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By teawithkeith_

888 73 24

Where the sea prince bets his safety and life to an angel he once thought was a grusome creature to escape hi... More

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40 3 0
By teawithkeith_


I feel like I should stan verivery. Love their title tracks but I dont know anything else from them... 

Tbh in the start I was gonna put ATEEZ'S Fireworks but then Get Away popped out and now I love it from the second listen ( yes, not first whoops-)  heLP??

Its almost midnight here oop I should sleep but Im motivated AAAA

"You haven't spoken to me about what love is yet!" Junhee whined.

"Well, that can wait later. We have an appointment with god soon," Chan said.

The sun still hasn't fully risen but in the meantime, they already tried their best to look as good as possible, especially Chan trying his best not to look dead after pulling an all-nighter doing his mission. They walked out to from the door. Both Jun and Chan held hands and Chan leaped into the sky.

Second time following Chan's so-called teleportation powers. Which in theory, is just him soaring at the speed of light. It still sucked, his stomach felt as if it mixed everything he ate for breakfast. His breath became rough. In short he had a slight disdain, but it is better than so called walking. Since Junhee is way behind the word 'good' on his walking skills.

Landed on the ground after a few seconds, Junhee smashed into the fluffy so-called sand of the sky. He never really knows what it is, nor questions it. It's soft, you can bounce around, and totally better than sand ever will be.

Junhee tried to step onto his two feets, not bad for a beginner. He murmured to himself whether to use the right leg or the left leg.

The god's palace is a beauty in the eye. The size itself is arguably smaller then his palace, with only three main buildings. But at least everything seems to be better. Or maybe Junhee is biased since how much he despises his mother and the whole kingdom itself.

Junhee's walk is like bounces. He bounces to the left, he bounces to right. His arms stretched wide. It reminds Chan about kids who are learning how to walk properly. But he knows that in the sea, you do mostly swim and bounce. So it's no surprise to him. But from the looks of the passerby, they seemed to be slightly unnamused.

"Hey.. I know it's hard, but can you bounce less? And hold my hand..." Chan asked.

Junhee nodded as he grabbed Chan's arms. But rather than stopping, Junhee's extreme bounces made Chan sway to the left and right.

"Slowly..." Chan whispered.

"Right, right,"

But slower only made things worse. Junhee kept slipping, and tripping on every step. Especially when they walked on the countless steps of stairs. Jun would step on the edge and slip, or move to the back, and then almost tumbling down the whole steps.

The door has opened to them by the guards. The guards are less intimidating than the ones he had back in his palace. The only thing that creeped him out is how many old dried slits appeared on their stretched-out wings.

The halls slightly reminds him of his old home. But it does have more artifacts being hung and presented at the sides. Chan tried his best to not let Junhee get tumbled upon. He tried to grip his body straight.

They arrived at the end of the hall with a golden door, which opened automatically by going up. Inside, the high throne room was empty.

"So, am I doing 'lies' again?" Junhee shook his head lightly.

"I know you have 'objection against' lying but we can't let anyone know about your identity as a prince,"

"But I don't like the concept of this so-called 'lying'. Maybe it's an unethical decision...?" Junhee furrowed his eyebrows. 

Chan rolled his eyes, "But yea would you rather not lie and get deported back or what,"

"You came. Come in," Donghun said with a soft yet formal tone.

So they both slowly stepped in. As both feet cross the door, it automatically falls down. In the back of the tree, Junhee's jaw dropped on the big, purple tree on the back of the throne, guarded with glass that reflects the sunlight from the above of the window on top of the roof.

On the right, God served quite the feast on such a small sparkling table. The smell of it, personally coming from Junhee, equals to a nightmare. Not to his surprise, fish served as the main course. All the three of them sit tidily on their chairs. Both Chan and Jun waited for their next instruction.

"Why aren't you eating? You don't need to wait for my words! Gosh this is why angels are easily manipulated," Donghun shook his head. Begins to rip some of the fish parts into his bowl. With the trident thing- called a fork if he recalled, and something that is similar to a real sword, but tiny. Which still creeps Junhee out to this day.

Junhee ripped the fish parts off of his with the mini sword thing, and shoved it with some kind of black water and munched it. As he digested that, he felt the guilt of eating probably, you know, some someone's long lost best friend.

"Oh... So this is the guy you said to have angelic powers?" Donghun squinted his eyes onto Junhee.

"That is true, your majesty. I hope you can feel it too," Chan bowed down, trying to remain calm. But he knows that Donghun would not gladly accept Junhee if he doesn't have angelic powers.

"I can... it's very clear indeed. He has massive potential," Donghun chuckled, "probably would overthrow me in the future. But indeed, congrats um... what's your name? "

"Park Junhee, I live in the small islands in the middle of the raging seas," Park Junhee said.

"Nice. I like you already. Well, you should get your identity registered here," Donghun said.

After thirty minutes, Junhee tries to eat more fish. Which by the way, doesn't taste that horrible. The black liquid totally did help to keep up the taste, but guilt still hangs on Junhee.

They had a pleasant chat in general. Donghun kind of gets too honest at one point, but at least he is treated well this time.

When they say their gratitudes and goodbyes. Both of them are going to the secretary to get Junhee registered at this place.

But then, some angels who roam in the palace whispered behind.

"An angelic human? But ew, he's so ugly!"

"Right... How can god even approve of him?"

"Because god himself doesn't even look that good,"

The others laughed on the back. Their voices raised high enough on purpose so both of them heard loud and clear.

"Ignore them, okay?" Chan pulled Junhee closer.

Chan picked up Junhee and he soared out of the palace. When they finally escaped, Chan let his palms on his knees as he huffed. Junhee noticed a pile of water in the ground. It reflects his face. He analyzed it, how his jaws are shaped, how his eyes , his eyebrows and his lips shaped. How he tilts his head to the passersby. All of them have a small, soft face.

Ah, maybe that's why he's considered ugly?

Back where he belonged, he never met people much. Maybe that's why he'd never question how his visuals made a contribution to the people around him.

But if he had to say it to himself, he thinks his face is quite attractive. He liked the balance of his facial features. He likes his face, even if everyone thinks it's ugly, or maybe they're true about him.

For the third time Chan stretches his wings. Once again they flee away. This time, the view of the buildings and the little trees spread around. It's magnificent, at least to say. Sometimes, it feels like a dream come true.

They landed on the ground, in front of them stood a building not so big.The sign on top of the door reads 'Secretary'. Both of them stepped into a building. Not too fancy, only a few chairs and a table with an angel sitting behind it.

Chan ran straight to the receptionist.

The receptionist gave a thin smile, "good morning, how can I help you?"

"Registerization. Park Junhee... Um... How old are you Jun?" Chan looked at his left, but he was nowhere to be found.

"Jun..." Chan turned around, to see Junhee fainting on his back, "JUN??!"

He tries to squat and Junhee's sweating. His water bottle full. Chan sighed. 

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