Someone Who Loves Me (Oikawa...

By akaashisgf05

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She just wants to find someone who loves her. ⚠️ NO characters or pictures belong to me.⚠️ I just... More

Authors note
The past hurts💔
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Authours note
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapters 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Authors note

Chapter 14

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By akaashisgf05

~third person POV~
~Saturday, 10:30am~

"Ah good morning princess, I was just about to come wake you up" oikawa said busting in the room with a bottle of pills in one hand and a glass of water in the other.

"Wh-what are those for?" [y/n] asked. Getting up out of bed. But then it hit her. She got an automatic headache. Her Vision even went blank for a slit second. She lost her balance as she fell back into the bed.

"That" oikawa said referring to the headache. "H-how do you know I'd have an headache?" She questioned. "Oh that's right you wouldn't remember, youweredrugged!" He said quickly.

"What!" The female exclaimed. "Yea, good thing I caught the man before he tried to take you home with him"


"F/n I know it was scary but your safe now. Just take these pills to help the headache, then come downstairs to eat breakfast. I can't wait to open my presents" the boy said cheerfully walking out the door.

"Oikawa how did I change clothes?"

"Oh you did it by yourself but I had to help you fix them because you made a mistake putting you head through the arm hole" he said laughing at the memory, but then he also remembered that scar he seen on her side.

"A-alright I'm gonna go downstairs with Iwaizumi now, we'll be waiting on you" he said going downstairs.


"Shittykawa sit down, stop acting like a damn child" Iwaizumi yelled at the Burnett who hopped around the living excited to open his presents.

"You know how he is" [y/n] said making an entrance into the living room. "Good morning Hajime" the female greeted the grumpy male as she took a seat beside him on the couch.

"Hey what about me?" Oikawa whined. "I already spoke to you this morning, now open your presents, we have practice today since we missed yesterday"

"Okay but first..." oikawa started running into the kitchen and running back. "You need to eat, it will help that headache of yours" he said handing you a Togo box. "Iwaizumi brought us food this morning"

"Thank you" She told Iwaizumi.

She started eating the food and both males were staring at me. "Can y'all not, open your damn presents!" She shouted at the two. "Hey bug open the one from both me and iwa last."

"Got it"


*GAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSPPPPPPP* oikawa dramatically gasped at the present he opened last. "H-how did you get these, they must've been expensive?" He questioned

"Well I could've bought them myself but that was supposed to be a shared present between me and Iwa. So we split the bill" [y/n] explained. "You don't have to brag about how rich you are" Iwaizumi pouted. "Hey just because my parents have money doesn't mean I always do, they only put so much onto my card a month"

Oikawa jumped in front of the two and hugged them by the neck.

*mmwah* *mmwah*

He kissed both of the two on the cheek and received a punch from Iwaizumi in return. "Don't ever do that shit again!" Iwaizumi scolded. But of course [y/n] didn't mind considering she had a crush on the setter.


When oikawa was done cleaning up all the wrappings the three got ready to leave for practice that started at 12.

"Hurry up you two we got 15 minutes to get there." [y/n] told them. The two boys were fighting over something dumb like always, well it was more like oikawa was doing dumb shit and Iwaizumi was yelling at him about it. But she had to jump in and scold the two about it, because it was slowing them down.


They arrived at the gym a little to early because the took the bus. There weren't many people on the bus so they got to their stop faster. The whole way there [y/n] was being clingy. She walked extra close to the boys, she kept latching her arm around either one of them, she couldn't stop being paranoid.

Since the three arrived at the gym early she decided to help set up then get her manager task done. The boys started doing their warm up stretches as they talked about [y/n], while she was busy doing something else.

"Hey don't you think l/n is acting a little weird today? ever since we left the house, especially on the bus." Iwaizumi mentioned.

"Um don't you think it has something to do with last nigh, someone did attempt to kidnap her and she just figured out this morning" oikawa mentioned.

"If it's both there so much, then why won't she talk about it?" Iwaizumi asked. "Maybe she's just scared of what happened but doesn't want to" oikawa said.

The whole paranoia thing was on Iwaizumi's mind. oikawa was also worried about her safety, but that scar that he had seen on her side last night was the main thing.


"Bye iwaizumi" the female shouted waving him goodbye as he walked into his house. [y/n] and oikawa were on their own journey now to head home. Next up was [y/n] house but before they reached her house, he was trying to get the words out to ask about that scar.

"Um f/n?" Oikawa started off nervously. The female took note of his behavior and started to worry herself. "W-what is it?" She asked.

"So I'm not trying to be nosy or anything but I-I kinda seen something last night will I was helping you fix your shirt"

She started to worry even more knowing that he could've seen that scar on her side that she never told anyone. "Um" she started then clearing her throat. "W-what did you see?"

"You have a huge scar on your side, a-and you never-"

"Ah don't worry about it, it's just something that I accidentally did when I was in elementary, you know just being stupid" she tried to get out without making it sound like a lie.

"You know as a volleyball player, I see a lot of injuries, and that doesn't look like something that happened over 7 years ago, that looks like you received that over the past year or two"

It got quiet for a minute

Shit he caught me and I already lied to his facing know it was a fake scenario. What do I tell him? I can't tell him how I really got it.

"I didn't tell the full truth about that fight I got into with my boyfriend"

⚠️~flash Back~⚠️

"YOU BITCH!" he screams swatting you across the face making you loose balance. "You thought you could just blame this all on me. You did this to yourself you whore!"

"You didn't have to run off and snitch to the teachers." He yelled.

"You did this to me why won't you confess?" You said getting up off the ground.

"Because I wanted them to think you did it duh"

You just realized how crazy this dude was so you tried to get up to get away from him.

"Where the fuck do your going" he yelled. Grabbing my shoulder and turning me around. He pushed against my chest so That lost my balance and fell again. He got on top of me straddling my waist, trapping my arms against my sides with his thighs so I couldn't move.

He smacked me as hard as he could and started yelling random things at me, while I was screaming for him to get off and let go.


You finally slipped out of his grip and kicked him in his stuff and ran away upstairs but not hard enough because once he gained his composure he caught up to you in an instant.

He took a glass vase on a nearby table and smashed it on your back. It cut you deeply through your shirt and blood was pouring out fast. To much blood that you ended up passing out.

~end of Flashback~

About time [y/n] got the story out she and oikawa were at her house sitting on the couch.

"Why didn't you tell me? We gotta go find him!" He said getting his stuff.

"That's why" she said. "I don't mind telling you but I don't want you getting involved. I don't care how bad he hurt me I just want to put it behind me, and I want you to do the same, now you know just forget it"

"Please" she begged once more.

Oikawa obeyed her wishes and left it alone, although it wasn't something he could forget, it's something he would never speak of.

I'm just glad she's safe and here with me now. The boy thought to himself.

(Hiiiyaaaa.... so I already started on writing my Kageyama T. x Reader book and it's just in my drafts waiting to be posted. I will release the first chapter on March 1st... my birthday 🥳 as a present for all of you, if you even care. But please continue reading... or not)

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