Keeper Of The Dragon Flame (W...

By Gerlithequeen

158K 3K 159

"People think fire is dangerous, I think it's the most beautiful thing in the world." - Echo Princess of Domi... More

First Things First
1.1 The New Fairy
1.2 The Ball
1.3 A Day With The Boys
1.4 Stella's Date
1.5 Cloud Tower
1.6 Party Night With The Specialists
1.7 The Day of The Rose
1.8 Messing With The Witches
1.9 The Test
1.10 The Truth
1.11 Lake Roccaluce
1.12 The Nightmare Monster
1.13 Diaspro
1.14 Sisters
1.15 Domino
1.16 Mission Cloud Tower
1.17 Getting Her Powers Back
1.18 It's Over
1.19 The Girl
1.20 Layla
1.21 Cave
1.22 Saving the Pixies
1.23 Avalon
1.24 Red Fountain Party
1.25 Professor Avalon
1.26 Relationship Trouble
1.27 Homesick Pixies
1.28 Eraklyon
1.29 Cloud Tower
1.30 Shadow Virus
1.31 Vacation
1.32 Wildlands
1.33 Darkar
1.34 Invitation
1.35 Stella's Party Disaster
1.36 The Mirror Of Truth
1.37 Valtor
1.38 Storytime
1.39 A Surprise For Echo
1.40 Off To Eraklyon
1.41 Attack on Alfea
1.42 Flora's Enchantix
1.43 Tecna's Sacrifice
1.44 Echo's Enchantix
1.45 Omega Dimension
1.46 The Agador Box
1.47 Trouble In Paradise
1.48 The Red Tower
1.49 Water Stars
1.50 Weakening Valtor
1.51 Valtor
1.53 Freeing Queen Marion and King Oritel
1.54 New Year, New Problems
1.55 The Tree Of Life
1.56 Earth
1.57 The Specialists
1.58 Monster Pets
1.59 Believix
1.60 Working with the boys
1.61 "She's Gonna Eat Him Alive"
1.62 Erendor
1.63 "You Know I Love You, Right?"
1.64 Musa's Audition
1.65 The White Circle
1.66 Trust
1.67 "Celebrities"
1.68 Net
1.69 Morgana
1.70 Diana
1.71 Diana's Realm
1.72 Lovix
1.73 "Nabu!"
1.74 Over
1.75 Mutants
1.76 "Who Are You?"
1.77 Diaspro
1.78 Selkie
1.79 Race
1.80 Domino
1.81 Sirenix
1.82 Council
1.83 Flora
1.84 "It's Over "
1.85 Welcome Home Party
1.86 Pixies
1.87 Linphea
1.88 Blomix
1.89 Fire Eaters
1.90 Egypt
1.91 Dragons
1.92 Antidote
1.93 Eldora
1.94 Mythix
1.95 Fog
1.96 Pirates
1.97 Werewolves
1.98 Helia
1.99 Queen Stella
1.100 Musa's voice
1.101 Riven's Leaving
1.102 Acheron
1.103 A Wedding

1.52 "It's Over"

1.1K 30 2
By Gerlithequeen

 A few days later. At Alfea. Faragonda's office. 

Me "you wanted to talk to me?"

Faragonda "i've been watching you for the last couple days and i've noticed something. You've been acting kinda off since you beat Valtor. What's wrong?"

i took a deep breath "i can still feel his presence. He's still there. "

Faragonda "Listen, Echo, none of us wants to hear that he's still here but if you still can feel his presence then that means he's still alive"

I looked at her. 


Stella "Are you completely sure it was Valtor ?"

Our boys had gotten attacked on the watch duty this morning. Only Helia was spared. 

Helia nodded "There's no doubt in my mind it was him and he was as strong as he's ever been. He took us down easily. I was the first one he knocked out so I didn't see the whole battle. But when i woke up Valtor told me something. "Your friends are my prisoners and the only reason your not so that you could be my aren boy. go to Alfea and tell those fairies I'll be waiting for them in Andros and make sure you tell them to hurry if they ever want to see their precious boyfriends again.". "

Then he looked down. 

Flora "It's a trap"

Musa " Yeah but we still have to risk it, our boyfriends are in trouble and we have to save them"

I looked at Faragonda. 

Faragonda nodded  " Be very careful girls because Valtor will strike with everything he has to destroy you. Particularly you, Echo."

