Roses and Knives

By redninja173

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A dangerous figure is coming to Paris bringing about a change that no one expected. (Miraculous x Male OC) More

Author's note
Chapter 1: How it all began
Chapter 2: The Depths of Despair
Chapter 3: Foundation of power
Chapter 4: A Chance Encounter
Chapter 5: First Impressions
Chapter 6: Nightmare Toys and Parties
Chapter 7: Caught on Camera
Chapter 8: The Storm
Chapter 9: Love Can Be Cold and Sweet
Chapter 10: Managed Mischief
Chapter 11: Some Things Are Better Left Unseen
Chapter 12: Swift Strike
Chapter 13: Marinette's Birthday Disaster
Chapter 14: Your Past Never Truly Leaves You
Chapter 15: Debts Must Be Repaid
Chapter 16: Tensions Rise
Chapter 17: The Wannabe Hero
Chapter 18: Skynet and a Sleepover
Chapter 19: New Powers
Chapter 20: A Strange Kind of Zombie Apocalypse
Chapter 21: A Snake Appears Before The Wolf
Chapter 22: Too Much Glitter
Chapter 23: A Pain In The BEEhind
Chapter 25: Sticky Situation
Chapter 26: Someone Like You
Chapter 27: Nightmares Be Gone
Chapter 28: Thin Ice
Chapter 29: Heroes Day
Chapter 30: Darkness vs Life
Chapter 31: First Date
Chapter 32: A Trip To Shanghai
Chapter 33: A Liar Returns
Chapter 34: A Different Path

Chapter 24: A Brief Shift In Personality

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By redninja173

It was night when Ladybug and Chapalu finished defeating a villain called the caped crusader. After the signature fist bump the two of them went to a secluded area under the moonlight.

Chapalu: "Another success for us."

Ladybug: "That makes 20 in a row now without us using our powers. Your much better than my last partner Dante."

Chapalu: "My love, you know we aren't supposed to say our civilian names like that when we are in costume."

Ladybug: "Sorry, I'm just happy that my boyfriend is fighting by my side."

Chapalu: "It makes me happy too. So now that we are done for the night you want to watch a movie or something?"

Ladybug: "I got something else in mind."

Ladybug get close and puts both of her hands on his chest looking at him with both love and desire. Chapalu was quick to pick up on what she wanted.

Chapalu: "Are you sure? I mean we are out in the open and still in costume."

Ladybug: "It's fine with me. It just adds to the thrill of it."

Both of their lips got closer and as they were just a few centimeters apart Marinette's alarm went off waking her from her dream.

Marinette: "NOOOO! It was just getting good!"

Tikki flew up to check on her wielder who seemed to be distraught over something.

Tikki: "What's wrong Marinette?"

Marinette: "I was having an amazing dream that got interrupted by my alarm."

Tikki: "Which one was it? The one where you and Dante go to the beach in the summer or the one where you and Dante got trapped in a cabin during a snowstorm?"

Marinette: "N....neither. It was one where Dante was my super hero partner instead of Cat Noir."

Tikki: (sighs) "Marinette you know why that can't be a permanent thing."

Marinette: "I know that I can't just replace Cat Noir just because I want to. Even if I could my new partner couldn't be Dante because I would know his identity."

Tikki: "That's right. Cat Noir will improve given the chance so just be patient with him for now. Now hurry and get ready if you want to make it to school on time."

Marinette got ready and headed off to school. After school is essentially over a student that goes by the name of Marc is hiding under the stair case, writing in his journal.

Marinette: "Hey Marc. How's it going? Where is the rest of your class?"

Marc: "Oh, hey, Marinette. We're done with classes for today, the others probably went home."

Marinette: "Perfect timing! Our class has a spare hour, so some of us are heading over to the art room. You should come check it out!"

Marc: (unsure) "Sure... Why not?"

Marinette: (Peeks over Marc's shoulder, looking at the book) "Maybe you'll finally let me read your writing!"

Marc: (unsure) "Yeah, I don't know? Maybe."

Marinette: "Awesome! See you later then." (Giggles and runs up the stairs)

In the art room Nathaniel who has a new look is looking at his new phone that Azazel gave him while his art teacher is looking his drawings.

(Nathaniel's new look)

Nathaniel: 'Azazel even has houses as rewards, it's just that the points required are ridiculously high. I'll save up for now since there is nothing I really want at the moment.' (Puts his phone away) "This is a team up of Ladybug and Mightillustrator fighting Queen Wasp together" (Shows the drawing to the Art Teacher)

Art Teacher: "You mean Evillustrator?"

