My mafia hubby

By Universap

2.3K 35 8

One is ruthless, the other is kind. One is full of hate, the other is full of love. One is bad, the other is... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 1

712 10 1
By Universap

Silver POV

Hey little horse let's go to the ice cream sea and party with the unicorn king!

I got on the horse and together we go to the party. The forest is full of candy trees
And little fairies that dance around them.
When we arrive we met with the fairy King.


I hear a voice call my name.

Silver get-

I look around but I don't see no one calling for me.


I woke up startled screaming.


Suddenly I hear laughter.

Ahahaha, oh Silver wen will you ever grow up.

I look around and see my best friend and roommate Sonic laughing on the floor.

Hey, it's not nice to wake people like that, what if I had a heart attack!!!

Ahah, you should have seen your face just priceless!

Mph!! Aniway why did you wake me up, I was going to the party of the unicorn king.

Well.... If the sleepy head has forgotten
today we start our last year of high school.

Hahaaaa, and............


Then reality hits me.

Aaahhhh we're gonna be late.

I'll start the car you hurry up.

While Sonic goes to start the car I run like a freak in my room to get everything ready. After ten minutes I run dow stairs to an impatient Sonic.

Hurry up Silver, you know that I don't like to be slow.

Yes here I am. Now go go go!

Sonic enters the auto and we start to head to school. Well that's a lie since Sonic was breaking any rule to get to school in time.

Sonic slow down you're going to get someone to retire you're driving license!

Don't worry Silver I know what I am doing.

Just then a cop car is behind us and Sonic halts.

From the car a figure emerges and it is non othar than....

OH officer Shadow what can I do for you!

Sonic sais this while batting his eyelashes.

What a sweet little criminal we have here. You know that you have broken quite a few rules. I really think that some measures have to be taken.

Shadow says whit a low growl to Sonic . They always do this game and I really don't understand why they talk like this. I mean why they make all this act right now, we have school.

OH officer please Is there really nothing that I can do let you forgive myself. I promise that I can be a really good boy if you let me?

Sonic says while moving closer to  Shadow.

Very well criminal.

Shadow then notices me in the car and whisper something to Sonic in his hear.
That something has Sonic blushing really hard. After that Shadow bids goodbye and we leave to get to achool. Out of curiosity I ask Sonic.

Hey Sonic what did Shadow tell you that made you blush?

O-oh, n-nothing Silver, haha nothing that you should know aniways.


Just trust me Silver, you are to innocent for what he said.

Whitout further questioning I decide to let it go and focus on the subject for today. Once arrived in school we are tackled by our friend gadget.

Hey guys, what took you so long?

Well the princess here was dreaming about unicorns, and you know that it is nearly impossible then to wake him up.

Hey, it's not my fault that I'm an heavy sleeper.

It'okay Silver, even I sleep in somethimes.

Yeah sure, but you're always early when it is mister Infinite's class eh.

At that Gadget blushes a deep red and covers his face whit his scarf.

Then what about you and Shadow uh. When are you going to confess to him that you want to be more than just a toy.

A toy? But Sonic isn't a toy he is a person.

Don't  worry Silver, now let's go to class, or we'll be in deep shit.

Hey language Sonic.

Oh Silver why do you have to be so, so you.

Hey you indicated all of me! (let's see if you can guess from what film I took it)

Hey guys shut up we're here.

Okay Gadget, come Sonic.

We enter class just before the doorbell rings and we are safe. Just then enters professor Scarlet.

Good morning class.

Good morning sir.

Today we have a new student with us, please come in and introduce yourself.

The door slides open and a grey hedgehog whit green stripes enters. He is really handsome, also he has this aura around himself that screams danger and much more. He turns and looks at us. While studying all of us his eyes stop on mine and it was as if he was trying to see deep within my soul. He then smirks and says.

Good morning, I'm Mephilies. I don't intend to make any friends, and just want to be left alone. Any one that will try to get in my way will pay the consequences. If you obey and do as you're told then we will have no problem at all. Oh and one last thing. My favorite color now is silver.

I star to bush even if I don't know why. After the strange introduction he sits besides me and the class starts. One thing that I notice is that both Sonic and Gadget are glaring at Mephilies. He then looks at me and says.

I've finally found my princess.

It was then that even if I didn't know already, that my life was going to change forever.

