How You Love To Hate me

By jeonsolace

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Lisa and Jungkook are both enemies. They have spent their whole life hating each other, ever since they were... More



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By jeonsolace

"You didn't answer my question, so I won't answer yours," I say back.
He pouts and gives me his best puppy eyes.
Their too cute to resist.
But I don't care.
"A living organism."
He looks at me with an amused face.
"You always know how to answer my questions, I shouldn't have expected a real answer."
He really shouldn't have.
I pat his fluffy hair, but I notice his slightly disappointed face as if he was expecting something a bit more.

I start to pack away my things whilst Jungkook looks at me confused.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm leaving, Yoongi wants to see me."

I didn't want to go, but I knew Yoongi, and I knew I wouldn't live till the next day if I didn't go.
"But we still have an hour left, and anyways if you walk through the hallways a teacher will notice."
"That's why I'm going to jump through the window."
Jungkook looks at me as if I'm crazy.
"What about if a teacher asks me why you're gone."
"What do you expect me to say, Lisa decided to jump out of the window because she's too scared her boyfriend will kill her if she doesn't come to meet her right this second."
He's pretty much got it spot on.
I look at him as if he's crazy.
"You're not staying, are you? You're coming with me."
He sits back in his chair and crosses his arms
"Unless you're too scared."
He raises an eyebrow.
"Scared of jumping out of a window, of course not." He lies unconvincingly."But what if...we get hurt?"I peer out of the window and chuck my bags down."We're only two stories up, it'll be fine, and anyway we'll have a soft landing, it's been raining, so it's muddy."

I smile brightly at him.
"Are you ready, I'll go first."
I stand on the edge of the windowsill and jump. I land on both feet and try to balance, but I end up falling and splashing myself with mud. I hear laughing and look up towards Jungkook.
"Let's see how you do, Mr 'I'm perfect'."
I take my phone out and stand at a distance. I start recording. This might just be my new video to laugh at when I'm sad. It'll be replaced with the Jungkook asking out Jieun video.
He throws his bag down and the mud splashes onto me.
"You wait-"
But I can't say anything else because he jumps, causing more mud to splash on me, and lands perfectly on two feet without wobbling.
I look at him bitterly.
"Fuck you Jeon Jungkook."
He gives me a teasing smile.
"Did you just say fuck you?"
"Well, if you want to." He says his smirk growing bigger.
His dirty mind.

I look at him with a disgusted face. As he turns around to grab his bags, I kick mud onto his back, and knowing full well that he's faster than me, I run away. As he chases me towards the main entrance, we stop laughing as we see a figure leaning on a tree staring at us. It's Yoongi. He doesn't look at me, but at Jungkook, and with such a deadly gaze that it looks like he wants to kill him. I look down at my phone and realize it's still recording, I quickly turn it off before Yoongi sees.

"So that's what you were doing whilst I waiting for you, you were busy laughing with him than to realize I was waiting for you for almost fifty minutes?!" He's still staring at Jungkook.

He shouts the last part, causing me to jump.

"Sorry, I didn't-"
"Leave your apologies till later, we need to go."
He grabs my hand harshly and drags me away.

Detention with Jungkook is so much better than him.

The smile that was on my face for a few minutes is completely disappeared, as for me and Jungkook start walking in opposite directions he shouts,

"Lisa have a good day with that idiot!" He shouts from behind me as he waves.

He's got some nerve.

"I will see you-"

Yoongi grabs my hand and turns me around.

"Stop talking to him." He whispers through gritted teeth.


Yoongi and I take our place at the table that was reserved for us. My phone keeps buzzing every two seconds but I don't take it out in case I get shouted at by Yoongi.

"Don't be so scared of me, you can check."

I laugh nervously.

"I'm not scared, I'm just..."

I take my phone out of my pocket, thinking it would be mom messaging me, or even Jae, but when I see Jungkook spamming me with messages I slide my phone off the table and instead put it under, while Yoongi eyes me suspiciously.

