ブラッククローバー ☘ 𝔹𝕃𝔸ℂ𝕂 ℂ𝕃𝕆𝕍...

By episode63

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A compilation of one shots or head canons with the characters of Black Clover ☘ ➞ I mostly write for the male... More

[William Vangeance x Reader] ━ the birds and flowers on his tree ✽
Grey x Gauche - Domestic Fluffs 【 HEAD CANONS 】
Period cramps 【 HEAD CANONS 】
[Fana & Vetto] Head Canons (Friendship with a bit of Romance).
YUNO x reader!【Random Fluff HCs】
Captains reacting to the return of their presumably dead S/O! 🌻
PRESUMBALY DEAD S/O BONUS! [William's alternative ending.]
William Vangeance x Reader! - Unexpected date w/ the new kid! 🎒

[Grey x Gauche] - When reality is better than play-pretend ✽

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By episode63

It was finally time for the annual Clover Kingdom festival. A time of the year where everyone is expected to forget about their worries and join in the festivities underneath the warm light of the infinite lanterns, take in the aromatic smell coming from food stalls and to wear the kingdom's prideful attire, a Kimono.

Asta, a member of the Black Bulls who was previously living in the outskirts, was definitely one of the most excited to be attending this festival.

"Finral senpai~ we'll get to eat grilled purple snake" he said with his eyes turning into sparkles, and Finral quickly gave him a disapproving smile, "Now now Asta, the festival is the perfect time to go hunting for cute girls" he paused, noticing the footsteps coming from the other direction and screamed "KAWAAIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!" to the females of the Black Bulls who were dressed in Kimono.

"You're too loud, Finral." Vanessa takes a sip of her beer.

"asdjklsadjal GREY-chan~~ You look even more cute in Kimono." Finral took a particular notice at the blue haired female since he only just found out that Grey's original form is this cute looking female, he think it is his duty to make her feel more at home.

"SHUT IT FINRAL. You're disturbing my precious time staring at Marie's picture." Gauche who was sitting with his usual uniform said without taking his eyes off the photo of Marie.

"I can't wait to find yummy noms noms in the festival~" Charmy, the cutest, broke the tension. "Laaa~ Gauche why are you not wearing a Kimono? We're about to go now! We can't keep the delicious food waiting~"

"Tsk, I'm not going." he said, taking a firm stand in his decision. "I can finally enjoy my peace with Marie by having your lot out of the house." he stared more intensely at the picture he was holding.

"Huuh? Who's not going? Everyone is going unless they want to lose a limb." Yami, the captain, placed his hand on top of Gauche, this seemingly innocent gesture was ready to crack Gauche's skull open if he denies.

"Tsk." Gauche's eyebrow furrowing, indicating that he clearly does not agree.

"Hurry up!" Yami threw Gauche into midair and Henry was kind enough to reshape the base and made Gauche land safely on his room. "If you come back without a Kimono, I'll make sure that you will not get another free day to visit Marie." Yami shouted.

"Tsk, that man thinks he can control me." he clicked his tongue and noticed the shadows lurking near his room. "Who's that?" he demanded.

"G-g-g-g-gauche-kun!" a petite blue-haired figure appeared with a folded Kimono on her hands, "I-i-i-i- I brought this in case you need a Kimono-" she squeals, threw the Kimono at him and ran away.

"Tsk, at least help me put it on" he rolled his eyes but wore the Kimono and took a Marie figurine that he dressed in Kimono to his pocket. "Marie~ I can imagine that I am going on a date with you." he said as he took the step to rejoin the others on the main hall,

✦ —• [imagine gauche in kimono guys thats H O T ! ] •— ✦

"Ready everyone?" Finral said, a little too enthusiastic while he opens up a portal to the Capital, right where the festivities are happening.

Everyone stepped towards the portal when Noelle asked, "Where's Luck and Magna?"

"They went first because they had a race on who can get to the Capital first. Where's Zora?" Asta replied,

"Who knows where that kid runs off to." Yami sighed and disappeared through the portal and everyone followed behind. Finral closed the portal soon after everyone had passed, but Gordon hasn't even passed yet and again, he was left by his bestfriends in an event where Gordon had much anticipated, "They asked where Luck, Magna, Zora is, but did not even ask about me." he drop his head in defeat, retreating back to his dolls.

✦ —• [gordon being left by his bestfriends part 2] •— ✦

At the festival, everyone had their own agenda. Yami went straight to his food stall to challenge Jack, Vanessa and Charmy went to find something to please their bellies, Asta went to explore the festival with Noelle tagging along, and Finral practically went dashing to find his prey.

