From weak fat boy to strong b...

Autorstwa Connorwells98

4.2K 46 15

After years of hell, Connor managed to get himself a game where he was betrayed for the last time and the nex... Więcej

1: Origin
2: Abuse
3: the breaking point
4: Suicide
5: The change of heart
6: The song of my sadness and the run away
7: The fresh start
8: The game
9: Betrayal
10: The new scarring and goal
11: The new abilities
12: Letting out pent up rage
14: The crystal

13: The event

141 3 2
Autorstwa Connorwells98

As I walk away from the tree that transports us here and home, I notice almost thousands of people in one group. I walked to then and stop at a guy in front of me and tapped his shoulder.

Connor: Hey sir? What's going on.

He turned to me and looked at me in shock and fear for a second before answering

???: T-They're holding a event here...they say whoever wins, gets a rare metal and pass to any place you wish to go.

Connor: Oh do you sign up?

???: You just stand here with the group and you'll be transported to where it is.

Connor: Ah, Ok thanks.

I wait for the thing to start and then, a orange like dragon

???: Ok ladies and gentlemen! We will be starting now! Get ready!

Suddenly, the whole group including me were transported somewhere and once I could see, I saw that, I was alone.

Connor: Ok...looks like I have to fight and kill them well...lets get it on.

Suddenly someone came out of the darkness.

???: Hello big guy...I wanted to say sorry for having to beat you and make the ladies think your weak but I have to do this so please don't take this the wrong way.

Ah I see, he is a dick.

Connor: Want some? Come and get it.

He smirked before drawing his sword and tried to chop me but I make the shield and stopped it from hitting me.

???: What the...

I smirk before pulling out my gun and shoot him in the heart, killing him instently. He disappeared and I notice a purple dimond appeared on my chest.

"Challanger defeated, 102 players left."

So I had to fight 102 people to win...ok.

Suddenly, three people popped out of nowhere.

???: You shell never beat the three brothers of the unkillable team!

I smirk as I hold out my hand and purple lightning shoots out and hits all three of them, killing them instently.

Connor: Ha...unkillable.

I look down at my chest to see three more dimends appearing on my armour.

"Challangers defeated, 99 players left."


I then spent the next few hours fighting and killing players with each of my new attacks.

Outside adiunce

???: Holy shit, that silver guy is strong.

???: Yeah...he is killing them easily and not take damage once.


I just finished killing another player when I notice someone coming to me and hit me in the head but I didn't feel it...what?

???: What the hell?!

Connor: I don't know either.

I smirk

Connor: But its a good thing to know.

I then place a hand onto his face and a burst of lightning echoed the area and burst his head apart and he disappeared.

Suddenly, a screen appeared

"New skill, no damage. If you get a sneak attack and get hit by a attack, it will not take any damage unless they are higher level."

Connor: Ah so if I fight someone who isn't that strong, I won't take damage.

I took a breath before turning to the group of people I see running to me.

Connor: Ok assholes, lets go!

I then lift my helmet a bit, revealing my deformed mouth.

Connor: Poison breath!

I breath out the same poison breath I got from the snake and a few melted into the same slup as before but the few that didn't get hit and managed to get closer, I used camiflash to turn invisable and reappeared behind them and before they saw me, I shoot him and turn to see the others and shoot them too, killing them.

???: Time is up! A total of three challangers are is the names.

A screen popped up saying three names.

*Connor: First

*Pain: Second

*Fire princess: Third

Connor: Sweet!

???: Connor, do you have a few words of advice?

I see the dragon and a screen with the adionce

Connor: Yes...never give matter how weak you are, think you are or people think you are, keep fighting and don't let anyone tell you otherwise...I was weak myself but because I kept working hard, I became more and more strong up to where I am now.

The screen then disappeared and I turn to the dragon to see it had a gold metel and a silver one.

???: Here you go Connor, these are your prize...the gold one is winners metel and the silver is for you to use to go anywhere you wish.

I took them and put them in my storage with all the other things I have like my money and stuff. I was then transported out and back to the spot I was before being transported there.

Connor: Well that was fun.

I was about to walk when I felt someone grab my arm. I turn my head to see Ivy.

Ivy: Connor?

I nod

Connor: Hey Ivy...I know its hard to believe but yeah its me.

Ivy: What happened?

Connor: No need to know...look lets go on a adventure...just the two of us.

She looked at me for a moment before nodding and we both walk hand in hand towards the woods to find our first adventure alone.

???: Hey!

I turn my head to see my classmates running to us and I also see Yue with them.

???: Ivy, get away from that monster!

Yue: Connor is not a monster!

???: Connor?

They all turn to me

Connor: Hey assholes.

???: The hell happened to you?

Connor: I fought like hell to survive and this just happened.

???: We just saw you did you get those abulities?

Connor: If I tell you, you selfish pricks will do it and make sure no one can beat you...I ain't telling you shit.

???: You fucking ungreatful--

He yelled while throwing a punch but I catch it and with one twist, snapped it and it was twisted the most painful and sickening way with every bone sticking out of all points of the arm.