Coconut head

Jungkook: Hey u okay??
Jungkook: What are you doing?
Jungkook: Has Yoongi done anything to you?
Jungkook: Oh my god Lisa are you dead?
Jungkook: Did he murder you?
Jungkook: I knew he was a serial killer
Jungkook: Lisa ARE YOU ALIVE?
Jungkook: If you don't answer right now I'm calling the police.
Jungkook: 5..4..3..2..1.
Jungkook: I'm calling the police
Jungkook: Where are you? Are you at an abandoned mill?
Lisa: WTF? Jungkook, I'm with Yoongi, he's not going to kill me!
Jungkook: You're alive
Lisa: Of course I'm alive
Lisa: Did you actually call the police?
Jungkook: Nah, I just did that to scare you
Lisa: Now will u shut up, Yoongi keeps looking at me suspiciously
Jungkook: Is it because you're smiling?
Lisa: Now will u stop texting me, because I swear to god if anything happens to me, it's because of you!
Jungkook: Why, does Yoongi think you're cheating on him with me?
Lisa: I'm going offline now, so if u text me I won't reply.
Jungkook: bye babes.
Lisa: It's Lisa bitch!

I put my phone back in my pocket, and look up to see Yoongi looking at me suspiciously. I fake a smile.

"Who was that you were texting?"
"Really?" He looks at me disbelievingly.
"Yes really."
"Why were you blushing then?"
I was blushing?
"Because she mentioned something embarrassing?"
"Sure."He replies doubtingly.

I decide to use my excuse as an advantage.

"Hey, my mom also said I have to go home in twenty minutes soo.."

Anything to get away from him.

"Right." That was easy.

"So you're saying you don't mind spending two hours with that idiot, but you cant even stay half an hour with me?"

Why does everyone use my words against me?

"HeyLisa, we need to talk about something." He starts.

He then goes ranting on for ages, but I'm not listening, I'm staring at the familiar long hair on the table behind him. She's showing the boy in front of her something on her phone. Her laugh and smile are totally different than when she's with me. The boy in front of her is someone I recognize from Jin's class. Hoseok, or as we all call him, Hobi. I guess that's what she was trying to tell me.

"MI SUN?!"

Yoongi jumps slightly and Mi Sun turns her head around to where the noise comes from. I smile brightly at her. Her face is a mixture of surprise and confusion. She smiles sheepishly at me.

"Hi Lisa..."

"Hi Hobiii," I scream back. He gives me his usual sunshine smile back. They join our table and I talk to them excitedly, leaving out Yoongi purposefully, who gives irritated sights every few seconds, but I ignore him.

"So have you told Ji Sung and Jin yet?"
"Well since my birthday's coming up I was going to tell you guys then, but I didn't expect to see you here with...him."
I make sure he's not looking before whispering.
"I didn't want to come."
Yoongi turns around and says,
"I thought you had to go home in twenty minutes, it's almost been forty."
He's caught me out, he always does.
"Oh right, yeah, sorry guys I have to get going, see you later."Well, I hope I never have to see Yoongi again.


It's only when I'm changing into my black hoodie when I realize I never brought home my bag yesterday. So I run extra early to school, to the muddy place we jumped yesterday. Knowing the students in my school, they would find it, not return it, but steal it. So I have to get it early before anyone gets it. But it's not there.

Well, I guess I'm going to have to 'borrow' some supplies, along with notes from the beginning of the year.

I stay back after the bell rings, looking for my bag, causing me to be late for our first period. When I enter everybody's laughing and I find out why. He's looking through my bag. Half of its contents is tipped onto his desk, my notebooks, pens, crumpled papers, etc. His fingers reach for the small pocket in my bag.

Shit, don't open that.

I quickly walk up to him and whisper in his ear, so no one else can hear.

"You don't want to open that."

He smirks.

"Why not?"

His fingers tug on the zip slightly.

"Girls stuff."

His face turns a bright shade of red.

I just love making him flustered.


I'm about to grab my things off my desk, but I'm interrupted. By Mr. Jung.

"Jungkook and Lisa I want to talk to you outside. Now."

Oh shit, we're in real trouble.

