The One That Got Away

By hrtbrkrtrblmkr

6.5K 212 20

"Perhaps it is the greatest grief, after all, to be left on earth when another is gone." - Madeline Miller More



146 7 0
By hrtbrkrtrblmkr


Ever since that weekend that Five spent at my house we had been closer than ever before...  No we didn't have sex, but we were passionate together in other ways.

It was the night before my 18th birthday and Five had told me he had organised a surprise,
'It's not like any of the others!'  He pried to me.
I was laying in my bed, thinking about what it could possibly be.
"Maybe he's gonna take you on a weekend away."  Allison piped up and I gave her a look.
"They're not dating, y'know."  Vanya pointed out and I chuckled.
"But they should be."  Klaus joined in on the conversation.
The three siblings were currently sleeping over at my house.
"We don't even like each other like-."  I started
"Shut the fuck up!"  Klaus immediately cut me off.
"Excuse me?"  I put my hand on my heart, pretending to be hurt.
"It's so obvious you guys belong with each other, so just do it already!"  He finished.
"I don't like him like that, okay!"  I threw a hairbrush at him and the girls giggled.
"Lies." Vanya muttered, giving me a smile and I flipped her off, giggling.



It was Y/N'S 18th birthday today and I'd arranged a couple of plans for her. I was currently on my way to go collect her.
I knocked on the door and her Mother answered, putting her fingers to her lips to hush me, I nodded and walked in.
I had organised some stuff with her and she had helped me out a lot so she was definitely expecting me.
"Follow me into the kitchen!" She said in almost a whisper. I nodded and followed the leader. "Okay, I have all of her favourite breakfast foods, so let's go wake her up!"
I couldn't help but smile at the beautiful display her mother had set up.
We snuck upstairs and knocked on Y/N'S bedroom door... no reply.
That means she'll still be asleep, hopefully.
"Five, do that thing you do." Her mom nudged me.
I warped into her room, and yup, just as I expected, out cold.
I opened the door and waved her Mom inside.
All of a sudden, she started singing 'Happy Birthday'. It honestly shocked me, as I was not prepared for that, neither were my sisters who were asleep on the floor. I laughed as they shot up, looking around, so very obviously confused. Allison started to give Y/N a shake.
The song finished and we watched as Y/N grabbed her pillow, threw her head into it and started slapping her 'alarm clock' which in actual fact was Klaus' head.
"Dude, what the hell?" He sat up, rather abruptly, slapping his hands about. I noticed he was about to lay back down and so I grabbed his arm and warped us into the bathroom, I started splashing his face with water and he let out a shriek, opening his eyes wide.
"What the fuck are you doing and how the fuck did I get in the bathroom? Oh fuck, am I dreaming right now? Oh shit, am I pissing myself?" He frantically started patting his crotch, looking for a wet patch and I couldn't help but chuckle at my brothers fried brain.
"Dude, it's Y/N'S birthday, wake up!"
His eyes went wide and he pushed past me, all I heard was his footsteps pounding down the hallway towards Y/N'S room.


Klaus ran through the door and jumped on the birthday girl.
"Get up! Get up, get up, get up! You're fucking 18!"
Five followed and watched, leaning himself on the door frame with his arms crossed.
"I'm 18...?" She asked more of a question rather than a statement. "Im fucking 18!" She screamed, jumping to her feet. Her and Klaus jumped off each other until...
"Language!" Her mother shouted up from the kitchen.
"Sorry!" The three young adults shouted back in unison.
"C'mon, your Mom has made breakfast." Said Five, nodding for the other two to follow downstairs. Klaus' facial expression changed and he basically flew down the stairs, almost tripping a couple times.
"Linda, does this mean you made your famous muffins?" He asked in a sing-song tone.
"C'mon you. Big day ahead." Five pulled Y/N towards him by her hand. She was still rubbing the sleep from her eye when he flopped his arm over her shoulder, dropping a kiss on her temple."
"Happy birthday, darling." He smiled.

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