By EnvyTheJealous27

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Hi guys. I was trying to find some good Envy x reader but all i found were stories which are no longer update... More

Chapter 1. Beginning
Chapter 2. His beautifull smell
Chapter 3. You are not monster
Chapter 4. Getting closer
Chapter 5. Unwanted rescue
Chapter 6. Catastrophe
Chapter 7. Gluttony's stomach
Chapter 8. Chilling day with Envy
Chapter 9. Start of fight
Chapter 10. One lost arm but saved life.
Chapter 11. End of battle and new start
Chapter 12. Connection
Chapter 13. I didn't expect this.
Chapter 14. Troublesome situation
Chapter 15. Best in Worse
Chapter 16. Get back power
Chapter 17. Guard change
Chapter 18. Truth
Chapter 19. GAME
Chapter 20. Little plan
Chapter 21. The day before
Chapter 22. Escape
Chapter 23. West city and memories
Chapter 24. Running + trouble

Chapter 25. End

512 11 8
By EnvyTheJealous27

~Now you have nowhere to run away from me.

Voice said and Envy was looking right into his eyes and i slowly turn around to face him too.

~So [Y/N] now i know how you were able to run away from Central without anybody noticing. You are homunculus and you gave up on your humanity. I guess that you have same powers as he have. Your ourobora tattoo is on tight as well as his. And also you don't have automail right? Your hand just healed. So now there is only one thing i have to do. Be ready to die.

Mustang said and snapped his fingers. Envy didn't wait even second and pushed me behind him and let himself  get hit by mustang's fire.

~I won't let you human scum lay finger on [Y/N]. Try to hurt her and i will kill you.

Envy gave Mustang deadly glare and was ready to attack him with all his might. As soon as Mustang was about to snap his fingers he saw little fear in Envy's eyes but still Envy didn't move even inch still protecting me no matter what while i was about to jump before Envy to protect Envy from getting hit again. Mustang looked at me and then lowered his hand.

~Looks like even monster like you can love someone as much as to put it's own life for them. I wanted to test you how would you react and if you really had changed.

Envy and i stayed confused as Mustang took down his glove and smiled.

~I still don't understand you [Y/N] how could you fall in love with him but i do understand him falling for you.

~Why are you telling us this? And what do you plan on doing now?

~It's obvious that i can't let you get away-

Both of us got into fighting stance.

~but this time just for you [Y/N] i will make sure you won't  be imprisoned anymore. I will clear your names but for now i need you to come back to central with me.

~Huh? So you are letting us be? Without wanting anything in return?

~Well yes and no. I want to know how the hell did you became homunculus.

I and Envy looked at each other and nodded. Then we let our guard down and just stood before him while Envy still kinda stood before me in half fighting stance to protect me.

~Okey we're accepting it.

Mustang smiled and told us what will happen.

~Right now i defeated you and managed to catch you alive. You will go tied up to central and back to your cell. In few days i will tell that you two weren't Maes Huges murderers and that it was another homuncullus which died and i will freed you and you can live normal life.

I and Envy looked at each other and i smiled.

~I think we can accept it. But there is one more thing we want.

~Hmm? What is it?

~Those white things that attacked central. Where are they? We need power and instead of killing humans we want to use those figures. They are dangerous either way so it's not big deal right?

~Okey i can accept that. Now come here.

Mustang told and both of us came closer to him. He took rope and tied our hands behind our backs and than tied it tighter around ours bodies to prevent us from moving with them. He then took us into his car. One soldier was there and he was looking at us like on some creatures. I and Envy gave him deadly glare and he scared jumped back. Both of us smiled and then sat in car. Mustang was driving one car while that soldier was in another one.

~Well now [Y/N]. How did you become homunculus?

I and Envy told him everything and then Mustang told.

~Well if one of you will die other will die as well. Hmm that's ruining all my plans.

He said smiling and smile creeped onto my face too. Envy just glared because he knew Mustang was planning to get rid of him. After few hours i came to central. Mustang parked right before prison and then he told.

~Because of your escape i need to punish you and soldiers have to see it or they won't believe me. So in one week you will be out of prison. Till that time you have to just bare it.

Mustang said and went out of car. He then made both of us come out of car and he took us in prison building. We were going to the lowest floor with highest security. He took us to total end of floor and went with us to our new cell. He untied us and then chained our hands and legs to wall. We were able to go max 3 meters forward but untill we were able to hug with Envy, it was long enough for both of us. Mustang then locked us in and walked away. Guard sometimes passed by and both of us were cuddling with each other.


6 days passed and Mustang came before our cell with 2 more soldiers with words.

~We are sorry for imprisonment. We found out that real culprit of Maes Huges is already dead so both of you are now free to go

As he told that he came in to unchain us and then took us out of prison.

~Even though i still hate you...live your lives happy together. And try to hurt [Y/N] and i will burn you to ash.

Mustang told with smile and Envy kinda nervous glared at him.

~Well we are going to see ya later.

I told.

~And maybe not.

Envy stated and both of us went away. Few days later both of us came to absorb some of those white things and we got powerfuller. But we promised that we won't hurt anyone. I started to live new life like any other human did but one thing was for sure. Even if people looked weird on both of us and were saying shit about us, our life was extraordinary and funny so i really love my life.

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