Danganronpa Deaths Court (Dan...


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You were invited to a team meeting at Shiratorizawa to discuss the new training camp being planned. However e... More

Prologue Pt 1- Team meeting
Prologue Pt 2- meeting in progress
Prologue Pt 3- MonoMolten
Prologue Pt 4- A killing game?!
Prologue Pt 5- Interesting
Authors Note-1
Chapter 1 Pt 1- Morning greetings
Chapter 1 Pt 2- Day One
Chapter 1 Pt 3- A party??
Chapter 1 Pt 4- Investigation
Chapter 1 pt 5- Trial start
Chapter 1 Pt 6- The trial continues
Chapter 1 Pt 7- Punishment time
Chapter 1 Pt 8- Promise
Authors Note-2
Chapter 2 Pt 1-The next morning
Chapter 2 Pt 2- a motive?!
Chapter 2 Pt 3- Unknown
Chapter 2 Pt 4- Investigation
Chapter 2 Pt 5- Trial starts
Chapter 2 Pt 7- Punishment time
Chapter 2 Pt 8- Goodbye
Authors note- 3
Chapter 3 Pt 1- The locked room
Chapter 3 Pt 2- The second motive
Chapter 3 Pt 3- The double murder
Chapter 3 Pt 4- Investigation
Chapter 3 Pt 5- Trial starts
Chapter 3 Pt 6- The trial continues
Chapter 3 Pt 7- Punishment time
Chapter 3 Pt 8- The encounter
Authors note- 4
Chapter 4 Pt 1- a different motive..?
Chapter 4 Pt 2- The Shiratorizawa Ball
Chapter 4 Pt 3- goodbye to a trusted friend
Chapter 4 Pt 4- Investigation
Chapter 4 Pt 5- Trial starts
Chapter 4 Pt 6- The trial continues
Chapter 4 Pt 7- Punishment time
Chapter 4 Pt 8- Late night chat
Authors note- 5
Chapter 5 Pt 1- unsolved mysteries
Chapter 5 Pt 2- missing party members
Chapter 5 Pt 3- the start of hell
Chapter 5 Pt 4- Investigation
Chapter 5 Pt 5- Trial start
Chapter 5 Pt 6- The trial continues
Chapter 5 Pt 7- Punishment time
Chapter 5 Pt 8- A new mission
Authors note- 6
Chapter 6 Pt 1- one last meal
Chapter 6 Pt 2- the first of many clues
Chapter 6 Pt 3- the sun and the moon
Chapter 6 Pt 4- one last chance
Chapter 6 Pt 5- Trial start
Chapter 6 Pt 6- Trial continues
Chapter 6 Pt 7- its finally over
Chapter 6 Pt 8- outside?
The end?
Authors note 7-

Chapter 2 Pt 6- The trial continues

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Atsumu: it has to be Oikawa, there's no other option

Tendou: now hang on a sec, I don't remember coming to that conclusion~

Futakuchi: he's the only one

Aone: mhm

Bokuto: but I'm sure he's innocent!

Akaashi: I'm sorry Bokuto-san but we can't be sure

Kuroo: it can't be Kenma so it's gotta be him!

Kenma: I had no idea of his movements

Oikawa: it wasn't me!

Monomolten: oh~ a split opinion I see? Well then I guess it's time forrr! The morphanominal trial grounds!!

Atsumu: oh this again! Hell yeah!

Osamu: how is that a good thing idiot?

Split opinion-

It is Oikawa-

It's not Oikawa-


Kageyama: the rest of us were on other floors!

Ushijima: somebody could have easily slipped away from the crowd

Akaashi: there were many people on those floors, I doubt they could have left without being seen

Osamu: most people didn't meet up until after the meeting

Kenma: I couldnt hear his movements because of the rooms, he couldve done anything

Oikawa: but that still doesn't mean I did something!

Futakuchi: He had to of entered Daishous room and taken him to the Auditorium!

Bokuto: the rooms have locks on them right? If so how did he enter without breaking it?

Aone: he was going storage room

Tendou: last time I checked there's one on the third floor as well

Kuroo: He probably murdered Daishou when the two left the meeting

Osamu: Daishou wasnt present at the meeting so we assumed he had fainted as well

Atsumu: he's the only suspect we have!