Mi Sun POV:

When Jungkook and Lisa leave the class, everyone exchanges confused glances. Jihyo sitting next to me mutters under her breath,

"Finally we get some peace, even if it is two minutes."

Suddenly, Momo jumps up from her seat beside Lisa and makes an announcement.

"I want to make a bet. For all of you."

She points her finger around the classroom dramatically.

"About Lisa and Jungkook."

She points dramatically at Lisa's and Jungkook's empty seats.

Count on Momo to be extra.

"What's the bet?" Felix shouts.

"Lisa and Jungkook will be dating by the end of the year, no actually.."

She mutters to herself.

"No, Jungkook would probably be too much of a coward to confess, he'll probably confess last minute like he always does."

She looks up at the class again.

"Okay, I want to make a bet that Jungkook and Lisa will be dating by prom."

"Wow, she's got their future all planned out." Whispers Baekhyun, loud enough for all of us to hear.

"Yes, I have."

"And if you lose?" Taehyung shouts.

"I won't, but for you're sake, I'll delete my Instagram account."

The class cheers.

Momo loves her Instagram account and she spends so much time on it, she's posted drawings, fan arts, and obviously her favorite ships. She's had it for a few years now, but the class hates it, mainly because she'll ship them with a person and post it, the last time I checked she had posted so many pictures of Lisa and Jungkook that I had not even seen before.

Sometimes I'm scared she's stalking them.

The only reason the class agrees is that we know how much it means to her.

"And if I win, you guys give me $5 dollars each, which in total is..."

She concentrates hard.

But she can't do it, so instead, she turns to me.

"How much will I get?"

She and Lisa share the same IQ, I'm worried for her.


"So I will get $100."

"Is anyone on my side?" She says looking around the class. And to our surprise, Jihyo stands up.

"Look as much as I hate them two, they'll be together, and if you can't realize that, you're plain stupid."

"And what will you do if you lose?" Says Boram.

"I don't care, you can choose, BUT only at the end of the year."

''Anybody else?''

I raise my hand.

The reason I do it is not because I want the money, but just for fun.

"And what will you do?" Says Jimin.

I decide to go for something brave because I know they'll be together, and if they don't, I'll make them. Which is why I say,

"I'll cut my hair, till my shoulders, and for a bonus, I'll dye it bright pink."

The class cheers.

I love my hair so much and it took me ages to grow it.

"And by the way, you can't tell them two about it, they'll try to murder me."

"Wow, you three are so sure it's going to happen." Says Yoojung.

"It will happen." Says Momo certainly.

"Even Mi Sun said so and she's her best friend, and can I add she has the most common sense out of all twenty of us."

"Mi Sun said what?" Says Mr. Jung as he enters the classroom with Lisa and Jungkook."

"Oh, nothing." Says Momo innocently as the whole class gives him wide smiles.

Yeah right, nothing.

Lisa POV:

Mi Suns birthday always marks the beginning of October. After Jin, she's the oldest, followed by Ji Sung and Jimin whose birthday was on the same week. We were originally going to eat out and celebrate all three of theirs together, but Jieun had different plans. She wanted us to give her a surprise birthday party. She invited her friends (Irene, Moonyul, Jisoo) whilst, I invited Boram, Yoojung, and Zoe. It was small but Mi Sun didn't like being around a lot of people so it was perfect for her. Her reaction was everything, we all gave her gifts, and overall it was good. We ordered five huge boxes of pizza in which I and Boram finished three- yeah we love eating.

"I wanted you to meet someone Lisa, but she couldn't make it, I'm sure you would be good friends." Says Jieun."I'm sorry what are you trying to say?"
Everybody laughs.
"Nothing, I was just saying."
She had just swallowed water and was trying not to burst out laughing.
But she failed.
The water did not only just come out from her mouth, but her nose.
"Hahaha, that's what you get for saying that about my beautiful, long hair THAT TOOK ME AGES TO GROW."
"Talking about hair, are you guys ready for the Halloween party in a few weeks." Says Irene.
"We still have a full month left, why are you guys worrying now?"
Mi Sun starts to laugh.
"What? Why are you laughing?"

"Lisa you say that every year."

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