Mephilies POV

I wake up at 5 in the morning, an habit of mine. I get up, shower and prepare for my day. Just then my second in command knuckles comes in.

Hey boss. Today you need to prepare to go to school.

Why would I go to school when I already know everything that I need to know to run my gang.

It was in your father's testament, and if you don't go or fail the year then you lose the title.

The fucker really is a pian in the ass even after his death. Haaaa, very well I shall go to school, in the mean time you take care of business here. Also see to find the mole, I want to personally torture them for betraying me. No one and I mean no one gets away with that.

Yes boss.

Knuckles then leaves me alone and I go in my training room. I star to shoot at every target and of course I shoot them right in the center. After that I start my hand in hand fight, and without hesitation I beat all my instructor without much effort. I realize that it is almost 7:30, so I take another shower and prepare for school. Once done I take my car and head on the road. While going to school I see the car of my accomplice.

Hey Shadow, what are you doing here?

Shadow is one of my best men's under cover, and he is the chief of the police department of the city.

Hey Me- eh sorry boss. What are you doing here?

I let it slide that he almost said my name.

I have to head to school, the old men is giving me a difficult time even after death.

Hmmm I see. Very well then you can meet with Infite there. He is doing a great job in controlling the drug dealers from the school.

I'm pleased with the news. Very well, I'll see you later.

Sure boss, but I might be a little bit late, I have to take care of a few personal matters.

The smirk in his voice told me everything. He was going to play whit his toy and then come to the meeting. Whit annoiance written all over my face I start the car and head toward school. Arrived there, I meet whit Infinite.

Hey boss. So you found out about the old man huh?

You knew?

Yes, in fact you'll be attending my class. Regarding the meeting I'll see you after I'm done whit my work here. I'll see to let one of my most diligent students help me so that I can get in time.

And by diligent student you mean the wolf that follows you everywhere like a lost puppy?

Yes, and he doesn't follow me because he is a lost puppy, he does that because he has a crush on me.

But you don't return the feelings right?

Yes, besides I would put him in danger by involving him in my life stile, and I don't need that kind of worry on my shoulders.

Even if he was saying that, I'm sure that he wants the wolf for him self. Love what a stupid felling. (yeah just wait till you meet Him and then we'll see if you're going to still say that.) After our talk I head to the principal office. There in the chair I see a yellow two tailed fox.

Hy, so you are the new student Mephilies.

Yes, now give me my schedule and don't bother me more than needed.

Please mister Mephilies, we are in school grounds, and not at your home base. There you'll have to follow some rules if you want to pass the year.

Yeah yeah, I'll behave like an angel and move like the devil.

I smirk at the frown on Tails forehead. He is also a part of my gang. Well he isn't really an active member, he is more an informator, and he helps me for free because of knuckels. Yes, he has a Cruz on him, but is too shy to feel him. Haaaa, why must all of my underlings be in love or loved by someone, love is just a waist of time. The person will just use you as an instrument, and then after theyr done with you they'll break your heart and spirit.(yes yes, go one Mephy, I'll make you fall so hard, that you'll never see it coming).

Please mister Mephilies, just try at least to be nice.


Finished I take mi schedule and head to my class room. After the teacher tell about me I enter and I'm welcomed by a chorus of gasps. Hmm it is rather satisfying to know that I can make so many people pin over me, since then I can use them like I want. While scanning the class of horny and hormonal teen all lusting at mee I notice three that are not. One must be Sonic, because of the blue colored fur and the emerald eyes, the other must be Gadget, because of the red fur and glasses. The other one I don't know. He is a silver furred hedgehog whit sun kissed eyes. He was looking at mee with a curious and innocent gaze, and I felt my self attracted to those mesmering eyes. I introduce my self, but before I finish I say.

And my new favorite color is silver.

When I say that the silver hedgehog blushes a nice tint of red and I can feel my self being more and more drawn to him. Also I have a raging boner but fortunately I can hide it. After that I seet beside the little cutie. I can feel the glares of what I assume are his friends. I smirk at that because no one can stop me from getting what I want, and right know all I wanted was to make this beauty in front of me mine.

Yes I've finally found my princess.

Yes, this boy was going to belong to me and only me.

Hey guys, it's been a while uh this is my new story, I'll se to post a chapter very day, so that then I can post my other stories on my other ships. Hope you enjoy it.

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