Nathaniel: "He changed his name after Ladybug de-akumatized him and became a superhero."

Art Teacher: "Bad guy who comes over to the good side, great idea. You should make a comic book about that."

Marinette is designing a hat and is eavesdropping on the conversation, she is smiling.

Nathaniel: "Yeah, but I'm only good at drawing stories, not writing them."

Art Teacher: "Then you should team up with a creative writer."

Marc peers through the door of the Art classroom.

Nathaniel: "Maybe... But, I don't know anyone who's into that."

Alix: "Don't worry buddy." (Takes spray mask off) "There's gotta be somebody out there just waiting to meet you. Red please!"

Nathaniel throws the red spray can passing it to Alix.

Marinette: (sees Marc) "Marc you made it!" (Marinette runs up to Marc and grabs his arm) "Come meet everyone!" (dragging him inside) "This is Marc, the boy I told you about! The one who's always writing."

Marc: (hides his book in his jacket) "Uh... I'm sorry I didn't want to disturb you."

Art Teacher: "Welcome to room 33, you're never disturbing anyone here. You can come whenever you want outside of class time or after school. Anyone can create what they want, anyway they want. Rose is writing lyrics for a rock band." (Rose is listening to music, the Art teacher lifts up the headphones and Rose looks up) "Rose, I would like you to meet Marc."

Rose: (yells) "Hey there! Nice to meet you Marc!"

Art Teacher: "Alix is our expert at street art." (Alix flips spray can in the air and catches it) "And Nathaniel-"

Alix: "He likes to draw people in skinny suits." (Nathaniel throws a piece of paper at Alix and she laughs)

Nathaniel: "Welcome Marc. As you'll find out, the good thing about this place is you can say whatever you want and no one will judge you, or only in good fun." (Marc notices Nathaniel's drawing and walks over to him)

Marc: "I... I saw your drawings on the school website, but they're nothing compared to the real thing. The movement, the expressions, the attitudes. There all so--"

Nathaniel: "Thanks... That's nice."

Marc: "Uh?..." (Marc steps back from Nathaniel embarrassed from what he said) "Sorry... But it's true, I-I've never seen drawings so-"

Chloé enters the Art classroom interrupting Marc.

Chloé: "So messed up. All he ever draws anymore is Ladybug, ever since she de-akumatized him. As if Ladybug could care less about a guy like him."

Nathaniel: "This coming from the bitch who made a complete fool of herself on TV and got berated by Ladybug herself. Your words mean absolutely nothing to everyone."

Art Teacher: (stops Nathaniel) "I've already told you, Chloé, if you have an art project you want to work on, you're quite welcome here. Otherwise-"

Chloé: "Of course I've got a project." (Does a spin into the art room) "A unique masterpiece that will revolutionise the art world. Nothing you commoners would have come up with."

She is preparing to show them something, Alix interrupts.

Alix: "Let me guess..." (Alix mimics Chloé's pose) "Another collage of selfies?" (Everyone laughs)

Chloé: "What?! No, that's ridiculous!" (Chloé hides her selfie project) "Utterly... ridiculous! You don't deserve my art anyway." (Chloé walks out of the Art classroom)

Art Teacher: "Well Alix if Chloé really did have an art project, it's too bad we didn't give her a chance to tell us about it, is it?"

Alix: (Sighs and puts mask back on) "Whatever." (Alix continues her street art)

Art Teacher: "By the way Marc, you've shown up at the perfect time. Marinette told us that you're always writing and Nathaniel is looking for a script writer." (Nathaniel smiles at Marc)

Marc: "Uh? Me? A script writer? Oh, no. I don't write that kind of stuff, I mean I don't write anything interesting honestly. Sorry. Gotta go. Thanks for everything!"

Marc runs out of the art classroom.

Marinette: "No Marc!"

Marinette runs after him out of the art classroom, as Marc runs, he bumps into a pole dropping his book.

Marinette: "Hey wait!"

Marc runs and Marinette looks down to see Marc has dropped his book she picks it up.

Marinette: "Marc!"

Marinette opens the book and reads the title.

Marinette: (surprised) "Diary Of... Ladybug!?"

Marinette runs into the restroom into a toilet stall with Marc's book. Marinette carefully looks if no one has followed her, then goes into a stall. Tikki flies out, and Marinette hesitantly opens the book and starts to read.

