The Link // Maze Runner Fanfi...

By blakespage

493 37 2

Ellie, the toughest person in the Glade, has been looking for a way out of the hellhole for years. Three, to... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty-one
chapter twenty-two
authors note

chapter fifteen

18 1 0
By blakespage

Another day went by in the Glade. It was klunkier than ever. There was still no sun, the box refused to go back down, Alby was acting off, Gally hadn't reappeared, and Minho was still adamant about doing our jobs as Runners. I returned from my long day of running through the maze and came face to face with Newt. He looked giddy and kept pacing back and forth.

"Hey, are you alright? How's your head?" I asked, placing my hands on my knees to catch my breath.

"Still hurts like a mother, but I'm okay. I need to talk to you though."

I nodded and followed him to our bedroom, one of the only empty places in the busy Glade. We both took seats on the beds, him on ours and me on Alby's. He cleared his throat and handed me a wad of papers. I laid them out across Alby's bedsheet and examined them.

They were the maps, cut up and lined up with each other. The more I stared at them, the more the message became clearer. The letters F, O, L, A, T, C, T, H, B, E, D, S, I, P, and U became visible. I lined them up in the orders of their dates and swore under my breath. The letters formed six words: Float, Catch, Bleed, Death, Stiff, and Push.

I looked up at Newt, bewildered. He had his arms crossed and raised his eyebrows.

"How-how did you figure this out?" I asked, shuffling the papers and handing the stack back to him.

"It was Tommy's idea. He brought it to me last night after you went to bed and we worked till morning. Those six words just keep repeating over and over. Have any bloody clue what it means?"

I shook my head and stood up. "Of course it was Tommy's idea. I'm going to find Chuck and then we can get loving time in before night falls, ok? You're doing great, love you."

A flash of a smile crossed his face before waving. I held up a peace sign and jogged out of the room. I found Chuck by the kitchen (big surprise there) and plopped down next to him.

"So, Chuckie, what have you been up to lately?" I asked.

His face brightened and I couldn't help but smile. "I've been doing little jobs that help prepare for the night. Newt says I've been more helpful than anyone else! In my spare time, I've been giving Teresa lovin when Thomas isn't here."

I chuckled and ruffled his hair. He was such a young kid. It was hard to believe the Creators sent somebody so young to us, but then again, we were all kids. Most of us were between the ages of 15 and 19. The thought made me sad, but I pushed it away and kept up a cheerful conversation with my best friend.

"Alright, you little slug, I promised Newt I'd give him some lovin before I headed to the Slammer. Go annoy Thomas for me, will you?"

He nodded enthusiastically and ran off towards the other boy. I laughed and returned to Newt. Luckily, nobody walked in on us during our loving time. It had happened too many times in the Glade and each time, it was awkward and embarrassing. Newt looked extra regretful as we walked arm-in-arm to the Slammer.

"Keep our sons safe," I said as he unlocked the doors.

He paused and furrowed his eyebrows. "Sons?"

I giggled and hopped down in the pit. Teresa would be here with Thomas any minute. "Yes, sons. We adopted Thomas, Minho, and Chuck. God, you're a shuck awful father."

Newt laughed, pecked my cheek, and waited at the end of the Slammer for Teresa. She came not long after and climbed down next to me. Newt and I locked eyes right before the doors shut for the night. He gave me a subtle nod before the metal doors slammed shut and enveloped us in darkness.

The night went by fairly quickly. Teresa and I cuddled up next to each other again, neither of us saying a word as we fell asleep. The Grievers had retrieved yet another kid, this time they got Zart. His death disappointed me. We had been friends back when I worked in the garden. Newt came to retrieve us before letting me go back out into the maze.

The whole day passed without anything new. No one could figure out what the words meant and most had accepted their fate. Thomas seemed preoccupied during our run, but since Teresa arrived, he seemed to be lost in his thoughts more. I figured it was something to do with the telepathy she mentioned, but I wasn't sure. Chuck talked my ear off during dinner, a hasty meal of pork and beans, but I didn't mind. Tonight, Teresa and I would spend the night with the rest of the Gladers.

