Dream Smp Oneshots

By Howdidy

117K 3.5K 2K

These are mostly Tommy and Ranboo centric because I'm a traumatized queer teen. Edit: The chapters have been... More

Information Chapter
The Stars are a Bunch of Pussies
The Boys With White Streaks
Why we hate School but Love Education
They Won't Teach You This In Your Classes
Operation We're Screwed (now only 1 chapter!)
From the Ashes of the Olive Branch
Bitch Do I Look Like Karl Jacobs To You?
Let The Games Begin
Daddy Issues 101
Tis One Hell Of A Situation
What A Waste
I am NOT selfish
I'll be Icarus
What's Poping?
Burn it to the ground
A Royal Ball
Smp Finale rant
The Epiphany Of A Ghost
We Know
Knowledge Isn't All Bad
Snow Burns
You Guys Are Gonna want to see this
Ranboo my beloved
I Will Rain Hellfire Upon you
What the hell
Don't Touch My Family
The Dream Smp by me
Head canonz pt.1
The Art Of Vesuvius
Finish The Symphony
And Scene!
The Rise Of Favus
Rise Of Favus p.2
And Just Like That He's Gone

Sea Shanties

2.3K 82 39
By Howdidy

Triggers: None just a good old fluff chapter


3rd person Pov

On a small island seemingly in the middle of nowhere a small fire shone like a charged beacon in the night sky, the moon illuminated the sky so brightly that even from miles away you could see the smoke puffs that rose into the air.

Although the air was frigid and cold the bright fire kept the inhabitants of the island warm and content. As you drew near to the island a small ship could be seen bobbing in the water and tied to a pole on the shoe. A slight wind caused the sails to dance and the sound of the flapping echoed into the night.

As you stood near the fire 5 figures sat on the sand basking in the orangeish glow of the flames, the youngest was a lanky boy with horrid posture but held the hope of a nation in his soul. The second youngest was a short brunette who's face had a large burn scar and yet anyone near the boy could feel the fiery passion to keep his family safe roll off him in waves.

The last minor was an odd one, his skin was a mix of snowy white and purplish black. His height was much taller than the average human which made sense as he was an enderman hybrid, his other half was unfortunately unknown.

There were two adults that tended to the children, one was a pirate captain who had sworn to keep the children safe. She dazzled them with her many tales of the high seas and the many places she had seen. The other was a creeper hybrid known by his prisoner as "The Warden'' although if you actually got to know him you would find he was soft spoken and had a kind soul.

If you didn't know any better you would think that they were all family or at the very least had known each other for years. Unfortunately that was not true, the adult protectors had only really met the children after too much trauma had been dealt to them by the hands of a cowardly dictator who hid behind a white mask.

In a last ditch effort to make the 3 minors feel happy and free of burden the old captain picked up her hat and dusted off her old ship, she was taking them on an adventure. The creeper hybrid was more than happy to help her and he too decided it was best to get the kids as far away from the damaged lands as possible. The kids however, they had never been on a pirate ship so in their eyes it was a complete win! (Except for the enderman hybrid who was a little hesitant as he hated water.)

As the stars twinkled in the midnight sky the captain's face was lit up by the light of the fire as she told the sailors a story of how her and her old crew vanquished a mighty dragon from a far off land that few had ever dared set foot in.

The blond haired boy's eyes shined in curiosity and excitement as he leaned forward as if he was on the edge of his seat. The brunette and the enderman hybrid were roasting marshmallows together as they silently listened to the tale.

Tommy's Pov

"And then as the dragon swooped down I plunged my blade into its chest, violet colored blood coat me and my men as we cheered. The beast went down and exploded in a bright display of lights, when we could finally see again in its place was a large egg. We didn't have any clue what it was so we took it with us and sold it at the nearest marketplace we found."

"The amount of emeralds we got for it was enough to buy 50 new ships if we wanted. But alas many of my men grew weary of adventure so we split the pay and went our separate ways. That's how I came to the lands of the smp, I was looking for adventure. I guess I should've been more careful for what I wished for."

Puffy had finished telling her story and I was nothing if not impressed, the only person I ever knew to have slayed a dragon was Philza and Dream! I smiled at my mother figure before turning to my right to see what Sam thought of the story only to find him weaving dandelions together.

I could immediately tell he was making a flower crown as Tubbo and I used to spend hours in the flower fields making flower crowns and chasing bees. I smiled fondly at the memory, it was bittersweet.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Tubbo turn his attention to Puffy to ask her something so I quickly turned my attention over there.

