thoughtfully, pertrubed. "Awful."

Mike's eyes had once been enlarged at the sight, but he simply shook his head and sighed. "Oh, well. Maybe the interior is better. Let's just...go in, and see how we like it."

It was a ridiculous, yet sweet gesture as our hands intertwined with fear. I felt silly for being scared of this building, and so did Mike; but we needed to grow up and walk in. We could do this. We could plan our own wedding.

Despite the outside, its contents inside were lovely and hospitable. Benches were perched only meters away from each other, and large Indian paintings plastered the walls, taking place of the urban designs.

It smelled of cocoa and chocolate; a charismatic aroma that reminded me of my childhood, just like this country did. Women wearing business shades of grey and black were seated at computers in the front, typing away, lost in their own world. Every woman seemed identical, wearing the same blazer and stilettos.

"We're looking for Kasia Carrigan." I murmured with caution, as I approached the first lady. I was typically the confident type, but my palms were growing numb and trembling.

She glanced up, and removed her glasses. It confused me. This lady was beautiful. Something in her eyes, weirdly attractive and slightly curved, drew me closer to her.

"Yeah, that's me," She told us quietly, and stood up, dusting off her short grey skirt. "And who are you guys? We have Bailey and Andrew Bowden, Cheyenne and Steven Reaves, Wynter and Mike Mannreall..."

"Erm, it's Wynter and Mike." I said.

"Right. Follow me, please." Kasia clicked out of the program she was on, and then led us to a large room in the back. Somehow, it still had the familiar convivial appearance that soothed me; even with the tattered walls and the doors that faded with stale ivory paint.

"Please sit yourselves anywhere you'd like. Sorry about the mess. I've been having really busy days lately." Kasia laughed nervously. She dusted off a sofa, embarrassed, and proceeded to another desk in the front. I looked around, and had no idea what she meant. This room was absolutely spotless.

"So, Wynter and Mike, right? Let's start with your location; you've picked a wonderful week to come. This is our sales week, since autumn is in process." She grinned.

"I'm not really sure where it should be. A beach, maybe? Somewhere foreign and pretty." Mike admitted, as I cast him a vacant are-you-serious glance.

Her voice, velvety with excitement, spoke delicately and happily. "Don't worry; I'm used to it. So, let's break this down. Do you want a beach here in Germany? Or another place?"

We thought, in lengthy, patient silence. It was awkward, whispering to each other our opinions and pulling disgusted faces at trashy countries; they were typically ones I chose. Kasia tried to look away as we talked. It still didn't ease the embarrassment.

"We want a beach in Japan," I finally said. "And we know exactly which one. Honshu."

Kasia winked. "Lovely choice, Tokyo is." She flashed another smile and typed quickly with her fingers, making each letter flawless and thoughtful, being certain of no typos or other mistakes.

"I've lived there once already," I murmured and smiled. "Mike's band has never been. I've always promised to bring them once I had the chance."

Kasia nodded. Her smile was slight, plastered to her lightly shaded lips.

Ally's P.O.V;

I woke up on top of Ivan, assuming I had taken a nap or something. I rubbed my eyes sleepily, relieved that Essence hadn't wandered off. She whimpered and woke to a loud cry.

I groaned slightly, pulling her into my lap as I sat on a sofa in the bedroom. She quickly grew to be cheerful again as I soothed her. Ivan still hadn't awoke.

I shot a quick glance at the clock. Ten twelve. What time were Wynter and Mike to return?

I thrust a pillow at him. "Ivan, wake up."

"Huh? Erm...I'm awake."

I shook my head, persisting, "Hold her. She needs her formula."

"Ew." Ivan shuddered. "She's so fucking nasty. Why can't she just eat regular food?"

He held Essence out as further away from him as possible, waiting for my reply.

I put a hand on my hip, folding my arms in a defensive matter. "Don't talk like that around her. Wynter would kill me if she heard her say that! "

He sighed, mimicking my words in quiet grumbles and placing his hand on his hip, too. "Wynter says it all the time, and Essence can't even talk yet. Anything for you, though, Ally."

After a long moment, her formula was ready. I poured it vigilantly into a small plastic bottle, hoping it wouldn't spill or anything.

Ivan frowned as he surveyed the liquid. His brow furrowed even deeper when he spoke. "What's in that stuff, anyway?"

I shook my head. "Who knows?"

Once Essence had drank practically the whole bottle in less than two minutes, I layed her in a spare room. It had a crib in it, so we were entirely lucky for that matter. Wynter and Mike had never bothered to go shopping for baby furniture, other than clothing articles and toys.

"I'm so tired." I leaned on his shoulders, humming tunelessly.

"You're just like Wynter." He murmured. Our hands were intertwined, our bodies lingering so close to each others. Our feet dangled off the edge of our bed, swinging without any particular rhythm.

