β™‘ sᴇᴄʀᴇᴛ α΄›α΄€ΚŸα΄‡Ι΄α΄›s β™‘

By -KawaiiWeeb-

276K 7.4K 3.9K

These are some one-shots I have written about the secret talents of our cute lil sunshine, Hinata Shoyou. I w... More

Hello Everyone!
β€’ Foreign Language β€’
β€’ Paintings β€’
β€’ The Beach (part 1) β€’
β€’ The Beach (part 2) β€’
β€’ Karaoke Surprise β€’
β€’ Demon! β€’
β€’ Ice-Skates β€’
β€’ Talent Show β€’
β€’ Bows and Arrows β€’
β€’ The Enchanted Dance β€’
✨ T A G G E D ✨
β€’ Capture The Moment β€’
β€’Spilling Tik toks β€’
β€’ Horses and Stables β€’
β€’ Gymnastics β€’
β€’ A Bloody Secret β€’
Another announcement!!
β€’ Problem At The Zoo β€’
β€’ The Band β€’
Literally my life
β€’ Imposter β€’
β€’ Musical keys β€’
Merry Christmas!!!
Special For Christmas
β€’ Tricks β€’
β€’ Goal! β€’
β€’ Dive in β€’
β€’ Birthday Surprise β€’
β€’ Fanfictions β€’
β€’ Palettes and Brushes β€’
β€’ A Violin Duet β€’
β€’ Masked Youtuber β€’
β€’ The Perfect Model β€’
β€’ The Pretty Racer β€’
β€’ Genius Inventor β€’
Sk8 The Infinity
β€’ Tattoo Artist β€’
β€’ Secret Agent β€’
β€’ Skate Boarding β€’

β€’ Photoshoots β€’

2.6K 109 24
By -KawaiiWeeb-

Requested by: Assassination1711

Thank you this amazing plot!! And sorry for the long wait!!! I hope you enjoy this oneshot <3

Now without a further a do lets get into it-


It was bright sunny morning, it would have been nice if it were a holiday but then I have school today which is what Hinata thought before getting dressed into his uniform.

After checking himself out on the mirror, he approved of his look and went downstairs to be be greeted with waffles with maple syrup and sliced strawberries on the side. Yum 🤤

"Ah Shoyou! Finally you got up, now eat your breakfast and head to school or you'll be late!", Hinata's mother said after seeing Hinata all dressed up for school.

"Hai Oka-san!!", Hinata shouted before digging into his mouth watering breakfast. His mom was the best!!

After he finished eating, he quickly rinsed his hands and mouth and went to grab his shoes. "I'm leaving now Mom!! See you later!", he shouted the moment he put on his shoes.

"Okay! Have a great day at school!! Love you!", his mother shouted from the kitchen.

"Love you too!!"

Hinata shut the door behind him and went to get his bike so he could go to school. After removing the lock, he started cycling down the hill. 

The wind blew threw his messy hair, it created a rather fresh feeling. Now back to focusing on reaching school, he definitely cannot let Kageyama take the lead!!


"Ha! I won!!", Hinata grinned as he did his victory dance.

"Shut up boke! You cheated!", Kageyama said obviously not wanting to admit that Hinata was in the lead.

"Hah?! I didn't cheat, stop accusing me!!", Hinata countered to Kageyama's statement. "Grrr whatever! We need to go to class now.."

"Stupid classes...", Hinata muttered under his breath as he parked his bicycle in the school premises.

And how right he was. He had complicated math, science and then he had his main weakness, English. What a horrid way to begin a brand new day...

He just wanted to finish all his classes and then play volleyball with his friends. After a few more hours, his wish was finally fulfilled.

"Shoyou!!!", the short bi-coloured male shouted at the sight of his underclassmen or rather Hinata.

"Noya-san!!!", Hinata's exclaimed with sparkling eyes. "Shoyou!!!"

Before Hinata could repeat his call, he was interrupted by a rather irritated blond. "Just shut up you two."



Soon after the entire team was present in the gym doing their warm ups. Coach Ukai then spilt them all into two groups.

Team 1- Hinata, Kageyama, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, Tanaka, Narita

Team 2- Daichi, Sugawara, Asahi, Nishinoya, Ennoshita, Kinnoshita

Who do you think will win?



































After some more matches like these, they decided to have another match and then call it the end of practice. Kageyama and Hinata also known as the freak duo were about to do their quick when suddenly someone's phone starting ringing. "Hm? Whose phone is that??"

Hinata immediately recognized the ringtone and perked up, "Sorry Coach!! That's my phone!"

Kageyama sighed at his partner's forgetfulness as he went over to the bench to pick up his phone.


   My Bae 💛

✔️                                                ❌


"Kenma..? Why is he calling me..."

