Ikki's Devil Life 2

By JaeZInsane

41.7K 402 149

This will take Ikki Kurogane into the 2nd season of DXD More

The Holy Sword Users
Devils vs Church
Sword Vengance and a rematch with Freed
The General Fallen Angel Kokabiel
Team Gremory Vs Cerberus and The Holy Swords
Ikki's True Power Unleashed Ikki Kurogane vs The Fallen Angel Kokabiel
Fun at the pool
Open House
Ikki's New Sword and Akeno's True Self Revealed
The Leader Summons Meeting
New Powers Unleashed!!! Ikki Kurogane and Issei Hyoudou vs The White Dragon Vali

Ikki Kurogane meets Gasper the Vampire

2K 26 10
By JaeZInsane

A/N:Hey it's me Jae and I'm here to say you'll have mad respect for Ikki at the end of this chapter.

Then next day of school Ikki joins Rias and the others by the Forbidden room where the other Bishop is being held.

Issei:In here

Asia:That's where the other Bishop is?

Rias:Last night my brother insisted for me to release the seal and allow the bishop to leave this area I'm not sure why but the bishop refused the offer

Ikki:So this one's a shut in

Akeno:Such a shame really considering the child used to be the largest earner we had


Issei:No way you can't be serious?!

Kiba:With special contracts the Bishop used a computer to make them

Xenovia:Which means the power this bishop had must have been very dangerous if it needed to be locked away

Rias uses her magic to release the seal

Koneko:And the seal has been broken

Rias:Alright let's see how this goes

Rias opens the door and the first thing they hear is a scream


Issei:What the hell!

Rias:Hello I'm glad to see you looking well

???:I don't understand what's going on!

Rias:The seal has been broken so your free to come home with us now okay?

The box opens to reveal a child in a Kuoh Academy girls uniform with a bowlcut and violet red eyes

???:No I don't wanna ever leave here the outside is too scary!!

Issei:What!! She's just a little girl and look she looks a lot like Asia does that mean all bishops have to be pretty blondes or something?

Ikki and Kiba begin chuckling

Issei:Hey what's so funny

Rias:The child is a boy

Issei:Uh wait what did you say

Rias:I realize he may look like a girl but he is most definitely a little boy

Issei and Asia are in utter shock

Akeno:As you've noticed he does like to dress up like a girl though

Rias hugs the little boy

Rias:Everyone say hello to Gasper Vladi the other Bishop in my household he's a first year student here and before I had the honor of turning him into a devil this little guy was actually half human-half vampire

Ikki:He's a real life vampire

Issei:As in a blood sucker you're kidding!


Asia:Technically I think your the one who's forsake

Issei:You look way to hot in chicks clothes dude and plus if you don't go anywhere you are you dressing for!!

Gasper:Um I for me I guess I just think these clothes are cuter that's all

Issei:Don't pull that adorable bullshit on me when I first saw you it was like a dream of two beautiful blonde bombshell bishops that come true

Koneko:He's all those things too you know he's just a boy

Rias:Hey Gasper why don't you come with us outside now okay

Gasper:I don't wanna please don't make me

Issei:Come on dude let's go you heard the lady

Issei gasps Gasper's hand and he vanishes away and appears on the other side of the room

Gasper:I'm sorry I made you mad didn't I please don't hit me oh please I didn't mean it

Asia:Was that just me or did you guys feel something weird too?

Xenovia:I did and I'm pretty sure he's behind it

Akeno:It looks like the forbidden balorview to me

Rias sighs

Akeno:Also known as The Evil Eye That Stops The World it's Gasper's sacred gear

Koneko:When he gets too excited he can stop whatever he happens to be looking at at that moment for a certain amount of time

Akeno:Unfortunately Gasper couldn't control his power so Sirzechs decided that he should be sealed away here as a precautionary measure

Rias:On top of that his ability seems to grow stronger unconsciously so there's a distinct possibility it could become a Balance Breaker

Issei:Wait isn't that good

Everyone looks to find Gasper gone but he was in a box in the corner

Gasper:I don't like it when you guys talk about me like im not here why can't you just ignore that im alive like normal

Asia:How'd he get there

Ikki:Hey come on out you can't hide forever

Gasper:Leave me alone I'm not hiding I just rather be a Gasper in a box than be around you all.

