Dream? Who's Dream? (Dream X...

By AngelicaMcCloud6

30K 942 223

~~~ Once I forgot. It's already forgotten. O... More

Chapter 1 - {Bedwars game}
Chapter 2 - {Secret?}
Chapter 3 - {A Text}
Chapter 4 - {Playing with Dream?}
Chapter 5 - {First week? First Steal}
Chapter 6 - {Punishment?}
Chapter 7 - {Old faces, First Death}
Chapter 8 - {Among Us}
Chapter 9 - {A ride to the valley}
Chapter 10 - {Old Friends, Back Together}
Chapter 11 - {Face, the election}
Chapter 12 - {Why do I feel for her?}
Chapter 13 - {Face Reveal}
Chapter 14 - {The duel}
Chapter 15 - {Power?}
Chapter 16 - {Waking up}
Chapter 17 - {Ship?, Dream}
Chapter 18 - {Surprise, Sleep with you}
Chapter 19 - {Lose}
Chapter 20 - {A welcomed friend}
Chapter 21 - {New name}
Chapter 22 - {Manberg}
Chapter 23 - {You?!}
Chapter 24 - {Meeting the family (1/2)}
Chapter 25 - {Meeting the family (2/2)}
Chapter 26 - {Don't leave please}
Chapter 27 - {I like him}
Chapter 28 - {I got her}
Chapter 29 - {Nether Run}
Chapter 30 - {The festival}
Chapter 31 - {Voices}
Chapter 32 - {Reunion of the lost one}
Chpater 33 - {Compass}
Chapter 34 - {OverWorld 1/2}
Chapter 35 - {OverWorld 2/2}
Chapter 36 - {New home}
Chapter 37 - {Memories}
Chapter 38 - {Metting someone new}
Chapter 39 - {Exile}
Chapter 40 - {Attack}
Chapter 42 - {Memory Core}
Chapter 43 - {Clay}
Chapter 44 - {The Past}
Chapter 45 - {End (1/2)}
Chapter 46 - {Don't jump in}
Chpater 47 - {End (2/2)}
Chapter 48 - {Forgotten Once Again}

Chpter 41 - {A Black Mark}

241 10 2
By AngelicaMcCloud6

I was chilling at techno's bed. Just laying on it. I sighed.


"Hey guys, have you seen Tubbo?" I said to Ghostbur, Fundy and Quackity but they just shook their heads no. "It's been a few days and he's still nowhere to be found."

"Why would we care?" Said by Quackity.

"Quackity! Don't say that." Ghostbur now said. "Look I know Tubbo exiled Tommy but he still need our help. Alright? He's the youngest president you ever seen. It's hard for him to do this. Let's just go find him." I spoke, looking at both Fundy and Quackity.

They just look down before nodding. "Yeah. You're right." Fundy said and Quackity just hummed a yes.

After the whole day of looking for Tubbo, we found no one. "TUBBO!" I yelled.


2 days later.

Tubbo is just gone. He's no where. All of L'manberg troops were worried. Fundy and Quackity were now in charge but we're still worried for Tubbo.

We were in the meeting room, Quackity built underground. Fundy looked distress while Quackity had dark bags under his eyes. Ghostbur is just being Ghostbur, cheering everyone up.

I was leaning on the cold stone wall, looking at everyone.

"We have to find Tubbo fast. We can't keep this up." Quackity said tiredly. Before yawing a bit.

"I know someone who can help to find Tubbo but he's gone." I said before sighing.

Flashes of the green blob got to my mind.

"You're not the Dream I know"

"I'm still here."

He's not him.

He's definitely not him.

He's gone.

He left.



I woke up by someone aggressively shaking my shoulders.

I opened my eyes, gasping loudly. Looking at raven black eyes.

I sat up to find myself in a wooden room. And I saw the orange sheets under me.

The door opened, revealing Fundy, Quackity, George, Eret, Purpled and Ranboo.

I look beside me to see Sapnap.

"What happened?" I said as my voice was dry and raspy. Sapnap hand me a water bottle which I drank. And repeated my words.

"You just fainted while we are on our meeting room." Fundy said before walking in the room sitting beside the bed I was in.

"You were passed out for 4 days." Eret said letting everyone in the room before leaning beside the door.

Now everyone was surrounding the bed. "4 days? Hmm.." I said looking down.

"Can me and purpled talk to (Y/N) alone?" Ranboo asked, gaining looks from everyone and back to me. I just nodded and everyone started walking out the door. Same with Eret.

"What is it Ranboo?" I asked once I know everyone is out.

Purpled grabbed a mirror and handed me it. "Look at your neck." He said.

I looked but all I saw was a bump on the right side of my neck. I pulled the collar of my turtle neck down to see a gauze covering it. I pulled the gauze off.

I look at it again before looking at the two boys.

"I know. I know." Ranboo spoke.

I turned to the mirror again to look at the black mark that was supposed to be my normal (S/C) ((skin color)) skin.


"WHY CAN'T YOU BE NORMAL?!" Yelled by someone who I can't see.




"STOP!" I manage to yell. Everything was quiet once again. A bright light force itself to my eyes causing me to shut my eyes close.

I opened them to see a little girl with the same black skin I had on my neck but her black skin was covering half her face and she had wings. Pure black wings. Darker than black.

She looked up to me to see (E/C) eyes. Those are my eyes. My same (E/C) eyes.

Before I even speak, she started screaming in high pitch. I covered my ears. Then everything went black again. The screaming stop.

The surrounding changes, I saw that the same little girl was now pinned to a wall. I was in front of the girl. I look behind me to see a familiar face.

His pure black face was the only thing I can see and his green eyes.

His eyes flash red before turning into his green eyes again.

He grabbed a dagger on his back pocket, before walking towards the little girl on the wall.

I move out the way to see what he will do. He started speaking in a language I can't understand. It was more enderman type. Then started cutting the little girl's wings off.

She screamed in pain. But the guy wasn't done. He stabbed the girl's right eye and just sliding his dagger to her left ear.  Then he pressed the dagger again to the end of her right mouth to her right ear. Forming a half smile.

He just smirked, looking at the almost dead girl on the wall.

A door opened behind him, revealing a little boy. His face was half white and half black.

He ran to the girl on the wall and started screaming.


"(Y/N)! Wake up!"


(Y/N) wake up!

Wake up (Y/N).

Everyone is waiting for you.
Everyone is waiting for you.

He's coming back to kill you.
He's coming back to kill you.

Be careful
Be careful

You're our last hope
You're our last hope



"(Y/N)!!!" I heard someone very familiar screamed. The person I loved. The person I had feelings since the start. Dream.

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