Hinata picked up the call and was greeted with the blonde's voice. "Hello Sho-chan."

"Hey Kenma!! Why did you call me?", Hinata asked him wanting to get straight into the matter. "Well...do you remember the photoshoot which we were supposed to do next week..?"

"Yeah. But why are bringing that up??", Hinata asked not understanding why Kenma was talking about the photoshoot. "So how do I say this... The photographer wants us to model in a few hours since he is leaving for Paris day after tomorrow and he won't be coming back till next month so the shoot may get delayed. And you know that we need to present a magazine by next week."

"God are you serious? Why tell us to do a photoshoot next week if your leaving day after tomorrow.", Hinata grumbled to which Kenma said, "It was kind of unexpected but you get the main point. We need to reach the studio as fast as possible, I have sent a driver already for you."

"Okay I guess..thanks Kenma! See you later!!", Hinata thanked Kenma. "No problem and see you later too Shoyou.", He heard Kenma say before hanging up the call.


"Coach, can I have to leave practice a little early? Its an emergency."

"Hm? Not trying to be that nosy but is everything okay kid??", Coach Ukai asked the shorter male in a slight tone of concern at the sudden request.

"Yeah! My friend just needs me to come immediately.", Hinata replied not giving away too many details.

"Okay. I'll excuse you today."

"Thank you Coach!!"

Hinata quickly bowed in respect and almost immediately sprinted off to the changing rooms. As soon as he changed his clothes and left the gym, few members of the team huddled up and discussed their suspicions among themselves.

"I wonder why he left. He usually stays till the end of the practice..", Kageyama said out of curiosity.

"Maybe he had something to do at home?", Daichi suggested. "Come to think of it, we don't know much about him except for a few things.."

"Hm...", Tanaka said smirking lightly, lost in deep thoughts.

"Tanaka, whatever your thinking, stop. This is a bad idea.", Sugawara sighed as he facepalmed himself knowing that Tanaka was up to no good.

"Come on! Aren't you curious about Hinata's background is like?", Tanaka asked trying to rile everyone up with his idea. All of a sudden, they all went silent.

"Well, I guess, I am a little bit curios.", Yamaguchi admitted. "Then its settled! We're going after him!!"

"Yay! Lets go stalk Shoyou!", Nishinoya cheered. Kinda creepy tbh-

"You sound creepy.", Tsukishima commented to which some of them silently agreed with him.

"But its true..~", Nishinoya puffed up his cheeks.

"I-i feel like we are invading Hinata's privacy. We shouldn't do this..", Asahi stuttered  twitching his fingers in nervousness but Nishinoya didn't back down from his decision. "We're not Asahi. We're just on a mission to know more about our teammate."

"That's still stalking."

"Hurry up or we're going to lose him!"


They finally found him walking down the almost empty street, They hid behind a wall to hid away from him and also to keep an eye on him.

"I think he is waiting for someone.."

Hinata was standing by the side, looking down at his phone. "Look, a car just stopped in front of him."

They watched as a sleek car pull up in front of him. It looked hella expensive and super cool!

The window started rolling down and the team caught a glimpse of the person and it was...Kenma?

They couldn't hear anything because of the distance between them and the duo. After the two talked for a while, Hinata got into the car.


"What do we do now?", Sugawara said as he saw the car started going away.

"Might as well leave and do this another time..", Daichi sighed to which some of the others agreed with him.

"Wait my sister is going to come..", Tanaka muttered riling up the attention towards him.

"What? Don't call Saeko-san, she might be busy!", Nishinoya said to his bestfriend who just plainly replied, "She was waiting for me at the school gates anyways so its fine."


Luckily Saeko came in the right time and they weren't too far away from the duo so they were able to keep up. They saw Hinata get out of the car along with Kenma and the duo entered the building in front of the parked car. Some of the members instantly recognized the name of the building.

"Guys...thats a modelling agency..", Yamaguchi whispered under his breath but enough for the rest to hear.

"Yeah and its also one of the most famous ones in Japan..", Sugawara added to Yamaguchi's statement.

Most of their eyes were blown wide open at their teammates statements. They turned to look back and stared at the building. What was Hinata doing here?


"Hey Kenma?", Hinata called out to the blond who was scrolling through his phone. "Hm?"

"Was it just me or was that greyish car tailing us..?" Kenma immediately stopped scrolling through his phone after hearing Hinata's question and turned to look at Hinata. "I thought it was just me.."

"But seriously though, it really looks like Tanaka senpai's sister's car. I remember how it looked like.", Hinata said remembering the ride Saeko gave him and Kageyama.

"Soo you think its your team..?", Kenma said as he raised his eye.

