Are You In or Are You Out?

By Geekgirl1979

6K 192 17

The Avenger find a woman, she finds herself and maybe a little bit of peace. This happens, timeline wise arou... More

Untitled Part 1
Part 2
Untitled Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Untitled Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21

Part 12

270 12 1
By Geekgirl1979

AN: all mistakes are my own

Chapter 12

Six hours after Ulton had attacked the Avengers the entire team was gone from the compound. It was quiet apart from the small amount of noise the usual workers made. They were few, Maria and her four hulking security boys, a lab team of six, two paramedic responders, a nurse and the old guy on front gate. She'd never seen him, but had heard Nat say he was sweet and talked about his wife a lot. There was other staff milling about today however, cleaning up from the party the night before, caterers taking stock of broken glasses and gossiping about what might have happened.

Emma watched from her mezzanine, listened to their idol chat about this and that. She tried to read, but gave up and seemed to have smoked a hundred cigarettes since they had left. She hadn't slept and didn't really want to, frightened somehow that they night return and she might miss it if she did. Although she knew that it was ridiculous.

Around lunchtime she found Maria in the main kitchen area heating up soup in the microwave. "Hey."

"Hi Emma, you holding up ok?"

She wasn't sure to be honest. "Yeah good. Any word?"

Maria shook her head. "No, you'll be the first to know I promise." Marie got her soup out of the microwave and started to pour it from the bowl it was in into a tall silver thermos flask. "Have you thought about training with the team?"

"What like be an Avenger?" She scoffed and hopped up onto the counter taking a dark plum from the fruit bowl turning it over in her hands, liking how it felt and smelt, but she knew she didn't like them.

"Tony told me about the previous times the 'inner' you has come out. It sounds very similar Bruce and he has learned some semblance of control over the years. There's nothing to say that you can't do the same thing." Maria licked a drop of soup off of her finger.

"I don't know. One day I'd like to do more, but right now the thought of leaving the bloody building makes me feel sick!" Emma chuckled and Maria smiled at her.

"Think about it." She turned to leave. "I'll be in the obs office if you need anything and I'll shout if I hear anything."

"Thanks." She was still sat on the counter holding the plum when her phone buzzed in her back pocket. She hopped of the counter and walked to go out the room as she got her phone out of her jeans, she then noticed she still had the plum. Shaking her head she walked back to the fruit bowl chuckling to herself. "I don't even like these!" She shoved it back in the bowl and opened her phone to the texts.

NatRom: Arrived safe. 👍🏻

Emma: ok.. Xx

She sighed and closed her phone, then yawned.

Walking slowly and lazily back to her room she felt her phone buzz again. She avoided the main areas where the caterers and other staff were and made it back to her own room. She flopped down on her bed and reached for her remote to the stereo system on her desk. Hitting play and laying down against the pillows to read her texts as London Grammer started to play gently in the background.

NatRom: I forgot that suit thing is on my bed. I got it out for you.

Emma dropped her phone on the covers and ran a few doors down the hall to Nat's room. She found the odd bodysuit on her bedclothes. She picked it up and frowned at the feel of the material. The feeling wasn't rough, it was actually quite soft, but felt off against her fingers. She kept running it through her fingers as she walked back to her room.

Emma: it feels weird

Stripping off her clothes she pulled and stretched the material of the suit, first getting her legs in and then tugging it up over her backside. It was tight around her waist, but still able to stretch up over her stomach and then over her breasts. She stood there for a moment, thinking to herself that there was no way she could squeeze her arms into the neck whole to get them into the arms. But after some huffing and puffing it fit her perfectly. She moved over to her mirror and looked at herself. The suit had a round style neckline, mid length sleeves and the legs stopped half way down her thighs. It was black and every now and then as she turned and the light caught it, she could see maybe a purple colour as well. The purple ran in lines down the suit, almost like it was the stitching and it glistened as she moved or her body stretched it slightly.

Picking up her phone to tell Nat she noticed that she had already text her.

NatRom: just try it.

Emma: it fits. Feels weird. Are you guys ok?Xx

She went back to lay on her bed, leaving the suit on to try and get used to it.

NatRom: yes. Don't worry your grumpy soldier is safe.

Emma rolled her eyes and smiled at her phone.

Emma: he's not MY soldier!

NatRom: whatever!😂😉

Emma: shut up Romanoff!

She spent the rest of the afternoon and into the early evening listening to music before she fell asleep wondering if she could learn to control the beast inside and what her future could possibly bring if she did.