Ikki:So I take it he's shy

Akeno:Rias I think it's about time for us to go

Rias:Yes you're right if you'll excuse us Akeno and I must leave to go to a meeting about getting ready for the leaders summon Kiba

Kiba:Yes how can I help?

Rias:My brother said he wants to know more about your Balance Breaker I'd like for you to join us as long as your free that is.

Kiba:Yes I'm free

Rias:Wonderful thank you now everyone else I'd like you to take over Gasper's training until we get back

Issei:How are we supposed to do that?

Ikki:We'll find a way

Outside the clubroom and by the gymnasium Gasper runs away from Xenovia.


Xenovia:Do you call this running! If you don't move those legs faster you'll wind up Durandal's next victim!

Ikki:This is not how I saw this going

Issei:It just looks like she's a vampire hunter

Gasper:I don't understand why you have to be so mean to me!

Xenovia:A healthy mind lives in a healthy body trust me you won't think I'm so mean when your stronger

Ikki:Well it looks like Xenovia's having a good time


Asia:It seems like she enjoys yelling at people

Gasper:I can't do this anymore what you say doesn't matter if my legs won't work!



Koneko holds some garlic in her hand

Koneko:You'll feel better immediately if you eat this

Gasper:No way are you trying to kill me

Koneko:This is no time to be picky

Gasper starts running again with Koneko following him with the garlic in her hand

Asia:Koneko seems to be having fun training too

Ikki:I never thought I would see Koneko tease someone

Saji:Oh hey guys havin fun

Ikki:Hey Saji

Issei:Saji what's up

Saji:I heard Rias finally released her dangerous bishop so I wanted to check things out

Saji notices Gasper

Saji:Woah another pretty blonde

Ikki:Don't get any ideas Saji its a boy

Issei:He's a dude man

Saji:A Dude!! Oh why why have I been forsaken so

Issei:Yeah right believe me I know exactly how you feel Saji

???:Well don't tell me the households of the devil kings have all come out to play together because that would be just to sweet

Asia:Do you know who he is Issei?

Ikki:Issei who is this guy?

???:Ahh hello there devil boy oh sorry I mean Red Dragon Emperor your looking well

Issei:Hi Azazel

Ikki:This is Azazel!

Issei:Yeah thats him I should know I've met the douchenozel plenty of times

Ikki:Come to me Intetsu

Everyone surrounds Azazel and prepares to fight him

Azazel:You can come at me all at once but that would still end in failure even low ranking devils such as yourselves realize that much

Issei:What do you want!

Azazel:I figured I should stop by for a visit is that Holy Devil Sword guy here or that guy with the black sword and red eyes

Issei:No Kiba's not here and Ikki's with us word to the wise you better leave them the hell alone

Azazel:Always the feisty one aren't you so the Swordsman with the Red eyes is here but no holy sword devil guy huh well I didn't come here for nothing

Issei gets infront of Ikki to protect him

Azazel:Hey you adorable vampire

Gaspser peeks from behind a tree

Azazel:Forbidden Balorview huh? You know this type of sacred gear can whin'd up extremely dangerous if the users capacity is to low and let me guess you've got the Black Dragon Pulse Absorption Line right?


Azazel:During practice you should get that one to connect with the Vampire so he can take away all that extra power no one can control you're welcome in advance

Saji:Take away power you mean I can do that?