"So if you're a pirate captain does that mean you know those old timey sea shanties?" Tubbo asked, cocking his head to the side in confusion kind of like a puppy would if you were to wave a treat in front of their face. I heard Puffy chuckle and watched as she nodded to Tubbo whose eyes lit up excitedly.

"Can you sing us one?!" My best friend asked before blushing in embarrassment and adding "only if you want to you know."

A soft smile made its way to my mother's face, the one that caused her eyes to twinkle. "Sure thing Tubbo lets see if I can remember how to do this correctly. It's been a while." She crossed her legs and closed her eyes in concentration before opening them and clearing her throat.

"There once was a ship that put to sea and the name of that ship was the Billy o' Tea" her voice cut through the air and the words clug to the wind as if seemingly carried them. I actually recognized this song, Phil used to sing it all the time when I stayed with Techno.

I could see the gears in both Tubbo and Ranboo's heads turning as they remembered the lyrics. No doubt Ranboo had heard them as he lived near Phil for over a year and Tubbo had heard me sing this multiple times.

"The winds blew hard, her bow dipped down, blow, me bully boys, blow (huh)" mom continued with the first verse and I felt my friends getting ready to join in so I did as well.

"Soon may the Wellerman come, to bring us sugar and tea and rum. One day, when the tonguing' is done, we'll take our leave and goooo" I was surprised when I heard Sam join in as all of us sang the chorus together. I finally noticed Puffy had been keeping a beat by clapping, making it sound as though we had instruments with us.

"She had not been two weeks from shore, when down on her a right whale bore. The captain called all hands and swore, he'd take that whale in tow" Ranboo sung the second verse, I had always joked that he sounded like Technoblade but now he truly sounded like my brother. They had almost the same singing voice, it was kinda unnerving."

"Soon may the Wellerman come, to bring us sugar and tea and rum. One day, when the tonguing' is done, we'll take our leave and go" I smelled the salty ocean air as the chorus of the shanty rang out into the open air as clearly as a bell. It had cut through the silence that was looming and I felt that maybe if you listened hard enough you might be able to hear us singing as far as the mainland.

"Before the boat had hit the water, the whale's tail came up and caught her. All hands to the side, harpooned and fought her, when she dived down below" Tubbo belted out the next verse with the confidence of Lady Gaga being carried onto stage by a sea of gay teens. I chuckled as poor Ranboo was tugged up from his seat to dance with Tubbo in a ring around the rosie fashion.

"Soon may the Wellerman come, to bring us sugar and tea and rum. One day, when the tonguing' is done, we'll take our leave and go" this time the odd duo sang the chorus all by themselves and yet they didn't seem to have a care in the world.

Sam began to sing, although his voice was a bit raspy it was much better than Schlatt's attempt at karaoke "No line was cut, no whale was freed, an' the captain's mind was not on greed. But he belonged to the Whaleman's creed, she took that ship in tow."

"Soon may the Wellerman come, to bring us sugar and tea and rum. One day, when the tonguing' is done, we'll take our leave and go" my parents sang the chorus by themselves as Ranboo finally dropped to the ground in exhaustion and Tubbo sat next to him to make sure he wasn't dead.

Puffy sang the next verse, her voice reminded me of what a siren sounds like (or from what Wilbur told me Sally sounded like) "For forty days or even more, the line went slack then tight once more. All boats were lost, there were only four and still that whale did go."

"Soon may the Wellerman come,to bring us sugar and tea and rum. One day, when the tonguing' is done, we'll take our leave and go" I joined mom in singing this chorus before taking a deep breath to sing my verse.

"As far as I've heard, the fight's still on, the line's not cut, and the whale's not gone. The Wellerman makes his regular call to encourage the captain, crew and all" I smiled as everyone clapped along before we began to sing the final verse together. Even Ranboo from his spot on the ground chimed in.

"Soon may the Wellerman come, to bring us sugar and tea and rum. One day, when the tonguing' is done, we'll take our leave and goooooo........ Soon may the Wellerman come to bring us sugar and tea and rum. One day, when the tonguing' is done, we'll take our leave and go"

Somewhere hundreds of miles from that tiny island a ghost of a long dead brother felt a warmth in his chest, his unfinished symphony was finally complete. The grey figure faded into the night knowing his brother was safe and happy and that's all he ever wanted. The guardian angel retired to the afterlife peacefully.

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