Emma woke in the early hours to her phone making light buzzing next to her bed, she tried to untangle herself from the covers, but gave up and reached for her phone. It was telling her that her battery was about to run out. "Shit." Not realising that she hadn't plugged it in before she fell asleep. After rummaging for her charging cable and getting it set on her nightstand she flopped back into bed. Immediately her phone lit up and buzzed with a string on incoming messages.

Laying back with a sigh she opened it up.

NatRom: photo of how the suit fits?

NatRom: Tony is actually being a pain in my ass

NatRom: Your asleep aren't you! Rude!

Emma chuckled and noticing it was a little after 3am she thought she would leave the reply to the morning when she noticed she still had two unread messages.

+484496255: Nat gave me your number. Hope your ok.

+484496255: it's Bucky by the way

She smiled and added his number to the contacts, chuckling to herself when she typed in her name for him. The frowned thinking that when Tony set up a phone for her he must have left Bucky's out or some reason. Again she figured it was too late to reply and went back to sleep with a little smile as she thought of his smile on the roof.

When the sunlight came through the blinds the following morning the first thing Emma did was reach for her phone, slightly disappointed that there wasn't any fresh messages she typed out her replies to the ones the night before.

to NatRom – hey, no pics, this look is never getting out! Where are you guys?

to DogBaitBuck – no problem. I'm good.

She was still wearing the bodysuit from Wakanda and decided to leave it on, may as well try to get used it. She put on a loose green camouflage t-shirt and some blue gym leggings that Nat had helped her order online the previous month.

The other thing she decided is that if she was going to get through this time without everyone here she needed to have some kind of routine. This accidentally mapped it's self out over the next twenty four hours, she used the treadmill for a couple of hours, it was her favourite choice as she loved how it felt to run barefoot and fast, but there was no way she was going outside to do it. Then ate breakfast and tried to research England on the net to see if anything jogged her memory at all, met Maria for lunch, who suggested that it was a good thing they 'touched base' at least once a day, then she did laps in the pool.

The pool that she had no idea existed until Maria mentioned it at lunch. Emma didn't have a swim suit or bikini so she swan in the black bodysuit, it felt like she was naked and loved how the warm water washed over her sensitive skin as she cut through the water faster than she thought she would be able to. Though at first she wan't even sure if she could swim which had her handing onto the side before she just swam without thinking about it.

She text Nat a lot and Nat replied when she could. She had wanted to text Bucky again, but didn't know what to put. She had also wanted to text Steve, but again didn't know what to put as she felt like she needed to apologise still for causing the argument with Bucky before they left.

On the fourth day, the stress hit both her and Maria when she got a text from Nat.

NatRom: oh goody we're on the news. It's not as bad as it looks. We are all fine just tired.

Emma: what happened?

She typed out the text as she went down to the observation office to find Maria, her bare feet slapping against the floor as she ran. "Maria? Nat said they were on the news?"

"I was about to come and get you. It's Bruce, he had a small... Hulk 'outburst'." She brought up the news footage on the clear screen in front of them and sighed as they watched the Hulk rage threw a market, people ran and screamed, some were on foot others in cars that he bashed out of his way as he rampaged. The camera angel changed and they saw Tony fly into view his normal Ironman suit being enveloped by a much bigger one.

"Shit, what is that?"

"It's the Mk XLIV Armour. But Tony likes to call it the Hulkbuster." She rolled her eyes.

"Where is this anyway?" The male news reporter was going over the details again as they replayed footage of Tony bashing Hulks head with an elevator casing.

"Johannesburg." She cut the sounds, sick of the mans negative spin on what Tony was trying to do. "Let's just say the lead didn't pan out as they thought it would."

"Poor Bruce"

"Yeah." She picked up her bottle of water and sat back down in her office chair. "They are on their way to a safe house."

"Why don't they just come home?"

Maria gestured to the camera feed on the opposite screen showing the front gate. "That mainly." Emma got closer to the screen and gasped. There were around 150 people at the front gate, protestors, shouting and waving banners and it cardboard plaques with various derogatory slogans on them. "Local law enforcement has set up a perimeter, but they don't much care if people get through. Our own security is out there with a barricade they are not trying to force their way in or anything. Might just be a little touchy if when people want to go home later, but we'll deal with it."

"Fucks sake. What is wrong with people? It's like the world wants to be overrun with villains and bastards trying to kill the planet or it occupants."