Marinette: (Narrating) "I saw the Evillustrator again today. Now that he's no longer controlled by Hawk Moth, he's become a true superhero, like Cat Noir and me. I'm sure he'd make an awesome partner, but I'm too shy to ask him. And I don't want to Cat Noir about it either, because I'm worried he'll be jealous." (No longer narrating) "It's not exactly the truth, but it's definitely a fun read."

Tikki: "Do you realize, Marinette? Ladybug has become a source of inspiration! You're a lucky charm for artists everywhere."

Marinette: "Marc writes exactly the kind of stories that Nate draws! It's incredible! They're totally meant to work together."

At the school lockers Marc is digging through his stuff in his locker, desperately trying to find something.

Marinette: "Looking for this?"

Marinette is standing behind the locker door. Marc closes it. Marinette hands him his book.

Marc: (relieved) "Oh." (gasps) "Did you read it?"

Marinette: "Oh, no!" [pause] (sighs) "Yeah... sorry. It was too tempting."

Marc: (Turns his back to Marinette) "Oh, how embarrassing. So, so, lame."

Marinette: "No, it's not! You should turn it into a comic book. Why don't you team up with Nathaniel?"

Marc: "Uhh, I'm sure he won't like it."

Marinette: "You should have him read it before you jump to conclusions."

Marc: "But what if he doesn't like it?" (Buries face in book) "I'll be so embarrassed. I'll have to change schools so I'll never run into him again."

Marinette: "Now you're being silly. Look, he draws Ladybug all the time and you write stories about her. Oh, I've got an idea; we'll have him read it without telling him who wrote it. If he like's it, it's a win-win. If he doesn't, we just won't say anything."

Marc: "Do you think it'll work?"

Marinette: (nods) "Trust me on this."

In the School Art Room Marinette is sitting at a table with Marc's book. Dante seemed to appear out of nowhere suprising Marinette making her jump a bit. After she calmed down she pouted and lightly punched him in the arm.

Marinette: "Don't scare me like that."

Dante: "Sorry Mari, I'm just very good at being quite. Well, except in the bedroom."

Marinette: (blushing but remains strong willed) "Don't be lewd. Now why did you come here?"

Dante: "I can see what you are planning and just wanted to tell you that it will not end well."

Marinette: "Don't be so negative. Marc and Nathaniel were made to work together. They just need a little push."

Dante: "Alright but when this goes wrong I get to say I told you so."

Marinette: "Just trust me, I got this."

Marinette erases Marc's name from the front page of the book. She then closes the book and looks at Nathaniel with a mischievous smile.

Marinette: "Nate!" (puts book down) "Someone gave me this for you."

Nathaniel: "Who's someone?"

Marinette: "I can't tell you who just yet." (whispering) "It's a secret." (starts running off, but turns around) "Read it," (Winks) "and then we'll talk." (starts running again with Dante following close behind)

Marinette and Dante take a seat at a table and watches Nathaniel expectantly.

Nathaniel: (gasps) "Diary of Ladybug!?" (covers mouth) "Is this... for real?"

Looks over at Marinette, surprised. Marinette smiles back. Nathaniel turns back to the book.

Nathaniel: (narrating) "I call up my lucky charm, while Cat Noir wields his Cataclysm. And together, we defeat the Evillustrator. Pound it! But even though we've won this fight, something keeps bugging me. I can't stop thinking about him. I know his real identity, so sometimes, I try to catch a glimpse of him when I fly over his school."

Nathaniel is sitting on the stairs, imagining the story play in front of him, looking to be in pure bliss. Marinette, Dante and Marc are hiding behind a staircase across the room, spying on him.

Marc: "Do you think he likes it?"

Marinette: "Look at his face, of course he does."

Adrien: "It's rude to spy on people."

Dante: (turns around with an annoyed face) "Fuck off Agreste. No one asked for your opinion."

Adrien: (scoffs) "I can do what I want."

Dante: (gets in his face) "leave or I will make you leave."

Adrien took the initiative and tried punching Dante in the ribs which only made Adrien hurt his own hand.

Marinette: 'Oh fuck, Adrien you should not have done that.'

Dante grabbed Adrien by his face and started dragging him out of the school.

Dante: "Mari I need to have a little chat with this idiot so just continue on without me."

Marinette: (sighs) "Just don't kill him."

Dante: "Not a problem."

Dante left with Adrien who was struggling to get out of Dante's grip and fails to do so.

Marinette: "He is so hard to control sometimes."

Marc: "Looks like you have some problems of your own as well."

Marinette: "Just do as I say, not as I do, okay?"

