A False Reality // dreamnotfo...

By shortstack_8l

229K 9.3K 12.3K

George wakes up in a dark forest, nothing but the clothes on his back. No more than few minutes later, someho... More

One: ~The Foreign Forest~
Two: ~White Horses and Three Armored Strangers~
Three: ~New Faces, New Places~
Four: ~The King~
Five: ~A Dinner for Two...or Five~
Six: ~A Growing Friendship~
Eight: ~A Doing He Can't Undo~
Nine: ~Realizations~
Ten: ~Regret~
Eleven: ~Stories~
Twelve: ~A Life Changing Idea~
Thirteen: ~Déjà Vu~
Fourteen: ~A Question with Half the Answer~
Fifteen: ~Starry Nights~
Sixteen: ~Nothings an Adventure Without Booze and Wrong Turns~
Seventeen: ~How Life will Always Repeat Itself~
Eighteen: ~Just Existing~
Nineteen: ~A New Ruler~
Twenty: ~Surgery~
TwentyOne: ~Voices~
TwentyTwo: ~The Truth~
TwentyThree: ~Lost Hope~
TwentyFour: ~The Journal~
TwentyFive: ~An Arrow through the Heart~
TwentySix: ~The Ending~
Alternative Ending
Yes, there will be a Sequel

Seven: ~Misunderstandings~

10.7K 440 790
By shortstack_8l

A smirk appeared on his face and doing the same bow and hand gesture Dream did, he responded. "We shall."

The two men walked out the bedroom and down the stairs, greeting the king while waking through the throne room. "Where might y'all be heading to?" Eret says while twirling a golden bracelet along his fingers.

"Just heading to see the other knights and all, I might head to the kingdom over and gather some more materials with George." Dream told Eret while fixing his mask. I wonder why he always wore the mask, let alone always covered the top half of it.

Would it be rude to ask?

"Alright, take the finest horses if you choose too go. Fundy knows which ones, he'll help you out but of course you already knew that." Eret waved his hand in a shooing motion, standing to leave the throne.

Dream bowed, George as well, when Eret stood. "I will your majesty."

Both the men headed to exit the castle, running into the trio, the gatekeepers and of course more.

"Did the king decide to throw em into the dungeon Dream?" Sapnap was laughing at his own joke, Tommy being the only other person to find it amusing.

Dream shock his head before speaking. "Nope, he's coming with me to get materials from the other kingdom later. Right now we just came to see what you all where up too."

Everyone began talking at once, none of their questions getting answered or statements being heard.

Tubbos mouth basicslly dropped to floor once the words came from Dreams lips. "So he isn't a prisoner?"

"Told you muffinheads." Bad gloated at Sapnap, knowing he was right about him not being held prisoner.

He was so done with the day already, this moment not helping the situation. "Shut the fuck up Bad."

"Language!" Bad yelled back at Sapnap before Tommy cutting them off.

"So he just gets a free ride to the palace from a tragic story, maybe we should try that." Tommy rolled his eyes and smirked while punching Ranboos shoulder.

Ranboo gave a slight laugh. "You got that right."

The guitarist joined into the conversation, directing it towards the blonde kid. "Shut it Tommy, it's not like anyone would pity your ass anyway. "

"All of you, quiet now. If you even gave Dream a chance to speak then maybe some of your concerns would be answered." An older man soon came over once he heard all the yelling, guessing it was one of there fathers.

"Sorry." Tubbo was on the verge of crying, always hating being yelled at by him and others. 

It didn't take too long after Tubbo for Tommy to apologize, sarcastically. "Sorry Philza."

Whispering to Dream as they all faught, he couldn't help but feel regret and hatred for something he hasn't done. Atleast not on purpose. "They all hate me, don't they." All Dream did was stare down at George, not saying a word to him. Silence says it all I guess. "I'll, I'll go and get a horse from Fundy."

"Okay. Get two, I'll be there in a moment." George hated not being able to tell the emotion in his face and barely able to tell the truth within his voice from the mask he wore.


If George would actually walk to the stables faster, then I could finally say something to these idiots.

George was now out of view, Dream staring at the group that stood before him.

"What the hell was that back there." Dream yelled at the group in front of him with anger within his voice and not a stutter was heard.

Tommy quickly remarked on Dreams question with a confused tone. "The fuck you mean."

Dream crossed his arms, staring directly into Tommys face. "You know exactly what the hell I am talking about Tommy. All of that was uncalled for."

"Chill C-Dream. It's just our way of fun." Sapnap became involved in the conversation once more, fixing the bandanna on his head while speaking.

"The King likes him Sap, and it hasn't been that way for awhile now. You all are going to run him off and the only one whose been decent around here is Bad, which will be appreciated by the King if George does decide to. As for the rest of you, you know what could happen.

Both Ranboo and Tubbo said the same statement at the same time, knowing what Dreams answer was. "The dungeons."

"The dungeons, yes. If any one harms him, you'll be exiled or executed. Clear." Dreams arms were still folded across his chest, mask still covering his face yet not the anger behind it.

Everyone nodded their heads, repeating the words yes and sorry.

Wilbur hit the back of Tommys head and Philza was heading to comfort Tubbo who was almost tearing up from being yelled at even if it wasn't directed towards him.


Walking along the stone path, he was surprised to have this much freedom by himself since the last time he came down this way he was basically kidnapped.

He saw Fundy two minutes out feeding one of the horses, George changing his pace to greet him.

"Hello." George spoke, a hint of fear in his voice.

Fundy turned around, the confusion of why the prisoner was left to roam. "Are you supposed to be out here after yesterday?

George was almost shaking, he wasn't one for interactions but he couldn't let that affect him. "Yes, the King and one of the knights said to come get two horses."

"Alright, wait here." Fundy left to put the horse he was feeding up, guessing he was getting a different two to give him.

"You don't have the horses yet?" Dream came running down to the stables, bumping into George from loss of balance. Both ending up on the ground.

"You're clumsy aren't you?" George stood up and patted away the dirt from his pants like the night in the forest but it seemed to have stained them a darker brown. Atleast they were already brown.

Dream whispered to himself, George unable to hear. "God dammit Clay."

"What was that." George looked up at Dream, dirt on his face.

"Nothing, nothing. It was nothing." Straightening his mask, he looks back down at George. "I'm so sorry again, let me help." Dream brought his thumb up under his mask and then back down to George's face, wiping away the stained dirt just underneath is eyes.

George couldn't help but smile from the gesture and stared at his supposedly rural green eyes from under the mask. That was about all he could see this up close to him.

"Cl- um, Dream?" Fundy let go of both of the horses, running into his arms. "Where were you last night, you didn't stop by?"

He talked before George could let out a word, kissing the top of Fundys forehead when he finished. "I'm so sorry Fundy, I was showing the guest to his room then I had to stay late with the King."

"Guest? I thought he was a prisoner." Fundy raised his eyebrow in confusion.

Dream answered his question, hesitating for a few seconds. "He's a guest for now but I'll let you know if anything changes.

"Sorry for the mix up...your name?" Fundy took out his hand, offering to shake George's.

George answered as he shook his hand, slightly embarrassed from everyone's first impression of him."George."

Fundy let go and waved goodbye to the two men. "Well take care of the horse George and good luck on your journey. Bye Dreamy."

"Bye." He waved his hand back at Fundy while walking the horses away from the stables.

George took the white horse and Dream took the brown. Struggling to get onto the horse Dream spoke. "Are got ready George?"

"Yeah, yeah. I'm ready." He finally made it onto the white horse and they exited the gate, leaving the kingdom behind as well as its many people.


-Word Count- 1336

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