"I know. I've spoken to Tony, they going to lay low, or run and hide as he put it."

Emma felt her phone buzz in her hand and looked at the display as Steves name came up. She opened it and read his simple text.

SteveRogers: please don't worry. Stay inside let Hill deal with things that end.

She didn't reply and put the phone in her back pocket, once she was alone she would think of something to say to him, but wasn't able to at the moment, it immediately buzzed again and she ignored it for the time being. "Can I bring the news and security feeds up in my room?"

"Yes, there is a monitor built into your wall mounted TV system. Just talk to it and it will activate for you and bring up an interactive display you can control it with. Though it's not Jarvis anymore." Emma nodded, Jarvis was gone now thanks to Ultron. "It's Friday."

"What?" Emma looked confused for a moment.

"It's called Friday as in F.R.I.D.A.Y." Emma chuckled and thanked her before heading back to her room, she made a brief stop by the kitchen for a sandwich and some snacks. Once she was back it took her another hour to get multiple news channels up that she wanted, along with the security feed from the front gate. She kept the sound off and left them running in the background as she ate and texted.

NatRom: we are ok, promise

to SteveRogers: I love how you think I would be tempted to go outside 😉

to DogBaitBuck: are you ok?

to NatRom: thank god. You still haven't said what actually happened

NatRom: take too long to explain, possible mutant who can mess with our heads. On our way to a safe house

She huffed with frustration at the lack of information she was getting from Nat as she saw a reply from Steve

SteveRogers: just in case you had a sudden urge kid

Emma: the last thing I have is an urge to do is go outside. Tho maybe the security team could use and extra hound...

SteveRogers: DONT

She chuckled as she answered him.

Emma: spoilsport

DogBaitBuck: yeah. Got some nasty flashbacks but all good. Are you?

She frowned at his text, wondering what he meant.

Emma: flashbacks, of what? Also what the hell happened!?

DogBaitBuck: long story short some enhanced bitch messed with my head and brought up some shit from my past. You read my file, I'm sure you can imagine

Emma: yeah, but it wan't your fault

DogBaitBuck: doesn't make it right. It's kinda put me on a downer

Emma: wanna talk about it?

DogBaitBuck: you don't waant to do that

Emma: hey it's much easier to talk over someone else's problems. Take my mind off my own

DogBaitBuck: k. What ya wanna know

Emma: what was the flashback

She moved from her small desk area where the news feeds were playing to her bed, she could still see them clearly and sat with her back up against the headboard, pulling her covers over herself cocooning her body in softness.

DogBaitBuck: a mission in Peru I don't remember much as it is, snippets you know. But this focused on what I did remember. I killed a man in front of his wife.

Emma: shit. So it just replayed in your mind

DogBaitBuck: yes and added stuff like the wife she screamed and cried and tried to save him, but this time she talked calmly told me I was a killer that I would always be. That I didn't deserve happiness cause I took hers. It kinda went on like that

Emma: Jesus Bucky! You know none of that is true don't you

DogBaitBuck: If you say so doll

Emma: I so would've thrown something hard at your head by now. Who gets to chose what we deserve ffs. You were manipulated.

DogBaitBuck: so were you. Experimented on. Hurt. Strucker is lucky hes dead

Emma smiled a little and sunk further down in her covers chasing warmth. Secretly wanting the warmth he gave her.

Emma: are you saying you'd like to Avenge me?

DogBaitBuck: maybe

Emma: well weirdly Ultron took my revenge

DogBaitBuck: we r getting close to him so I'll take it back for you. Ten fold

Emma: *rolls eyes* my hero!

DogBaitBuck: think your confusing me with the big blonde sitting next to me

Emma: you can't say it like that. Lol

DogBaitBuck: why? He's big and blonde

Emma: now I'm imagining you sat next to some 6ft blonde chick or even worse Steve in a really bad wig!

DogBaitBuck: thanks he now wants to know why I am laughing

Emma: do NOT tell him I said that

DogBaitBuck: I never liked blondes anyhow. Too high maintenance

Emma knew that there was no way she should ask the next question, but she simply couldn't help herself.

Emma: what do you prefer then Sargent?

He took longer to reply this time and she worried that she had gone to far until his name popped back up.

DogBaitBuck: small

DogBaitBuck: dark hair

DogBaitBuck: the ability to rip my head off in a single mouthful

Emma: that's not funny 😂

She was gigging to herself and she read it again.

DogBaitBuck: so tell me your not smiling?

