By could_careless

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A gifted kunoichi from a far away land in a village hidden in the leaves embarks on a journey with her teamma... More

Before we start..
Prologue: The Untold Story
Chapter 1: Team 10
Chapter 2: Musutafu
Chapter 3: The Big Three!
Chapter 4: U.A. High!
Chapter 5: Q.A.T
Chapter 6: Battle Trial
Chapter 7: Battle Trial Part 2
Chapter 8: Class Rep?!
Chapter 9: Rescue
Chapter 10: League Of Villains
Chapter 11: What the Jinchuriki?!
Chapter 12: My Story
Chapter 13: New Comers
Chapter 14: First Training
IMPORTANT A/N: Your ex ♥
Chapter 15: Sports Fest
Chapter 16: Fight!
Chapter 17: Todoroki
Chapter 18: Healing
Chapter 19: Shinsou?
Chapter 20: Gather Around
Chapter 21: Making Memories
Chapter 22: Tenya Iida
Chapter 23: Internship
Chapter 24: Internship Part 2
Chapter 25: FREE!
Chapter 26: Stain
Chapter 27: Katsuki Bakugou
Chapter 28: Back to school
Chapter 29: Lunch (Love Interest Progress)
Chapter 30: Momo
Chapter 31: Examination
Chapter 32: His weakness
Chapter 33: "Thank you"
Chapter 34: Kakashi Sensei
Chapter 35: Wild Wild Pussycats!
Chater 36: HOME!
Chapter 37: Sasuke and (y/n)!
Chapter 38: Hot springs, Curry and Ramen!
Chapter 39: Mankai and Naruto VS... MINETA?!
Chapter 40: Gray
Chapter 41: Day 2
Chapter 42: Genins
Chapter 43: Sadness and Sorrow
Chapter 44: You (❤️progress~)
Chapter 45: WHAT?!
Chapter 46: The Reunion
Chapter 47: Ice Ice Baby
Chapter 48: The night
Chapter 49: The Night Part 2
Chapter 50: Training Ground 3
Chapter 51: The Wait
Chapter 52: Aim
Chapter 53: Unlikely Group of Rescuers
Chapter 54: Akatsuki
Chapter 55: Akatsuki part 2
Chapter 56: (y/n) vs Akatsuki
Chapter 57: Asuma vs Hidan
Chapter 58: Asuma Sarutobi
Chapter 59: Pain
Chapter 60: Beast
Chapter 61: Safe And Sound
Chapter 62: A Promise
Chapter 63: More
Chapter 64: Ill at Ease
Chapter 65: Belief
chapter 66: Red Tailed Hawk
Chapter 67: off the heat
Chapter 68: Founding Fathers
Chapter 69: Sleepover Reunion
Chapter 70: Rock Lee's New Mission!
Chapter 71: Lee's Demise
Chapter 72: Shikamaru in Pursuit!
Chapter 73: Lee's Redemption
Chapter 74: Aizawa Vs Kakashi?
Chapter 75: My Big Brother
Chapter 76: Shikamaru Nara
Chapter 77: Stronger than i was yesterday!
Chapter 78: Suspicion
Chapter 79: Team 10's Will Of Fire!
Chapter 80: Will of fire! Part 2
⚠️⚠️ IMPORTANT ⚠️⚠️
Chapter 81: Tracking The Immortals
Chapter 82: It Begins
Chapter 83: Two Immortals, Two Copies
Chapter 84: The Separation
Chapter 85: Naruto!
Chapter 86: Kakuzu vs The Uzumaki Twins!
Chapter 87: Mission Complete!
Chapter 88: Sai and Ramen
Chapter 89: Sakura Haruno
Chapter 90: Hugs and Kisses~ 💕Progress
Chapter 91: Goodbyes
Chapter 92: Goodbyes part 2
Chapter 93: Road trip?
Chapter 94: Invitation
Chapter 95: Uchiha
Chapter 96: Just a Dream
Chapter 97: Done is Done
Chapter 98: (m/n)?
Chapter 99: Dinner?
Chapter 100: Moving
Chapter 101: shopping mistake
Chapter 102: Dadzawa
Chapter 103: Dadzawa part 2(?)
Chapter 104: Welcome To Sports City!
Chapter 105: Iwatobi High!
Chapter 106: Daddy yo zawa (lol)
Chapter 107: Keeping up with the Bakugou's
Chapter 108: Family Portraits
Chapter 109: Sports, Classmates and Friends!
Chapter 110: Forward and backwards.
Chapter 111: Ninken
Chapter 112: Totally Oblivious
Chapter 113: Eren Yeager
Chapter 114: A Familiar face
Chapter 115: Yuri Plisetski's Request
Chapter 116: Practice...
Chapter 117: Moving in!!!
Chapter 118: (y/n).. (m/n).. what?
Chapter 119: Competition!
Chapter 120: Yuri Plisetski Special 💖
Chapter 121: Reverse come back
Chapter 122: Shota Aizawa
Chapter 124: Dorm room
Chapter 125: Shoto Todoroki
Chapter 126: After effects
Chapter 127: Iruka Umino
Chapter 128: Tomorrow
Chapter 129: Provisional Training
Chapter 130: Ninken, Gamakichi and Katsuyu
Chapter 131: We meet again, Sasuke.
Chapter 132: Unwanted Reunion
Chapter 133: Revisiting Old Memories
Chapter 134: Sasuke VS .. (y/n)?
Chapter 135: Under A Genjutsu
Chapter 136: Our Bond
Chapter 137: Sleep...
Chapter 138: The Misunderstanding
Chapter 139: Isolation
Chapter 140: Depression.
Chapter 141: Advice
Chapter 142: Provisional Hero License!
Chapter 143: RUSH!!!
Chapter 144: Rescue part 1
chapter 145: Rescue part 2
Chapter 146: In or Out?
Chapter 147: The Master and the student(s)
Chapter 148: Training
Chapter 149: Forgive and Forget
Chapter 150: Collaboration
Chapter 151: Sage Mode?
Chapter 152: Sparring 0700
Chapter 153: What if?
Chapter 154: The Announcements!!!
Chapter 155: Letters from Gaara
Chapter 156: 愛
Chapter 157: USJ
Chapter 158: Hide and Seek
Chapter 159: XOXO~
Chapter 160: Meow~
Chapter 161: Works of a Medical-nin
Chapter 162: Isami High!
Chapter 163: STICK to the plan
Chapter 164: A wake up call
Chapter 165: A close call
Chapter 166: Friends
Chapter 167: Two Great Sage Toads
Chapter 168: Jiraiya the Gallant
Chapter 169: The Seal's Key
Chapter 170: Bingo
Chapter 171: Bingo Book part 2
Chapter 172: villains alike
Chapter 173: News
Chapter 174: Death to another Member
Chapter 175: home alone
Chapter 176: Visiting Konoha
Chapter 177: Big bro, Naruto.
Chapter 178: Sage Mode Continues
Chapter 179: Invitation to I-island
Chapter 180: Mt Myoboku
Chapter 181: Gamamru
Chapter 182: Bittersweet Vacation
Chapter 183: Melissa Shield
Chapter 184: shopping and sightseeing
Chapter 185: Guess who?!
Chapter 186: Challenge Accepted!
Chaoter 187: The Honored and The Unexpected Guests
Chapter 188: Cornered to a fault!
Short A/N!!
Chapter 189: Mistakes and Regret
Chapter 190: Mind Control Puppetry
Chapter 191: Wrath
Chapter 192: Fight or Flight
A/N 😱 (BOOK 2!)

