The Dragon's Gem (supernatura...

By Auseda12

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The undead roam Ceford Valley with a lust for mortal flesh, as they search for one thing. The Dragon's Gem an... More

CHAPTER 1; The Banes
CHAPTER 2; Forever Enemies
CHAPTER 3; Tryouts
CHAPTER4; The Morgue
CHAPTER 5; Battle In The Morgue
CHAPTER 6; We Killed Them All
CHAPTER 7; What Is The Gem?
CHAPTER 9: Family Dinner
CHAPTER 11; What Happened
CHAPTER 10: Apologies and Deaths
CHAPTER12: Emotional Support
Chapter 13; To Kill Or Not To Kill

CHAPTER 8: The Flesh Eating Beauty

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By Auseda12

Ian Wells frowned as he pushed past a couple of branches it was 11:00pm and he had just come out for a late night jig, when he heard inhumane chomping noises. He pushed past the over grown branches revealing the beautiful creek of Ceford Valley, he stumbled backwards, something was floating a top the water, the carcass of a deer, he whipped out his phone and dialed the sheriff's station.
Aric woke up, he groaned and rolled to his side it was still early, and he wasn't going back to bed anytime soon, so he slipped into his running gear and silently left the house. The air was crisp and a little chilly but nevertheless it was still nice to jog, he relished the feeling of the earth under his feet and the breeze as It cooled his skin, he stopped bending over to catch his breath. An inhumane growl followed by another then another, Aric whipped his head around, he ignored the snarls as he continued jogging.
He stopped by the creek leaning against a tree as the snarling and growling became louder, Aric frowned as he pushed himself off the tree he grabbed a fallen tree branch and in a flash something pounced on him knocking him to the ground, it snarled at home trying to bite him as used the tree branch to protect himself, upon closer inspection he recognized the face "Mr. Bane?" He said, the man was hardly recognizable he was caked with blood and mud, his clothes were torn, his eyes were blood shot with a crazy look in them, his hair was a birds nest, and he reeked, the same smell from the cafeteria and the crime scene and from somewhere else Aric couldn't remember, be groaned as Mr. Bane broke the branch with his teeth and bit his neck, he screamed in agony as Mr. Bane tried to rip out his flesh, he tried to push the man off him but he wouldn't budge and then suddenly the man was dangling in the air, Aric tired to staunch the flow of blood as he looked up, his mouth hung open.
A girl around his age held Mr. Bane by his neck, he stared at her she was gorgeous, she was tall, taller than him, with rich caramel skin, with a smooth oval face, her eyes were a deep golden brown color and she had a spray of freckles across her button nose, her lips were full and pink, her hair was snow white and it was done in braids that framed her perfect face, she had perfect curves in all the right places, she was completely naked as water dripping down her skin making it glow, "who are you?" She asked she had a thick smooth accent that made her voice sound seductive, in fact the girl was the very definition of seduction, she looked downright sinful, "um, I-I-um-" she raised a perfect white eyebrow at him, he cursed himself for stuttering as gunshots rang in the air, "what's going on?' a man asked he was wearing a thick coat with boxers and a white singlet underneath, he had a scruffy beard and wild hair, with glasses balanced on his nose, he held a gun and was pointing it at Aric seeming very unfazed by the girl "dad" said the girl "Sarina honey you're supposed to stay in the water until I bring you clothes" said the man, Aric gaped at him how did this man produce such a gorgeous creature, "I know, I know, I saw but  I saw this man trying to eat this boy" said Sarina, she was still holding on to Mr. Bane who was still snarling at her, "tie him to a tree I'll call the police and you young man follow me" he said, as Sarina cut some roots and tied the man to a tree while her dad dialed the police "you're bleeding" she said "um, yeah" said Aric as Sarina stepped closer to him so that they were almost nose to nose "can I?" She asked, "um, sure?" He replied as she leaned in towards his neck she latched her mouth onto his neck, and Aric gasped in surprise as he felt her tongue poke out and lap up his blood licking up and down his neck, he shivered as the feeling of her tongue on his skin the feeling was euphoric, a deep moan bubbled in his throat as she stopped licking his skin, she raised her head licking her lips, "my dad should have something for the bite" she said as Aric stared at her "are you a vampire?" He asked, she laughed it was a beautiful sound and it did things he would rather not mention to his body, "do I look like a vampire?" She asked "no" he replied "you're right I'm something more blood thirsty or should I say flesh thirsty" she said her eyes flashed they were rainbow colored "what are you?" Aric asked "I am a siren" she replied "Sarina did you tell him?" Her dad asked "yes dad!" She said as her father walked up towards them "listen-" "Aric" "listen Aric don't go telling people about my daughter" he said as he led Aric to a tiny wooden cabin in the middle of the woods  Sarina behind him. Aric watched as Sarina's dad Professor Patterson mixed different colored liquids together "is he really a professor?" He asked Sarina who was now dressed in an oversized t shirt and jeans, she was chomping on something that did not look like chicken she caught him staring and rolled her eyes "Don't worry the guy committed suicide" she assured him "wait that's human flesh?" He asked as Sarina rolled her eyes again "duh, I thought I told you I'm a siren I eat humans specifically men" she said, Aric paled "only when I feel hungry so you're safe for now" she said "and to answer your earlier question my dad is a professor he dabbles in science and the supernatural"she explained, as Professor Patterson handed him a beaker filled with clear liquid "drink" he urged Aric as he took a swig the tase burning his throat "do you know what happened to Mr. Bane?" Aric asked "you know that guy's?" Sarina asked "yeah, his family was supposed to move in but they were murdered last week" Aric explained "can you tell me what you know about his family's murder?" He professor asked "um, the place reeked like rotten flesh l, my mom said they were ripped apart, it was quite similar to the school incident on Tuesday a teacher Mrs. Janet was killed and her corpse smelt like rotten flesh" he explained "oh and my mom said the corpses were incomplete there was one Bane family member missing" said Aric, Professor Patterson frowned stroking his beard "do you know what's happening?" Aric asked "no I don't have enough information" said the professor, "I can  help you, maybe search the town it something learn to blend in" said Sarina, Aric snorted he doubted the girl could fit in if she tried, "okay, Aric you must be on your way" said the professor as he pushed Aric out if the cabin slamming the door behind him, "see you around Aric!" Sarina yelled from the window waving at him, he waved back.

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