Emma: nope. Not even a grimace

DogBaitBuck: liar. Where are you?

Emma: my bed

DogBaitBuck: tired?

Emma: cold. I'm buried in six foot of duvet and blankets

Again she seemed to wait ages for a reply and thought that they must be trying to settle somewhere and she shouldn't expect any of them to worry about her or reply. Another couple of hours past and she dozed and watched the news. The mention of the Avengers had diminished, but there was still a big discussion happening on one of the channels, does the world need them? Surely they bring more destruction and chaos? She wanted to turn it off, she wanted the leave the world behind, but she didn't and she watched and listened and took it all in. By the time the light started to fade she was still cold and now she was getting tired.

She'd been on the roof when she watched Maria leave to go home along with a group of workers. It was just her there now, along with the security teams. Hoping up on the edge of the building she dangled her legs over the edge. She got her phone out and took a picture of the fading sun over the ocean then she sent it to Bucky.

To DogBaitBuck: [pic3492] bet my view is better than yours

She was on her second cigarette when she got a reply.

DogBaitBuck: definitely

Emma: what's yours then?

DogBaitBuck: currently I'm watching Sam eat. In other news Clint has 2.5 fucking kids!

Emma: what!? Kids!!!

DogBaitBuck: yep. Two and another on the way. His wife is nice. We are at his ranch and yes I said ranch

Emma: how? He never once said that he had a damn wife and kids.

DogBaitBuck: Nat knew and Fury is here.

Emma: wow. I bet Tonys face was a picture. I haven't met Fury yet, slightly scared

While she waited for his reply she went back to her room and took a shower, trying again to find warmth, she couldn't reason why she felt cold. Maybe she was lonely, she couldn't decide. She turned the heat of the water up as soon as she got in, letting the power of the shower itself beat against her skin. It blazed a trail down her and as she washed her hair the soft bubbles from the shampoo tickled at her over sensitised body making her feel like it was humming almost and as she had washed the soap off of her body she had felt that now familiar warmth she associated with Bucky and his sweet sticky scent spread through her momentarily until it faded again with the heat of the water.

Once out she towelled off and scarped her wet hair up into a messy bun, it had grown since she had been there and she now had enough of it to put it all on the top of her head, out the way of her face which she preferred. She didn't bother putting the bodysuit back on, or any clothes, she simply jumped straight back into the relative cosines of her covers and blankets, propping up pillows so she could still see the news feeds and security camera that she had made FRIDAY play all afternoon.

The light had gone completely now and it was around seven or eight she wasn't sure, looking to the side the light on her phone blinked to indicate messages.

NatRom: so I noticed Bucky on his phone a lot? Wink wink 😉

DogBaitBuck: we are leaving around dawn. Call me when you can. Nothing bad just wanted to talk

To NatRom: shut it. Just talking. It's easier when I don't have to look him in the eye lol

NatRom: it's cute. Makes me wanna puke

She wondered why he wanted her to call, he said it wasn't anything bad, but it still had her worried as she clicked on his name.

"Hey." His voice was quiet and she could hear crickets in the background, was he outside?

"Hey." She felt suddenly very shy.

"'How you doing there all by yourself?"

"I'm ok. Maria has been here in the days anyway so it's not like I'm actually alone. How are you guys holding up? You know at Clint's bloody ranch!"

She heard him chuckle, his voice a little deeper form tiredness she thought. "Jeez the way you say ranch, you know it doesn't have an 'r' in it don't you?"

"Excuse me, but I can't help it if you lot can't speak the Queen's English." She heard the faintest rustle of grass as he moved around and loved how he could laugh so easily. "Seriously though are you all ok?"

"Yeah. Thor has gone off to Asgard for answers about a vision or something. We are leaving hear at dawn and heading to Cho's lab, we think that Ultron may be trying to get her to make him an actually physical body of some kind."

"How can she do that? That's crazy." He chuckled again and her expert hearing heard the phone scrape against the stubble on his face faintly.

"Don't ask me, there was a lot of talk in that room earlier that I didn't fully understand. We'll get there and use it as a base tech wise for a couple of days and plan the next move. Or that's the idea anyways."

"Sounds like a plan."

She heard grass rustle and then crunch as if he had sat down in long grass. "You ok?"

"Yeah, just worried about you ridiculous lot." And she genuinely was worried about all of them.

"We'll be ok." He paused as if gaging his next sentence carefully. "Did you get warm eventually?"

