Love Lust and Lies

By Raven13066

198K 4K 377

Diana Lopez goes by The black rose, most wanted and known assassin, one of the best. What happens when the fa... More

The black rose
Rocco Gonzalez
Playing the innocent
We meet again
I agree
I've seen you before
wanna know a secret?
What are you going to do about it?
Shut up and sit
I'll see you in hell
I can't control my emotions around her
Only if you knew...
He deserved it
I'm bringing him home
I have a plan
Will you be my date?
Who is that doll?
You're mine
last night was just it
not this time
He's dead
Oh dear
I can't believe it
I love you

Black rose speaking

7.4K 155 33
By Raven13066

"When I arrived home I placed Dante's shirt in my closet and went to make a cup of coffee. I was so glad when I noticed that witch wasn't here, and I didn't care where she could be. Unless she's putting her nose in my business, I don't care what she does, who she does or if she's still breathing, if I could I'd kill her myself, but I can't, i promised my father that unless she does something real crazy I can't get rid of her."

The day passed by quickly, and still no sign of Rose, not that Diana cared, but she felt that she was up to something!

At night, right before Diana was about to go to bed, her work phone started ringing, she didn't answer because she was too tired for this tonight. But the phone wouldn't stop ringing!

"YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDING ME! WHO THE HELL DOESN'T WANT TO LEAVE ME ALONE!" She yelled, and answered the phone angrily

"Name and cause, and maybe you'll be dying too with the person you want to kill, for calling this late!"

"Oh I'm sorry for disturbing your night, Is it black rose?

"Black rose speaking!"

"Glad to finally call you black rose!"

"Tell me who do you want dead so I can hang up!"

"Well, you see I want YOU to work for ME"

"Why would I do that! I work solo and definitely not FOR anyone!"

"I heard you've been searching for someone, and well let's say i want to torture that person too"

"How did you get this information?

"I know what I want to know! I am powerful and feared and I think if we work together we can catch ClownFace easily!"


"Well I'm not going to stop calling dear until you accept! Goodnight now!"

"What the hell, who is that bastard! He thinks he can get me to work for someone! Like hell I will be guided and told what to do!"

After that she hoped in bed thinking who this might be, she couldn't trace the phone call they used a burner phone, and she couldn't use a voice recognition device! They used a voice changer like she does!


The next morning , at Dante's mansion.

"Do you think she's going to accept boss?"

"Not really, I heard that the black rose is ruthless, fearless and doesn't like to be told what to do."

"Then what are we going to do?"

"I'm going to keep calling her, then I'm going to test her!"

"Test her? what do you mean boss?"

"You're going to see, but for now keep trying to find out who she is and her real name"

"I'll keep searching boss, but whoever the black rose is they're smart, we can't have a name, a face neither a voice!"

"Just keep digging, once we have her, she'll be good for the team."

"How can you be so sure that the black rose is woman?"

"I have a feeling, the way she kills the way she speaks, and seeing how smart she is, yeah pretty much, I think our black rose is a she"


In some warehouse...

"You need to get ride of her!"

"Why, It's more fun when there's a chase!"

"No, I want her gone as soon as possible! She a spoiled brat that shows no respect!"

"Her time will come, just like her fathers, be patient my dear"

"As long as she ends up dead!"

"She will, she will..."

"What if she finds you first? What if she kills you? What if she finds out about me! And kills me, I can't die, I'm too pretty to die!"

"Stop worrying my dear, nothing will happen! she's going to join her father, and we'll be together running and controlling everything!"

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