"You ready to rejoin society?" Teresa joked, nudging me with her elbow.

We had gotten closer since we started spending time in the Slammer. I laughed softly and shook my head. "Course I am. Two nights alone with you and I'm ready to throw myself off a cliff."

She laughed and smiled at me. I returned the friendly smile and pointed at Thomas. As usual, he was pestering Newt.

"Are you gonna sleep with your little boyfriend or are you too scared to leave your best friend's side?" I teased.

She shrugged and slung an arm around my neck. It made sense for us to be best friends. Somehow and some way, we just clicked. I watched in awe as the Gladers fell into routine and filled the Homestead. In the few days Newt had been the obvious leader, he had formed a regular kind of schedule for the boys.

Speaking of, the boy himself jogged up to us, accompanied by Thomas.

"You ladies excited to spend a night with us?" Thomas asked.

I rolled my eyes and lightly punched him in the side. "In your dreams, Greenie. Shoulda seen the chemistry Teresa and I had in the Slammer."

He paled and opened and shut his jaw. Teresa and I broke out into a fit of laughter and followed our boys inside the building. Gladers slept on floors and beds in every room, all jam packed together. Newt and I found a spot and curled up in the corner of a bedroom on the second floor.

Thomas and Teresa took the bed. Minho, Chuck, Alby, Newt, and I all sprawled out across the floor. I laid on Newt's chest, one hand squeezing his and the other resting at my belt. If something were to happen, I'd have a weapon ready in two seconds flat.

"Psstt, you awake, Ellie?" Chuck whispered.

I stifled a giggle when I heard something connect with him and heard him exclaim in pain.

"Yeah, birdbrain, I'm awake. Let me guess, you want to cuddle with me?" I replied.

I heard a quiet "yeah" in response and heard shuffling. Next thing I knew, I was sandwiched between Newt and Chuck. Newt had his muscular arms wrapped around my lower back, one hand resting on my ass and the other playing with my hair. Chuck had his smaller arm thrown across my stomach.

"You do realize this is my girlfriend right?" Newt asked.

"Shut it, Newt. Anyone else wanna come cuddle with us? Minho? Thomas? Teresa?"

There was a heavy silence before lots of shuffling of bodies could be heard. Somehow, I had managed to attract a dog pile. Somehow, Minho managed to drape himself on top of us. Teresa remained on the bed, but Thomas had squeezed himself between Newt and the wall.

I giggled and embraced the warmth of the 4 boys. It was a makeshift family- 3 adopted sons, a mama, and a papa. Rapidly, quicker than I had before, I fell asleep.

The Grievers came around 10 o'clock. I only knew that because I could just barely see the face of my watch in the moonlight. They ripped and tore at the wood. They shattered glass and reached inside for bodies. It sounded like one had jumped on the back of the Homestead. A boy, younger than me by the sound of it, cried out as a Griever grabbed him.

"It's got Dave!" somebody shouted.

Thomas had untangled himself from our group and jumped up. He stared down the Griever with a look of hard resolution, one I recognized far too well.

"Tommy, don't do it!" I warned.

Thomas looked back, tears brimming his chocolate brown eyes. He locked eyes with me, gave me the tiniest of nods, and flung himself out the hole in the wall.

"Oh my god," Newt whispered. "Tommy."

I slid away from the boys and hugged Chuck tightly. I purposefully pressed his face into my shoulder, very aware of a growing wet spot on my shirt. I watched Newt walk over to the wall and peer down at the ground. His face, illuminated by the pale moonlight, was stricken with horror. I let go of Chuck and joined him.

Thomas was laid out on the grass, hunched over and groaning. The Grievers, still holding Dave captive, were retreating back into the maze. I grabbed Newt's arm and led him downstairs towards the door. I wrenched it open and sprinted towards him, Newt, Teresa, and Chuck not far behind. 

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