Azazel:Don't tell me you didn't know your sacred gear has the power of the Evil Black Dragon King other wise known as Prison Dragon it gathers the power of whatever it comes in contact with of course attaching itself with something else for a short period of time is another perk

Saji:This thing is more badass than I thought

Azazel:Although actually there is a faster and simpler way to go about it he can drink The Red Dragon Emperor's blood

Issei:Hope you don't mean me because I don't do vampire bites

Azazel:Don't get mad at me he's the Vampire the blood thing is best but im sure you guys can figure it about

Issei:Hold on a sec I wanna know why you hid your real identity when you first contacted me

Azazel:Oh Right that's just kinda my thing

Azazel leaves

Xenovia:So he's the governor general of the fallen angels I do not understand him

Ikki:Me either

Nighttime in the Gym

Ikki:Alright Gasper

Gasper:Kay I'm ready

Ikki:Here I go!

Ikki spikes the volleyball to Gasper but he frezzes Ikki and runs

Saji:Woah! Did he just disappear!

Ikki:That's not how this is supposed to work the goal was for him to stop the ball but he stopped us

Koneko:Guess who was about to run away again

Xenovia:This training would be fairly difficult for anyone.

Asia:And his power isn't helping much either

Issei:He's too strong for his own good poor guy

Ikki:Hey Saji do you think you can take away more power from him


Saji takes away more power as Gasper screams


Ikki:Great thanks for helping us out Saji

Saji:Don't worry about it I mean hey I'm the one whos gotta learn to use this new power right

Ikki:True but I wonder why Azazel helped us and that talk about blood sent chills down my spine

Gasper:Me too! I hate blood so much

Ikki:Wait you're a vampire how does that make sense

Gasper:I can't help it the smell of blood makes me wanna puke I hate that stuff!

Koneko:You're like the worst vampire ever

Gasper:Wahhhhh!! Why are you so mean to me Koneko!!

Xenovia:That whine is killing my brain.

The Next Day

Rias:Gasper please come out I want you to know I never wanted you in here


Ikki:I'm sorry Rias I didn't want to bother you during your important meeting

Rias:No don't worry it means alot to me that your all working so hard and want the best for him

Gasper:I can't leave it's too scary out there!

Ikki:I feel like we're making things worse for him

Rias:Well to be honest knowing Gasper's background there's only so much we can do.

Ikki:Why is that?

Rias:Gasper's father is a vampire from a well known and distinguished family however his mother is a mere human Vampires are even more concerned with petigry than devils at a result Gasper was discriminated against by everyone including his own family and sadly when he came to the human world he was treated like a monster of course that all on top of his power to stop time a power he didn't have the ability to control he wasn't just feared he was loathed a person can't know what happens to them when they have been frozen naturally no one wants to be near someone with that kind of power

Ikki:I understand now it sounds like Gasper and Asia have a lot in common with each other don't they

Rias:Yes they do and like her we know he would never use that power to do anything bad

Gasper:I wish I couldn't do it I wish everyone wouldn't stop then they wouldn't be so scared of me I hate it as much as everyone else My friends freeze right infront of my face and there's nothing I can do about when I make it happen!

Rias:What kind of king am I too him?

Ikki:Don't say that about yourself your a great king listen Rias I'll take care of this you can count on me!!

Rias:Thank you Ikki.

Ikki:This is very important to me a younger male student is counting on me I want to help

Rias smiles

Rias:I guess that's true alright I'll let you take care of it

Ikki:I've got this

Rias teleports away and Ikki sits by the door

Ikki:Okay Gasper no matter how long it takes I will get you out of this room!!

Several hours later night has fallen and Ikki was still in the buliding and waiting at Gasper's door

Ikki:Hey Gasper are you scared of us and your sacred gear I have a different power it's supposed to be the strongest in my family but every time I fight with it I feel like I'm changing into something I'm not it's very terrifying but even so I refuse to let fear stop me

Gasper:But don't you worry about the things you care about most you might lose them all because of your power I don't understand how you can keep going without any doubts like that.

Ikki:Well it does seem pretty foolish but it's just....

Gasper:Just what

Ikki:..I've seen Rias cry and I never want to see that again she was in the throws of despair and my friends were barely able to help she came to me with tears in her eyes I feel like they've been burned into my heart and soul the one that I loved broke down infront of me it was the hardest thing I've ever had to watch.