Later at the school entrance Marinette is awaiting Nathaniel.

Marinette: (to Nathaniel, who's reading as he walks out the school) "How's it going?" (Nathaniel goes up to her) "Nate? So.. what did you think?"

Nathaniel: "It's seriously amazing! But how did you get a hold of it?"

Marinette: "First, I need to know if you're willing to meet the person who wrote it and then trusted it to me."

Nathaniel: (looks suspicious) "Is it... who I think it is?"

Marinette: "I can't tell you anything. Please don't insist."

Nathaniel: "Sure." (winks) "Of course."

Marinette: "Awesome! You're gonna make someone very happy."

Nathaniel tries to hand Marinette back the book.

Marinette: "You keep it. You can give it back to the author later today. In person."

Nathaniel: (to himself) "It's my dream come true. This isn't some kind of prank, is it, Marinette?"

Marinette: "Meet at the Place des Vosges Square Fountain. Trust me, you will not be disappointed."

Marinette went to find where Dante was. Dante was at the moment done what was essentially bullying Adrien. Adrien was on the ground covered in bruises that were not easily noticeable as Dante stood over him.

Dante: "Did you learn your lesson?"

Adrien: "Y-yes"

Dante: (about to kick him again) "What did you say?"

Adrien: "Yes....Sir"

Dante: "Much better" (squats down as to make direct eye contact with Adrien) "It's funny Agreste, you didn't even make a whimper from the ass kicking I gave you. It's almost like you have been through this kind of thing before."

Adrien got very afraid that Dante could have found out his secret identity and would end his life right then and there.

Dante: "That's the look I know. I know you hate me Agreste but you also fear me. Down to your very core you are afraid of me and that is what makes my control over you absolute."

Marinette appeared by them disappointed in Dante.

Marinette: "That's enough of that." (Grabs Dante by the ear and starts dragging him away) "Come on Dante, you're getting out of hand again."

Dante was helpless to go against Marinette so he let himself get dragged away. It didn't really hurt him of course but it was still uncomfortable. Marinette wouldn't let go until she got to her room with him in tow. Adrien on the other hand waited until they were gone to get up from the ground and used magic on himself to heal his injuries.

Plagg: (comes into view) "I didn't know you could do healing magic."

Adrien: "I'm can't, this is Enhancement Magic. I am just enhancing my natural recovery so my body heals much faster than it should normally."

Plagg: "I guess Sasha was right to have you focus solely on Enhancement then."

Adrien: "Ya, I hope she comes back soon. I'm kinda directionless in my training without her."

Plagg: "Just focus on what you can do. That way when she does return you can start focusing on something else because you will already be advanced in Enhancement."

Adrien nodded in agreement and headed home. Back with Marinette she is currently on her balcony and uses her phone's camera to zoom in on the park, where Nathaniel is arriving.

Marinette: "Final phase of operation "Comic Book", Tikki."

Tikki: "This will be better than a fairy tale ending."

Nathaniel is walking to the fountain, looking around anxiously. He sees someone with a red hoodie on, he blushes.

Nathaniel: "Ladybug?"

Marc: "Huh?"

Nathaniel: "What?! You're not Ladybug!"

Marc: "Of course I'm not, it's me, Marc. Didn't Marinette tell you?"

Nathaniel: "Marinette?"

Nathaniel looks over to Marinette's balcony, where he sees her filming him.

Marinette: "Uhh, operation "Comic Book" has hit a snag!" (Tikki hides)

Nathaniel: "You were trying to make a fool of me, weren't you?" (Points accusingly towards Marinette) "Do you think it's funny to toy with my feelings?"

Marc: "No, not at all! I-I just want.. to make.. a comic book, if you want to, that is."

Nathaniel: "A comic book? Us!? Together?! Never!" (He tears Marc's book in half)

Marc: "Ah!"

Nathaniel stomps off. Marc walks to the remains of his book.

Marinette: (Watching through cellphone) "Oh no!"

Marinette retreats back into her room where Dante was waiting for her. Dante was able to tell that Marinette's plan failed just by seeing her expression. He smirks so Marinette knew what he was going to say.

Marinette: "Please don't say it. I know I should have listened to you."

Dante: "Alright, just how bad was it though?"

Marinette: "Very very bad. I think Marc might get depressed."

Dante: "That's not good. If he is that sad then he will be akumatized soon. We should stay here until this blows over."

Marinette: "We can stop him from getting akumatized if we cheer him up. We have to hurry before it's too late."