"Not really. Though I've literally just got out the shower so I'm marginally warmer than I was." He groaned slightly. "What?"

"You can't tell me shit like that."

"Shit like what? I only said I had a shower." She chuckled at him.

"Ok, but now my mind is wandering."

"Dangerous." Her smile was now off the charts as she snuggled down a little further into her bed, her spare hand absently wandering across her naked stomach giving her slight goose flesh.

"Exactly. But...your, er, dressed though right?"

"Not exactly."

"'Not exactly'. Ok English what is that supposed to mean, surely 'are you dressed?' is a yes or no answer."

"So I'm in bed, the covers."

"So that's a 'no' then and your naked." The grass shifted a little. "That's what I mean, you can't tell a guy shit like that."

"I didn't, you forced it out of me." He groaned again and sighed shakily. "What? What are you groaning at now, I said nothing bad!" he didn't respond for a moment and she was worried that she had said something wrong. "Bucky?"

"Let's just say that there are other things I would like to force out of you right now."

"Like what?" She it her lip the moment she said it, really wishing that she hadn't.

"Is your dog-friend on the prowl?"

''No, she isn't paying any attention, possibly cause she, I mean I can't smell you."

His voice was quiet, but rough in a way she could've identify. "So what do I smell like?"

"You really want to know?"

"Yep, hit me with it."

"Mostly pine needles or pine needles on a breeze, a breeze through a forest, the outside, vague gun smell, the metal in your arm, winter or coldness, but not that horrible biting cold you can get, the cosy oh-look-its-Christmas type cold." She could hear him breathing a little heavier and knew that he must be able to hear that her own breathing had picked up a little. "And when you...I mean when your, know, it changes."

"To what?"

"Sweet. Like maple syrup, the woody or smokey kind, your scent gets thick, almost sticky somehow, like, I can taste it in my mouth, spreading over my tongue." Again he said nothing and she could only hear him breath over the line. "Sorry."

"Don' be sorry, the way you describe it it's fucking sexy as hell."

"Yeah?" She closed her eyes tight, followed by her thighs as her hand grazed her stomach again.

"Yeah. You'd smell it now if you were here with me." The grass under him shifted again and she couldn't imagine him lying on his back looking up at the night sky. "What do you smell like?"

"Just skin, I don't really have a scent or pay that much attention to it really." Her voice was quieter now, as she no longer trusted it. She felt the warmth she had been chasing since the moment he had left flooding through her body.

"What about when your turned on? Does it change then?"

She giggled a little. "Bucky you can't ask a girl things like that!"

He chuckled back. "Why not? You know all about me, tit for tat doll." She breathed and that was all she could do, she did know about his scent, every part of it and she yearned for it now. "Talk to me doll?" He paused. "I bet it's something like raspberries. I bet you smell amazing when your needy, when you touch yourself, all sweet and sharp at the same time." A tiny whimper escaped her lips and she clamped her hand over her mouth to stop it from bubbling up into something more, though she knew he must have heard it. His chuckle confirmed it and it made moisture creep into her most sensitive parts. "Do you touch yourself?"

"No." She whispered.

"You should."

"Bucky." She had meant it as an admonishment, but instead it came out more like a breathy moan and she heard him hum in appreciation at it.

"Do it now?"

She was shocked that he had said that and shook her head, suddenly realising that he couldn't see her, she answered him. "I can't."

"Yes, you can."

Her breathing at this point was getting silly, she wanted his scent so badly. "I, I've never..." She heard the stubble against the phone, like he smiled against it or nodded. She was sick of imagining his face, she wanted him here, she wanted her fingers in his mop of hair, his breath against her skin, but knew that the beast wouldn't let him get close enough. Not as close as she felt like she needed him to be.

"Do you trust me Em?"

She starred at the ceiling her breaths echoing off her bedroom walls and her lip tight between her teeth. "Yes." She whispered it into the phone.

"Slide your hand down your belly, slowly, keep your fingers light on you skin, make it a 'just' touch."

"Bucky, I..."

"Do it." His voice was firm and she closed her eyes, following his instructions. "Keep moving down until your hand cups your pussy completely." He heard her take an intake of breath and smiled to himself, his own need starting to press against his trousers. "Separate two fingers and press them gently to where you feel the most warmth." His voice was thick and gruff with emotion now, but gentle, undemanding and guiding. She did as he told her and gasped when she found her own wetness. He hummed in response. "Are you wet?"

