The Four Kingdoms (fanfic) {f...

By Slschneider

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The Story Takes Place- in a town with a castle in the distance controlling everything with a king, "queen"(so... More

The Four Kingdoms Planner
Chapter One; Sparing
Chapter Two; A New Job
Chapter Three; The Hitlist
Chapter Four; The Duel
Chapter Five; Back Home
Chapter Six; The kidnapping
Chapter Seven; The Imposter
Chapter Eight; The Letter
Chapter Nine; Practice
Chaper Ten; The Neckalce
Chapter Eleven; The Bird
Chapter Twelve; The Search
Chapter Fourteen; Breaking Out
Chapter 15; The mudrer mystery masscure
The Last Chapter

Chapter Thirteen; The oveheard conversation not meant to be heard.

58 1 5
By Slschneider

Chapter 13; The overheard conversation not meant to be heard. (Great title I know thank you thank you)
Warning; mention of voices.

5up sat in his room thinking to himself. He was scared, for no particular reason, he felt nervous. The key was meant for something important. But why did corpse need it... he thought, unable to stop his swirling stomach.

A door opened, and a familiar angry face showed until he stepped into the room. "Where did he go!" Apollo asked putting his hands on his hips while his tail flicked angrily. "I-I don't know, he's too fast." 5up responded standing up from were he was sitting.

"That key was important for something and the parasite told me to keep it safe. Or whoever wrote the letter to me." Dumbdog said pacing around the room, his tail and ears twitching at random intervals.

"Should we go see if we can find him?" 5up asked looking outside the window to see the sun peak from outside the horizon line. "Sure that's fine with me." The black haired boy said as he opened the door for 5up.

The two boys walked in the hallways carefully listening in to every single door until the sun was high enough in the sky that people began to spill out of their rooms. "Follow me." Apollo whispered to 5up as he began to stride to the front of the castle. The reached the doors and opened them, the autumn wind hit them like a cold wall compared to the warm and homey interior of the castle, heated by light and fire.

A strange man waited outside the castle doors, he rode a horse with a beautiful black mane. Once he saw them he hopped off of his horse and walked over to them, he was a brunette with large spiral horns pointing behind his goat-like ears and spiking back in front of his mouth.

"Hello?" Dumbdog asked stopping in his tracks and putting a protective arm in front of 5up. "Hello! I am a reporter from the town of Reblington." He greeted waving and tying his horse to a nearby tree. Apollo have him a strange look, "I recognize you." He said bluntly, staring a hole into the taller man trying to remember his familiar features. "Yeah I'm a pretty famous writer for the newspapers." He answered quickly, "what are your names?" He asked returning Apollo's dangerous stare. "I'm Leo and this is Xavier." He introduced pointing himself then 5up. Fake names again... 5up thought to himself.

"What's yours?" Apollo asked,lowering his arm from in front of the pink haired boy standing slightly behind him. "Jhonathan." He answered abruptly walking forwards to the castle doors, well I'll be off, and quotes for the newspapers?" He asked Turing back just before he left their eyesight.

"Nope." 5up said for the first time to the man. He took Apollo's hand and dragged him into the cover of the trees again. "We should focus of trying to find the key and corpse for now, let's try to ignore that weird guy." 5up instructed.

"I guess so" Dumbdog agreed, leaning against a tree and crossing his arms, his eyes were staring at nothing, it looked like he was thinking

."My only question is why. Did corpse know what the key did? Or did he just think it was dangerous, and we shouldn't have it? How much did he hear? Does he know about our parasites?" Dumbdog wondered as he started to search for any signs of corpse being here.

"we need to find him." He concluded and looked at 5up. "Maybe he went to his friends room, does he have any friends?" Apollo asked. "Maybe Sykkuno?"

>>>   <<<

Schaltt eavesdropped a conversation he was pretty sure he want supposed to. Leo and Xavier know about the key?! The horned man thought, confused. I should probably follow them and see if they know anything..

The three of them moved back into the castle with Schlatt following close behind until they went in front of a door. They knocked and waited, a hover up opened the door, that's a close friend of the king Toast. Schaltt thought as he peaked across the hall, hiding the rest of his body behind the wall. "Hello we are looking for corpse." Leo said looking at the higher up with his ears angled up in a friendly position

."Oh sorry Dumbdog and 5up, emm he left my room a while ago, he was panicking and ran outside somewhere." Sykkuno lied, pointing outside towards the castle's towers. I thought there names were Leo and Xavier, why did they lie to me? Schlatt questioned as he watched the two boys look at each other then sprint off towards the towers.

Suddenly out of nowhere a hand gripped his shoulder, Schlatt turned around in a jolt, "Ranboo?"

>>>   <<<

A voice murmured in his head making him think things he would normally never think.  Dream's shadowy figure and frighteningly familiar voice told him to find it. Something in the shape of a key, Heratopia's key that unlocks everything. 

Ranboo awoke from his day dream, one gloved hand rested his head on it while the other was resting of his knee, while he sat on his bed in a strange position. Like he wasn't properly taught how to sit criss-cross.

He pushed up his shaded sunglasses and walked over to Talhiha's castle doors, his feet drifted him to a different kingdom against his will, he walked to a barn and took his horse, it was a black and white horse, almost cut in half with colors like himself.


He rode to Amoburg without even knowing what he was doing, a nearby castle was in the distance, dark stormy clouds had covered the sky, Ranboo was afraid it would rain, but to his luck it didn't.

He entered the unlocked doors and followed a familiar man around hallways and walls and up stairs. Until he put a hand on his shoulder. Schlatt jumped and turned around just whispering his name. "Ranboo?" He asked

"Where is the key?" Questioned meeting the older man's gaze. "Follow me, do you have a weapon?" The brunette said pulling out a sword. "Yes" Ranboo replied, also unsheathing his sword.

They both shuffled  towards a door and kicked it open. Inside was a higher up named Sykkuno he was friends with King Toast. And the other was what he could only assume was his servant, or just a random servant. Lucky he got to be friends with a higher up. Ranboo thought bringing his sword closer to him.

He spotted a key on their desk, and he whispered to his companion "desk.." Schaltt nodded and confronted the two boys in the opposite side of the room.
"S-Schaltt?" Sykkuno asked surprised.

"Yes?" He answered blocking the two's view of the desk with his sword, Ranboo grabbed it off the desk and took of running while Schlatt was left to give Ranboo time to run away.

After a minute Ranboo jumped in his horse and veered it towards Heratopia.

Time to break him out.

-End Of Chapter Thirteen-
1210 words
School has started back so my schedule will be a bit messed up for a little while.
Also do you guys have a character you want to see more? I can try and add them in the next chapters.

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