Y/n: everyone is a suspect! Let's calm down and think this through

It's not Oikawa

Oikawa: you guys are so mean! Accusing me of all people!

Kageyama: well in our defence, you have a very accusable face

Oikawa: hey!!

Futakuchi: well if it's not Oikawa then who is it? I mean they must've snuck downstairs whilst we were upstairs right?

Y/n:(wait a sec.. But what if...)

Y/n: are we entirely sure that the murder happened during that time?

Kuroo: I mean obviously, when else could it of happened?

Y/n: Osamu, can you explain what you did last night?

Osamu: well there wasn't much, I went to get a drink and as I was walking by the auditorium I realised it was locked

Kuroo: locked? Why was that?

Y/n: maybe we're thinking about this all wrong.

Akaashi: what do you mean?

Y/n: what if Daishou wasn't killed this morning, but instead last night?

Oikawa: last night?!

Kageyama: if they did it last night they'd have a lot more time

Y/n: so they must've closed the curtains to delay the body discovery, that way we would be confused on the time

Oikawa: so they did all that to just frame me!

Bokuto: but if it happened last night, then how did they lure Daishou. He had'nt fainted yet right?

Akaashi: that's right, he was still very much awake at that time

Y/n: it would be good to clear that up

Ushijima: what led Daishou to meet with the culprit?

Ushijima: maybe he was called over?

Bokuto: or maybe it was a letter like last time!

Osamu: did he hear something?

Y/n: I agree with that! And I think I know what.

Kuroo: do enlighten us

Y/n: the top of the door had scuff marks

Kenma: scuff marks..?

Y/n: they looked like they came from the rope. Actually, if that's the case maybe something happened that we aren't aware of yet

Atsumu: like what?

Y/n: maybe the culprit was originally meant to be setting some kind of trap using the rope and dumbbell

Akaashi: but if Daishou heard that...

Tendou: the plan ddeeffinitely would have been ruined if he found out

Y/n: of course he wouldn't of realised at that moment, but the culprit probably knew that he'd figure it out during the trial and tell everybody about it

Atsumu: so to silence him the culprit killed him so there would be no witnesses

Oikawa: there would be no need for the trap then, so they probably just tied him up to use up the rope.

Osamu: so blaming it on Oikawa was a last minute plan


Tendou: what is it (y/n)-Chan? You look like you figured something out

Y/n: (if the killer really intended to blame Oikawa... Then they must've planned for him to be the most suspicious... In that case... It... Has to be...)

Y/n: Futakuchi... Was it you?

Futakuchi: i- we'll I mean no-

Aone: not him

Futakuchi: huh!

Aone: not Futakuchi

Kuroo: he's speaking?!

Aone: he could never

Y/n: (aone...i know he's your best friend, but he our only suspect. I'll prove it)

Aone: Futakuchi isn't smart enough to come up with a trap. He wouldn't kill. There was no real motive for him to. Anybody could have blamed Oikawa. No real evidence against him. No evidence that he blamed Oikawa.

Y/n: but there is!

Aone: ..!

Y/n: Futakuchi came up with the plan to seperate us all into groups. And he was the one who separated Oikawa from the rest of us.

Aone: ...

Futakuchi: well there's no point hiding it now

Aone: ..but-

Futakuchi: thanks for sticking up for me buddy, but this is the end of the line

Y/n: I'm gonna go over the case one more time. That way everyone is convinced.

Y/n: last night, once everybody had gone to bed the culprit of this case made their move. They first went to the storage closet on the first floor and grabbed some rope and a dumbbell. Then made their way to the auditorium to set up the trap they had planned. They tied the rope to the door, and was about to tie it to the dumbbell when Daishou walked in on them preparing. Of course they knew he's figure out what was going on eventually, so they killed him so there would be no witnesses. First they went to get wipes from the kitchen, and cleaned up the mess and Daishous wound. They then untied the rope and to prevent them from being seen outside, they tied Daishou up onstage. Making sure to shut the curtain to delay the discovery, before returning the dumbbell to the storage closet, not realizing it was still dirty. Then this morning, they split us up to confuse the time and make the blame fall onto Oikawa.

Y/n: it's that right... Futakuchi Kenji... The ultimate Electrician

Trial End-

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