Belladonna Dust Daughter of H...

By turtleangel10

188K 4.1K 303

Hades daughter raised by my most favorite ship RadioDust from my favorite thing to watch on Youtube. Hazbin H... More

Welcome to Hell Belladonna Dust
Doctor Visit
Meeting the Others
My Godmother is the BOMB
First Night In New Room
Alastor's Nervous
The Wedding
Family Night
Halloween at the Hazbin Hotel
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
Collecting Hearts
Loo Loo Land
Poker Night
Wake Up
Why Am I Out Of Hell?
Kinda Making New Friends
Mirror Mirror
Trip To Evie's Place
Radio Demon in Auradon
Search Begins
Walk into the Dragon's Lair
Mal Fucked Up
Bring Out the Spell Book
Annoyed Alastor
Belladonna and Hades
Curse you Chad
Hades Gets An Invite
Belladonna's Kidnapper
Turf War
Home Again
Belladonna Dust-Hades

Evie and Uma

3.9K 88 1
By turtleangel10

"You're making clothes for him?" Mal asked when she saw Evie making a dress with four arms.

"He has none here Mal. Plus his has great taste." Evie grinned as she added some finishing touches.

"He's a demon Evie, why are you helping?"

"He's done nothing since he got here." Evie pointed out.

"He threatened my guards." Mal pointed out

"He was looking for his daughter, Mal what's with you? Ever since you found out Belladonna might be your half sister you've been so cold." Evie said.

"There's no proof she's my sister."

"Yeah, because you won't get the ember."

"If I do that Hades could take it."

Evie stared at her friend before a look crossed her face. "Mal, you don't have a problem with Belladonna, it's Hades. After all this time you still haven't forgiven him."

"Belladonna's parents are demons and she was raised by them."

"Mal listen to yourself." Evie stood up. "Your mom is the mistress of evil, you use to be proud to call yourself evil, your mom killed an innocent woman and send a newborn to demons. Why do you keep forgetting who you were before you became queen?"

"I haven't forgotten." Mal defended.

"Really? Mal you spent your whole life hating Hades and you still do. You only call him dad when you want something, you found out he left to marry his true love who clearly wasn't your mom, and for fourteen years he thought his pregnant wife killed herself. Someone nearly killed Belladonna here and if it wasn't for the fact that she's more goddess she would have been."

"Why are you standing up for her Evie, you're my best friend."

"Because you're talking crazy, you tried to use my mirror to find something bad about her but all you got was that she's has a caring adopted dad who was worried sick about her."

"I know what's wrong." Uma said walking in.

"When did you get here?" Mal asked.

"Ben sent me." Uma answered. "He was hoping I could deliver Angel's clothes."

"What do you mean you know what's wrong?" Mal demanded.

"It's how you are Mal." Uma answered. "You might have brought down the barrier but in the end you only think about yourself. You're clearly jealous."

"Jealous? Of what?" Mal asked.

"Well for one, Hades drops everything for a girl who's not you." Uma answered. "A girl he doesn't even know or just believes it's his."

"She might not be his." Mal said.

"Then why won't you get the ember?" Uma asked.

"I told you, Hades might use it." Mal said.

"I think Uma's right." Evie said.


"Mal, I love you but I also know you. When you don't like someone you're blinded by right and wrong. You wanted to keep Hades and Uma's pirates in forgetting about all the innocent kids on there."

"It's always all about Mal." Uma said as she helps Evie gather up Angel's clothes.

"But their demons." Mal said.

"Belladonna might be your sister, shouldn't you be more worried that she has two broken legs, a stab wound, broken wrists so she can't sign and no voice." Evie said. "Even if this wasn't your sister this is a fourteen year old girl who was sacrified to demons and haven't spoken a word in her life."

"By your mom." Uma added.

With that Evie and Uma left Mal to think.

Before Evie knocked on the door she turned to Uma. "What do I say? Angel? Mr. Dust? Mrs. Dust?"

Uma just shrugged and knocked on the door.

Angel opened it. "Ah Evie, got my clothes done?"

"Yeah." Evie answered. "I made some for Belladonna too."

"Do they match?" Angel asked getting excited.

"I used the same fabric yeah." Evie answered.

"Thanks toots." Angel said taking them. "We always try to match, I always thought it was a sign of closeness."

"That's nice." Uma said. "How's Belladonna?"

"She's doing better." Angel answered. "Wanna see her?"

"Sure." Evie said and walked in.

Angel lead them in and sat next to her. "Hey hon, you got some visitors."

Belladonna looked over and waved at them.

"Hi Belladonna." Evie smiled. "Hope you like the clothes I made you."

"She says thank you." Angel translated. "Hey I wanna thank you to."

"For what?" Uma asked.

"Belladonna told me everything everyone here has done for her." Angel answered. "Said you two and some others were the ones that visited her everyday before I found her. She's comfortable around all of you."

Belladonna smiled at her mom/dad thankful that she didn't have to sign all that.

"She missed you and her other dad." Uma told him.

"I know." Angel nodded. "We went crazy looking for her."

"You really think your husband will find you two?" Uma asked.

"I'm sure he will, he's known for doing the impossible." Angel answered. 

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