My Marked Soul

By JulieRockwell2

1K 17 0

Tabitha was a senior in high school and was about to turn eighteen on Halloween. With her parents on a trip... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One

Chapter Three

45 0 0
By JulieRockwell2

"Thank you for that" I said looking up at Drake, he just looked down and smiled and turned to leave, but before he did, he turned and looked at me "you know Tab, you are special in your own way and don't listen to what that idiot has to say" and with that Drake left.

Sitting there speechless, I decided it was time to leave and head home. I did not bother going in, did not want to run into Tony and I knew my so-called friends were too busy to care.

As I was leaving, I did not notice Tony in the shadows watching me, as I walked right past him, I just put my hands in my jacket pockets and walked home.

Once inside I locked the doors and went to the kitchen to grab a drink and a bag of chips, I just wanted something to snack on, as I went into the family room turned on the television to watch a good horror movie.

For the next couple of hours, I laid on the couch watching horror movie marathons, "now this is how I should have spent my night" I said to my cat who was laying on the chair next to me.

He just looked over and meowed and went back to sleep. He was my baby, anywhere in the house I went I knew he would end up there as well.

It was five days till Halloween which meant it was going to be another two weeks before my parents came back from their trip. I was fine with that since they knew I did not party and I was always responsible.

Made my life a tad easier when they were not around to get on me about this or that. But with graduating this year they finally gave up and left me alone.

They were always going away on trips and left me home alone. At first it bothered me, but after a few months of only seeing them twice within that amount of time, I was finally good with them being gone a lot.

Getting up and grabbing another drink, I decided to change and take a shower and get ready for bed, since it was now Saturday, I was going to watch a few more movies but up in my room.

After my shower and putting on my sleep shorts and a tank top, I went downstairs and grabbed my drink and started to head back up, until I heard a knock at the front door.

Wondering who it was and looking at the time I was hoping it was not Tony who would come to bother me about tonight.

I peeked out and saw it was Drake, puzzled I opened the door a crack, "hey, sorry to bother you so late but I went back to Tony's and saw you weren't there, and your one friend Terra told me where you lived, she said to see if you made it home safe" he said looking at me.

So, Terra could care less as usual if it were not about her anymore, "I'm good thanks, I appreciate you checking in on me" I said quietly. This was a new feeling having someone care enough to check.

"You're welcome, well sorry if I woke you" he said as he went to turn and leave. "Wait, did you want to come in for a bit since you came over, I can at least offer you something to drink?" I asked him, not sure why I did but something just came over me.

"I would actually like that, thank you" as I opened the door for him, his one arm brushed my arm slightly as he came in my butterflies took off in my stomach.

It was not a bad feeling but a good one, the feeling when you are attracted to someone.

I shook my head slightly, clearing the thoughts and getting my hormones under control. It was not easy as I was suddenly wanting this guy's hands and lips all over my body.

Taking a deep breath and slowly letting it out while I shut the door. I turned around and Drake stood there watching me, his mouth had a slight curve to it as if he were smirking, but he was not.

It was an exceedingly small smile, I walked into the kitchen and offered him what we had, "I'll take a pop, thanks" Drake said standing near me. I handed it to him.

"So where are you watching horror movies?" he asked, "how did you know?" He smiled "I can hear it but don't know where its coming from" he said looking around.

"Oh, I was going to watch them in my room" I said, starting to get hot suddenly. "Mind if I join you for at least one movie?" he asked as he slowly walked closer to me.

I swallowed and looked up into his eyes, "not at all" I said and as I went to turn around, he took his hand in mine as I began to lead him to my room upstairs.

Holy hell, I was holding this guy's hand and taking him to my room, my insides were on fire, I wanted him, he was the first guy I was into. 

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