Reincarnation Of The Shameles...

By Heavenmonarch

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Committed suicide and reincarnated in another world, Alan vows to get revenge on those that wronged him. Foll... More

Chapter 1: Abnormality
Chapter 2: I Was Seeking The Dao!
Chapter 3: Going To Train
Chapter 4: An Enjoyable Fight
Chapter 6: Deal
Chapter 7: I've Served My Punishment
Chapter 8: This Map Is A Scam
Chapter 9: The Demon Lord and Otherworldly Monarch
Chapter 10: Master
Chapter 11: The tournament begins
Chapter 12: Red Haired Immortal and Shameless Reincarnate
Chapter 13: Alan is so cool
Chapter 14: Demon Lord Vs. Otherworldly Monarch ( Next Gen)
Chapter 15: What Did I Do To The Heavens
Authors Note
Chapter 16: There Is No Need
Chapter 17: The Fight For Alan
Chapter 18: He Who knows Not And Knows Not He Knows Not Is A Fool... Shun Him!
Chapter 19: War Of Supremacy
Chapter 20: Out In The Wilderness
Chapter 21: Bandits Attack!
Chapter 22: A Clash Between Two Heavyweights
Chapter 23: An Unlikely Winner
Chapter 24: Divine Justice City
Chapter 25: The Strongest Zone Challenge, Graveyard Of Gods
Chapter 26: Interception
Chapter 27: It's Been Twenty Years Since Someone Forced Me To Draw Out My Sword
Chapter 28: The Purple Mist Is Formed
Chapter 29: Half Demonic Awakening Realm
Chapter 30: There Are Ghosts In The City
Chapter 31: Call Me Daddy
Chapter 32: This Daddy Is Too Awesome For You
Chapter 33: The Ghost King
Chapter 34: Ten Steps Of Immortality
Chapter 35: Ten Steps Of Immortality (2)
Chapter 36: Beyond Immortality
Chapter 37: The Strongest Zone Challenge Begins!
Chapter 38: An Immortal Courting Death
Chapter 39: Why Does My Awesomeness Cloud My Judgement
Chapter 40: You're Next
Chapter 41: We Rise By Lifting Others
Chapter 42: What Really Is Death?
Chapter 43: True Death

Chapter 5: Great Sword Towering Above Heaven And Earth

77 3 0
By Heavenmonarch

"What the fuck is that?"

"Has he somehow merged with his sword"

Out if the three figures two voiced out their thoughts while the gaze of the third one remained fixed on Alan who smiled slightly, one would notice that the previous look of hostility on his face had been replaced with a look of excitement.

Roar of the mountain tiger!

Several sound waves immediately appeared following what could be described as an ear shattering roar. Alan could only look at the sound waves as they hit his chest and sent him flying.


Alan spat out a mouthful of blood as his figure was flung in the air and crashed on the floor resulting in a spider web like forming on the floor. Evan (the figure) had probably expected Alan to be done for after that attack, however to his surprise the latter was actually joyfully laughing!

How long had it been since he had seen his own blood, today definitely marked a new beginning for Alan, it could very well be the day that he partook in his first real fight.

Boundless slash!

Using his hand as a sword, Alan charged towards Evan who was stupefied with shock. Did this boy simply want to loose his life. He knew that Evan was in the Demonic Awakening Realm yet he still charged forward relentlessly.

Alan's hand slashed down unhindered snapping Evan out of his thoughts. The latter then threw a fist at the approaching palm causing several fluctuations in the weaker flow of energy in the area.

Immortal dragon fist! 

Before Alan could react, one of the remaining two figures immediately capitalized on the opportunity and threw a punch at Alan.

However, this was no ordinary punch, this was a punch that contained the imperial will of a battle dragon, something which should not be taken lightly.

Pew! Pew!

Alan blasted two streams of Sword qi at the approaching punch which made the figure shudder in pain, however that wasn't enough to waver his determination. 


A small explosion took place as Alan also punched forward with his fist which contained a boundless sword intent directly meeting the immortal dragon fist. The impact had even caused some damage to his internal organs.

"Your daddy! If I don't kill you now then my name isn't Wisdom!" The figure bellowed angrily as he also underwent his demonic transformation.

The scales on his body suddenly suddenly turned golden making him resemble a dragon god that had descended from the heavens. However this appearance wouldn't last long as he was soon sent flying by a punch.

"Hehe, learnt that one from Nie Li(1)" Alan said sheepishly as he charged towards the figure that hadn't done anything at all, somehow he felt that he was the most powerful out of the three.

Sky desolating slash!

His right arm gradually took the shape of a sword as he slashed down towards the figure who scoffed before moving backwards in what would seem like a slow manner. However, this slow movement was enough to evade Alan's strike completely!

'I knew it, he seems to have the most experience. I'll have to take him out first'

Alan did not stop there as he immediately redirected the direction of his hand making the figure look at him with interest. The boy in front of him was just at the ninth layer of the aura discipleship realm. How did he have such battle prowess.

Zuigao arts of demonic transformation!

Suddenly the figure developed an overwhelming demonic aura that spread out into the surroundings instantly robbing the plants nearby of their lives.

He then underwent a complete transformation. His originally calm looking eyes had turned scarlet red while long blade like claws grew from the tip of his fists. his body turned crimson red giving him the appearance of a demon god.

"You too, no need to fight, if I loose you are to retreat immediately" The figure immediately barked out orders to Evan and co.

Great fist of heaven and earth!

Immediately it felt like time and space had come to a halt. A white ray of light shone from the heavens making all the plants and animals nearby subconsciously take a bow in respect to its unparalleled awesomeness.

The ray of light gradually took shape forming a giant white fist that looked as if it was capable of ending everything in its path.

"Big brother actually used his trump card already!"

"Wow, so cool. He must have gotten another powerful skill"

"I wish I was like him"


Alan looked at the fist approaching him with a grave expression on his face. He didn't even notice that his scalp had already turned numb.

'If I don't find a way to counter this the I'll die, no I can't die, I have to avenge her'

Great sword towering above the heaven and earth!

Alan's silver colored body started going through a series of transformations. If one looked closely, they would see that he was actually shaped like... a sword!

The sword seemed like it was more powerful than the heavens releasing a seemingly boundless amount of sword essence.

The sword then started moving towards the fist and shattered it shocking all three men, what happened next would have shocked them if they were alive to see it.

An ear deafening sound could be heard as the sword shattered releasing a vast amount of sword intent which turned the three figures into a bloody mist. The remaining fragments spread out ultimately ending the lives of almost fifty demonic beasts!


(1) Nie Li is a character in the popular series Tales of Demons and Gods. He used the same tactic when fighting Shen Fei of the Sacred Family. If you haven't heard of it yet then read it to get a better understanding.

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