Hinata sighed and said like it clearly obvious, "Who else could it be? They must have been pressured by Tanaka and Nishinoya senpai as always."

"What if it isn't them?"

"It doesn't hurt to go and check."

Hinata and Kenma glanced at each other and went outside the agency, they saw almost all of the Karasuno members talking beside the white car that was tailing them. "See what I mean."

"So what now?", Kenma asked Hinata who was leaning on the wall. "I don't know, lets just go over there.", Hinata said as he shrugged.

And thats what they did.

None of them had noticed Hinata and Kenma were right behind them and continued talking among themselves. "Boo."

Some of players shrieked at the sudden voice while the rest instantly turned their heads back only to stare at a not so happy Hinata and an unbothered Kenma.

"Why did you follow us??"

Almost all of them went silent trying to think of something to tell. "Was it your idea Tanaka and Nishinoya senpai?"

"I- what? No!!", Tanaka denied Hinata's question.

"Why would you think its us?!", Nishinoya puffed up his cheeks. "Who else would even think of an idea like this?"

"Haha I like this shrimp.", Tsukishima commented making a certain blonde rather mad.

"Back off beanpole, he's mine.", Kenma pulled back Hinata, a little possessiveness taking over him.

"It isn't like he's yours.", Tsukishima rolled his eyes.

"Oh really?" Kenma pulled in Hinata for a quick kiss to which of course Hinata kissed back. In middle of the kiss, Kenma opened one of his eyes to look at their shocked faces.

After a few seconds, they both pulled away from the kiss. 

"Are you two dating??", Tanaka asked the couple. They both shared glances and Hinata replied, "Yeah we are."

"Why didn't you tell us?", Kageyama asked slightly in shock since Hinata didn't tell him event though he was one of his friends.

"Oh uhh...I don't know?", Hinata nervously laughed not knowing what to say.

"Wow I learn new things everyday."

"Except ways for you to grow taller.", Tsukishima snickered at Nishinoya.

"Why you-"


Hinata invited them all inside but Saeko declined since she had to be somewhere else. The team stared at the interiors of the agency in awe.

"Ah! Mr. Hinata and Mr. Kenma, you've finally arrived. Thank you very much for coming.", a youthful lady greeted them.

"It was our pleasure."

"Here are the outfits to be worn sir. You can head to the makeup room which is to the right of the changing room after putting on the outfits."

She handed them the designer outfits and the two took off to the changing rooms obediently. Whereas the team sat down on the coach which were at a corner. After trying their outfits on the duo went to the makeup room where the makeup artists were waiting for them.

Afterwards, the makeup artists put some last minute touches and now, they were ready for the shoot.

"Wow you both look amazing! Now, lets start taking some photos!"

Here's what he took:

(This pic is my fav of all ^^)

"These are perfect!! Thank you so much for your cooperation!", the photographer thanked them.

"No problem *insert name*-san!!", Hinata smiled back.

They then went back to the changing rooms to change into some comfortable clothes and met with the team again.

"I am guessing you guys need a ride. Kenma could you ask the driver to get the bigger car instead?"

"Of course, let me call him."

As Kenma left to call their driver at a corner, the team wasted no time to compliment Hinata.

"Hinata, you and Kenma did an amazing job!!", an impressed Sugawara praised him.

"Not bad.", Kageyama said although he was a little dazzled.

"You were flawless!!!", Nishinoya said almost speechless at his kouhai.

"How long have you done this for? You seem so used to it!", Yamaguchi pointed out to which Hinata replied, "Hmm its been about I would say..3 years?"

"Woah thats a long time!", Tanaka exclaimed shook at how long Hinata had been in the modelling industry.

"Haha I know but time just goes by so quickly so it doesn't feel that long.", Hinata laughed. 

Kenma went back to all of them after calling their driver and said, "He'll be here in 5 minutes."

"Great! I'll just go and get some water then.", Hinata smiled and left for some water.

"I didn't speak up before but Kenma, if you make our sunshine cry even one drop..I will personally kill you.", Sugawara threatened him.

Daichi didn't say anything, he knew better not to stop Sugawara especially if he was in his protective mode.

Kenma gulped, he didn't expect this warning. At all.

Luckily he was saved by Hinata who finished getting some water. "What were you guys talking about?"

"Oh nothing.", Sugawara smiled as if he hadn't threatened Kenma a few minutes.


Eversince then, the team had become a little more protective of their sunshine. Well lets hope Kenma doesn't make Hinata cry or else he will face Karasuno's wrath.


Thank you all so much for reading!!! And also if you didn't know, we just hit 300 followers!!!!!!

Thank you all so much for making this happen and not only for that but also but the support I got in this book <333

I love you all so much! ❤️❤️❤️

Word Count: 2501

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