Sorry James (Lily Evans x Rea...

By Bartons_Wife

77.8K 2.3K 726

James Potter had a twin sister that was kinda forgotten about. Her name was Y/n Potter. She's almost the exac... More

Chapter one
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fiffteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine

Chapter Tweleve

2.5K 78 46
By Bartons_Wife

  I got all caught up on my work, not that i had to much, and looked at the clock. It was only just turning eight. knowing that i wouldnt be able to go to sleep yet i walked down to the common room, where james was just entering. He stoped and so did I.
  "How are you still at school?" I asked and James chuckled. "I told McGonagall the truth, Severus pulled his wand first." James said with a mischievous grin. "You lied to proffessor McGonagall !" I exclamed, james just nodded. "You bloody idot!" I exclaimed and hit him. "Hey, It was eather that or tell her you casted to first spell." James said.          
    "well ya, but they where going to hit lily, she didnt have her wand." I complained and james eyes widened. "Thank you, thank you, for saving my f wife." James exclamed and ran at me. "Eaaa, No, no hugs." I said, keeping James away from me with my hand.

  "What happened to the cuddley y/n, must i remined you munk is probably really lonely." James said in a taunting  voice. "dont talk about munk that way, what about yours, bun bun?Who named a stuffed animal bun bun?" I questioned "Who names a stuffed animal munk?" he said with sas. "He's a monkey!" I complaned. "And Bun Bun Is a bunny!" James yelled. "Munk is better then Bun bun." Came a female voice from the stairs. I turned and saw lily. "Lilyflower." James exclaimed. "No." She said simply and looked at me. Lily started down the stairs and i noticed she was limping slightly.
  "Lils, are you ok?" I asked. she nodded, but then almost fell on me. "What did you do?" I asked and she smiled sheepishly at me. "I think i pulled a muscle, it would have been during the 'war' Its been hurting sense then." She said and sat down. "Do you need to see madam Pomfrey?" I asked her. "No, this happens all the time, dont worry about it." She said. I had just noticed that james was gone and that lily and i where the only ones in the common room.

   I sat next to Lily and grabbed her hand. she seemed surprised and scanned the room for people. "already checked, were good." I said and she laid her head on my shoulder.               
       "I've been thinking." I said and Lily giggled. "Thats never a good sign." She said. "Hey!" I exclaimed making her laughed. "as i was saying, ive been thinking. when do you think we sould make it official, like tell people, be more then just dates?" I asked and lily sighed. " I dont know, what if people react poorly?" She questioned.     
    "What about this. You come to mine for the winter holidays and I'll tell my mum and dad that im not straight and go from there." I said and lily let out a breath. "Well based on how you behave, id assume your parents are really cool. not everyone is like that." lily said. "ya, but the people that dont like it can screw off." I said and lily hit me. "Not nice." She said and i laughed. "but true." I said and she glared at me playfully.

Time Skip

  It was now winter holidays, mum said that it was just fine if i brought lily and lilys parents where ok with it. Of coures i was nervous about telling my partents i am pan. sure they where cool, but still. lily and i were sitting with Remus, Sirius, James and Peter. for some Peter wouldnt stop staring at me. I started to grow uncomfortable and i think James noticed because he hit peter upside the head. lily grabed my hand and made sure it was blocked by her bag and smiled at me sweetly.

   once we got to the platform peter went off with his parents and the rest of us went to my parents. "How lovley it is to see you again lily." Mum said and pulled lily into a hug. "Nice to see you to Mrs. Potter." Lily mumbled into the hug. Mum smiled at lily and brought both Sirius, Remus and James into a hug.

  once we got home i showed lily to my room and helped her put all her stuff in place. she picked up my stuffed animal monkey and smiled at it. "so this is munk?" She asked and i nodded. "Ya, had him sense i was a baby." I said and lily smiled at me.  
   "He's kinda cute." Lily said setting him down on my bed. she looked at a picture on my desk and seemed taken aback. "Lils, You ok?" I asked and looked at the picture she was looking at. It was a picture of lily and I on our first day before we got on the train.  
    "We look so diffrent." Lily said and i smiled, i grabbed her hand and pulled her to my side. "We are so diffrent." I smiled and lily giggled. "ready to go down to dinner?" I asked and lily nodded.

   "So mum what did you make?" I asked. "Your favourite ." Mum said. "goody." I smiled. "oh, mum, dad i have somthing to tell you." I said. dad looked up from his daily prophet and mum turned away from the stove. using magic to keep everything from cating on fire. "Umm, Im Bisexual , it means i like boys and girls." I said. dad stared at me and mum did to. I started to feel uncomfortable and then in a sudden movment mum and dad pulled me into a hug. "We know." Mum said. "Wh-How?" I asked and mum smiled. "We saw  the pictuer of lily in your closet." They said and i choked. Lily looked at me and then grined, she turned and ran to my room. "MUM!" I exclaimed as she held me in place.

   When mom let me go i ran as fast as possible to my room. lily was sitting on my bed. my closet doe was open and she had a picture in her hand. she was laughing h. "Really, you circkled me with a heart?" She asked, still laughing. "Laugh it up miss love letter." I smiled and she turned red. "You saw that?" She asked. "I did indeed." I smiled. "Thats embarrassing." she said rubbing her neck. "Its not that embaressing. my parents just told you i liked you." I said and she looked at me wierd, I nodded towards the door, sirius was standing in the door way with a smile. "I knew it!" He yelled. "Sirius please?" Lily and i pleaded.

Sorry I'm late to post, it was my grandmas birthday yesterday and I didn't have time to make a chapter.
Love, Kar

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