Lovers Forever! (A Servamp St...

By katebluejaguar

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This is based after the war with Tsubaki. All is peaceful until the Eves have an unwanted and unexpected mee... More

Prologue: After The War.
Chapter 1 The Meet Up.
Chapter 2 The Group Chat Truth or Dare.
chapter 3: The Phone Calls.
chapter 4: Mikuni Brings The Potion!
Chapter 5: The Truth-telling Potion.
chapter 6: Promises Are Broken.
chapter 7: Servamp Messenger Chat.
Chapter 9: A Not So Good Unexpected Meeting.
Chapter 10: Sleepover.
Chapter 11: Servamp Drama.
Chapter 12: Gifts And Marks.
chapter 13: Hide and Seek in the Dark (part 1)
Chapter 14: Hide And Seek In The Dark (part 2)
Chapter 15: The Night Of The Crazy Eves.
Chapter 16: Shopping Trip Ruined.
Chapter 17: Truth Of The Eves Bad Past And A Unwanted Phone Call.
Chapter 18: Unwanted Home Visits.
Chapter 19: Problem And The Servamps House.
Chapter 20: Meeting Two Of The Season Servamps.
Chapter 21: Meeting The Other Two Season Servamps/ Eves.(part one)
Chapter 22: Meeting The Other Two Season Servamps/Eves. (part two)
Chapter 23: Servamps Old Rooms (Part 1)
Chapter 24: Servamps Old Rooms (Part 2)
Chapter 25: Eves Kidnapped.
Chapter 26: Bonds Broken.
Chapter 27: Eves Great Escape
Chapter 29: Eves Five Years Later.
Chapter 28: Servamps Five Years Later.
Chapter 30 Return of the Servamps (part 1)
Chapter 31 Return of the Servamps (part 2)
Chapter 32. Return Of The Servamps (part 3)
Chapter 33 Return of the Servamps (part 4)
Chapter 34 Return of the Servamps (last part!)
Chapter 35 Everyone Reunited (part 1)
Chapter 36 Everyone Reunited (part 2)
Chapter 37 The Melancholy Phone Call.
Chapter 38. The first night being reunited!
Chapter 39 Eves Off To Work.
Chapter 40: Yelling and confusion!
Chapter 41 Servamps being stupid!
Chapter 42: Really Great News!
Chapter 43: Before the big day.
Chapter 44: The big day.
Chapter 45: Homecoming!
A/N Happy Birthday
Chapter 46: 30 years later!
Chapter 47: Flashback number one.
Chapter 48 flashback number two.
Happy Birthday.
Chapter 49 Nighttime meet up and drama.
Happy Birthday!
Not a chapter. But please check it out!
Chapter 50: Sad news.
Not a chapter.

Chapter 8: End to a wonderful day and a start to another.

187 3 0
By katebluejaguar

Friday came and the eves went to the mall to meet up.

Mahiru walks in, sees Misono, and walks over "Hey Misono😁!"

Misono smiles😊 and sees Kuro that is usually on Mahiru's shoulder was walking on the ground "Hey Mahiru."

Mahiru looks around. "Where is everyone else??"

Misono sighed "Licht is in the music🎶 shop, Mikuni is in the doll shop, Tetsu headed towards the food shops and you can find Sakuya in the bookshop!📚"

Mahiru starts walking "Where do you wanna go??🤨"

Misono follows "I don't know! You??"

Mahiru shrugs "No clue☺"

After a wonderful day of shopping, the eves followed by their Servamps walked down to a grassy spot🌾 near the beach🏖 because no one wanted sand on their clothes to watch the sunset🌅.

Misono smiled at the sunset "So Beautiful😊!"

Mahiru looked at Misono "Hey Misono?🤨"

Misono glances over "Yeah Mahiru😐??"

Mahiru smiled😊 "It's way past 9:00 pm⏰!"

Licht chuckled "Oh yeah! A new record!!"

Sakuya sighs "Alright why are you guys sulking over there??🤔"

Tetsu kept staring at the sunset. Everyone was quiet except for Licht💢 who stood and walked over to Hyde😅 who was calling him Angel-cakes.

Mahiru asked "Well Kuro?😑" looking at Kuro who sat beside him.

Kuro nervously said, "Do you still wanna be with me??😞"

Mahiru smiled "Of course!😊"

Misono nods "Yeah nothing will change that!😌"

Mikuni laughs "Yeah we still love💜 you guys!🤣"

Tetsu smiles "They're right! We will always love💚 you guys!"

Lily frowns "Then why have you guys been ignoring us and not doing the usual things?"

Jeje points over his shoulder at Licht💢 who was kicking Hyde🤣 "Like those two!"

Misono giggles "Really???" and throws a book📚 at Lily who laughs!

Mahiru crawls over to Kuro and sat between his legs leaning back against him. Kuro who was surprised rested his head gently and wrapped his arms around Mahiru "Love you💙, Mahiru!!!"

Mahiru reached up and pated Kuro's head smiling "I love💙 you too, Kuro!!"

Misono stands, walks over, and sits on Lily's lap sideways leaning his head against the base of Lily's neck. Lily copies Kuro by wrapping his arms gently around Misono and gently rests his head on Misono's. "Love you💕, Misono!"