"I knew it was a waste of time coming here." Gauche sent a negative remark towards no one and everyone at once. "Tsk." he started to walk until he realized that someone was tailing him, "Who's that?" he turned around and saw Grey who instantly puts her hand to cover her face.

"Don't you have anywhere else better to be?"

"N-n-no Gauche k-kun! P-p-o-please take me along, I-i-i-i don't know where everyone else went."

"Haaaa" he whined. He wanted to enjoy his time alone with the Marie figurine, playing pretend that he was on a date with Marie on this festival. "Okay fine, but don't talk or interact with me."

Grey nodded in response and kept tailing him wherever Gauche goes.

"GAUCHE-SAMA!" a voice came from one of the stall, a middle aged man was offering to Gauche to buy all this new toys and accessories for Marie. He took a look at his wallet and went straight to the stall, noticing a pretty flower on the table, 'Marie would look so cute with this flower on her hair', he thought to himself as the image made him squirt blood from his nose.

"You!" Gauche turned to Grey and pulled her to stand in front of him. "I need to see how this might look in Marie. Stay still." Gauche ordered as he softly brushed Grey's hair to the back of her ear as he placed the flower.

This was too much for Grey. Poor Grey went running to a random direction with the flower on her hair while Gauche shouted "S-STOP!". He balled his fist into a ball when he realized that Grey would not come back and he still had to pay for the flower. "I'll take all of this." Gauche said to the seller, excited to give this to his beloved sister the next time he visits her.

He finally got what he wanted, the peace and private time that he crave. He strolled around the festival with only himself, his shopping bags full of Marie's gift and the figurine of Marie when he suddenly heard a loud cry coming from a female. He clearly doesn't want to play hero but an image of Marie saying "I want to have a onisann that I can be proud of" popped out and he decided to help the woman because of Marie's wishes.

"P-p-p-please go away." the stuttering was very familiar to Grey's and he soon found that the scream came from his comrade,

"Nah, why would we let go of a woman this cute?" a bunch of man had ganged up and circled around Grey.

"Go away." Gauche kicked a rock flying to them.

"Hah? Do you want a good beating?" they replied.

Gauche did a simple magic trick that send one of them flying and the rest soon realize that they did not stand a chance and flew away. Grey was eternally grateful at the turn of event.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO." Gauche shouted when he realized that he had left the shopping bags full of gifts for Marie.

He took an angry step towards Grey. "You are bothersome, you know? You made me left the gifts I had for Marie." he was clearly upset and Grey was about to say something when Gauche turned around to give her his back, "You are going to help me win some plushies from the game stalls." he started to walk but then turned around and grabbed Grey's arm, "This time, I will not let you go so you don't go around causing havoc again."

Grey's cheeks were heating up really quick at how Gauche had took a hold of her arms firmly. At first, she resisted and Gauche sent a few glares at her, but she then realized that Gauche was too strong for her and she became quiet and accepted her surrender by walking quietly besides Gauche at the festival. Gauche seem to notice the lack of disagreement and nod contently at the new docile behavior.

"This one!" he stopped in front of an arrow game stall and targeted the prize of a pink bear plushy.

"T-that's cute." Grey said softly at the pink bear, wanting one for herself.

"Yes, and you're going to help me get it." Gauche ordered and paid for two rounds of the game, one for him and Grey.

"Damn it." Gauche cursed after losing all three of his chances, turning to Grey who hasn't even started yet. Grey noticed the stare and panic, sending the arrow flying randomly.

"Ya!! Be serious. That bear is for my Marie." Gauche barked. "Y-y-yes Gauche kun!" Grey replied and tried to aim properly but missed the second chance.

Gauche got frustrated at knowing that this is their last chance to win the bear, he went and stood behind Grey, taking her arms to help her aim properly. "G-g-g-gauche kun?" Grey practically screamed and was squirming to get out of the scene but Gauche held his ground and kept Grey locked in between his arms, "Stay still and aim properly." he said firmly. Grey just wanted to get out of his grip as soon as possible and she let go of the arrow with Gauche's guided aim and miraculously hit the target perfectly.

"HA!" Gauche finally smiled and took the pink bear from the rack without even noticing the keeper of the stall complaining at his rude behavior of taking things without consent (even though he had won it.). "Marie~~ you can imagine you're hugging me when you hug this bear, oh Marie~" he twirled the bear around and was lost at his own world when a group of man had came to attack him.

