In The Stars To Hold Our Dest...

By ashlynnbrant__

394 46 19

Travis Allen is the type of teenage boy that would go to parties on a school night, and surf on the week days... More

Authors Note
I think I just saw a ghost!
Trick or treat
First day of school
Don't blow it
This will be fun
I'm makin' meatloaf
Sitting in the field
I hate parties
That's my Everly
I feel like throwing up
Things have been weird
Prom night
Fourth of July
I'm sorry that your old radio sucks
You did all of this for me?
Puppies and proposals
Would you like to go surfing
Basic training
We all thought it was stange
To be medics
A taco?
I gaze up at the stars
Gosh, I love her

Drama club

19 1 0
By ashlynnbrant__

March 8th, 2021 Age: 17

I started to run into the drama club. 

I open the door to the room, late again. 

Everyone looks at me, again. "Travis, better late than never, take a seat," The drama teacher said. 

I sat down behind Shelby Carson, her bleached blonde hair in a high bun, with her pink short skirt, and her excessive amount of perfume that could kill someone just by one sniff, oh and you can't forget the tons of makeup that she looks like a clown.

Shelby turns around and she smiles at me, I try not to roll my eyes at her. "Hi, Travis. You look, nice today." Shelby said. 

I try not to laugh. 'You look nice today.' 

 She tries way too hard. "Thanks?" I respond. 

 The drama teacher smiles at everyone. "Hey, everyone. I am Mrs. Meyer and I will be your drama teacher. The play that we will be performing is the classic play by William Shakespeare, which is Romeo and Juliet. I already have the characters in mind for each of you, let's see." 

Are you kidding, Romeo and Juliet? I want to throw up because it's so dumb. I remember my sister is so into the movie of Romeo and Juliet with Leonardo DiCaprio when he was young and she would watch it all the time that it was getting old. 

Although that actor that played Juliet wasn't so bad. 

Mrs. Meyer got out a piece of paper and she called out what people are playing. 

 Playing Count Paris is a guy named David Zeman, everyone clapped for David. Playing Benvolio, Romeo's cousin is someone named Jim Manson everyone clapped her him. Playing Mercutio, Remeo's good friend is a guy named Lewis Rye. Playing Juliet's nurse is Shelby Carson. 

I laughed when Mrs. Meyer read that.

Some guy that I don't know is playing Friar Laurence, the monk guy. Someone is playing Tybalt, Juliet's cousin. Someone is playing Juliet's parents.  

"Playing Juliet is... Everly Parker." Mrs. Meyer said. 

Everyone clapped. 

Maybe I won't have to be in it at all. Or maybe I will just be a tree or someone in the background of the play that has one line. I would be fine with that. 

"Last, but not least is who is going to play Romeo. Travis Allen is going to play Romeo!" Mrs. Meyer exclaimed. Everyone clapped for me. 

What the fuck. 

"No, no, no. I don't, I mean I can't. I bet someone else can do it instead of me, please. I can't act at all, even if I tried I can't I would fail and then the entire play would be horrible because of me." I said out loud. 

Mrs. Meyer laughed. "C'mon everyone, let's read the script all together!" she said in a happy tone of voice.  

Mrs. Meyer gave everyone in the room a script, even the kids that didn't have any lines or one line. 

Everyone including me had a lot of lines and this is only the first part that we are going over, I have a whole bunch of lines, gosh I can barley read let alone remorize an entire script in only five weeks intill we perform this play. 

We were at the scene where Benvolio (Jim) and Romeo (me) are talking about, well I don't know what. 

"Good-morrow, cousin." Jim said as he was really acting and portraying his character. 

I looked at my scriped to see where he is. "Is...the, day, so, young." I read it as if I were a robot. 

Jim reads his part fast, "But new struck nine." 

Man his Romeo guy has a lot of lines. "Oh, um. Ay, me. Sad, hours seem long. Was, that me-I mean my father that went, hence so fast." 

"It was. What sadness lengthens Romeo's hours?" Jim acted. 

"Not...Having, that, which, having, makes them short." I said slowly.

Mrs. Meyer stopped us. "Travis, are you trying to act like Romeo, or a robot?" 

"Well, Mrs. Meyer, acting terrible just comes naturally for me." I said sarcastically. 

Mrs. Meyer rolled her eyes. "Okay, from the top, Mr. Allen needs it."

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