Marinette tries to go out but Dante stopped her in her tracks.

Dante: "Mari you are too kind hearted. I'm not letting you put yourself in danger."

Marinette: "I gotta do something. I'm not going to turn my back on someone who needs me."

Dante: "Is it really that important to you?"

Marinette: "Yes"

Dante: (sighs) "Fine, I'll go out and help Marc in your place then. Just please stay out of danger."

Dante leaves Marinette's home to go to the park next to it only to see that it was too late Marc turned into a monochrome looking individual with a flying paper airplane.

Dante: "Marc?"

Reverser: "I'm not Marc anymore." (He flies around on his paper plane) "I am Reverser! And Marinette, the one who caused all this! She thinks she's the super helpful girl who's loved by everyone? Well, from now on, everyone will hate her!" (grabs a paper plane) "Reversion!" (throws paper plane)

Dante dodges and Mr. Ramier is hit.

Mr. Ramier: "Ouch! What's happening to you, my little pigeons?" (all pigeons fly off) "Where are you going? Wait! Come back! Please!" (runs after his pigeons)

Dante: "But I don't get it! She really was trying to help you!"

Reverser: "LIAR!! She told Nathaniel I was someone else!"

Roger: (blows on whistle) "Hey you! What is this thing?" (points at hovering paper plane) "Vehicle registration please."

Reverser: "You're all about law and order? Well, we're all done with that! Reversion!" (throws paper plane)

Roger: "Mhuhahahaha!" (shoots tazer in the air for good fun) "Do whatever you want with that paper plane of yours. I've got other plans!"

Reverser: "Now for you Dante! You think you're such a badass because you are so cold hearted and unempathetic! From now on you you will be kind and supportive! Reversion!"

Reverser throws a paper plane at Dante who dodges it with ease. Getting even angrier Reverser keeps throwing paper planes at Dante who dodges them until Reverser switches targets to a random civilian forcing Dante to take the shot for them as they ran away. To the surprise of Reverser Dante didn't seem to be affected his power.

Reverser: "Why isn't it working?!"

Dante: "One of those stupid paper planes doesn't have the amount of magic to affect me."

As soon as he had finished his sentence Reverser had hit him with 20 more of his paper planes making Dante feel different from normal.

Dante: "Oh shit!" (Sudden change in personality) "There are people who need my help. I need to hurry."

Dante runs off and Reverser flies away to somewhere else in Paris above the road. As Reverser is flying on his plane Ladybug grabs a hold of his arm with her yo-yo.

Ladybug: "Stop, Reverser, listen! We don't need to fight so please, make the right choice and give up, Reverser!"

Reverser: "You talk a lot, Ladybug. But what will you do without your powers? Reversion!" (throws paper plane)

Ladybug engages pro-dodge-mode and dodges multiple planes.

Reverser: "You can't stay still, can you? Well, let's go for a ride then."

Ladybug: "Whaaa!" (She is dragged with Reverser)

Reverser is flying with Ladybug still attached to his arm. He stops to throw yet another plane. Ladybug dodges the planes, Reverser throws more, Ladybug dodges more.

Reverser: (sees cyclist in the distance. He smiles) "You used to be quick on your feet? Now you've got two left feet! Reversion!" (throws paper plane, Ladybug dodges, it hits its target)

Cyclist: "Aaah!"

Reverser: "Oops." (smiles)

Cyclist: "Uhh, s-sorry, aah, how do I ride a bike? Uuaaahh!"

Ladybug: "Oh no!"

Cyclist: (falls off bridge, induces slow-motion) "Aaah!" (Ladybug saves the man) "Thank you, Ladybug!"

Ladybug: (sees paper plane approaching, blocks it with arms, to no avail) "Aah! Ugh."

Reverser: "Gotcha!"

Ladybug throws her yo-yo, it hits the bridge railing and bounces back in her face. She stumbles over a bench ignoring all laws of physics. The yo-yo hits her in her face, again.

Reverser: "Hahahaha, how do you like your new role, Ladyklutz? Your miraculous are mine!"

Cat Noir: "Awesome costume!" (hits Reverser) "Hah! Too bad we'll have to tear it up!"

Ladybug: (Struggles to get to her feet) "Ugh."

Cat Noir: "Everything okay, m'lady?"

Reverser: "So you think you're brave, Cat Noir? Revert from puss to wuss! Reversion!" (throws a paper airplane)

Cat Noir: (dodges) "Oh, yeah, I'm so scared. Come on milady, let's wrap this up."