Chapter 123: End of Sports City

695 31 83
By could_careless

----- YOUR POV -----

I wiped the tears from my face and smiled at Aizawa. Honestly, i don't even remember why i was so damn emotional trying to save Shoyo and the others but Aizawa-sensei's words eased the pain. I've been trying to impress others and make them see im someone good. I've been trying so hard that i almost lost myself. 

Screams were heard from far behind. I looked back and saw that the golem guy was back on his feet with a giant boulder above him. He scanned the crowed and stared at me. It was like he targeted me because after he locked eyes with me he threw the boulder. 

"No more holding back huh?" i said to myself with a scoff. I took a step forward and positioned myself in between Aizawa-sensei and the massive boulder.  I positioned myself lower to the ground and when the boulder was close i threw my fist, colliding it with boulder. I felt the boulder stop, like everything stop. The next thing i know it broke and shattered to a million tiny pebbles. The police were trying to hold him back but his armor rendered him bulletproof.

I ran towards the golem guy with Aizawa tailing behind me. Aizawa canceled out his quirk making him a statue for a short amount of time. meanwhile, i ran towards Golem punching the debris away making sure not to hurt the man underneath the rubble. Aizawa-sensei helped by holding him in place with his scarf every time he needed to blink he made sure Golem wasn't able to move. Once they finally restrained the man and managed to tranquilize him the job was done. i sighed and dragged Golem to the back of the military's armored vehicle. Eren helped me.

"You did fantastic out there." He commented.
"You were watching huh?" i smiled
"What?" His face flushed in embarrassment and he started to stutter. "I-it wasn't like th-that! I just saw you a-and..and.." I laughed at his bashful side.
"No worries!" I felt a sharp pain by my ankles. "AH!" I exclaimed in pain.
Eren punched whatever it was on my ankle and dragged me away. I placed my hand on my newly opened wound feeling the blood drip to the ground under me. I opened my eyes and saw Reverse bearing a bloody smile.

