PURIFY : Fred Weasley

By curiosityanddreams

349K 10.8K 3.3K

Blood so traitorous it curdles. Larkin Travers is a pureblood, through and through. The sorting hat barely h... More

00: Contaminated
Year 6
01: Sullied
02: Tainted
03: Spoiled
04: Stained
05: Tarnished
06: Polluted
07: Blemished
08: Degraded
09: Damaged
10: Scandalized
11: Ruined
12: Debased
13: Besmirched
14: Defiled
15: Disgraced
16: Dishonoured
Year 7
17: Shunned
18: Repudiated
19: Denounced
20: Abandoned
21: Disavowed
22: Deserted
23: Discarded
24: Abjured
25: Denied
26: Deserted
27: Rejected
28: Ditched
29: Forsaken
30: Disowned
31: Released
32: Manumitted
33: Detatched
34: Redeemed
35: Saved
36: Delivered
37: Rescued
38: Loosened
39: Unshackled
41: Unchained
42: Liberated
43: Emancipated
44: Freed
45: Reborn
46: Resuscitated
47: Recovered
48: Rejuvenated
49: Resurrected
50: Invigorated
51: Renewed
52: Revived
53: Awakened
Tangentially related books!

40: Discharged

3.9K 144 41
By curiosityanddreams

After a few minutes, I realize my brother is not coming. I cannot stop shaking. I cannot stand. With my grip tight around my wand, I apparate once more, screaming out in pain as I do.

I end up in the living room that Robbie and I used to share. Hopefully, Robbie still lives here.

I slam my fist against the ground, praying that someone will hear me. When no one comes, I slam my fist again, and grunt out as loudly as I can.

Robbie comes out of her bedroom and sees me. She drops to her knees in front of me, pulling off her cardigan. She ties up her hair behind her ears, staring me down.

"What happened?" she asks.

I grunt out, trying my best to make a sound, but I'm still shaking. "Splinched."

She runs back into her room and comes out with a bottle and a tincture. Robbie pours it on my leg, and I keep shaking as it stings. Robbie pulls off my shoe, and I squeal in pain.

"We have to get you to St. Mungo's," Robbie points out. "This, this is a bad splinch."

Robbie puts back on my shoe and lets me use her as a crutch to make it to the closest fireplace. We use it to take the Floo Network to the hospital. Once we are there, I'm carted away by several doctors. Turns out I lost a toe in the accident, and it seems that since I don't have it recovered, they cannot do anything about it. Additionally, my whole left leg is splinched. I'm there for a week since the doctors need to teach me how to walk again.

Robbie visits me on her breaks. It's July now, and she still doesn't ask me exactly what happened. She doesn't ask why I left, or if I plan on going back once I'm healed, or how I ended up splinched in her sitting room.

Thankfully, I send a letter to my work, explaining the splinching accident. They are very understanding and accommodating, giving me the week off. I'm thankful I'm not a witch in the USA, otherwise, I'd probably be fired. Eventually, I need to be back to work.

Turns out, Robbie couldn't find a new roommate. She tried her best, but everyone, pure-blood and half-blood alike turned their noses at her.

"A lot has gone on since you've been with your family," Robbie says. "Have you been reading the papers?"

I've been a little too preoccupied. That's when Robbie tells me about Professor Dumbledore's death. The ministry is intervening in Hogwarts, more than they have before. More than when Professor Umbridge was in office.

Nothing is looking good.

Eventually, I move back into the flat, as if nothing has happened. My bedroom is untouched, but money is tighter than ever. What I was able to save while living at my parent's estate is now spent on buying new clothing to fit me. In the back of my mind, I know that my brother knows where I live, but I realize he will always know, so long as he works at the Ministry.

I make my potions at work and stare at the Veritaserum. It has gotten me into a boatload of trouble. None of this would've happened without it. Yet, I am grateful for all that it has put me through. Finally, I am free, and it was the push I needed to be who I truly am.

After a few weeks, when I no longer need the cane, I decide to go real shopping. I pass by Weasley Wizard Wheezes and hesitate.

Then, I head inside.

Inside, I wander around the store. I find myself drifting to the area with all the WonderWitch products. I pick up one of the perfumes and smell it.

Vanilla, firewood, cinnamon.

"Can I help you?" a voice behind me asks.

I turn around. It's George. "I'm looking for Fred."

"He's not in," George says curtly.

I spot Fred behind him.

I duck around George, pocketing the perfume. George doesn't stop me, so I dash up the stairs, until I'm there, in front of Fred, panting.

"Hello," I manage.

"Larkin," he says, his lips parted open. He looks around behind me, and then back at me. "What are you... is this a trick? Are you actually Lee under the influence of the Polyjuice potion?"

"Of course not," I tell him, looking him up and down. "That wouldn't be very funny, I don't think."

"You're right," he says. He crosses his arms over his chest. "Prove that you are who you say you are."

"How?" I demand. I pull out my wand and show it to him. "It's really me. I swear."

He takes my hand and drags me back into the part of the shop that is his house. We end up in the kitchen, and then he drags me into the living room. He loosens his tie, and he runs fingers through his hair until it stands up on end. Then, he looks at me.

"Finally come crawling back?" he asks me.

"More literally than you realize," I admit, letting him have the dig in at me. After all, I deserve it, just the tiniest bit. I want to show him my leg, and let him know what has happened to me, but I don't dare. Not yet, since I'd like him to take me back on my own merit.

"You're a right git with all that you put me through," he says.

I nod. "The biggest arse there ever was."

"And I'm with someone else," he says.

I lean back, feeling my heart drop. "Really?"

"No," he admits, pulling me in. He kisses me tightly, and our lips wrap around each other. One arm on my cheek, the other wrapped around my waist, he pulls me in. I place my hands on his neck, feeling the soft peach fuzz hairs. He's soft yet firm. He's tough yet delicate. He's everything I've ever wanted and more.

We pull back, and our foreheads rest against each other. I giggle softly, as pulls back.

He waves the bottle of perfume in front of me. "Were you going to steal this?"

"No," I tell him. "How'd you get that?"

He shrugs, a smile on his lips. "I've done my fair share of pickpocketing. A coin purse, a wand, all the stuff that you steal from brothers and lovers." I watch as he brings the potion to his nose and huffs it. His brow furrows and he looks at me. "You know, I've been avoiding the WonderWitch line since we separated."

"Really?" I ask.

"Couldn't bear the smell," he admits. "It smelled too much like something I'd lost."

I lean up and kiss him again. He kisses me back with the fervour and passion of a thousand fireworks going off at once. It feels like lightning striking. It is the opposite of the cruciatus curse. Just unabated magic sparking between us.

"I thought you'd be cross with me," I point out.

He shakes his head. "I'm too happy to be cross with you." Then, he pulls back abruptly. He swipes at my hands, knocking them off his face. "Are you going back?"

"Never," I promise, and I mean it.

He looks up at me. "Make an Unbreakable Vow?"

"That's a little extreme," I joke.

He laughs along, kissing me on the forehead and then on each cheek. I can't get a kiss on his lips, even though I try. Fred keeps ducking around me, preventing me from getting him. I laugh the entire time.

Then, he kisses me, and I am smiling too much to kiss back. He ends up grabbing me around the waist and lifting me up. I wrap my legs around him, and I laugh as he carries us both into his bedroom.


She's finally back! I might have to change the plotline a little bit because I think there was a lot of growth. Also, I know it may feel like a bit of a setback, but it is based on my own experiences regarding parents and death, so at least it feels a bit realistic to me.

What do you think of Fred forgiving her so quickly?

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