My Brothers Best Friend

By StormyWinter

2.5M 40.1K 4.1K

"If this was published, I'd buy it" Rhi can have any guy she wants but she goes for the guy she has been frie... More

My Brothers best... Part 1
My brothers... part 2
Brothers best... part 3
My brothers best... part 4
My brothers best... part 5
My brothers best...part 6
My brothers best...part 7
My brothers best...part 8! :)
My brothers best...Part 9
Part 10 :)
Teaser :)
Part 11 :D
Part 12 :)
Part 13 :D
Part 14 :D
Part 15!
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18 :)
Part 19!
Part 20 :)
Update :)
Part 21
Part 22 :O
Part 23 :P
Taster :)
Part 24 :O
Part 25 :)
Part 26 :)
Part 27 :D
Part 29
Part 30! OMG!
31 ...Did someone say road trip?!
32...making out in the snow...
33...Number 10 and coffee please
34...All creeped out
35...God damn hot chocolate
36...I'm going to have to ruin it
Part 37... Hand it over Chase
38...we need to be honest
39...Drifting apart
40...I won't need to force myself on people
Part 41...Ash hates me...
Part 42...You don't like it
Part 43...Las Vegas
Part 44 ...Live off coffee
Part 45...
Part 46...Apart from your snoring...
Part 47....Keep the boy on a leash!
Part 48...Awkward..
Part 49...Go Mental
Part 50...Hallelujah!
Part 51...You would be here
Part 53...Christmas
Part 54... we wont break up
Part 55... Something far more better
Part 56.... Life and Death.
Part 57- First half.
To My Fans
Part 58- Recovery
59 :)
Part 60
In Celebration of reaching 1 million reads!
I'm really sorry!
Part 61... Graduation (Finally!)
Part 62 (Teaser)
Part 62- Don't Walk Away
Part 63- The End.

Part 28 :)

33.4K 514 20
By StormyWinter

Thanks for the amount of votes i got last chapter, i was like yayyyyy! I hope to carry on getting that amount of votes ;)

Hope you like :)



“How was your day?” Ash took my bag from me and gently put it in the back seat of his car.

“It was good, yours?” I asked Ash who just made a face turning the engine on. He was so hot from this angle, especially his muscles that showed through his top. They weren’t massive muscles but he had a six pack, kind of a Paul Wesley body…Hmmm it’s such a hot body. God, I’m such a pervert around him!

“Let’s just say double math, science and English don’t go well together” Ash replied turning out of the school car park. Brook passed us and waved with Sam holding her hand. He didn’t look at us.

“My brother hates me” I sighed; Ash looked at me from the corner of his eye and smiled. I loved that smile and the lips. I loved to kiss them, focus Rhi not time for the pervert in you to come out.

“He doesn’t hate you, just annoyed at you. A bit of sibling rivalry is healthy” Ash told me as we stopped at a red light.

I looked at the red light, which was probably the colour of Sam’s eyes right now with the anger that was running through him.

“You would know, wouldn’t you?!” I smiled at Ash who flashed me a wicked smile back.

“Just you wait until we get home” He whispered then started driving again. I giggled at the look that was crossing his face. It was creepy yet funny.

Ash stopped at the sports shop to pick up some things for soccer tomorrow. I stayed in the car and phoned Sam.

“Hello?” He sounded breathless as he answered the phone and I could hear giggling in the background.

“That better not be Brook, cause I already have sick images running through my head” I pretended to vomit down the phone and heard him sigh.

“What do you want?” He mumbled then told someone to be quiet in the background.

“I want to talk when I get home , so whatever you are doing with my best friend stop and make yourself suitable” He cursed down the phone and replied.

“Fine, bye” With that he hung up on me. He hung up on me, he hung up on ME! I hit the window with anger then turned to see Ash looking shocked.

“What got your thong in a twong?” I turned to him and gave a disgusted look.

“Twong? That’s not even a word. I don’t even wear thongs anyway” I answered laughing. Ash started the car and started to reverse out of the car park.

“You sure? Want me to check?” Ash asked driving down the road and turning the radio on.

“Not yet, gorgeous boy” I winked and could hear him groan.

“Is it lacy and red?” Ash smiled pulling into our drive.

“I’m so not having a discussion with you about my underwear, no matter how sexy it is!”  I slammed the door and started to run away from him.

I could hear him running behind me so dashed towards the house door and started to find the keys.

As soon as I flung the door open Ash grabbed me from behind and placed me against the wall. He took my hands in one of his hand and put them above my head. I was now pinned against the wall.

“I want to carry on that conversation” Ash whispered in my ear. I was about to reply then heard a sickening sound of moans. I turned around to find the culprits and there they were.

“Seriously?” I screamed then covered my eyes from the disgusting image in front of me.


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