"That one is for my brother." He said before laughing while Eren's classmates pushed Reverse back in the armored car after tranquilizing him. I looked at my wound to inspect it. I saw some type device. I reached in to pull it out but Aizawa grabbed hold of my hand.

"Dont!" He yelled looking at it.
"It hurts, sensei." I grunted holding on tightly on my leg. 
Eren picked me up and carried me. "I'll bring her to the medical core." he said running to who knows where. All i was focused on was about my damn leg that felt like it was being cut open from the inside.

It hurts.

It burns.

"Take it out!" I yelled not wanting the thing on my wound to be there anymore.
"We need to be sure-" I cut off Aizawa-sensei. I couldn't bare the feeling. Might as well cut my leg off if they planned to keep it in!
"TAKE IT OUT!!" I cried out holding on tightly to Eren as i balled my fist as hard as i could.
"We're almost there!" I could feel the pain rising to my upper leg numbing it in the process. I couldn't move my leg. All i could do was feel the pain growing more and more. I sobbed letting the tears fall down. "Just a little bit further, (Y/n)." Eren said.

I tried to open my eyes but every time i try to suppress it or try to move on my own, the pain worsened. I moved my hand between my teeth and bit it.. hard. Blood seeped out touching my tongue but i didn't care. I could feel a hand grabbing my arm trying to pry it out of my mouth.

"(Y/N) stop it!"

I opened my eyes squinting in pain as i looked at Aizawa.

"Sensei.." i whined.  Looking at him teary-eyed. His eyebrows furrowed looking at me with a pained expression. Whatever Reverse did to me.. I could feel it coursing through my bloodstream spreading the burning sensation all over. l felt Eren running faster then he set me down on a soft surface.

"Lay down. They're going to check on you now." Eren said looking at me giving my head a pat pushing he lightly to lay on the bed. He then moved away giving the nurses space to work on. l could hear Aizawa standing on the other side of the bed.

"What is this?" Aizawa sensei asked. l could fed two pairs of hands holding the lower part of my leg examining the wound. I was holding in my whimpers as i gripped on the pillow and cried.

"It looks like some kind of quirk Injection." The nurse said. "The needle looks like it has backward teeth, the same as a frilled shark, it looks like it latched on to her flesh." she paused. "Hold her still, I'll try to take it out."

The wound on my leg just became a thousand times more sensitive. I was anticipating their every move. It was as if my brain was already anticipating the pain that was about to happen.




----- NO ONE'S POV-----

(Y/n) was fast asleep as soon as the nurse took out the injection and eased her pain She quietly hugged on to the pillow, stained by the newly soaked tears. Oh the other side of the room were the people that were injured during the accident. One Of them was the former coach of Karasuno High. With him was the new team, his grandson the coach, managers and teachers. Shoyo looked at (Y/n)'s sleeping form.

"ls she going to be okay?" Shoyo asked out loud.

"I hope so." Sugawara said.

"That kid..." The older Ukai said looking at the girl, his forehead all bandaged up along with his leg. "She's a tough one, isn't she?" He said silently thanking her for saving him and carrying him to safety but as much as they wanted to thank her, they couldn't because she was being treated at the moment. All they could do was watch as the nurse treated her from the other side of the room. "She reminds me of a story from a long time ago.."

"After basing this with Reverse's quirk, all i can say is, something is bound to happen but ive checked her vitals, brain activity and her blood samples." she paused looking at the computer then at the chipboard she had in her hand. "There's nothing out of the ordinary, in fact it seems like there nothing wrong at all."

"What about the injection?" Aizawa asked pointing at the bite sized injection on the tray.

"We'll bring it to the lab and run some tests on it. We'll give you the result once we have them. Our equipment here aren't suitable for running test like these here." the nurse said placing the injection in a small plastic container. Eren looked at Aizawa offering him his help.

"Let me carry her back to your vehicle." Eren walked towards (Y/n) to pick her up.

"You don't have to." Aizawa said but Eren already carried her in his arms.

"Don't worry, this is nothing compared to our training and besides this is still part of our purpose here in Sports City." Eren smiled and nodded towards the door. "Lead the way Eraserhead." Aizawa sighed and walked towards the door following Eren through the halls and all the way outside where his class was waiting. The bus door hissed open the students rose up from their seats but their eyes quickly landed on Eren who was carrying (Y/n) into their bus. Half of the boys glared at Eren as he walked in the bus.

"When should i put her? "he asked looking over at Aizawa.

"Put her here." Aizawa pointed at the seats in front. Eren laid her across the seats so She was laying on her back. He placed a pat on her head rubbing his hand ever so gently. He smiled and stood up facing Aizawla. "Thanks." Aizawa said with a small nod towards Eren.

"Anytime. If ever you guys need help just call us whenever." he said with a smile. "(y/n) has my number."

