Sweet Love ~Marlene Mckinnon~

By nina-riddle

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*Complete* Katie Snow, 19 year old, Slytherin in her 7th year at hogwarts. Katie always had a crush on the g... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty one
Chapter twenty two
Chapter twenty three
Chapter twenty four
Chapter twenty five
Chapter twenty six
Chapter twenty eight
Chapter twenty nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty one
Chapter thirty two
Chapter thirty three
Chapter thirty four
Chapter thirty five
Chapter thirty six
Chapter thirty seven
Chapter thirty eight
Chapter thirty nine
Chapter forty
Chapter forty one
Chapter forty two
Chapter forty three
Chapter forty four
Chapter forty five
Chapter forty six
Chapter forty seven
Chapter forty eight
Chapter forty nine
Chapter fifty
Chapter fifty one
Chapter fifty two
Chapter fifty three
Chapter fifty four
Chapter fifty five
Chapter fifty six
Chapter fifty seven
Chapter fifty eight
Chapter fifty nine
Chapter sixty
Chapter sixty one
Chapter sixty two
Chapter sixty three
Chapter sixty four
Chapter sixty five
The end

Chapter twenty seven

1.2K 38 13
By nina-riddle


I woke up next to Lily. I saw Marlene sitting in her bed.

'Morning.' i said

'Morning.' she said

'Auu. Stop talking. It hurts.' Lily said

'Well good morning to you too.' i said

'Why are you screaming?' Lily asked

'I'm not. It's just a hangover.' i said

'Hey. Katie, Dumbledore wants to see you in his office.' James said
'How are you feeling princess?' James asked Lily

'Alright. What happened last night?' she asked

'Too much.' i said going out

I went to Dumbledore's office and sat down.

'Miss Snow, you know why you're here?' Dumbledore asked me

'I think so.' i said looking at Jones

'You punched someone. I should expel you.' Dumbledore said
'But i won't.'

'What?' She FUCKING punched me. Yet you just let her walk free?' Jones asked

'Language, miss Jones. You will both get detention.' Dumbledore said

'Detention? She punched me and that's all she gets?' Jones asked

'Well miss Snow doesn't usually punch  people. So yeah, that's all she gets.' Dumbledore said

'And why do i get detention?' Jones asked

'Because of your language.' Dumbledore said
'You might leave now, miss Jones.'

She picked her bag and left, mad.

'So? Can you explain to me why you punched someone?' Dumbledore asked

'She was annoying me.' i said

'Miss Snow, you do know the only reason I didn't expel you is your father, right?' Dumbledore asked

'Yes. I know that.' i said

'Good. Just making sure. Now what exactly happened?' Dumbledore asked

'She started flirting with James Potter. That has a girlfriend. She tried to get him to sleep with her the whole night. Before that she made fun about my ex breaking up with me. I know it might not sound much, but i can't let my friends getting hurt, because a stupid... Person has nothing else to do with her life.' i said

'Okay. Since when do you consider James Potter your friend?' Dumbledore asked

'Doesn't matter. I'm just saying. If she tries this again. I won't hesitate to punch her again.' i said

'Please do try not too. I wouldn't want to have to send your father a letter. You might leave now.' Dumbledore said

Breakfast was already over, so i went to class.

'How was it?' Sev whispered to me

'Detention.' i whispered back

After this class we had a free period. So i went outside with the group.

'You got detention?' Lily asked

'Yes.' i said

'Sorry.' she said

'It's alright. I did punch her after all.' i said

'That was a damn good punch tho.' Reg said

'Thanks.' i said laughing
'Mom will probably hear about this.' i said

'Yeah. She probably will.' Sev said

I saw Jones walking past.

'Bitch.' she mumbled

'I see your nose is better. Wouldn't want to break something else instead now do we?' i asked

'You wouldn't punch me again.' she said

'Sweetie. Punching isn't the only thing I can do. I'm only gonna warn you one more time. Stay away from my friends.' i said

'Or what?' she asked

'You'll see.' i said

She rolled her eyes and walked away.

'You okay?' Lily asked me

'Yeah. You?' i asked

'Yeah. Thanks again.' she said

'Sure. We should go to next class.' i said


The classes were over for the day. We all went to the lake. It was fun. Hanging with all of them.

'Hey. Katie! Katie!' Lily said, shaking me

'Yes, Lily?' I asked

'You're dreaming again.' she said

'Sorry.' i said

'So? Anyone asked you out yet?' Remus asked

'Not yet.' i said

'What are y'all doing for Halloween?' Reg asked

'Probably party.' i said

'What y'all going as, is what I meant.' Reg said

'Idk yet. Probably a fairy.' i said

'I'm gonna go as a zombie. I already have the costume.' Reg said

'Ofc you do.' i said rolling my eyes

'Where's Marlene?' Sirius asked

'Probably with Jones.' James said

'Hey.' Tonks said
'Hufflepuffs are having a party tonight. Y'all invited.'

'Sweet.' Reg said

'The party starts in a few hours. I'll open the door for you.' Tonks said

'Okay. See you there.' i said
'Let's go get ready then.'