"It was him who sent our friend flying!" the group of guys who had harassed Grey was back with more people and ready to take their revenge. Gauche took one look at them and sighed, "Hurry up and get this over with so I can fantasize about Marie again." he underestimate them severely.

The group of bad guys had come prepared with more powerful people and it proved to be a challenge for even Gauche to handle himself. At the end of the day, Gauche had won but not without receiving some bruises and wounds to his body.

"GAUCHE-KUN!" Grey came running to his beloved comrade, "A-are you okay?" she asked timidly and Gauche just went straight to ask about the pink teddy bear which Grey had kept safely in her arms. "Good." he approved and started walking with the bear plushy towards a bench he saw at the outskirt of the festival, where it is mostly secluded and rest there.

"W-what can I do?" Grey practically sobbed at this point,

"Don't be dramatic. Get me something to eat." Gauche ordered.

"O-o-okay!" Grey ran to a nearby food stall and brought a few Takoyaki*, band aids and a hot tea back to the bench, where she sat next to him.

"F-f-forgive me Gauche-kun! Let me put these band aids on you." Grey had insisted and Gauche simply shrugged and loosen the upper part of his Kimono, revealing his bare wounded chest to the blue haired female.

This made heat rose to Grey's cheek again but Gauche's "Hurry up!" kicked her senses back and she softly put the band aids on his wounded area.

"Aaaa." Gauche opened his mouth and Grey looked at him like he was an idiot, "Y-y-yes Gauche kun?"

He sighed and said "Feed me the Takoyakis. My arms hurt." he ordered with his fiery glare and that made Grey instantly scooped one of the Takoyaki and placed it in his mouth.

After eating a few of the rounded snack, Gauche extend his arm to grab the hot tea from Grey but Grey suddenly moves it out of his reach, she blows air into the hot tea to make sure that the tea was not too hot to burn Gauche's tongue.

Gauche didn't think it was necessary to do that but nevertheless he was happy that someone was pampering him like he was pampering Marie.

They didn't talk much as they eat and drink but they grew comfortable at the silence shared between them and when Grey was finally letting her guard down, Gauche rest his head on Grey's shoulder.

"G-g-g-gauche kun! ! !" she squeals, wanting to squirm away but Gauche held her in place. "I-i-i-isn't this what couples usually do?" she added,

"Shut up." Gauche just simply ordered and nuzzles closer to her.

"T-t-thankyou for saving me back there, G-gauche kun!" Grey tried to take her attention elsewhere, anywhere other than the sensation of his head and soft hair on her shoulder.

"I will not let anyone touch you." Gauche said, suddenly sounding like a protective wolf towards his beloved pup.

"You can have this." he added, placing the pink bear on Grey's lap.

"I-isn't this for Marie-chan?" Grey hesitated.

Gauche had actually noticed that Grey liked the pink bear, but he kept it for Marie, but now he'd prefer Grey to have it. "She already has so much plushy from me." he explained,

"Besides, I just realize that the reality of being with an actual person is better than the play-pretend-imagination-dates I have with Marie." he mumbled softly and lowly so that Grey doesn't hear what he just said.

"Sorry, what did you say G-gauche kun?" Grey asked again,

"I said, shut up." Gauche smiled.

✦ —• A NOTE FROM ME •— ✦

Hi everyone! ♥ Super duper sorry for not updating in a long time! I promise you that I am working on a story but apparently it has taken a lot more time than I had intended!

I've been much more active in Tumblr because HCs are faster to write and I could have updated them here too but I was too stubborn because I wanted my current unfinished project  to be the new update on Wattpad! (but in reality: it really has taken much more than what I hoped.) *inserts crying emoji*

So in honor of Grey x Gauche ships and especially episode 163, I'll post this short-story and HC (after this chapter) for a short update! ♥ (this was requested on tumblr!)

*Please note that this story was written before EP.163 came out (and I've stopped reading the manga) so please forgive me if it's not as updated as the current storyline! sumimasen! T__T

Now for the fun part, I am making a VALENTINE SPECIAL writing (consisting of 2 HCs and 1 short-story (hopefully! It's William themed)! ♥

Again, I'm super duper sorry for the late update! I'm really trying to finish this one current project of *hint:braid*, but I've been sort of busy so I've been running to easier tasks to write like HCs! heh ♥

So, yes, after this Grey x Gauche HCs! and then Valentine specials! and then hopefully I can finish my current project, if not, I'll post some few other characters HCs I've made from requests on Tumblr! 

BUT AS ALWAYS, THANK YOU FOR YOUR LOVE! ♥ your comments, votes, etc etc means everything to me ♥ Much love, Koko! ♥ HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND!

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