A False Reality // dreamnotfo...

By shortstack_8l

229K 9.3K 12.3K

George wakes up in a dark forest, nothing but the clothes on his back. No more than few minutes later, someho... More

One: ~The Foreign Forest~
Two: ~White Horses and Three Armored Strangers~
Three: ~New Faces, New Places~
Four: ~The King~
Five: ~A Dinner for Two...or Five~
Six: ~A Growing Friendship~
Seven: ~Misunderstandings~
Eight: ~A Doing He Can't Undo~
Nine: ~Realizations~
Ten: ~Regret~
Eleven: ~Stories~
Twelve: ~A Life Changing Idea~
Thirteen: ~Déjà Vu~
Fourteen: ~A Question with Half the Answer~
Fifteen: ~Starry Nights~
Sixteen: ~Nothings an Adventure Without Booze and Wrong Turns~
Seventeen: ~How Life will Always Repeat Itself~
Eighteen: ~Just Existing~
Nineteen: ~A New Ruler~
TwentyOne: ~Voices~
TwentyTwo: ~The Truth~
TwentyThree: ~Lost Hope~
TwentyFour: ~The Journal~
TwentyFive: ~An Arrow through the Heart~
TwentySix: ~The Ending~
Alternative Ending
Yes, there will be a Sequel

Twenty: ~Surgery~

5.2K 242 158
By shortstack_8l

George was reeled back into reality from Ranboo snapping his fingers in front of his face.


"I'm listening, I'm listening." His eyes were wide open and his hands were shaking but he looked back up to Sam who was still reading from the book.

"Do you take the position as King?" Sam was repeating the sentence as George wasn't fully paying the first time. "Yes or no."


After agreeing to the whole ceremony, it didn't take long before he rushed back outside and back to Niki's place.

Niki was there caring for Tommy who was still as hot as a boiling pot of water.

The idea he would've thought to have been common sense or her first thought, he still decided to ask. "Have you tried taking out the bullet Niki?"

She looked up at George, patting a rag along Tommys forehead. "I was giving it a few days so he could produce some more bloo- "

"He might not have days Niki, we need to get it out. Now!" George wasn't the medical expert but Tommy was all he cared for at that moment. He needed for him to make it.

The tall blond was laying there, his shirt sticking to his body and his face was getting more red by the minute. He had his whole life a head of him and it was being wasted all because George got kidnapped while being drunk.

Niki didn't question George after he yelled at her, gathering her supplies for the procedure.

Rags, a bucket of water, and some medical tools like a scapel. It looked more like a dagger but George suspects it's being used as a replacement.

George found a bottle of alcohol, no one here knew that it helps disinfect wounds but he told Niki how he learned from his mother and that she was also a healer before her passing.

They took off his shirt to reveal his pale skin and the bullet wound which was covered in cloths, Niki cutting his skin open further so she could get her hand inside.

No one had gloves or clamps but there wasn't much here to use, just the little knowledge George held and whatever information Niki had.

George couldn't do much but keep his fingers on the side of Tommys neck, checking his pulse the entire 'surgery' and Niki did all the important or so called 'surgeon' work.

Niki knew where all the important organs were like his kidneys and liver which gave George some hope during the process.

"I found it, I think I found it." Niki's hand was deep into Tommys abdomen if not 3 inches of her arm. The more George thought the more he was happy to realize the bullet couldn't have hit his lungs or heart yet his hopes lessened from the sense of Tommys heart rate.

Tommys pulse was weakening.

Slower and slower and slower.

He wasn't breathing.

And it was going to be George's fault.

"No no no, not now. Not now Tommy. NIKI HES LOSING HIS HEARTBEAT!"

George quickly covered the wound once Niki took out her hand and performed CPR.

All he could think about was how he was glad he passed his CPR class back in high school.

He did this for what felt like forever but in reality, it had only been 2 minutes.

Tommy still wasn't breathing. His chest wasn't rising and no air was coming from his nose nor his mouth.

His arms were becoming weak, they felt like jello yet they were stiffening but all he knew was that he had to keep going.

It had almost been 4 minutes while George was performing CPR that Dream and Sam came running in, most likely that he was in need of protection now that he was King.

"THE HELL ARE YOU DOING GEORGE!" Dream was yelling at the top of his lungs if not in anger. Niki and George didn't know why but they ignored him anyways.

"Check his pulse Niki." George's forehead was full of sweat, hands still wrapped on top of one another beating against Tommys chest. The only thing he knew for certain was that after seven minutes, he'd be gone.

But of course, Niki didn't know how to check it. No one knew but him and he was pumping Tommys heart.

George continued and continued until his arms gave out, falling backwards too the ground before Dream ran over to catch him.

Tommy still laying on the table.

6 minutes since he's been down.

6 very long minutes in which it felt like hours.

6 minutes before George's and his life changed before their eyes.

Those 6 minutes were going to cost two lives.


A brunet man came running in out of breath, throwing something to George. Karl.

"Try that, now George. Straight to the heart."

It was a syringe and a bottle of liquid. His only guess was that it was some type of adrenaline shot.

He didn't hesitate to quickly get up and fill the syringe with the liquid, jabbing it into the middle of Tommys chest.

Tubbo came running in soon after Karl, falling to the ground immediately when seeing Tommys body laying on the table.

He still wasn't moving.

Are we too late.
Was Karl too late.
Would I be able to live with myself.

There weren't any movement nor was he chest rising up and down but Tubbo stood by his side and held his hand.

But this time it squeezed back.


-Word Count- 976

Sorry for the short chapter and I'm not sure how y'all are feeling with this story so far.

I know it's not like a lot of Dream and George or a lot of fucking and kissing but I plan to have more stuff with them soon.

Again sorry about that but hey, decent cliffhanger <3

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