The Lake County Tormentor


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Lake County is a small town in the remote areas of Illinois, but this town has a creepy history. Since 1850 t... Еще

The Lake County Tormentor Strike's again

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⚠️Warning mature content

Lake County, Illinois
September 14, 2006

It was like any other day, I was in my living room with my twin brother, Abi , being normal 5 year olds who did nothing else but run around and be wild, when I heard three knocks at the door.

'That weird' I thought as my body stopped moving and my attention turned to the door 'Mom alway says never to let strangers in and if they try to get in I should hide with my brother' Abi stops playing and looks over to me in curiosity, When suddenly the door nob jingles and a man in all black, except a white mask that has two back dots, enters our house.

'His mask is plain, ah uh I know just how to fix that' I thought childishly as I picked up a red crayon on the nearby coffee table, and make my way to him. He noticed me almost immediately as I moved towards him, I brought my free hand up and motioned for him to come closer. He tiled his head sideways in a cat-like manner, but bent down closer to me, by now I was close enough to touch him. Slowly I put down my hand that motioned him and put up the hand with the red crayon, I draw a curved line under the eyes to resemble a smile.

The man stayed silent as I drew the smile, when I'm finished I look at the finished product and smile "there isn't that better than a plain old mask?" I ask quizzically, he nods as he pets my obsidian black hair. Then right behind me I hear a what sounds like a plant pot breaking and all of a sudden I'm being pulled back from the man with the mask. I look up and see my mother with a distressed looking face.

"What do you want with me and my children!?" My mother shouted as Abi ran over to us, as my mother had quickly motioned for him to run over towards us. The man in the mask slowly got up and pointed at me, my mother instantly pulled me towards her.

"If you give up now he won't end up like all the other children, gone" the man with the mask said I a quiet voice. My mother looked down at me and my brother and hugged us both hard and lovingly.

"Now you two better take care of your father" my mother said grabbing our cheeks "you know I love you two, right?" We both nodded and she gave us a kiss on the head and told us to go to our rooms and put on some headphones and play our favorite music as loud as we can, then her and the man with the mask went in the backyard.

As soon as they left Abi grabbed my hand and we walked to our shared bedroom where we did exactly as our mother told us to do. About 35 minutes later the man came back and told me I had to come with me because my mother wanted me to "what about my brother?" I asked.

"He will stay here and tell your father what happened, we wouldn't what him to be worried about both of you, now would we?" he said as I shook my head no. He picked me up and walked me to his car and buckled me in the backseat, We drove for a few minutes when we came to a different house from my own "this is where our journey together will first begin" he said getting out of car and picking me up.

Next thing I knew I was walking towards a gas station clutching his mask in my left hand, the cashier saw me and ran toward me "Your that kid that the police have a amber alert out on, aren't you" she said in a sympathetic voice, while she took my hand and lead me inside where she informed the police and my father where I was located.

The local police came in a few minutes after she called them, while we waited for my father The gas station lady gave me something to eat and drink. Ten minutes later I saw my father's car pull in, as soon as he Parked he unbuckled his seat belt ran in the gas station and hugged me so hard I thought I was going to die. The police told my dad they had to ask me a few questions before we could go back home, so I answered all their questions the best I could, but it was all blurry? I don't remember any after going inside his house. They asked me questions like if I knew who took me and all that, but to be honest I didn't see the big deal of me going with the man in the mask he was nice, right?

When we got home we went straight to bed and dad held Abi and me till he fell asleep knowing we were safe, and sound now that we were all together.

I hope whoever read this enjoys this, and of you do please support in any way you can, and if you see anything wrong with the spelling please comment and I will correct it! This is story is completely my own so please don't copy it in any way with permission.

Thank you

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