Danganronpa Deaths Court (Dan...


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You were invited to a team meeting at Shiratorizawa to discuss the new training camp being planned. However e... More

Prologue Pt 1- Team meeting
Prologue Pt 2- meeting in progress
Prologue Pt 3- MonoMolten
Prologue Pt 4- A killing game?!
Prologue Pt 5- Interesting
Authors Note-1
Chapter 1 Pt 1- Morning greetings
Chapter 1 Pt 2- Day One
Chapter 1 Pt 3- A party??
Chapter 1 Pt 4- Investigation
Chapter 1 pt 5- Trial start
Chapter 1 Pt 6- The trial continues
Chapter 1 Pt 7- Punishment time
Chapter 1 Pt 8- Promise
Authors Note-2
Chapter 2 Pt 1-The next morning
Chapter 2 Pt 2- a motive?!
Chapter 2 Pt 3- Unknown
Chapter 2 Pt 4- Investigation
Chapter 2 Pt 5- Trial starts
Chapter 2 Pt 6- The trial continues
Chapter 2 Pt 7- Punishment time
Chapter 2 Pt 8- Goodbye
Authors note- 3
Chapter 3 Pt 2- The second motive
Chapter 3 Pt 3- The double murder
Chapter 3 Pt 4- Investigation
Chapter 3 Pt 5- Trial starts
Chapter 3 Pt 6- The trial continues
Chapter 3 Pt 7- Punishment time
Chapter 3 Pt 8- The encounter
Authors note- 4
Chapter 4 Pt 1- a different motive..?
Chapter 4 Pt 2- The Shiratorizawa Ball
Chapter 4 Pt 3- goodbye to a trusted friend
Chapter 4 Pt 4- Investigation
Chapter 4 Pt 5- Trial starts
Chapter 4 Pt 6- The trial continues
Chapter 4 Pt 7- Punishment time
Chapter 4 Pt 8- Late night chat
Authors note- 5
Chapter 5 Pt 1- unsolved mysteries
Chapter 5 Pt 2- missing party members
Chapter 5 Pt 3- the start of hell
Chapter 5 Pt 4- Investigation
Chapter 5 Pt 5- Trial start
Chapter 5 Pt 6- The trial continues
Chapter 5 Pt 7- Punishment time
Chapter 5 Pt 8- A new mission
Authors note- 6
Chapter 6 Pt 1- one last meal
Chapter 6 Pt 2- the first of many clues
Chapter 6 Pt 3- the sun and the moon
Chapter 6 Pt 4- one last chance
Chapter 6 Pt 5- Trial start
Chapter 6 Pt 6- Trial continues
Chapter 6 Pt 7- its finally over
Chapter 6 Pt 8- outside?
The end?
Authors note 7-

Chapter 3 Pt 1- The locked room

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(I just realised this may be a tad confusing, so for future reference this is all in y/n's pov, this is just showing the interaction between Aone and Futakuchi)


"Aone!! Thank goodness!"

"... Futakuchi"

"I... I... You... Are you...?"

"I'm ok"

"Thank god... I..."


"I... I... I'm so sorry"

"What's with hug?"

"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry"

(Is he sorry about what happened to me? It wasn't his fault though)

*in the halls*

"Oh Aone! Your awake!"


"Did something happen?"

"Um yeah, well Daishou kinda died"

(...is- is that what Futakuchi was on about earlier)

*fast forward*

"I will keep your secret"

"Wait what?! No Aone you should tell them!"

"I want you to live"



"... Thanks... Buddy"

*fast forward*

"I did it cause I like you idiot, why else"


I woke up at around 9:30 am. There was still half an hour until everyone would wake up. And to get my mind off of what happened yesterday I decided to go for a walk outside. I realised I hadn't been out there much so I wasn't very aware of what was out there.

I thought I'd try and head to the roof to get a good view, so I began climbing up the stairs. There were only three floors, so I reached the roof quite quickly and opened the door.

At the same time, I was surprised but also not surprised. Aone had gotten there before me, and he was looking at the sky whilst leaning on the railing. I sighed and went to go stand next to him. He hasn't realised I was there, so he seemed quite surprised when I called out to him.

"Do you miss him?"

"..!..... Mhm..."

"Same... If it wasn't for him I'd still be drowning in regret by now. I wish I had the chance to properly thank him"

Aone looked as if he wanted to say something, but he quickly stopped himself and went back to facing the sky. I didn't blame him, he rarely talks to anybody, it must be hard to talk. Especially after what just happened.

We sat in a comfortable silence for a while, until Aone excused himself and headed back downstairs. Whilst I decided to stay up on the roof for a little while. The air felt really nice, seeing as I hadn't bothered to come outside at all since I've been here.

In all honesty I didn't want to go down stairs at all. But I knew everyone else would be waking up soon and I wanted to join them for breakfast.

I had a feeling breakfast today would be quite nice, thanks to Futakuchis message yesterday...

It's sad that I was far from wrong.



As I reached the cafeteria, I saw Bokuto on the ground, with his collar being grabbed by Oikawa whilst he was trying to escape the hold.

Me, Aone, Atsumu and Kageyama were the only ones in the room at the time, everybody else hadn't arrived yet.

"What's going on?!"

"Hmm? Oh! Well Oikawa started going off about how Akaashi wasn't as smart as he seemed he was because he kept blaming the wrong people. Then Bokuto got mad and started going on about how Oikawa hadn't been that helpful either and then it broke out into a fight"

"And you aren't going to stop them?!"

"Nah too funny. Man I wish I had a camera"


"I-im not getting involved with that"

I didn't really want to ask Aone about sorting it out. I took a deep breath and slowly walked into the mess, the two still shouting at each other.

With all my strength I grabbed Oikawa by the arms and pulled him up off of Bokuto.


"No! Calm down we can sort this out peacefully!"

Just as I said that I felt a sharp pain go into my gut, and I realised that Oikawa had elbowed me. I fell to the ground clutching my stomach, whilst Aone rushed over to check if I was ok. I didn't reply though. I was trying to think of something other then the amount of pain that I just felt. Volleyball players definitely hit very hard.

I opened one eye and saw Oikawa still on Bokuto. However he looked up angrily when a certain hand found it's way to his shoulder.


"Please let go of Bokuto-san"

I couldn't see it from where I was kneeling. But from the look of Oikawas face, and the way he quickly ran over to the corner, Akaashi was pulling one hell of a scary face.

Akaashi quickly asked Bokuto if he was ok, and to explain the situation. After Bokuto had explained, Akaashi sighed and asked him to please not start arguments about him ever again. Which Bokuto reluctantly agreed to.

After a moment Tendou came in. Of course very confused about what had just happened.

"Did I miss something?"

"Oh perfect timing"

Akaashi came over my way and picked me up bridal style. Before walking over to Tendou and handing me over like some kind of gift.

"Take her to the kitchen and get her something to drink to make her feel better. Oikawa-san elbowed her in the gut"


Tendou gave a glare Oikawas way, before carrying me to the kitchen. He said he couldn't open the door with me in his arms, so he put me down for a second. Even though I said I was perfectly fine to stand he insisted I stay sitting down just in case.

I sat there for a moment sighing, waiting for Tendou to open the door. But after a moment he stopped and looked at the door confused.

"What's wrong?"

"Uhh, the kitchen Is locked for some reason"

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