The door cracks open

Gasper:I heard about that fight I'm sorry I was locked in here when it happened

Ikki:It's okay I don't blame you but don't worry things will be different from now on right

Gasper:Maybe if I'm there though I'll only bother everyone anyway

Ikki:You don't bother me Gasper not even a little your like a little brother to me even though you're a devil and I'm still a human for now but what's really important is that your my friend

Gasper:You mean it

Ikki:Yes I do please let's both get stronger so we can support Rias I promise if anything scares you I'll be there to stop it!!

Gasper:I don't know

Ikki:What about drinking blood do you want to see if that works what if Azazel was right If it works you'll be able to control your power

Gasper:No it's too scary I don't like drinking blood from livimg things it takes everything I got to just to drink blood from transfusions every once and a while besides I'm already terrified of this stupid power if it somehow got worse I don't think I can handle it it's too much

Ikki:It's that bad huh? That's weird because I'm totally jealous of what you can do

Gasper:What you're really jealous of me?

Ikki:Yeah being able to stop time would be an amazing power to have you could stop an attack before it hits you and if your in a tight spot you can stop time and get away but I just have a power that increases my physical strength but I'm grateful to have a power at all I'm a human

Gasper:That's true but your a nice human no one's said they were jealous of me before. You even have a good reason for it I don't know why but it makes me feel better

Ikki:Well I'm happy to help

Gasper:It's funny your jealous of something I've believed for my entire life that I needed to hate.

Ikki:Don't be a fool!! You and I were both born into this world with amazing powers Gasper and we will never escape this fate it's time for you to learn to accept your path that is unless you want to be afraid for the rest of your life!!

Ikki:Believe me or not I have a goal that my power will help me achieve and that is to become the strongest blazer in the world it will be tough and I will have times where it want to quit but even so no matter what it takes I will never ever give up!!

Gasper:Oh I think your amazing Ikki! You bare this power but instead of being afraid of that responsibility you're ignorantly positive wow I wish I can be more blinded to reality like that it's like your desires give you this unbelievable courage!

Ikki:Oh stop you're making me blush

Gasper:You know I'm not sure why but finding out you can be brave makes me feel kind of courageous too!

Ikki:Hey that's nice of you to say if you like that than get this after that epic fight with Riser I ended up in a relationship with Rias.

Gasper:What! Really that's amazing so did she like come to you or did you ask her to be.

The Next day

Ikki:It's a shame Gasper can't come to school yet.

Issei:Well he can't with a paper bag on his head

Asia:I think its just going to take him a little more time

Rias:Hi guys

Ikki:Hi ladies was going on

Asia:Its good to see you

Rias:Perfect timing as usual

Akeno:So Ikki I've been looking for you to see if you might possibly come with me somewhere after school today

Ikki:You want me

After school Ikki walks up a large flight of stairs to Akeno's house

Ikki:Akeno's house is a shrine?

Akeno:Hello Ikki thanks for coming

Ikki:Hey Akeno

Akeno:Please forgive me I apologize for the sudden invitation

Ikki:Oh its fine where's Rias?

Akeno:Right now she's finishing up her last meeting with Sirzechs she'll be here right after that's over.

Ikki:So does that mean you didn't have to be there too

Akeno:No I did not I had another job with a certain someone

Ikki:Who?....Wait Akeno won't being near a shrine harm you since your a devil

Akeno:Don't worry we'll be fine even as devils we have a bit of a special agreement behind the scenes

Ikki:This is a nice home you have Akeno

Akeno:After its previous God left it remained unoccupied for a while then Rias managed to find a way to get a hold of this place for me

???: So this is the boy I've been told about

Ikki looks up to see a golden bright light

Ikki:Who's there!

???:Ikki Kurogane It's nice to meet you

Ikki:He has 10 gold wings

Michael:I am Michael otherwise known as The Chief of the Angels.


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