He held his arm in pain while falling to his knees and cried.

???: You bastard!

A girl yelled while running to me and tried to stab me but the blade broke in half once in contact with my stomach.

???: What the...

I then pull out my gun and shot her in the head, killing her and sent her back to the real world.

???: Oh my god!

???: You monster!

I looked at them and then down as small chuckles before making them into full out bursts of loud laughter.

Connor: Y-You see me as a monster?! Well let me tell you I rape you? Now or when you were a fucking child? Do I Make you dress as a fucking girl and walk to school alone and let you be bullied and fucking abuse you for even blinking? Do I make you sleep on a fucking broken, old, worn out, bloodstained mattress in a cold, dark and smelly basement? Do I drive you to wont to kill yourselves or kill the woman or people you love? Starve you? Beat you? Burn you? Carve a fucking rose into your flesh while whispering "your my property, I decide when you live or die"? Eletrecute you? Drown you? Make you feel save to only have someone come attack you before you could get the love you wanted since you were a fucking kid? Do I make everything you do hell? Put you down? Mack you for being weak? Betray or abandon you when you needed help? Leading you to do whatever you could to survive? Like rob, steal, kill, eat animals, sell your body for money, not trust people you use to call friends, family or crushes, make you give everything you had but then it gets thrown in the trash? DO I--

Before I finished, Ivy moved my helmet a bit and kiss me.

After a moment, I calmed down and we stop and she lowered my helmet.

Ivy: Connor...Its ok.

She hug me and I hug back.

Connor: Listen...I don't want to see you again...leave me and Ivy alone.

Everyone just look at me with this look of shock and sadness for me. Yue then walked to me and gave me a hug too.

Yue: I'm sorry...

I hug her too.

Connor: Its fine...

They stop and Ivy looked at me.

Ivy: Connor, who is she?

Connor: Oh, this is Yue...I met her while trying to get out of the dungeon.

Ivy: Oh...

She then, with puffed cheeks hug my arm. I look in confusion but just shrug it off and turn to Yue to see was the same as Ivy.

Connor: Well, we should get can join us if you want Yue.

She nods and a smile and the three of us walked to the dungeon where we spent the next three or so hours fighting and get money and stuff.

Later: Last level

We got to the last level of the dungeon we were in and start walking around, trying to find the boss for this level.

Suddenly, something came out of the roof and made ice spikes, shooting them at us.

I grabbed the girls and pull them to me before making the shield, shielding us three from the attack and they were destroyed on impact.

I let the girls go and we got ready to fight.

Connor: claw slash!

The three claws went from my hand and to the creature, cutting it but it grew back.

Connor: Fuck! It's a regeneration creature!

Yue: Don't worry Connor, they can be killed, you just need the right attack!

I nod

Connor: ok girls! Let's show this bastard what we can do!

They nod and we run at it.

Connor: poison breath!

I breath poison at it, melting it but it grew back...ok not that attack.

Yue: black hole!

Yue made a black hole and the creature was sucked in.

Connor: ok, didn't kill the creature but that'll do.

Suddenly, the black hole opened again and the creature got out.

Connor: Shit!

Yue: Impossible! Nothing can get out of a black hole!

Connor: It's ok Yue! It just means we need something else to kill it!

Ivy then run to the creature with two swords and do a slash at it and as expected, it regenerates.

Connor: Shit...

Suddenly, it comes at Yue.

Connor: Yue!

I run to her and shield her but the attack somehow was stronger then the shield and I went flying towards a wall, crashing into it and make a large crater.

Yue/ivy: Connor!

Suddenly the creature swiped them into its mouth and went to eat

I growl in anger as I lift my helmet...the thing said the black fire even burns it's master but can out at the masters

Connor: Dark and dark breath!!!

I breath the fire to only feel this intense heat in my mouth and tongue as it went out and hit the creature before it swollowed up the girls and they fell

Yue/Ivy: Ah!

They let out a Yelp of pain as they land.

I deactivated the fire from my mouth but kept it from stopping from burning the creature, making it burn alive and to my surprise, it didn't heal and disappeared.

Yue/Ivy: Connor!!

They yell while running to me as I fall to my knees, holding my still burning pain mouth.

Yue: Connor, are you ok!?

I lightly nod since I couldn't speak.

Ivy: Here.

Ivy handed me my water bottle that contained the crystal and I drink out of it and my mouth felt better.

Yue: What was that?!

I after a moment, my mouth was healed up enough to answer

Connor: I...gained it...when...we met....

She then knee down to me and took off my helmet completely, making her and Ivy gasp at the sight of my scarred face and empty eye socket.


Connor: here...

They both then sit with me and hug me...I hug back.

Connor: Come on...I'm...sure there...was tresure here...

They nod and we walk around until I notice the hole.

Connor: There...

We climb up to the hole and look around inside. After a moment of looking, we find three eggs. I grabbed a green skall looking one and the girls picked up the other two.

Connor: Ok...this is a good prize.

We all walk out of the dungeon and also exit the game.

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