I smiled, thinly, and said, "I'm still tired. I don't get how Wynter can put up with a baby so soon."

"Whatever." He grasped the remote control, flipping through channels until quiet, eerie music emitted from the speaker. "Don't you like this?"

"Turn it off," I whispered, and buried my head in my sleeve. "It reminds me of getting abducted."

He complied, and let his head drift, so that his eyes didn't lock with my gaze. "I know, Ally."

His lips brushed against mine, and I pulled away.

"Stop," I directed. It merely crushed me to even say the words. "I'm not doing this. A kiss doesn't solve anything."

"Fine." He folded his arms and sighed. He pulled an expression, that was very wrathful, but I doubted he was angry so soon again.

I thought for a moment, in that lengthy, ireful silence. Ivan had gone so long without any type of romantic gestures. Maybe I should have not said anything.

With sheepish intentions, I grazed my lips over his, almost testing to see if this was real. His kisses were delicate and passionate, yet so much contrasting from Mike's.

Ivan shoved me back, so that I was lying on the bed, not braking the kiss.

"Love, do you want to?" He asked, slowly pulling away.

I paused, breathing heavily, staring him in the eye.

"Eh, yeah. Yeah."

"If you don't want to, you don't have to."

"I want to. I'm just a little nervous. This is still new to me."

He nodded, going back to kissing me.

I slid my hands over his shoulders, pushing his blazer off.

He pulled away for a second, pulling his arms out and throwing the grey jacket to the floor, before returning to me.

I slowly reached out and looped my fingers around his belt. He jerked closer to me.

He slid his arms under me, lifting me up and rolling over, pulling me on top of him.

He reached behind me, starting to unzip my dress, but I ceased that; pushing his hands to my waists.

Slowly, I started unbuttoning his shirt, fumbling around a little as I couldn't see what I was doing.

He smiled into the kiss, and started to gently caress my waist.

Once I finally managed to undo all his buttons I sat back, pulling him up and letting him shake off the shirt.

He rolled back over, pressing his lips back onto mine, trying to reach behind me to unzip my dress further.

I reached up, twisting my arms around his neck, letting my fingers brush over the top of his shoulders.

He finally managed to get his hands behind me and unzip my dress, pulling me so I knelt up and the dress could fall down to the bed.

I moved my hands from his shoulders to his waist, slowly pulling on his belt to undo it.

I slid his jeans down his legs and he kicked them off, along with his shoes.

"Are you sure you want this, Ally?" He asked, rubbing my bare waist.

I nodded, biting my lip.

"Are you?"

"Yeah. But I've been told it'll hurt you more than me. Are you sure?"

"I don't care. If you haven't forgot, I've done this before. I love you. I want this." I pushed myself up, kissing him. "I wouldn't want to give myself to anyone but you."

He nodded, smiling.

"I love you too."

He leant down, starting to kiss under my jaw.

He kept kissing me, holding himself above me.

I curled my leg aground his, letting him roll us back over.

I sat back on his waist, smiling down at him.

"God, you are beautiful." He breathed, reaching out and resting his hands on my waist.

I giggled, leaning forwards and kissing his chest.

He pulled my chin up with a finger, pressing his lips to mine.

After a while longer he reached up, sliding his fingers under my bra.

"May I?" He asked, pulling away for a second.

I nodded, closing my eyes and leaning down to kiss him again.

I could feel him fumbling with the clasp for a few moments before he managed to pull it apart.

My bra fell down against him, and he swiftly brushed it away, pulling me against him.

His smooth skin against mine was just heavenly, like silk.

I ran my fingers through his short hair, sighing slightly.

"Say when you're ready." He told me between kisses.

I nodded, holding tightly onto his shoulders and neck.

"I think I'm ready." I breathed, pulling away.

"Alright." He murmured, reaching out and grabbing his pants, pulling a packet from the pocket and tossing it to me. "Hold that for a second."

He quickly kicked off all the clothes from the bed, sliding his boxers off.

My heartbeat increased when I set eyes on what was before me, passing him back the packet.

He opened it, sliding the condom on, then moving to me and gingerly sliding my underwear off.

"Ready?" He asked, and kneeled above me.

"No. But-just do it." I squeezed my eyes shut.

He pressed his lips to mine, not breaking the kiss as he pushed into me.

The pain hit me instantly; ripping through me like my back had broken.

I bit down on Ivan's bottom lip, making him stop.

"Gosh," I gasped when he pulled away. "Oh, crap."

"It's normal, Ally. Do you want me to keep going?" He asked, gently stroking my side.

I groaned, nodding, and instantly regretted my decision.

With every movement Ivan caused more pain to explode through me, making me wince and cry out.

After a few minutes he stopped, and gazed straight into my eyes.

"I can't do this, love, I'm hurting you. I don't want to be the cause of your pain." He told me, a woeful expression to his face.

"No, no. Keep going." I said,

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