Ladybug: "Cat Noir, wait!" (falls over)

Cat Noir: (distracted) "M'lady?" (Reverser throws another paper airplane at Cat Noir) (scared) "Whaaaaaaa..!"

Reverser: "What's up kitty, got vertigo?"

Cat Noir flees and jumps into Ladybug's arms for defense. They both plummet into the river. Reverser looks but they're gone. In the river Cat Noir is trying to pull Ladybug through the water. They both use their weapons as oxygen masks. Cat Noir climbs ashore and helps Ladybug.

Ladybug: "Ah, even swimming is impossible with this curse."

Cat Noir: (shivering) "Achoo! Great. Now I'm sure I'm gonna catch a cold."

Ladybug: (finds support on a concrete block) "How are we gonna defeat him?"

Cat Noir: "What!? You wanna face him again? I really don't wanna fight that bad guy. He looks so mean..."

Ladybug: "We don't have a choice, Cat Noir. Reverser is looking for a boy named Nathaniel. We've gotta find him before he does. Luckily, I know where to look."

Cat Noir: "I can't do it, the stairs are too high. It's making me dizzy."

???: "Ladybug and Cat Noir?"

Ladybug looks at the top of the stairs to see Dante with a concerned look for the two of them. He then ran down the stairs to be by their side.

Dante: "Are you both okay?"

Ladybug: (concerned) "We're fine. What's wrong with you?"

Dante: "What do you mean?"

Ladybug: "You're actually worried about us and you are seemingly trying to help us. What happened to you?"

Dante: "Reverser hit me with a bunch of those planes of his and ever sense then I just have this need to help others."

Ladybug: "He made you nice?"

Dante: "I guess so."

Cat Noir saw Dante and with both his natural fear of him in addition to the fear of everything that was given to him by Reverser made Cat Noir curl up and hope he wouldn't be noticed. Unfortunately for him though Dante did notice Cat Noir and walked up to him trying to comfort him.

Dante: "Are you okay?"

Cat Noir didn't respond so Dante gave him a hug.

Dante: "I'm sorry for what I did to you Cat Noir. I caused you so much pain and I don't expect you to forgive me. I just want you to know that I will try to make up for my mistakes. Starting with helping you both defeat that akuma."

Ladybug had made her way over to the two boys barely not tripping every step she took.

Ladybug: "Thanks, we're going to need all the help we can get."

Ladybug trips over again and gets annoyed that she can barely move. She was then picked up and is being carried bridal style by Dante.

Dante: "I'll just carry you so you won't trip anymore."

Ladybug: (embarrassed) "Thank you."

The three of them take a taxi to Collège Françoise Dupont. Cat Noir gets out of a taxi covered in a blanket Dante got for him.

Cat Noir: "Whoa! You drive like a maniac!"

Ladybug: "Sorry about that, he's not quite himself right now."

Ladybug closes the door, getting her yo-yo stuck. She falls back against the taxi, opens the door to retrieve her yo-yo, almost falls while doing that and then gets picked up by Dante before she trips again.

Ladybug: "let's just find them."

The three of them go up the stairs and have a look of confusion at the scene before them.

Art Teacher: "I hate art and music! Let's destroy it all!"

The art teacher, Rose and Juleka proceed to throw around paintings and pieces of paper.

Ladybug: "looks like Reverser got here first!" (looks down at a drawing) "Look! The Louvre is in almost every single one of Nathaniel's drawings."

Cat Noir: (with shaky voice) "Does this mean we have to take another cab?"

Dante: "Don't worry Cat Noir. Your a strong guy so I know that you can make it through this."

Cat Noir: (still with a shaky voice) "You really think so?"

Dante: "I know so."

Cat Noir: (gains a little more courage than before) "Alright let's just do it before I change my mind."

Inside the Louvre. Alix is skating around, talking to Nathaniel, who's sitting on a bench.

Alix: "Maybe you should've given him a chance to explain?"

Nathaniel: "What's the point? He wanted to tease me. Like everybody else."

Alix: "It can't possibly be because of Marinette. It's not like her to make fun of other people."

Nathaniel: "Hmm, do you think I jumped the gun a bit?"

Ladybug: "Nathaniel! We need you, it's an emergency."

Alix and Nathaniel see Cat Noir wrapped in a blanket and Ladybug being carried by Dante.

Alix: 'What the hell?'

On a screen inside the louvre the news was on allowing everyone in there to see the situation.

