Sorry James (Lily Evans x Rea...

By Bartons_Wife

77.8K 2.3K 726

James Potter had a twin sister that was kinda forgotten about. Her name was Y/n Potter. She's almost the exac... More

Chapter one
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Tweleve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fiffteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine

Chapter Two

4.6K 130 25
By Bartons_Wife

I woke up, a huge smile on my face. I quickly got dressed and ran down to the common room to wait for Lily.

As I sat down, I was pulled to the side by James and Sirius. "We need your help." James said. "With what exactly?" I asked. "Well... We want help to become Animagus." James said in a hushed voice. "Ask professor McGonagall." I said and went to walk away. The boys pulled me back and looked at each other briefly. "It's for Remus." They said. Instantly I knew what they were talking about. "That's dangerous. You have to not talk for a whole month, and frankly I don't think you can do that." I said and James put his hand over his chest. "Please, it's for your boyfriend." James said. "He isn't my boyfriend for one, two I'll think about it and three....." I kicked him in the shin. "Leave Lily alone." I said and walked away from the boys, before I was out of ear shot I heard. "She's scary sometimes." And "Sometimes!" I giggled to myself and sat down looking up at the stairs to see Lily walking down. "If it isn't my best friend." I smiled. "Oh, is it now. Where is she?" She asked and looked behind her playfully. "You!" I exclaimed and pulled her into a hug, catching a whiff of her perfume. She smelt like roses, weird because her name is Lily. "We should eat so we can hurry and get to Charms." She said and dragged me out of the common room.

When we arrived at the great hall, Snape glared at me heavily. I sat next to Lily and we talked, she had far more talking to do then I because I practically disappeared for a year. Once we finished eating, she dragged me to Charms. Of course Snape stopped us though. "You're hanging out with her again!" He asked angrily. "You can't be my only friend Sev." Lily said with a smile. "But she cal-" "I'm aware, thank you." she interrupted and pulled me the rest of the way to Charms. "He's a great friend and all, but god can he be annoying." She complained. "It's only because he likes you." I said and Lily raised an eyebrow. "Right... What next? Are you going to like me!" She exclaimed and threw her hands up over dramatically. "What?" I said somewhat awkwardly. " You don't like me, do you?" Lily asked. "What, no. I like Sirius." I said quickly, not giving it much thought but as soon as I said Sirius I blushed. "Oh, MY, GOD!" Lily exclaimed and I hurried to cover her mouth. "You like Sirius?!" She exclaimed through my hand. "Lily shoosh!" I whispered yelled. I reluctantly removed my hand from her mouth and she smiled. "You like your brothers best friend?" She whispered sang. Actually I like my best friend. "Yes I do, now shut it." I played along.

After Charms I ran to Remus. "Remus, I need to talk to you." I said and pulled him away from James and Peter. James wolf whistled and I flipped him off.

Once Remus and I were in an area where nobody could hear us, I spoke. "Lily thinks I like Sirius now." I said quickly. Remus' eyes widened. "See, you like Lily, I like Sirius. Yet people think I like Lily and you like Sirius." He chuckled. "This is Sirius, pun intended." I said and laughed at my own pun. "But really, if Lily thinks I like Sirius this could turn out badly." I said. "And how?" Remus questioned. "She'll make fun of me when you and Sirius get together. 'You liked a gay man' "I can hear it now." I said. "You're definitely over reacting." Remus said. "Am not! In Charms today she asked if I was going to like her next and what I said next made her have a look of disgust on her face." I said. "No, I was there. She looked kinda happy when you said it." Remus said. "I don't remember it that way." I sighed. "That's because, you my friend are a love sick puppy." Remus said. "I'm not a puppy!" I exclaimed. "Ok fine, not a puppy then." Remus laughed. "You know, I'm pretty sure Sirius is alone right now, I could tell him how you feel." I said and began to walk away. Remus grabbed my hand and pulled me back. "Don't you dare." He growled. "You know that I would never actually to do that." I said kissing his cheek and walking away from him.

"Hey Lils." I smiled and put my arm around her shoulders. "Your brother hasn't asked me out at all today!" She exclaimed with a big smile. "Well I kicked him and told him not to, which will only hold for today might I add." I said, but she still smiled. "One day without being asked out by James is perfect." She said and wrapped her arm around my shoulders. We walked out to a tree where Severus was siting with some of his friends. "You think I'm actually friends with that mudblood?" Severus asked. Lily had tears in her eyes. "Really Sev!" She asked with tears in her eyes. "Lily I-" "Save it Severus!" She yelled and ran away. "Wow, good going Snape." I said and ran after Lily.

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