Misono wraps his arms around Lily and closes his eyes "Love💕 you too Lily, but I don't like throwing books📚 at you!"

Lily giggles "I don't mind! But I can... !"

Misono💢 wakes him and orders "Don't strip!!" making Lily giggle😅!

Hyde sitting crosslegged on the grass rolls his eyes🙄 at the Lust pair. Licht walks over, lying down, and rests his head in Hyde's lap. Hyde freezes in surprise, then rests his hands gently on Licht's shoulders. Licht looks up at Hyde and smiles😊 "I love🧡 you Hyde stupid hedgehog🦔!!"

Hyde looks down at Licht and smiles😊 back "Love you🧡 too Angel-cakes"

Licht laughs😂 and goes back to watching the sunset🌅 which was almost over.

Jeje sits behind Mikuni wraping his arms around Mikuni. Mikuni smiles, then turns around and wraps his legs around Jeje's waist and put his head on Jeje's neck at an angle so he could still watch the sunset.

Jeje chuckles "Love you💜 Weird-Doll-Loving-Freak"

Mikuni laughs "Love you💜 too, Jeje!"

Jeje looks at Mikuni "But I don't like shooting🔫 you."

Mikuni laughs😂 "Then don't" and hugs Jeje.

Jeje kisses the top of Mikuni's head "You know you are very annoying??"

Mikuni laughs🤣 and kisses Jeje "I know" he replied as he looked into Jeje's eyes.

Tetsu picked up Hugh and placed him in his lap while hugging him. Hugh hugs Tetsu back😊 "Love you💚 Tetsu"

Tetsu smiled☺ "Love you💚 too, Hugh."

Tsubaki sat next to Sakuya, who leaned against him. Tsubaki wraps an arm around him. Sakuya smiles and looks up at Tsubaki "Love you💛 naughty fox🦊!!"

Tsubaki laughs "Love you💛 too Sakuya!"

*Nighttime🌛🌟🌠 came*

Kuro picked up the sleeping Mahiru "I'm going home. Put this sleeping beauty to bed!🛏"

Lily picked up the sleeping Misono "Same with me" smiling😊 and kisses😚 Misono's forehead gently.

Jeje picked up the sleeping Mikuni "Same here" Jeje then picked up Mikuni's hat🤠 that had fallen off and put it back on.

Hyde picked up Licht who was also sleeping "Same goes for me!" Hyde giggles😅.

Tetsu picked Hugh who was sleeping "Licht would probably kick you if he found out what you're doing!"

Tsubaki picked up Sakuya who like the others was fast asleep. "Bye" and with that Tubaki walked away.

*All the Servamps go home and tucked their lovers into bed🛏, then fell asleep themselves. The next day the Servamps all woke to find their eves missing, but a note was left behind.*

To Servamps.
We woke and you were still asleep. We didn't want to wake you!
Don't worry we are at the mall, getting you a surprise.
We will be back soon!
Love eves.

*With eves*

*The eves had gone to the Jewelry store in the mall.*

Licht who was about to walk over to the counter asked "Which one are you going to get?🤔"

Mahiru who was looking at the blue jewelry replied😞 "I don't know"

Misono who was looking at the pink jewelry walked over and points at one of the blue rings💍 "How about that one??🤔"

Mahiru looked at the one Misono was pointing to "No!😞"

Mikuni walked over followed by Sakuya, Tetsu "That one does not suit the lazy cat!"

Misono looked up from the pink jewelry he went back to looking after he had helped Mahiru "Done??😳"

Mikuni/Sakuya/Tetsu/ all said "Yes" at the same time then started laughing🤣🤣.

Licht smiled😊 "Well I know which one I wanna get" and walked to the counter.

Misono looks at Mahiru, then at Sakuya "Your graduation is coming up right?🤨"

Mahiru turned at looked at Misono smiling "Yup! Two months from now!😅"

Sakuya wrapped an arm around Mahiru's shoulders "We will do great!😅"

Misono smiles😊 "Of course you both will do great! And I'll be there!!!"

Mikuni nods🤠 "I'll be there too, cheering for the both of you!!!"

Tetsu grins😁 "So will I!!" and hugs both Mahiru and Sakuya. "Misono is right!"

Licht smiles😁 "Yeah Misono is right! You both will do great! I'll come!" and Licht then walked back over to them carrying a bag.

Mahiru and Misono then approached the counter. When they walked back everyone was laughing🤣🤣!

Mahiru looked at everyone "What's so funny?🤨" everyone looked over.

Licht still laughing🤣🤣 "We all agreed on how the Servamps should not attend your graduation!"

Misono nods "I agree Lily is not invited unless in his animal form and promises not to cause trouble!"

Everyone agreed.

Licht who had stopped laughing asked, "What now??🤔" Everyone fell silent.

Mikuni thinks "Well thanks to C3's potion the distance and time limit has grown longer so....?"

Sakuya nods "Shopping time!!!" Everyone agreed😁.

Mahiru starts walking. "We have all day! Better make the most of it!" Having heard that all he eves started walking towards their fave shops but stayed as a group could they all had a very bad feeling and didn't want to be alone.

(chapter over. Stay alert for the next chapter)

(which is coming soon. The next chapter has a twist and new characters!!)

(Created by Katebluejaguar)

(Bye! Hope you enjoyed it and don't forget to leave a comment)

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