Nadja: "It's been confirmed, ten thousand tons of garbage have just been released from space and are about to rain down on Paris, unless mayor Bourgeois cancels the process, the city will soon be under a mountain of trash. The man behind the chaos: Supervillain Reverser has given an ultimatum."

Reverser: (through live-feed) "Ladybug, Cat Noir, I command you to deliver Nathaniel and Marinette to me, right now! I also demand that you hand over your miraculous!"

Back to inside the Louvre. Nathaniel and Alix are watching the TV broadcast on the screen inside the Louvre.

Ladybug: "We have to try and talk to him. And we're gonna need you, Nathaniel!"

Cat Noir: "What about Marinette?"

Ladybug: (shocked) "We don't have time! Reverser will have to settle for just Nathaniel."

Alix: "I'm coming with you."

Ladybug: "No way! It's too dangerous."

Cat Noir: "Actually, I'll just stay here too, so I don't get in the way..."

Alix: (sneaks up to Cat Noir) "Boo!"

Cat Noir hides behind Ladybug and Dante out of fear.

Dante: "That wasn't very nice of you Alix. You really scared him."

Alix looks confused at why Dante would say something like that when he would normally laugh.

Ladybug: "Dante got affected by Reverser too."

Alix: "Oh. Still I'd say you could use all the help you could get."

Dante: "I say we let her Ladybug. It couldn't hurt to have some extra help."

Cat Noir: "You could never get too much help."

Ladybug: (sighs) "Fine. Let's get moving."

On the ground before the Eiffel Tower Police are present, the lot of them step out of a cab.

Cat Noir: (Scolding another taxi driver) "You're a public health-hazard!"

Taxi Driver: "But I never even went over 15 miles an hour."

Alix: (looking at the sky) "That's strange, the stars are out early."

Ladybug: "Those are not stars! The trash is entering the atmosphere. In just a few minutes, it'll be like having a meteor shower, except with dumpsters instead." (Cat Noir is shivering) "Don't be scared, Cat Noir. We can do this."

Cat Noir: (he takes his hood made from the blanket off his head) "You're right, m'lady. Our powers may be all screwed up, but we still make a great team."

Dante puts Ladybug down so she could use her powers.

Ladybug: 'Wait! Dante could just take down Reverser by himself. He did fight Azazel to a tie in the past so Reverser should be easy.' "Dante could you please drag Reverser down here so we could beat him?"

Dante: "I can't do that Ladybug. If I did it would hurt him. I don't think I could hurt anyone anymore."

Ladybug: 'It's official, I like the original version of Dante better. I guess I'll use my powers' "Lucky Charm!" (A roll of bamboo sticks appears, it lands on her head) "A bamboo-roll?"

Ladybug uses her Lucky Vision, highlighted are: a traffic cone, Cat Noir's blanket, her yo-yo, and the bamboo-roll itself as Reverser is flying overhead.

Ladybug: (using the traffic cone as a makeshift megaphone) "Reverser! We're over here! I've got a deal for you. I'm gonna hand Cat Noir over to you now!" (Cat Noir gasps) "In exchange, you'll reverse Mayor Bourgeois to order the dumpsters back out into space! Only then will I give my miraculous and Nathaniel."

Reverser: "I'll only reverse the mayor back if I have Cat Noir and Nathaniel. Then I'll reverse Nathaniel, and he'll have no choice but to make a comic book with me."

Ladybug: (sighs) "Okay!"

Reverser smiles, Nathaniel and Cat Noir walk into the Eiffel Tower's elevator.

Cat Noir: "M'lady, I'm too scared."

Nathaniel considered transforming for a minute before deciding against it. He knew that she shouldn't reveal his identity to everyone like Chloe did.

Ladybug: "You have to trust me..." (hands Nathaniel her yo-yo) "This is gonna work." (The elevator's doors close and the elevator goes up) (through the traffic cone) "Cat Noir and Nathaniel are on their way! Return Mayor Bourgeois back and stop the space dumpsters."

Reverser: "If you try to trick me, it'll cost you, dearly."

Ladybug: "What tricks do you actually think I can pull, Reverser? With the scaredy cat and me, super klutz, we don't stand a chance."

Reverser: (grabs a paper plane in advance) "What?!"

Cat Noir steps out of the elevator, blindfolded, bound to a makeshift kite crafted from his blanket and the bamboo sticks. With the yo-yo in his mouth.

Nathaniel: "Go, Cat Noir!"

He runs towards Reverser, but walks blindly off the edge, he drops the yo-yo.

