An Unlikely Duo: Book 1

By RogueRapunzel

32.2K 749 68

My own version of Ahsoka and Darth Maul if they were to have their own relationship. I will be switching from... More

A new begining
Visions Part 1
Visions Part 2
2 Souls Tied
Connections Within
A Childhood Forgotten
A New Discovery
The Return of the Gray Jedi
An old Ally
Reunited Part 2
The Broken Man
Conflict Within
The Angry Frog
Windows to 2 Souls
The Darkness Within
Unexpected Events
Sparks Fly
Pleasure (NSFW/ LEMON)
Morning After
The Padawan
Pain in His Eyes
A Gentle Heart
Punishment Part 2 (NSFW/Lemon)
Meeting Maul ** in real life :)**
Photo #2 :)
Photo #3 :)
Photo #4 :)
Photo #5 :)
Dreams to Anothers Past
New Feelings
Tension Part 2
Turning Point
Emotional Bond
A New Look (NSFW)
Another update
The First Mission
A New Strength
A New Kind of Jedi
Vualnerable Past
The Next Step
The bedroom NSFW/LEMON
The Bedroom Part 2 NSFW/LEMON


500 11 0
By RogueRapunzel

Ashoka nestled her head into Mauls chest as she tightened her grip around him. Maul chuckled "your not going to let me put my pants on are you my lady?"... Ashoka blushed as she looked up at Maul noticing her leg was in between his towel now "I should probably let you do that." Maul looking down at her gave her a mischievous grin. "I don't have to if  you don't want me to, but im warning you im not responsible for my actions if they stay off." Ashoka felt chills run thru her body as the words left his mouth as she thought about it "im willing to take the risk"...... Maul laughed as he rolled on to his back and pulled Ashoka on top of him.... Ashoka cradled her legs just below mauls waist where the towel was covering as she sat up "oh my... your not even hard yet as her eyes widened" Maul gave her a smirk as he grabbed her waist with his left hand running it under her shirt " I have had to learn to be patient in the past don't think I cant be a little more......I quite like testing yours though". Ashoka blushed as she leaned forward to bring her face closer to Mauls as he stared back into his deep gold and red eyes... Ashoka lifted her left hand and brought it to the side of Mauls face as he gently rested his head in her small hand, she fell into a force vision...... Ashoka saw darkness all around then a small light illuminated the tunnel she followed it until she came to a fire....... she saw Maul on the other side horns grown out of control, thin and malnourished, his lower half attached to a cybernetic spider body......She heard him mumbling the sith code in the corner over and over and over.......his hands were on his head  as he paced back and forth letting out random screams...... "KENNOOOBBIII!!!!!.......Years and years and years I will get my revenge!"..........Ashoka fell out of the vision as she looked at Maul and tears began rolling down her face. "Maul......I ....Im so were alone, abandoned all those years.... nothing but hate and anger and despair to keep you going.....yet you managed to make it your mind was not lost.... you recovered thanks to your older brother"....... the tears kept filling Ashokas eyes as Maul saddened gaze stared back at her..... he lifted his hand and wiped the tears away from her eyes..... "no one and I mean no one has ever been able to see inside my mind like that Ashoka.......I can keep that buried below the darkness for anyone else so they see nothing but darkness and anger, but you....... you went straight through it."....Ashoka rested her forehead against Mauls.... "ive learned things are never as they seem..... the council always made things look like good and evil was so black and white, that you just one day choose to be evil and its an easy choice.......when in reality there are so many gray areas some are forced into doing it, others are manipulated, some make the choice because they are made to believe there are no options........and no matter what the council and the senate still missed the bigger picture...... always punishing the puppets of the cause rather than really seeing through it all and thinking outside the box to find the one true power." Ashoka sat back up in Mauls lap staring down at him as she wiped the rest of her tears. Maul placed his hands on both of Ashokas thighs "Ive seen you Ashoka...... Ive seen you as a sith before...... you were with the goddess of light and god of darkness.....he used you as a weapon to hurt Anakin...... The vision was spotty but I saw it then you died and the goddess transferred her life essence to you........I saw it when I died on the surgery table and you were holding my head.......... your energy....your power....its so raw its intoxicating but in a different way........during order 66 when you came at me and tried to take my head off, you were truly terrifying....I actually held my throat because I felt that raw power In you.......there are not many who posses such power I respect but you are one.......honestly I think palpatine made the wrong choice  grooming Anakin as his apprentice because you would have been a terrifying sith.... but then again I think you would have out smarted palpatine and found a way to destroy him."....... Ashoka gazed at Maul for a moment before sarcasm kicked in as she crossed her arms " so what your saying is your scared of me.".... Maul smirked "No im saying you are a worthy opponent to battle such powerful beings"..... Ashoka rolled her eyes  "oh yes of course because I actually had the chance of killing you multiple times but I saved you or decided not to like when you were falling to your death.".....Maul chuckled " remember Ashoka I had that chance on Mandalore too and on the ship when you released me.....and don't forget I can always burn someone from the inside say we both kinda liked each other and didn't want to admit it".........Ashoka rolled her eyes again "I guess I didn't think you were too bad"...... Maul chuckled again as he tightened the grip on her thighs and pushed his hips upward into her "I guess not my lady" Ashoka lost her balance as she fell slightly forward catching herself with her hands on Mauls chest.....she ran her hands along the muscles on his torso before moving them to his arms and squeezed " maybe you should take that towel off".... Maul smirked "maybe you should take your clothes off"... ..Ashoka gave him another mischievous grin "maybe you should make me"..... Maul pushed his hips upward once more "Im going to make you regret those words my lady"

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