𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐝 | A. P...

By a_raconteur

173K 4.7K 1.7K

Harry Potter x BBC Merlin crossover ----- In which Arthur is the fool in love and Elizabeth is the oblivious... More

Chapter 2 - The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Wizarding World
Chapter 3 - Richer than Scrooge McDuck
Chapter 4 - So Back to the Future is a Bunch of Bullshit?
Chapter 5 - Cross Your Fingers, I'm Gonna Need It
Chapter 6 - You Had One Job
Chapter 7 - Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Part 1
Chapter 8 - Apparently the Obvious Isn't That Obvious
Chapter 9 - Unoriginal Insults
Chapter 10 - Vampire Teabags
Chapter 11 - Equestrian Class
Chapter 12 - The Avengers
Chapter 13 - Young Padawan
Chapter 14 - Therapy Session No. 1
Chapter 15 - Therapy Session No. 2
Chapter 16 - The Original Great British Bake Off
Chapter 17 - Josh Groban is Completely Underrated
Chapter 18 - A Unicorn Named Bob
Chapter 19 - The Avenger's Map
Chapter 20 - Ip Woman vs. Arsehat
Part 2
Chapter 21 - I Made Uther Laugh
Chapter 22 - More Young Padawans
Chapter 23 - Oopsie
Chapter 24 - Error: Friends Not Found
Chapter 25 - I Am Not In Denial!
Chapter 26 - I Know, I'm Weird; It's Great
Chapter 27 - I Know, I'm Weird; It's Wonderful
Chapter 28 - Hello! I Hate You!
Chapter 29 - Gandalf = Dumbledore
Chapter 30 - Goldilocks Ate Too Much Porridge
Chapter 31 - Happily Never After
Chapter 32 - I Hate Geckos. I Truly Do.
Chapter 33 - Destiny is a Fickle Thing
Chapter 34 - Army of Padawans
Part 3
Chapter 35 - Reptiles Are Not Terrible

Chapter 1 - I'm Packing Up My Crayons and Leaving

9.8K 234 57
By a_raconteur

edited (1/30/22)

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All summer long I have been waiting to go where my entire family went. Dad and Mum went there, along with Aunt Hermione, Uncle Ron, Uncle George, Uncle Bill, Uncle Charlie, Grandma and Grandpa Weasley. Merlin, that is a lot of people to name. Christmas is a hassle to plan. Everybody went there and I was building with anticipation to finally finish my education at Hogwarts.

I'm going there for my 7th year because Dad thought it would be best if I was to attend Ilvermorny instead after the experiences he and his friends had there.

I mean, they almost died each year, but what's life without a little fun?

Of course, being a mixture of a Potter and a Weasley I was wanted between two houses, the Wampus and the Thunderbird.

Wampus was the house for warriors and Thunderbird for adventurers.

I was given the choice of choosing and I chose Thunderbird.

Dad was persistent on getting me a wand from Ollivanders just like everybody else in the family, but Ilvermorny kept saying no. After about two years of asking, the Headmaster finally said yes.

No one can resist the Potter charm. Just ask Lily Evans and Ginny Weasley.

The next day Dad and Mum took me to Diagon Alley to get me a wand. When Mr. Ollivander saw my parents, he began to tell me about their whole wand experience when they were also eleven.

After swishing a few wands and literally destroying the shop, Ollivander gave me one last wand.

The shop started to glow immediately as it touched my fingertips. Wind was blowing and I turned to Dad, seeking comfort and he looked back at me with a warm smile telling me everything was alright.

My wand was vine like Aunt Hermione's, had a phoenix feather like Dad's, and was 13 3/4" with quite bendy flexibility. It was beautiful and was ornate with rings and spheres.

After six years at Ilvermorny, I begged my father to let me go to Hogwarts to finish my education. He was adamant but he finally gave up.

I wanted to have a least one year at Hogwarts. Sure, I was going to miss the friends I made at Ilvermorny, but I really wanted to go to Hogwarts.

"Oh my god," I whisper in disbelief. I glance up towards my Dad with a smile. "Oh my god. Thank you. Thank you so much Dad!" I run up and hug him tight, clutching onto my Hogwarts acceptance letter. I can feel his chest vibrate as he laughs.

"You are very welcome. Your Mum and I thought it was finally time, seeing as you didn't almost die at all," he says.

"With your track record, I'm pretty that will change the second I step foot in Hogwarts," I smirk.

"Then maybe we shouldn't send you there at all."

"Nope. Can't change your mind." I shake my head violently.

Later that evening I go shower and get out drying my hair with magic. I am quite good at wandless and non-verbal magic much to my parents dismay as I would use it to annoy my younger siblings. Plus, being over seventeen helps with being able to perform magic outside of school.

I was a fairly tall girl for my age of seventeen. I was 5'8". I had jet black hair that reaches past my chest and bright green eyes like my Dad. I'm basically like a carbon copy of him, but female. I'm fair skinned with a light tan. I had my ears pierced in my second year at Ilvermorny when my friends did them for me. (Mum still hasn't found out yet.) And last but certainly not least, the infamous British accent surrounded by American ones. 

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With my Hogwarts letter on my desk, I start to pack. I started to neatly fold my clothes, but just gave up and randomly threw things in. By the end of my 'packing', my room was a complete and utter mess with clothes and random knick knacks scattered on the floor.

I am normally and organized person, where each thing has their place.

That's a lie.

I'm not organized.

I am, kind of, but my parents say otherwise.

I like to call it organized chaos.

I can't wait until I get sorted. I'm going to be In Gryffindor, obviously. I mean I have the blood of a Marauder, a part of the Golden and Silver Trio coursing through my veins. Of course I'm going to be a Gryffindor.

"Elizabeth sweetheart, you ready to go?" Mum calls out to me.

"Yeah! Coming!" I shout back from up the stairs. With a shrug, I flick my wand and everything on the floor float back to its correct spot. We're going to Diagon Alley to get my new robes and school supplies. Dad even promised to get me a broom if I wanted. Mum said no. We then both proceeded to pout like children.

I run down the stairs to find Mum and Dad waiting for me. As I joined hands with them we Apparate into Diagon Alley.

I kind of, sort of, possibly failed my Apparation test earlier this year and well, people don't trust me anymore.

Well, I failed it three times and the Ministry just gave up on me.

'I, Elizabeth Potter,am finally going to Hogwarts,' I think. 'Hogwarts get ready forabsolute chaos.'

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A/N - Like I said this ain't my best work and it will progressively get better as the story moves along.

I really hope that you liked it as I will be publishing more chapters even if no one reads them. Again thank you for reading!

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