Cat Noir: "Aaah!"

The yo-yo falls on Ladybug's head, but Alix grabs it and holds on.

Alix: "Okay, got it."

Cat-Kite flies towards Reverser, Reverser dodges. Cat Noir is screaming continuously. Alix is making Cat Noir dodge all the paper planes thrown at him.

Reverser: (continues throwing paper planes) "Stay still you nasty fleabag!"

Ladybug: (to Alix) "Now turn back, a little to your right, Alix." (Cat Noir is still screaming) "Yes, now a bit up." (through traffic cone) "Cat Noir, now!"

Cat Noir: (screaming) "CATACLYSM!" (disintegrates Reverser's paper plane)

Reverser turns back to Marc. Cat Noir and Marc are having a screaming choir as they fall from great height. Dante was able to catch both of them before setting them down gently. Ladybug at the same time caught the akuma and cleansed it before releasing it. Ladybug then took the kite and threw it into the air releasing the magic ladybugs that fixed everything and everyone.

Cat Noir: "Cool. Feels good to be ourselves again."

Mayor Bourgeois: "My, my. I guess that space dumpster thing was a bad idea after all."

Marc and Nathaniel make eye-contact and quickly look away from each other.

Mayor Bourgeois: "Thank you, Ladybug and Cat Noir, you really keep this city clean."

Ladybug: (turns to Marc and Nathaniel) "Marc and Nathaniel? By now you realize there was a big misunderstanding, but if you give each other a chance, I'm sure you'll find out how well you can work together."

Dante walked up to Marc and Nathaniel with a scowl before punching both of them in the stomach just hard enough for them to lie on the ground in pain, but not enough to break anything.

Dante: (points to Nathaniel) "Fuck you for causing all of this!" (Now points at Marc) "And fuck you for changing my personality like that!"

Marc and Nathaniel: (pained voice) "We're sorry"

Dante turns around and looks Cat Noir right in the eye.

Dante: "For the record Cat Noir I don't feel any regret for what I did to you. None at all."

Dante then walked away still in a pissed off mood as Cat Noir brushed him off knowing that what he said under the Akuma's influence wasn't real and that this is how he truly felt. Cat Noir then headed back home as did Ladybug.

Ladybug: 'I know Dante said that to Cat Noir so that he could preserve the little pride and dignity he had left from today, but still it was unnecessary.'

Ladybug landed in her room before detransforming back into Marinette. Marinette then gave Tikki something to eat before the Kwami flew out of sight so she could enjoy her snack without interruption. About 15 minutes later Marinette heard a knock on her door.

Marinette: "Who is it?"

Dante: "It's me Mari. Can I come in?"

Marinette: "Sure."

Dante opened her door walking straight up to Marinette before pulling her into a hug.

Marinette: "Are you ok?"

Dante: "I need to be consoled."

Marinette: "Why?"

Dante: (lets Marinette go) "I was.....forced to do good things and act nice today."

Marinette: (smiles) "Isn't that a good thing?"

Dante: "Not when it wasn't done on my terms. I feel used and disgusting right now."

Marinette: "Hahaha ok ok since you feel so down I'll make you feel better."

Marinette makes Dante sit on the floor with her and then gently making him lie down with his head using her lap as a pillow. She then gently strokes his head while gently smiling down at him. Dante couldn't understand how, but this felt like some kind of bliss to him.

Marinette: "Feeling better?"

Dante: "Actually yes. I didn't know lap pillows had this kind of affect. I could get used to this."

Marinette: "That would be fine with me. All you would have to do is ask and I'll do this gladly."

This continues for a while and eventually Dante falls asleep on her lap. Marinette didn't mind though, in fact she wanted this to last for as long as it can.

Marinette: 'He looks so peaceful right now.'

Tikki came out to take to Marinette since Dante was asleep.

Tikki: "You look really happy Marinette."

Marinette: "I am. It makes me happy to know that he trusts me enough to be vulnerable around me. He certainly wouldn't do this around other people."

Tikki: "That's because you're special to him. You're probably the only person who has ever seen Dante like this. You were the one who made him happy and hopeful again."

Marinette: "If I'm being honest he's had the same kind of affect on me. These past months since I've known him have been some of the happiest I've ever experienced. It makes me wonder what I would be like if I never met him. I guess it doesn't matter though. I don't regret any of the choices I've made or about my feelings for him. I will always love him."

Marinette bends down giving Dante a quick and gentle kiss on the lips.

Tikki: (smiling) 'They really do complete each other.'

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