She nodded again and then frowned at her own stupidity, again, whimpering to him. "Yes." What she had said to Nat was true, this was easier cause she couldn't see his face, no matter how much she wanted to.

"Good. That's what I want, that's what I want to feel. You, your skin, your lips wet for me." He swallowed hard. "Feel around for me, feel for a little nub that when you touch it..." he heard her gasp louder this time and take a shuddering breath. "It'll feels just like that. Rub it, gently, in slow circles, spread your wetness as you do it..."

She was overwhelmed with how shy she felt, but really wanted this, her body shaking, it was amazing to her to feel herself like this, her body was on fire and her pussy was throbbing with the need that she had for him. She rubbed in small circles as he had said and she moaned as a greater feeling began to build in her, she raised her left knee up slightly which intensified the angle she had on herself, moaning again she gasped out his name. "Bucky."

"I like my name coming outta ya mouth, don't stop, move your fingers little faster for me." He could hear her breath against his ear and he closed his eyes adjusting his pants, wishing that he could see her face contorted in pleasure, pleasure that he was giving her. "Keep going, can you feel it building?"

A small strangled sob like gasp was the only answer he got initially, but she managed to find her voice. "Yes!"

"It'll keep building, until it feels like you can't keep it going anymore and something is gonna give. Just let it happen doll, give into it and keep moving those little fingers. I wish I could see you, I would love to watch this, love to see you fall apart, have my face close to your lips as your gasping like this. I want to kiss you so badly Em." Her moans were picking up in his ears. "Fuck I wanna do everything to you, kiss you everywhere I can, touch every inch of your perfect fucking skin and fuck you till your screaming my name, do you understand that?!"

"Ga...god!" she couldn't catch her breath, she couldn't speak, couldn't think of anything much past the slow burn in between her legs as she rubbed at her core, her wetness spreading to an almost oscene level.

He licked his lips, desperate to have his hand in his pants right now, but it wasn't right where he was, anyone could see. He wanted her so badly it actually hurt his crotch and his head, he closed his eyes tight imagining her underneath him as he continued to whisper into her ear. "Do it, tip over that edge for me."

And she did, her gasp stuck in her throat and turned it into something similar to a yelp, her back rose of the mattress as she came apart, her mind almost unable to comprehend what was happening, the beast locked away and silent, as if it wasn't there at all and never had been. Her eyes were shut tight and lights danced behind her lids at the pressure of her euphoria and it was pressure. Pure heated pressure that slammed down on her insides and then without any real warning that she recognised, it snapped. At some point she let go of the phone. At some point she remembered how to breath again.

She muttered something, it could of been 'fuck' or it could have been 'Buck' he had no idea, but he had felt it. He sat up, rested his elbows on his knees in the grass outside the farmhouse and listened to her get her breath back. She had gasped her way through it and he could tell she was gulping for air. He smirked and shook his head, he would give his left arm to be there right this moment. "You ok doll?"

She faintly heard his voice and the world came back to her in a bit of a heady rush. "Shit." Was all she could get out when she noticed that she had dropped the phone, picking it out of the covers she giggled as she put it back to her ear. "Er, hi. Sorry, I um, I dropped my phone." She giggled again.

He laughed and couldn't remember the last time he had done anything like this before, maybe ever. "Hope you didn't break anything."

She let out a bark of a laugh. "Well something definitely snapped. Fucks sake I can't believe we..."

"Buck?!" Steve's voice came through the phone. "You out here?"

"Over here Steve." She froze still breathing a little hard. "So Steve is walking right in my direction. I've got about 5 seconds, so when I get back we are gonna talk about this and then we gonna fucking do something about it. That ok with you?"

She it her lip and smiled a huge wide smile while looking at her ceiling. "Yes."

"Buck, what are you doing out here?"

"I was just on the phone to Emma."

Her eyes went wide and she whispered. "Don't tell ..."

"She ok?" She could hear the slight concern in his voice as Bucky answered him.

"Yeah she's ok. I was just talking her through how to use something." She giggled involuntarily at how he had just described what had happened between them, not really able to believe it that it had.

"Ok we need to get organised."

"Ok, I'm right behind ya pal." He waited a beat or two before speaking to her quietly again. "So, I need to go."

She smiled at the phone. "Ok."

"Do it again and know that I'll be thinking about you doing it again, while I'm on a jet with all the others."

"I'll think about it."

"Thinking isn't as fun as doing. Night."

"Bye." She clicked off her phone and squealed at the empty room.

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