Their ears perked in interest. "They exchanged numbers?!" That what was going through the students minds after hearing the conversation. Eren bid farewell and exited the bus. Aizawa sat next to (Y/n) right above her head. Slowly he raised her head and placed it on his lap. He nodded at the driver signaling them that they were ready to leave. Gray jumped on Aizawa's lap and walked across towards (Y/n)'s sleeping form, laying on her stomach as he eyed her intently. Gray lowered his head falling asleep. Aizawa looked at the two wondering if he did the right thing sending her in the stadium by herself. Because of her everyone was saved with little to no injuries. Then he started making up scenarios what if he was the one went in the stadium instead of her? Would he have managed to save all those students without harm like she did? Or would she have already been bitten when he came out? He smiled and patted her head. The more he watched over her, the more she grew, the more he saw the potential shine on her. He's thoughts about who would most likely become the number one hero in all of UA was changing.

On the way home (Y/n) woke up with a groan. She sat up holding her head with her hand. Gray jumped off and looked up at her. "You okay?" She nodded.




-----YOUR POV-----

I looked at my ankle. l reached to my back pouch and took out one of my scrolls, most specifically, the one that contained all my medical supplies. l sighed and opened it. l took out Hinata's ointment, i raised my leg and set it on my knee using it as table. l started unwrapping the bandage. "l'ts already been treated by the nurse in Sports City." l looked over to my side and saw Aizawa sensei. Wait... Was it his lap i was sleeping on?! "(Y/n)?" l snapped back to reality and looked back at my ankle.

"It doesn't hurt anymore. I'm just going to apply the healing ointment." l said. When Aizawa sensei didn't try to stop me i continued unwrapping the cloth. The bite was deep but it was healing. l opened the ointment's lid and set it beside me. l scooped some of the ointment and applied it on to the bite. A bit of smoke rose up from my wound as it started to heal. After putting the ointment, the bite was no longer visible so put the ointment back in the scroll and used my medical ninjutsu to heal any internal damage then i did the same to the bite a caused on my hand.

"You sure you're okay?" Aizawa-sensei asked.

"Yeah... I'll be able to walk again after i heal my ankle." l smiled at him. " I'll be back to normal in no time!"

"Good to hear..."

"(Y/n)! You're finally awake!" Uraraka chirped from behind me. l looked to the backseat.

"How long was i gone?" i asked.

"Just for a couple of minutes." Aizawa said.

I scanned the bus and saw my classmates, some were asleep others were talking or keeping themselves preoccupied. l sat back down and continue healing the bite.

"Eren was the one who carried you all the way here... incase you were wondering." Aizawa said keeping his gaze forward.

l blushed embarrassed letting Eren carry me but if i had to choose between Eren or Aizawa sensei carrying me to the bus... "I should thank him." l said quietly reaching for my phone in my back pouch.

Non-Alcoholic Yeager: You fell asleep while the nurse took care of you. I was just checking in to see if you're okay.. Are you  okay?

20 minutes ago? Damn...

Yeah. I just woke up. I'm fine now. :You

Non-Alcoholic Yeager: That's good to hear! Had a good sleep?

Sleeping in a moving bus isn't really my ideal sleeping place but yeah it was good. :You

Non-Alcoholic Yeager: 😅 I didn't think that one through..

I chuckled imagining his expression as he typed it down. 

Hahaha. Anyways, Thanks for carrying me to the bus. :You

Non-Alcoholic Yeager: Eraserhead told you?

Yeah :You

Non-Alcoholic Yeager: Well it was nothing at all. I could have carried you all the way home if you wanted me to.

What?! You don't have to! You already did plenty. :You

Non-Alcoholic Yeager: Still. I would. 

Unnecessary but thank you. :You  

Non-Alcoholic Yeager: Anytime!

Before i could reply he had sent another message.

Non-Alcoholic Yeager: I gotta go. There's stuff to do here in Sports City. I'll talk to you soon. You free on Saturday?

Yeah im free. :You

Non-Alcoholic Yeager: Great! I'll pick you up before lunch. UA Dorms right?

Yep! It has 1A in front of the building. :You 

Non-Alcoholic Yeager: Okay okay! i gotta go now before Captain sees me. See ya on saturday! 😊

I shook my head chuckling at Eren. He said he needed to go and he's worried about the captain but ha had the time to send an emoji. I placed my phone back and pulled Gray into my lap then looked out the window.

"Do you like him?" Gray asked.
"Eren?" He looked up at me. "Well he's okay." I shrugged.
"I meant the other way." Was he talking about in a romantic way? 
"What? No. It's too early for me say that about him."
"But you agreed on the date."
"A friendly date. Just because two people are doing out on a date doesn't mean they immediately love each other and are already together together." I explained. "We're just hanging out.." Gray hummed and curled up in my lap.
"Just be careful. He might catch something else." I looked down at the cat.
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" But he didn't respond. I crossed my arms and huffed out a pout.

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