the girl who loved...

By alyssabi0

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Ace Snape has always been her fathers trouble maker and had a good life till, she is bestfriends with malfoy... More

1. the day
2. the trouble makers
3. the News
4. half sibblings
5. oh no
6. The kiss
7. vacation
8. Malfoy Manor
9. Ginny
11. joke shop

10. back to normal

10 0 0
By alyssabi0

      a/n ignore the photo for now you'll see why

     Ace woke up to yelling and screaming from downstairs.
She got out of bed grabed a black crop top, and some blue ripped jeans and headed downstairs.
"She should not be living in such a poor house like this!" Ace herd lucius shout
"She is allowed to live wherever she wants your not her parents" molly shouted back.
Ace reached the bottom of the stairs, took a deep breath and stepped down faceing eveyone.
"Ace dear why-" molky said,resting her hands on her shoulders
"No" she shook her head, stepping back. Draco emerged from behind his parents hands in his pockets looking down at her
"Gross" Ace scoffed,running back upstairs.
"Ace wait!" He shouted,running after her but stopped when he got to molly
"May i?" He asked, molly nodded and he started to run after Ace again. Ginny started to run up but arthur grabbed her
"Let them figure things out"
Luna snuck behind everyone and ran up the stairs
"Ace let me in" Draco pleaded, banging his hand on the door and letting it slid down
"Move draco" Luna said, pulling out a bobby pin out of her hair and pick locking the door. She got the door open adn walked but, Draco tried to come in
"Wait" Luna said putting her hand on his chest nugging him back.
He nudded and stood back.
"Hey luna" Ace mumbled, her head in her in her legs
"Why did you come here?" Luna questioned
"I wasn't comfortable there" she answered, lifting her head out from her legs. She had tears in her eyes
"Then why do you care about him?"
"I dont know" she answered. Luna gave her a hug and left. When she opned the door draco stumbled to his feet and sat up staright
"Good luck cousin" Luna said patting his shoulder.
Draco emerged from the poor peering his head threw it
"Hey" she said,giving her a slight smile
"What do you want" she snarled
"To say sorry" Draco protested. He held out his arms for a hug but she just looked at him, he started to lower his arms but she jumped up and slamed into him hugging him tightly
"I'm sorry" she mumbled through tears
"No I'm sorry, you said stop and i should of" he said, stroking her hair. She letting go of him
"When are you comeing back"
"Today i guess" she shrugged. Draco jumped up in joy as she laughed at him
"Shoot i better tell molly"
"Oh yeah right" he stoped jumping and grabed her arm dragging her
"Ok ok slow down" she giggle
"Sorry" he said, stopping at the top of the stairs
"No its fine come on now" Ace smiled, holding his hand. Ace and Draco reached the bottom but she let go of his hand and before Ace could say anything her sister shut her up
"Nope" Ivy said
"I didn't even get a chance to speak" Ace complained
"I know what you gonna say. "Im going back to malfoy manor" but yet you've only been here for not even a week!"
"well i cant spen the rest of my life here with you when i get a chance to go back to person i loves hous-" Ace yelled but stoped
"I- that wasn't suppose to be said"
"We can tell" Ginny said
"I'll help you pack" Luna said grabbing her arm taking her upstairs.
"Do anything to my sister and i will hurt you" Ivy threatened Draco
"I won't" he smirked "but would putting her in a wheelchair consider hurting her"
"It depends on how you put it" Draco gave Ivy the look you-- know--what--i--mean
" don't you dare" she snarled at him. Ace ran diwn the stairs with ginny and Luna right behind her
"Ready?" Draco asked, wrapping his hand gently around her wrist . Ace nodded at Draco and took her trunk
"We'll miss you!" Luna shouted from the door. Ace smiled and ran to Luna and hugged her
"I'll be back again dont worry" Ace explained, wipping her wet eyes
"Ok go before you make me cry" Luna laughed. Ace laughed back and ran to the car.
"I'm glad your back" Narcissa looked back at Ace and Draco
"Me to" Ace smiled
*  *  *  *  *
     i was loading Ace's stuff into the car when i heard Luna shout from the door
"We'll miss you!"  As Ace then ran up to give her a hug i shook my shoulders and closed the trunk. Ace ran back to the car as i opned the door
" your eyes are wet" i stoped her
" I'm gonna miss my bestie" She explained
"I am yours to!" I laughed at her letting her get into the car. I closed the door behind me and buckled in
"I'm glad your back" my mom looked back at us, smilimg
"Me to" she smiled back. I rested my hand on her thigh and the other between my legs.
"I missed you so much" i wispered into her ear, i kissed her neck and she scrunched her shoulders and smiled
"I did to" she smiled
"Hey mom, dad" i called up
"Yes?" My father asked
"Can you stop at the jewelry shop" i asked
"Of course" he said, looking in his veiw mirro back at us.
*  *  *
     I was looking out my window when I overheard Draco saying something to his parents
"Hey mom, dad"
"Yes?" Lucius asked
"Can you stop at the jewelry shop?"
"Of course" Lucius said, looking in his veiw mirro back at me and Draco. I had no clue what was happening but I went with it.
We pulled up to the store and when i got out i looked at the top if the building. " wizardry jewelry"
Draco had taken us to the finest wizardry jewelry store in the wizardry world
"Whoa" i gasped
"I knew you'd like it" Draco said, walking up beside me his hands in his pocket.
"Draco why are we here?" I asked opening the door
"Just to browse around" he smirked
"Me and your mother are gonna look over there" Draco's father said pointing to the other side of the store.
Meanwhile Me and Draco headed over to the ring section to look around. wow, i thought to myself i picked up a ring and examined it. It was like nothing I'd ever seen before , it was a black ring with mini diamonds going up surrounding and balck gem (the photo at the top is what it looks like thats why i said ignore it for now)
"Thats pretty" Draco said
"Pretty!?" I snapped my head up " it's gorgeous" i gasped
"Come on" Draco said walking to the other side. I put the ring back gently in it original place and ran over to Draco.
Draco patted his pockets like he was looking for something
"Uh you go wait in the car I'll me back" He said to me, i headed back to the car and waited. Draco came out of the store carrying a small bag with something inside it
"What is that?" I asked, as he sat down
"Something" he grinned. We got back to malfoy manor as i unloaded my stuff Draco walked in
"Here" he said, holding out the bag " i got you something"
I opened in the bag and inside was a black velvet box, i handed him the bag and opened the box
"Draco Lucius Malfoy!" I gasped "you did not"

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