When Two Fates Occur

By alicendumingu

577 111 9

Ezra grew up as the only child the perfect daughter and hire to the Addington company . She lived a perfect l... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 23

5 3 0
By alicendumingu

Winston's pov
"Winston, help me, I think I have been bitten by a snake," she shouted, as I quickly took her leg and put my first aid skills to work, I ripped a part of my shirt and tied it above the bite, and tried to suck out the venom, after I was done, I quickly picked her up and walked as fast as possible towards the car, "come on pig face, don't die on me, " I said while walking quickly to the car, upon reaching there car, I carefully placed her on the back sit and took her in my arms, she fit so perfectly and was to weak too resist, "someone has to help us, hung in there pig face, I won't let anything happen to you, " I said before running towards the main road in hopes of finding help, I stood there for what felt like an eternity but I couldn't lose hope, I needed to get help else I don't know what would happen to Renee, just as I decided to take a break I heard a car approaching, at first I thought I was going crazy, till I saw it, our savior, our only hope, I run towards the car, signaling and shouting for it to stop, "Winston!, " I heard a voice shout,  I run faster to caught up, and I was stopped in my tracks, I breathe a sigh of relief " oh brother I have never been this happy to see you. "

Ezra's pov
Zedie explained to us how he put a tracker of his brother to keep him out of trouble, he quickly made a phone call and asked me to follow him which I did without hesitation and asked Sandra one of the maids to look after grandma Gomez. When we reached his car, he handed me his phone and asked me to navigate with a quick nod we were on our way, I could only hope and pray that Renee was with Winston. We had been on the road for hours following the path that was indicated by the GPS, until we stopped, "the GPS is indicating his here Zedie," I said handing him back his phone, we both got out of the car and began searching the surrounding, it was a narrow path and there was no sign of Winston or Renee and I began to get restless, "what are we going to do Zedie, none of them are here," I said as tears started pouring down my cheeks, he quickly notice this and took me in his arms, "stop crying, I promise you we won't leave until we find them, I won't leave any stone unturned," he said giving me assurance as he wiped my tears.

We continued the search for another hour, until we found something, "Zedie!," I shouted, he quickly run towards me and I showed him what I had found, " this is Winston's phone, we must be heading in the right direction, let's go, " he said walking back into his car and I quickly followed behind, there was hope, but still there had been no sign of Renee and this made me even more restless we had been on the road for another hour or two, until we heard and saw someone shouting and signaling us to stop, at first we were skeptical till we recognized who it was, "Zedie it's Winston stop the car!" I shouted, "Winston!", Zedie shouted as he got out of the car, I quickly followed, " oh brother I have never been this happy to see you," Winston said giving his brother a hug, "Winston where's Renee, her grandma said she did not return home, and we have been very worried since yesterday please tell me you know where she is, " I asked failing to hold it in, I looked at him and noticed he had a piece of his shirt torn, "brother Renee is in danger please let's hurry up I'll explain later we need to get her to the hospital as soon as possible," he responded after breaking the hug, without hesitation both brothers run towards a bush I stood there not sure of what to do and a few minutes later came back holding a weak Renee, I quickly run towards them, " what happened to her, Winston what happened to her!" I shouted demanding answers, " please Ezra, let's first get her to the hospital I'll explain everything later, " he responded, I quickly opened the door and we were on our way.

As soon as we got to the hospital, Winston carried Rene inside and she was given a room and the doctor asked what had happened and Winston then explained everything to us, "what a snake bite?" I said almost in tears,"doctor please save her, please help her, " I said tears pouring down my cheeks I couldn't control it, " don't worry Ms Addington, just make sure the patient does not fall asleep I'll will be right back," he said before leaving the room with a nurse. "Rene don't worry you will be fine, " I said holding her hand trying to make sure she doesn't fall asleep, I began to see her eyes close, "Zed!, Wins!, her eyes are closing, please do something, the doctor said she shouldn't fall asleep," I said as I completely broke down in tears, as Zeds tried his best to comfort me, we both began to shake her, but it didn't help are eyes kept closing, "move aside," Winston said, "I know what to do, " he said moving towards her and before we could ask anything, he held her face and kissed her.

As always thank you for reading and thank you for your support ❤❤❤❤❤❤

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