How Everything Changed

By xX_RedHeadDemon_Xx

22.5K 774 107


Chapter 1: The First encounter
Chapter 2: A Broken Family
Chapter 3: Do You Love Me?
Chapter 4: Forgiveness
Chapter 5: I Can't Stay Mad At You
Chapter 6: Is there someone else??
Chapter 7: Letting Go and Moving On
Chapter 8: Suprise on Both Ends
Chapter 9: Whose Kid Is This?
Chapter 10: Emergency
Chapter 11: Sad Days
Chapter 12: Moving On
Chapter 13: Stop Hiding Feelings!!
Chapter 14: "Falling" in Love with You (PART 1)
Chapter 15: "Falling" in Love with You (part two)
Chapter 16: What Is He Not Saying?
Chapter 17
Chapter 19: Morgan Borden (1,000 views special!!)
Chapter 20: Starting up Trouble
Chapter 21: Title Win
Chapter 22: Was it Worth It??
Chapter 23: A Shocking Discovery
Chapter 24: Heartbreak
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 18: An Xplosion of Anger

486 20 2
By xX_RedHeadDemon_Xx

I walked in the room and sat down next to Jeff's bedside. Beth sat on the other side grabbing his hand.

"Honey? It's Beth." I gagged at the name, because i should be the one calling him that not the woman who doesn't care for him. "And Ryah is here too." She rolled her eyes at me and I glared slightly.

She grabbed his wallet out of his pants pocket and started rifling through it for money. I slapped it out of her hands and glared at her.

"What is your problem?" Beth sneered at me. I slapped her and grabbed the wallet out of her hands. I walked over to Jeff, kissed his forehead and left.

Later, Matt told me that he woke up, but I wouldn't go back there. I didn't want to fight with Beth in front of him. It wouldn't help him in this condition.

Later the next week, I was getting ready for Xplosion when Angelina Love came in, followed by Velvet Sky. Velvet was supposed to leave this week and we were all sad about it, except for Angelina, it seemed.

I heard their touching moment while I was in the other room. I looked over to see Velvet walking out, bag in hand and Angelina looking on in mock sadness. She said, "ugh, finally," and slammed the door. I ran over to Velvet and asked if she heard that. She was too upset to answer and I told her to call me later.

The main event of Xplosion came soon and me, Katy, and the boys all walked out together. I had asked Jeff if he was okay in doing this, to which he walked away without looking back. I didn't know what that was for.

About halfway through the match with Kenny and MVP, Kenny grabbed Jeff by the hair and slammed him into the steps. I didn't see it until Kenny showed fake concern, which I took for real concern. I ran to where Jeff was out and I put my hand on his chest. He was breathing thank god. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before pulling him up arm first and literally dragged him to the back. I dropped him one time and had to wake him up to go any further.

Once I got him to the back, I went back out to see that Matt had said he'll go at it alone. Katy wanted to protest but I stopped her. "Let him," i said.

Little bit later, the ref got knocked out and Matt was getting beat down by the BDC. Kenny grabbed a chair and sat it down next to Matt. He picked him up and was ready to slam him into the chair, when demented laughter was heard and Willow's theme started up. I ran backstage and saw that Jeff was gone. When I looked back at the monitor, Willow had beat up MVP and left like a bat out of hell.

He ran backstage and saw me. He walked over to me, looking me in the eyes. He grabbed my hand, titled me backwards, and kissed me. I kissed him back with more intensity. He shoved me down and walked backwards into Jeff's locker room.

In all my years I had never had Jeff or any guy kiss me and shove me down like he just did. I waited for Jeff outside, and he came out the same way he went in, dizzy. He probably didn't remember kissing me.

He looked at me and stumbled back out to the ring. I rolled my eyes, following him.

At the end, he got the win. He slipped and fell on his face, which caused me to chuckle. "Dizzy much?"

"Little bit." He grabbed my hand and kissed it.

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