I let out a deep breath "Well, that's nothing new"

At Andros. In the ship. On the way to the Omega Dimension portal island

Nabu "Sensors aren't detecting any sign of Valtor on the island"

Helia shook  his head "Impossible. Valtor told us he was expecting us on the island"

Layla "Are you totally sure your readings are right ,Nabu? His old hideout was there right in the center of the island"

Nabu shook his head " There's no sign of life on this island. It's completely abandoned"

Layla " I say we check it in person."

I nodded. 

On the island. 

Nabu " I told you it's deserted."

Stella" Not only that but it's really weird"

Musa asked pissed off  "then why the hell did he order us here?"

I looked around "He's close. I can feel it"

Suddenly i heard his laugh. 

The girls gasped. He wasn't here but we were still able to hear his voice. 

I called out "Valtor, we are here like you asked. Now let the Specialists go!"

Valtor"I make the rules here, little Echo. Remember the spell of the elements ?well, here it is again."

Me "We were able to best you once, we will do it again"

Valtor "don't underestimate me, Echo, don't make the same mistake Oritel made"

I froze "dad "

Suddenly a small tornado was created in the middle of the portal. 

Timmy was inside of it, panicking. 

The girls gasped. 

Tecna " Timmy."

Stella "we'll help you, Tecna"

Tecna shook her head "no! The other guys could need your help. We need to split up"

Stella nodded and created portals for each one of us. 

Me "Valtor's here somewhere and i will find him"

Musa "be careful, Tecna"

Tecna nodded "i promise"

Each of us stepped into a a portal. 

In a tunnel. 

I walked through the portal, looking around. 

A ring of fire was in front of me. 

Sky was lying in the middle of it, unconscious. 

My jaw dropped"oh my god. Enchantix!"

Then i tried to absorb the fire but i wasn't able too .

The fire grew and i stepped back.

Suddenly i saw a figure walking to m through the fire.

I asked confused "Sky? Sky, is that you?"

Suddenly he transformed into an angry creature of fire.

He threw a fire ball at me and i moved out the way. 

I shook my head.

There's no point in fighting this thing, the only way I can beat it is to attack the one who controls it. Dragon Force, go find Valtor and attack him. 

my inner flame flew away. 

Suddenly the creature in front of me turned to ashes. 

I breathed out relieved "it worked!"

At a cave. 

I saw Valtor attacking Flora and Layla. 

Me "Enough!"

Valtor walked over to me. 

Suddenly a rope was wrapped around his neck. 


The guys showed up. 

Riven smirked "missed us already?"

Stella smiled "you're free"

Valtor ripped the rope off of his neck "not for long"

Suddenly the ground underneath us started to crack. 

Me "Magic of the flame, find Valtor!"

Everything went black. 

Inside of Valtor. 

I saw Valtor in front of me "so this is your essence? your origin Dragon Flame"

Valtor smirked "Very brave of you saving your little friends but did you really think you can beat me?"

I created a fire ball "Let's find out"

Valtor "attack me all you want. But don't forget about your parents. It won't bring them back"

Me "shut up ! you don't know shit about them"

Valtor "are you sure? i know you wouldn't believe even if i'd tell you the truth. "

Me "Then what is the truth?"

Valtor "the three ancestral witches are the ones responsible for your the disappearance of Oritel and Marion. If you're angry then go after them and not after me. Join me"

I shook my head, scoffing.

Valtor "Echo, i have the control over my body back. Together we can destroy the ancestral witches. Their powers and every magical secret that have on each planet of the Magic Dimension will belong to us. Echo"

I took a deep breath before walking closer to him. 

He started to smirked. 

I put hand on his chest "you want me to join you?"

Valtor nodded "Let's destroy the old witches, Echo, together "

Me "I wanna watch them fall"

Valtor nodded and put a hand on my cheek "and they will, i promise you that"

Me "but not as much as i want to see you fall"

Valtor looked at me confused. 

Me "Magic Fairy Dust, kill Valtor's inner flame"

Valtor's shook his head, shocked "no, no no no"

He grabbed his chest, coughing out before breaking down. 

Me "I already told you once, Valtor, i will never betray my friends"

He coughed out before closing his eyes. 

In the normal world. 

I gasped waking up.

Everyone was looking at me with wide eyes. 

Stella "you did it"

I smiled and stood up, weakly. 

Bloom walked over to me "Echo, you beat him"

I nodded "i know"

Then i started to smile "it's over. It's over"

She hugged me and i hugged her back. 

Bloom "what do we do now?"

Me "we find our parents"

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