'Let's.' Andi said

'Can i come with?' Lily asked

'Sure.' i said

We went to my dorm and looked for something to wear.

'You think Marlene will show up?' i asked

'Idk. Why do you care?' Lily asked

'I don't.' i said

'She's probably too busy with Jones.' Lily said

Jones. I really don't get it. Whatever. I need something to wear.

'Can i wear this?' Lily asked

'Sure.' i said

It was my black dress. With some gold on it.
We were all dressed and went to the Hufflepuff common room. The door was open, so we just went in.

'Hey. You came.' Tonks said

'Sure we did. Wouldn't miss a party.' i said

'Well, there's firewhiskey.' he said pointing to a table

'You know me so well.' i said walking towards the table with Lily
'Ready to get drunk again?' i asked her

'Yeah.' Lily said

'Hey cutie.' Some hufflepuff guy said to me

'Hi.' i said

'She's single.' Lily said

'Good to know. Wanna dance?' he asked

'Idk. Lily, you wanna dance?' i asked

'Yeah. Sure.' Lily said

'Great. See you around.' i said towards the guy

We went in the middle of the room and started dancing with Andi.

'So? He seems nice.' Lily said looking at the Hufflepuff guy

'Exactly. I don't need nice. I need a one night stand.' i said

'Sirius was the guy for that. But he's busy now.' Lily said
'Peter is also a one night thing.'

'Pettigrew? No. He's... Too weird.' i said

'Okay then i don't know.' Lily said

'Hey.' Marlene said

'You came.' Sirius said

'Yeah. I did.' Marlene said

'Thought you're gonna be too busy with Jones.' Lily said in a disgusted tone

'Look I'm sorry you don't like her. But she's fun. I'm just sleeping with her.' Marlene said

'She's just using you, to get to James.' Lily said

'Lily. She won't get to him. Let's forget about her and dance.' i said

'Yeah. You're right.' Lily said taking my hand and dancing with me

'Hey, can i talk to you for a sec?' Sirius asked me

'Yeah sure.' i said
'Be right back.' i said to Lily

We went to a dorm, where it was more quiet.

'You know she only does this, to get over you, right?' Sirius asked

'What do you mean?' i asked

'Marlene. She only sleeps with Jones, because she likes you. She told me, you slept together and she tries to forget about it. She's trying to get over you.' he said

'Why? It was just a one time thing. Nothing big.' i said

'That's the point. She didn't want this to be a one time thing. She likes you and you like her. Stop acting like you don't. Jones is giving her the attention she needs from you.' he said

'She's just trying to get to James.' i said.

'Yes. And she's going to. She is evil and will do everything to get to James. She will hurt all of us. And Marlene is the main character she's using. If she's close to Marlene, then she's close to us.' he said

'So what? I have to tell her that i like her, cause she can't stay away from Jones. Sorry not gonna happen. I guess we'll just have to keep Marlene away as well.' i said

'Why are you so complicated? You like her. She likes you. She likes being with you. Even if it was for one night. But she wants to forget you. Because you act like you don't like her.' he said

'I don't want James or Lily getting hurt. And i don't want her getting hurt either. And yes i like her. And i know she likes me. But life is complicated. If i let her in. It won't be that easy to let her go. Not as easy as it was with Remus. She deserves better. I don't want to lose her.' i said

'You won't lose her. She would never leave-' he said

'She wouldn't have to. She would be dead. Her whole family would be. My mom might be okay with me dating a half-blood, even a muggleborn maybe. But my dad. He would kill anyone that isn't a pureblood. He would torture them and marry me to a pureblood. Do you really want that to happen?' i asked

'No. I don't. But he can't be that bad.' he said

'He is tho. You just never met him. You have to talk to her. You have to make her forget about me and make her understand Jones will hurt her.' i said

I went back to the common room and started dancing with Lily again. Drinking some firewhiskey.

'So? What did he want?' Lily asked

'Nothing. Just what we want to do about Jones.' i said

'Aaa. Okay. And what's the plan?' Lily asked

'The plan is to stay away from her. Not let her in our lives. Make her life a living hell, if she keeps going with this nonsense.' i said

We would have to do something about Jones. But there's nothing I can do about Marlene. Sure i like her. But she's different. I know if i let myself be with her, i won't be able to let her go. My father was very difficult. He would do everything for our family to stay a pureblood. This whole thing was a mistake. Me being friends with everyone. Me sleeping with her. It was all a mistake.

'What are you thinking about?' Lily asked

'Hmmm? Oh. Nothing.' i said

'Okay. Let's get out of here.' she said dragging me out of the common room

We went to the lake and sat down.

'Okay. So. What is it?' Lily asked

'What do you mean?' i asked

'Idk. You tell me. You're being weird. There's something going on with you. Is it about Remus?' she asked

'No. It's nothing.' i said

'You sure?' she asked

'Yeah. Are you okay?' i asked

'Yeah. I'm trying to not let Jones destroy my relationship with James.' she said

'She won't. She might try, but she won't manage it. I will do my best to keep her away from us.'  i said

'Thanks. A lot.' she said

'Of course.' i said

We stayed out for a little while and then went back to my dorm.

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